The Forgotten Adventurer 💜
(This is the story behind Sabre in the 'Among the Myths' AU that I was talking about :>)
[3rd Person POV]
Professor Red scanned the bookshelf of old tomes that have been found over the years, the stories they contained becoming urban legends of their world long ago.
No one knows who their author was, or even how they kept appearing in the Realm, but no one really minded. The people have been enjoying the creepy yet well-crafted tales... however, it was revealed not too long ago that these very books weren't just stories; they're observation logs. Logs that contained details of powerful and rarely seen entities.
And one had been living among them for quite a while now.
He was searching for a specific one of the books in the old library near the lab. Although, it was getting a bit difficult to find because of the sheer amount of books in the collection.
"C'mon... Where is it..." The Professor mumbled to himself, kneeling on the ground in order to reach the lower shelves. "Section F... then subsection A..."
He sees a few other books on the shelves with the initials he's looking for, but not the title. The Professor sighs and gets up, frustrated. He had been looking for almost an hour now, and he still can't find it. Had someone already checked it out?
Just then, he notices one of the librarians walking up to him. He turns to face them as they stop.
"Good morning, Professor." The young librarian greets him, smiling. "Need some help finding a book?"
"Yes actually, was the book titled 'The Forgotten Adventurer' already checked out? I've been trying to find it." The Professor asks.
"Oh, well lucky you, it was just returned a few minutes ago." The librarian says. "Follow me, I'll get it from book return and sign it out to you."
Professor Red lights up and thanks the librarian, following them to the counter. The librarian searches through a bin behind the counter for a moment, then sets a slightly worn and familiar book on the counter, no author's name on the cover just like all the other books of its section;
'The Forgotten Adventurer'.
Professor Red immediately brought the book to his desk, the Assistant still recharging on the station next to it. After all, it was only around 8AM; his scheduled programming hadn't been set off yet, and won't for at least another 2 hours. However, after the Professor opens the book and flips through the first few blank pages, the robot picks up that there's someone in the room and activates.
The Assistant rolls forward and looks over the Professor's shoulder, curious.
"What are you doing, Professor?" He asks.
"The recent discovery of what Sabre actually is reminded me of this book." Professor Red answers. "I'm looking through it to refresh my memory on the information here. It'll be helpful when I bring Sabre into the lab to run a few tests."
"Would you like me to notify the moron that you want him in the lab today?" The Assistant says.
"Yes, please do. It'll be easier than getting him myself." The Professor says.
The Assistant starts to leave the room, but then turns back towards the Professor just as he's about to go through the door.
"You realize that the entity known as 'Mother Nature' will likely kick your ass once she knows of the experiments, correct?" The Assistant asks.
"Where did you learn that word- never mind." The Professor says. "Just- go get Sabre. Alright?"
"She is still likely going to-"
"Just go. And please erase that foul word from your memory files."
The Assistant leaves, and Professor Red gets to the first page of the observation logs within the book. He begins to read as he thinks of questions he could ask and tests to run once the very same entity described is once again in the experimentation rooms.
The Forgotten Adventurer is one of the friendlier entities I've recorded. Very rarely hostile, and even speaks with me now. In fact, he's willingly given me the most information I've ever been able to record of an entity.
He used to be a normal teenage kid in a village... mostly. While the rest of his people were usually farmers or any other kind of domestic occupation, he loved to go out into the world and explore. Visiting many places like ruins, abandoned forests, and even some deserts, nobody really complained because of what his adventures brought back to the village. His best friend would sometimes even go with him, although he was never nearly as curious and adventurous as him. Despite being a little outcasted, he was predicted to be a great explorer once he was an adult.
However, what he didn't know is that his village was led by cultists. They used a lot of the spoils of his expeditions for things like rituals and the like, wanting to summon a terrible creature to take over other nearby villages. Because he was not as welcomed, the Adventurer was never kept in the loop about it. Even his best friend never told him anything, as he was loyal to the cultist leaders, and they told him not to.
One night, close to the beginning of winter, the cultists had summoned their creature... but it attacked the village. Houses burned and buildings collapsed as it ravaged his home, everyone running to escape it.
As they all climbed the walls, the gates blocked, the Adventurer and his former best friend were among the crowd. The beast was coming closer. The village made a choice.
They all started to shove and push the Adventurer down, trying to make him fall to the creature below, trying to sacrifice him against his will. He was close to the edge of the crumbling wall, confused as to why everyone was trying to kill him.
His former friend got to him, standing above the Adventurer as he carefully balanced himself above the creature's destruction. At first, he thought he was going to be safe...
But the friend pushed him as well. The Adventurer hung onto the edge of the wall, dangling above the beast. At the last moment, he looked his friend in the eyes, and only saw a cold, heartless gaze. Not the friend he knew.
His former friend stomped on his hand, sending him down into the burning village. The Adventurer was knocked out when he hit the ground, hitting his head on debris.
Somehow, the creature didn't see him, and continued chasing after the rest of the village. When the Adventurer awoke, the fires were gone, replaced by frost over the rubble of what was once his home. He was still covered in burns, likely the fires getting too close when he was unconscious. He got up as quickly as he could, limping and stumbling from his injuries as he looked for a way out of the destroyed village.
He found a hole in the wall and carefully slipped out, heading into the forest nearby. However, the forests were not a shelter from the cold at all. Being so close to winter, it was so cold that the frost on the grass was turning to half-solid ice, and even the tree trunks had brushes of white on them. It wasn't long before the Adventurer was too cold to keep moving through the freezing woods.
With nowhere to go and no energy left to go on, the Adventurer sat down and slumped against a tree. Bitter, freezing fatigue was all he could feel as frost started to form on his skin, ice already forming around the blood stuck in his hair. He looked up to the stars one last time, before lowering his head and losing consciousness.
The Adventurer froze to death that night.
(I drew this scene to give you guys a little extra angst, this is not part of the book in the story lol-)
(Also blood/injury warning)
When the sun rose the next day, some unlikely (and frankly surprising) help came to the poor Adventurer.
While his village was being attacked, the entity known as Herobrine was having issues with an Ender clone of himself. Neither I or the Adventurer know exactly how it happened, but the clone took half of Herobrine's power, leaving him weakened to the point they were equals. Herobrine decided that he could try to find someone that could aid him in battling this clone, and teleported to a random world. This ended up being the world of the Forgotten Adventurer.
Herobrine saw the Adventurer's frozen body near where he teleported, and revived him while also fixing all of his injuries. There was some permanent discoloration of his skin because of the ice, however, giving his face and hands tints of an icy grey against his pale tone.
Once Herobrine explained his situation and why he had revived him, the Adventurer agreed to help, wanting to return the favor. Herobrine teleported back to the world his clone was trapped in, bringing the Adventurer with him.
As they worked together, they ended up becoming friends, the Adventurer even telling Herobrine about what happened to him and how he died. When Herobrine defeated his Ender clone and gained his power back with the help of the Adventurer, Herobrine gave the Adventurer a gift; the power of lightning. A simple power, but still strong.
As a result of reviewing power from an entity, the Adventurer's eyes turned blank white, glowing with the same luminescence as Herobrine himself. Herobrine had wanted to make sure that any people would refrain from messing with the Adventurer, and he's one of the most feared entities, so he knew it was going to happen and made it a kind of protection for his new friend.
Herobrine and the Adventurer parted ways for a while, the Adventurer being taken to a new world by Herobrine for a fresh start. As time passed, the Adventurer found more entities, all dealing with some kind of problem. He helped them, gaining their trusts and becoming their friend. Every time the problem was dealt with, the entity he helped would give him a new power. He gained immortality after helping Mother Nature, making him cease aging and stay as a young adult (around 19).
One by one, the entities all started to meet each other because of him. It seems like they've all become friends as well (except with the ones they call 'pure evil' or 'lost causes'), all connected by the Adventurer. By that point, the Adventurer had collected enough power to be considered an entity as well. To make him an entity completely, all of the others gave him a new name;
The Forgotten Adventurer. From then on, he wanders worlds, exploring as he once loved to do.
Found commonly in ruins or forests, just searching for anything he can find as he once did. However, he can be found almost anywhere. The only places he stays out of are frozen biomes, which is understandable given his past. Previously I mentioned he is very rarely hostile, to the point that I've never really seen him angry at all. The only time that was close was when one of the 'undesirable' entities the group hates tried to attack me while I was with him. I noticed while the Adventurer was warding off the entity, frost was forming on the grass around him, and the air seemingly grew colder around him as I saw his own breath become visible despite the spring warmth.
It seems like all the other entities in this group of theirs see him as like a little brother, protecting him to sometimes absurd points. Some entities even act parental towards him sometimes. On top of that, they seem to be calmer and more docile around him, even the dangerous ones. One example was when he stopped a fight between the Wilted Moobloom and the Woodland Creature (Note: they're usually separated from each other because of their clashing environmental effects).
In fact, he's stopped hostile entities from going after me. When I was recording the Abandoned Miner, I had already met the Forgotten Adventurer, and was wandering caves looking for signs of the Miner when I came across them both sitting in an open part of the cave. They were talking to each other in a language I don't understand, but still just sitting together as if it was a normal meeting between friends.
The Abandoned Miner noticed me and started to turn hostile, but the Forgotten Adventurer stopped him and spoke in that strange language again, seemingly calming him down as the Abandoned Miner just sat back down and stared. The Forgotten Adventurer turned to me, while during that I had been frozen in fear, and reassured me that it was okay and he had told the Abandoned Miner that I am not a threat; just someone that wants to know what they are. I admit, I never could have expected such a thing. It was very helpful though, as from then on it was much easier to record entities.
The Forgotten Adventurer gets along with the younger entities the most, such as the two spirits of children inside the world-wandering animatronics they haunt, a little boy with the pink one and a little girl with the blue one. He also gets along extremely well with Noah, the boy that was bound to that cursed music box. Noah had died in a car accident out of his home state after what happened, and wandered worlds as a spirit. However, the music box still followed him, trying to take control of him again. The Forgotten Adventurer had helped Noah by reversing the control; as of now, Noah is in control of the music box, able to use it to mind control people using its melody the same way it controlled him. He doesn't use it often, though.
(A different color ink is suddenly used, seeming to be an update to the observation log after it was already deemed complete.)
Something strange happened with him last week. I've only gotten to writing it now. I'm glad I keep blank pages for things like this.
The Forgotten Adventurer was talking with me again, when expeditioners from a village suddenly crashed through the foliage and saw us. Their flags were decorated with a strange symbol, and I recognized it as the icon of a local cult. Both the village party and the Forgotten Adventurer froze for a moment, then... I can't believe I'm writing this down, or that it even happened, but the Forgotten Adventurer suddenly became extremely hostile. He attacked the expeditioners, but before I could see what happened after he lunged I had to shield my eyes from a burst of cold frost and bright lightning striking around the area.
When it passed, half the expedition party was frozen or electrocuted, the other half looking to have escaped. The Forgotten Adventurer gripped a torn flag from their party in his hands, tightly, as if he was trying to tear it in two but couldn't bring himself to do it. He was sobbing.
He suddenly let go of the torn flag, his arms limply falling to his sides as the fabric fell to the frosty ground. The Forgotten Adventurer then turned to me, his expression a mix of what I could only describe as despair and regret.
He walked over and sat back down next to me, and told me between cries that the symbol on the flags was the symbol of what used to be the village he called home. The village that left him behind to die in the cold. His former best friend was even in the village party, leading it. It had been almost forty years since that night, but both the villagers and the Forgotten Adventurer recognized each other. His former friend was one of the ones that escaped, likely going back to the village to tell them that he's still alive.
The Forgotten Adventurer then broke down, and... I didn't really know what to do. A powerful entity I had been studying for just over a year was brokenheartedly sobbing in front of me. However, I did know that he was still a person. And things like this happen to people.
I ended up comforting him for quite a while, at one point even hugging him. He calmed down eventually. As he got up to leave, all of the frost disappeared. Before the Forgotten Adventurer teleported away, he turned to me. I'm never going to forget the words he said to me;
"Thank you. You're a kind soul, kinder than most. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're an entity too rather than human."
And then, he was gone. I was left in the clearing.
I haven't had any entity be even remotely hostile to me since. In fact... they almost welcome me.
(The ink returns to its original color.)
I've recorded so much about this entity, I couldn't fit all of my notes into this log. The one thing I don't know, however, is his name. He's never said it to me, and the other entities never say it around me. I understand if he doesn't want me to know his name, it's just... odd. Maybe one day I'll know.
Professor Red looks up from the book as he hears the Assistant return.
"Oh good, you're back. Did you notify Sabre that I asked for him today?" He asked.
"The moron is notified." The Assistant says, returning to the Professor's side.
"Alright. I just finished reading the old observation log, so perfect timing." The Professor says. "His story is actually quite different from any other entities. I wonder why he wouldn't tell the author his name..."
He leaves the book open, starting to dig through one of his desk's drawers for a piece of paper, wanting to write a note to remember to return the book later. The Assistant peers at the picture on the open page.
Professor Red gets up to prepare one of the test chambers for later that day, the Assistant following him through the halls. Both are silent as the Professor contemplates a few theories about Sabre and his strange abilities.
"Oh, by the way Assistant;" Professor Red says as they approach the empty chamber. "Where did you learn that word that I told you to erase from your memory files earlier?"
"Sabre." The robot answers.
The Professor stops for a moment as they reach the door. He then sighs, opening the door and entering the room.
"That was for the laser thing, wasn't it..." He mumbles.
M walked with Sabre as they headed towards the testing chamber the Professor asked Sabre to go to. After all, M still needs to supervise. It's part of the deal.
"I hope this isn't anything too crazy..." M says as they follow the hall directions on the walls. The lab is a maze sometimes.
"I hope so too, but... it's Professor." Sabre says. "Something is always gonna be a bit nuts."
As they reach the test chamber door, they hear the Professor and the Assistant talking.
"Did he seriously teach you new ones?!" Professor Red says, sounding annoyed.
"Yes." The Assistant replies blankly.
"Sabre, stop teaching the robot profanity." M says as he opens the door.
Sabre starts to laugh, receiving a glare from the Professor as he and M enter.
Hope y'all enjoyed :3
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