My Own One Piece deleted scene

RT_Strawhat_Ninja: the following is something I intended to put in my story My Own One Piece, but it didn't really fit in to how I was writting things. This takes place during the Dressrosa arc.


Aoi's POV

I leapt back as Trebol fired more goo my way.

"Disgusting." I commented.

"Got ya!" Trebol said. I looked down at my feet and noticed I was stuck in the goo.

"Well... This is a sticky situation, wouldn't you say?" I said.

"Are you fucking serious right now, Aoi?" Aka asked as she and Ace also dodged goop and avoided stepping in it. I merely shrugged in response.

Since he didn't have to really worry about me, Trebol focused more on Ace and Aka. I threw a ball of water at him to get his attention.

"Hey! Sticky goo guy!" I said. Trebol looked at me. I stuck both of my middle fingers up at him.

"Hit me with you best shot! Why dontcha hit me with your best shot? Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!" I sang. Trebol got pissed off and fired more goo at me, which I easily dodged.

Ace dodged a shot and pulled me from the goo that bound my feet to the ground.

"Ocean D Aoi." Trebol said.

"Portgas D Aoi." I corrected. He sneered at me.

"You would have been a great ally to us. And, you would have the luxury of being safe from the government's hunting and you would have had a comfy life." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"I know you lie, cause your lips are movin'. Tell me, do you think I'm dumb? I might be young, but I ain't stupid~" I sang.

"Aoi! Now is not the time for Meghan Trainor!" Aka yelled at me. I shrugged.

"Why didn't you join us when you had the chance, Aoi-chan?" Trebol said, making me sneer.


"I bring a message from the Young Master, Donquixote Doflamingo." The young maid said.

"If he's young, then I'm Sakazuki Akainu." I said. Ace snickered from beging the door.

"The young master sent me to ask you to join the Donquixote Family to be the Queen Executive." She said with a bow.

"I see.... What's your name, darling?" I asked.

"Mina." She said. I threw my arm around her shoulders, scaring the shit out of the poor girl.

"Well, Mina, tell Doffy I say to do one out. I'm fine where I am and I'm no dog that's going to where his string collar." I said. And with that, I walked back in to the house.

Flashback end.

"You wanna know why I didn't join?" I asked. He nodded.

"Because you know I'm all about that Ace, 'bout that Ace, no Trebol!" I sang, motioning to Ace everytime I sang his name, then flipping off Trebol at the end.

"AOI!!" Aka yelled.

"Shit!" I said as Ace and I dodged the onslaught of goo from Trebol.

"Right, Meghan Trainor is not a good idea at the moment!" I said as I slid in between Law and Doflamingo.

"You wouldn't have to wear such rediculous disguises if you had joined me, Aoi-chan. You wouldn't have to hide from the government." Doflamingo said.

"So, So what? I'm still a rock star! I've got my Rock Moves! And I don't need you! And guess what? I'm having more fun! And now that we're done, I'm gonna show you, tonight! I'm alright! I'm just fine! And you're a tool! So, so what? I am a rock star, I got my rock moves, and I don't want you tonight!" I sang while flipping off Doflamingo.

"AOI! WHAT DID I SAY!" Aka yelled.

"Bitch, you only said Meghan Trainor, you didn't say nothing about P!nk!" I yelled back.

"You're all fools. Believing that you can take on a ki-" Doflamingo started but got hit in the face with one of my water balls.

"Shut up. Don't talk to me." I sang.



"Are you calling Doffy a joke?!" Trebol asked.

"Look who finally figured it out!" I called back.

"Aoi, seriously, shut up and fight already!" Aka said. I grinned.

"Oh, God, Aoi, please don't." She said while facepalming. I lunged forward at Trebol.

"Oh don't you dare look back." Punch from behind.

"Just keep your eyes on me." Kick to the face.

"I said you're holding back." Dodge a swing of the staff.

"She said shut up and dance with me!" Kick to the side of the head.

"This woman is my destiny! She said ooh-hoo! Shut up and dance with me!" Motion to Aka all while singing.

"AOI, OH MY GOD!" Aka yelled at me. I laughed. Suddenly, I was whacked on the side of the head by Trebol's staff.

"Oh shit." Ace said.

"Did you." I started, turning my head to face Trebol.

"Just fucking." I continued, raising my hand.

"Hit me in the fucking ear?" I finished, touching my year which was now bleeding.

"Well, this fight is over." Ace said.

"Getting serious in 3...2...1..." I said. I kicked Trebol high in to the air, forming two water clones in the air after him. The punched him back down to me. I put about fifteen water spears through his chest and dropped him.

"Serious enough for you, Aka?" I asked, turning towards her. Her mouth hung open slightly.

"That'll do, Aoi. That'll do." She said and shook herself out of her surprise.

"Can we have the joking Aoi back now?" Ace mumbled.


RT_Strawhat_Ninja: so, yeah, I wanted to have that in, but there just wasn't any room for it. Hope you guys liked it, though.

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