Chapter 33

Ali had spent the evening with Noah. He had insisted she not eat in her hotel suite again. At the time, Ali had to admit the idea did sound appealing. She knew only Scout would be waiting for her. The dog had many great qualities, but sparkling conversation was not one of them.

She craved the distraction. Anything to delay the inevitable.

Ali had a decision to make and she had been putting it off for days. Partly because she was embarrassed by her actions. Running out on Sam that night had been a bit childish. Sam for his part never called her on it. He texted her multiple times a day, begging for forgiveness, promising to never hurt her again, asking her to talk to him.

Eventually, she was going to have to properly respond to Sam, beyond the few words she texted back now and again to let him know she was alive and listening. Missing him desperately, all she really wanted to do was run back into his arms and inhale his citrusy scent.

But she had to figure out how she fit into Sam's life first. Had to have a reason to be, outside of her relationship with Sam. She had to be more than just Sam's girlfriend, pulled in as a companion for dinners or to solve a party planning emergency.

Ali required a purpose in life. She needed independence. Since leaving the apartment, she had been forced to look at her life without the excuse of waiting for Sam to come home clouding her thoughts. And she didn't like what she saw. Too much of her life had been carved out by others. First her parents, then her ex-husband. After her divorce, she allowed her friends to decide her fate. When Sam entered her life, things improved vastly.

Somewhere along the way, she had slipped into old patterns. Perhaps it was the move to new surroundings. Unsure of herself, she had given up a part of herself in favour of what Sam needed. It wasn't the same as with her exhusband. Sam didn't purposely manipulate her or push her to do anything. Just the opposite. He always supported her and her decisions. She had simply let it happen.

It was a depressing realization. Ali would have liked to talk to Sam about it. He would know what to say or do. But there was the problem. This was something she needed to figure out herself. So she could return to Sam a complete person, not drowning in these insecurities. She needed her own roots to hold her so she couldn't run again. 

When Noah asked her to dinner, the thought crossed her mind to open up to him. Plus, Noah was eager to cheer her up and look after her. And Ali was keen at that moment to be doted upon. Calling the hotel, she arranged for the resident dog walker to look after her furry roommate and agreed to dinner with Noah.

It had been a mistake.

The evening had started out on the right foot. Noah made reservations at a popular sushi place, pulling some strings to get them in. Ali loved sushi but Sam was not a big fan. Sam didn't protest when she wanted to go for the Japanese delight, tagging along and happily finding something on the menu to eat. But he squirmed at the sight of Ali's raw fish selection, preferring his coated and cooked. So, it had been a treat to sit in a swanky restaurant with someone else who appreciated the subtle delicacies placed before them.

Speaking to the waitress like they were old friends, Noah ordered for both of them. Noah regaled Ali with stories of the two years he had spent in Tokyo and his hit and miss adventures in the food department. It was the escape from real life Ali thought she had needed. They had laughed and moaned with delight as they tried each dish, fighting over the last piece of tuna sashimi.

Noah had insisted they pair their dinner with shots of sake. The strong liquor cleansed the palate between courses and Noah was liberal with each pour into her glass. Soon, Ali felt the warm sensation from the effects of alcohol spreading through her body, relaxing her. Her troubles seemed a little further away now.

The lights in the room softened, the music slowed and Ali was having trouble concentrating on Noah's words. Her mind drifted, recalling the last time she had felt this way. The night Sam had taken her out to the club. The pulse of the music, the scent of Sam's cologne, the feel of him holding her hand.

Wait a moment, something was wrong. His hand felt different, cold and clammy. Ali looked down to see her hand entwined in another's but it was all wrong. It was Noah's hand. He had reached across the table and placed his hand on hers. Ali pulled her hand back immediately, trying not to recoil at her friend's touch. "Are you alright?" he was asking.

Ali smiled at him, considering herself lucky to have a friend who was willing to look out for her. New York wasn't that bad really.

"Yes, yes," she replied. "Just...I think I've had a little too much to drink."

"Oh," the look of concern on Noah's face comforted Ali. "We should probably get you home then."

"Yes, home." The word didn't have the same meaning to her anymore. It used to mean an apartment on the upper east side decorated with love and a pair of warm arms to drop into. Now it meant a generic, sparsely furnished suite in a nameless hotel with a cold nose and a dog that was expecting a treat. Still, she felt this urge to get away from the noise of the city, the crush of the people, even Noah.

She wanted to be by herself.

As they exited the restaurant, Noah placed his hand around Ali's waist to guide her through the maze of tables standing between them and the door. Ali leaned into him a little, grateful for the support. Her feet were having a bit of trouble negotiating her high heels and she felt quite wobbly.

Hailing a cab, Noah had been adamant he ride with her to her hotel. The trip was a blur to Ali. She was only vaguely aware of Noah following her through the revolving doors of the building. It seemed he was suddenly standing beside her in the elevator, leaning over and whispering in her ear. His hot breath prickled on her neck and she stepped away to create some distance, using the wall of the elevator to steady herself.

The ding of the elevator spelled relief for Ali and she stepped out onto her floor. Noah followed closely behind. Ali forced herself to concentrate on finding her key.

The whole situation felt off and Ali wondered if she had misread the intentions of this evening.

Did Noah think this was some kind of date? No, surely, she was overreacting here. Creating drunken fantasies to fill the current gap in her love life. Noah was just a caring friend who was doing the right thing by making sure Ali got home safely.

When they reached her door, Ali turned, key in hand. "Thank you, Noah, for bringing me home."

Noah raised his arm and placed his hand on the doorframe beside her head. "Of course. You can never be too careful in this city. Too many men might take advantage of a woman in your condition."

Goosebumps rippled down Ali's arms. The words were right but there was an undertone to Noah's voice that turned Ali's stomach. She shook her head. No, she was imagining things. Noah was a player and teasing was just part of his personality. They talked this way in jest all the time in the office. It was just too much sake running through her system. Behind her, Ali heard Scout scratching at the door.

Forcing herself to remain calm, Ali met Noah's brown eyes. "But not you," she challenged. "You're a true gentleman."

His eyes widened for a moment, reacting to her words. Leaning forward, Noah kissed Ali gently on her cheek. "Indeed, I am." He whispered in her ear. Then, taking a step back, he dropped his arm and added. "I think you should get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Yes. Lots to do." Ali nodded and it was a mistake as the world reeled around her. Reaching out she used the door to steady herself.

"Maybe I should get you some water?" Noah offered. So close. Why did her body have to fail her now?

"No, really, I'm good." Scout took the opportunity to bark, something he rarely did. It made Ali jump. Why was she so tense?

Noah stuck out his hand. "Give me your phone." Ali stared at him. "I'm setting your alarm. You need to be at my place by 8, pet. Unless..." Noah's eyes flitted to the door to her hotel room.

Ali didn't want to follow that thought. Fishing in her clutch she pulled out her phone and handed it to Noah.

Smirking a little as he scrolled through her phone, Noah found what he was looking for and after tapping the screen a few times, handed it back. "All set. I'll see you bright and early then?"

Ali's fear receded as Noah started to back away from her, moving down the hallway. "You can count on it."

Noah grinned widely, looking like a kid that had just won the extra-large stuffed animal at the local state fair. "Goodnight Ali."

"Night Noah."

Ali let herself into the apartment and buried her head into Scout's soft brown fur. The dog leaned into her, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto her butt on the floor. Scout took it as an invitation to crawl into her lap and sit on her, pinning her in place. As Ali scratched behind his ears, she laughed at herself for thinking that Noah was hitting on her.

"Your mummy is such an idiot, Scout. I don't know how you put up with me." Scout, for his part, licked her face in a statement that was neither approval or disapproval of her comment.

A knock on the door startled Ali. Scout jumped off of her and began whining. The fear that it might be Noah returning stabbed at Ali's stomach. She was not in the mood for games or confrontations or whatever Noah was up to. Ali yearned for her bed and the oblivion it offered.

Rising to her feet, she timidly looked through the peephole, wishing it to be anyone but Noah on the other side of the door.

Ali got her wish.

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