The Files
(This is for a new AU called the 'Macabre Case AU'. I wanted to mess with atmosphere and was inspired by SCP, so here's something a little more spooky. That means blood and stuff, and the usual horrific events when a lab is involved, so heads up.)
The context behind this oneshot is that months after the loop was reset, a mysterious portal opened up near the temple. The Steves were not only unsettled by the portal itself, but the fact that the soul-centered people of the world could sense a grim aura coming from the other side. This raised a lot of concern within the people, so the Colorless Guard went to investigate. Light led the way through the portal, and found themselves inside a destroyed, dilapidated laboratory.
The last thing Light remembered before this was going down a hallway with the Guard, when creaking metal was heard from above. Then, all was dark.
...Where am I?
I shove broken bits of sheet metal off me, and get up from the cold tile floor. A searing pain in my arm makes itself known, and I look to my right to see a deep gash in my shoulder. That's definitely going to scar later, no doubt...
Looking up, there's just a hole in the steel ceiling above me, which looks... odd. The metal isn't rusted, so that's not why it broke. It looks more like it was torn open somehow. Nevertheless, the hole is the only thing there. No lanterns on the ceiling around it, and seemingly nothing of the sort on the top side of the hole either. There's nothing to dispel the pitch black around me.
Wait... nothing there at all? But the Guards I had brought with me on this investigation were just right beside me, how is that possible? Unless whatever made me black out separated all of us... great. Juuuust great. Alone in a creepy, abandoned lab. I hope the other Guards are safe, at least.
I turn my gaze back to the hallway and look around. The path behind me is mostly blocked by fallen support beams, although someone could probably slip through them if they were small enough. The hall doesn't have any other openings or connected halls, so the only way to go is forward.
I start walking, although slowly since being crushed by fallen metal bruised me pretty good. I reach for the bag I had on the way in to grab some bandages for my arm, but it's seemed to have vanished. All I have is my spear on my back... which is broken in half. Seriously? I couldn't have at least been left with the half that has a blade? Now it's just a glorified broken stick. Luck is not on my side today...
Walking through the dark hallway, I can barely see my own hand in front of me. Usually I'd use my own power to create a light source, but we had discovered earlier that our abilities don't work here for some reason. There must be a suppression system somewhere in this facility. That begs the question, though...
...Just what being's power would it be suppressing?
My thoughts are interrupted when suddenly, a dull green glow appears in the distance of the hall. Something might still be working in this place... maybe I could find a way out of here, or somehow contact the others.
I walk a little faster, hopeful that something could help me. When I reach the end of the hall, it opens into a room. There's doors on either side, and another hallway starts at the back of it. The room itself has tables all around it, some still upright while other are knocked over. In the middle of the room is a computer, the dull green screen acting as a background for the lines of bright, lime green text.
I first search the room for anything like medical supplies, being careful not to touch any of the broken glass or spilled chemicals on the floor, but no luck. Guess I'm just gonna have to hope this cut doesn't get infected by anything.
A beep sound echoes along the tile and metal, and my attention goes to the computer. Walking in front of it, I see the text has been changed from error codes to something else.
- Presence Detected
- Enter Passcode To Access
Hm. A code... there's some numbers on a little piece of paper stuck to the corner of the screen, maybe those will work?
Typing in the four digits on the computer, to my surprise, it works. It loads for a minute before welcoming someone named 'Dr. Ritaryu', probably the owner of this device. What a weird name.
Then, the screen switches to a list of experiment logs. The rest are corrupted, their titles only reading "ERR.file.txt", but the first two seem okay. Their titles are dates, followed by a log number. I click on the first one, curious.
> 3/17/** - Log 1
- 02:37 PM -
> Today, two new subjects were brought in. Both were found next to the anomalous site reported hours earlier, one looks to be human while the other is humanoid. They're currently in quarantine until it's determined that they have no foreign entities with them, then they will be put into semi-solitary containment.
> The humanoid has been unconscious since discovered, the cause being known to be extreme energy drain once evaluated. It has been much easier to contain this one, given that it's out cold. The readings we've gotten from it alone are enough to spark interest in its abilities and nature, however... It's not advised to further examine subjects while in quarantine, so for now it's being left alone to recover.
> The human (at least, we believe it's human) has been uncooperative. The subject has acted paranoid and erratic since discovery, however most notable is how it has been defensive of the unconscious humanoid. Although, it hasn't just been acting strangely, there's also something clearly wrong with it. At peaks of its hysteria (which matches with the spikes in readings we've observed), it's been... glitching, per se, like as if it was inside a computer program. These don't actually look like glitches of course, it's more like giant sparks coming from it with the occasional patch of discolored skin appearing for a split second, but the researchers don't know any other way to describe it. As of now, the subject is in a similar quarantine cell, although its hysteria has only continued.
- 06:21 PM -
> The human subject has been progressively becoming more manic, either frantically searching for a way out and scratching the walls or huddling in a corner mumbling something. Sedatives may be needed if the researchers hope to evaluate it. Humanoid subject still unconscious.
- 07:02 PM -
> Forced to use sedatives on human subject. After evaluation, it was discovered that the subject shows signs of extreme mental/physical trauma and high amounts of stress. This isn't referring to the multitude of scars it has (which is also intriguing), but rather what seems to be effects of dimensional travel of some sort, as the researchers recognize these effects from previous subjects. This trauma and stress is likely the cause of its hysteria, but the strange thing is, it seems very recent. Perhaps the anomalous portal the subject had traveled through when we found it was the one that caused this. Humanoid subject still unconscious.
> End Log
So, this is a research and containment lab, apparently. Hopefully nothing that was being contained here got out, otherwise I'm in big trouble.
I'm about to open the second file, when the screen flickers and shuts off. I guess this computer was running on reserve energy, and it just ran out. Oh well... back to wandering around this place.
Stepping away from the computer, I look to the two doors on either side of the room. I'm definitely not going into another pitch black hallway again, so ruling out that option first.
I walk over to the left door, intending to open it to see what's on the other side, but stop. There's... there's something there alright, and it's making a low droning sound. I listen a little closer, and it sounds like a broken alarm, forever stuck on the same note of its siren. Suddenly, it just stops, immediately followed by the sound of something breaking. Then, the other side is silent. Not a good sign.
I turn around and listen through the other door. Nothing. Carefully, I slowly open it to peek inside. Nothing is there, but there's a light source coming from around the corner.
I take a sigh of relief and step through. Turning the corner, it looks to be another log room. It's just computers, but the left wall is a window with metal shutters over it, and across the room is a bulkhead door that's been broken into from the other side. Scratch marks are on the concrete walls and floor. Small puddles of blood are dotted around.
Something bad happened here. Really bad. And something tells me I don't want to find out what caused it.
I notice another blinking monitor, and go to it. This computer's database is already unlocked, and there's two more available logs. Hopefully the power to it doesn't cut out before I can finish reading them again...
> 3/29/** - Log 7
- 09:30 -
> The human subject is still erratic, especially during testing, although we've found something that helps. The humanoid subject finally woke up two days ago (although it's still very drained), and it seems the two subjects are attached to each other. We reintroduced them today, and as soon as they saw each other, the human subject made a mad dash right to the humanoid subject and latched onto it in a hug. The humanoid subject returned the gesture. We let them be for just ten minutes, and in that short amount of time we found that the humanoid subject has a calming effect on the human subject. Whether it's just their bond or some kind of power, this will be useful in later trials.
> Note: Both subjects are to be given their serial numbers later.
- 11:46 -
> The hypothesis that the humanoid subject will keep the human subject calm was proven correct while giving them their serial numbers. The human subject (which will now be logged as #762) hasn't acted erratically since reintroducing the humanoid subject (which will now be logged as #763). It's advised that these two are permanently kept in semi-solitary containment together, given this advantage. Bond persistence tests will be automatically denied immediately upon their request if regarding these subjects.
> Update on #763's drained condition: Artificial recovery systems will be needed for this subject if it is to recover within the year. The medical research team confirmed this during pre-test examination, and their request for the needed equipment to be installed into the subject's cell has been approved, effective immediately. While equipment is being constructed, med team will use less advanced methods to aid Subject #763's energy recovery. This should not last long, only about a week or so.
> Additionally, someone in the engineering or subject handling teams figure out a better way to restrain Subject #762 during its hysteric episodes; it tore apart the straightjacket yesterday. I don't know how, don't ask, it just did.
> End Log
Signed Off By: Dr. K Ritaryu
> 4/2/** - Log 8
This Log Was Auto-Recorded By Artificial Security Programming
- 12:13 PM -
> Query: Request further investigation into Subject #762's anomalous condition.
> Request: Pending Until Given Reason. Please Input Below:
> Reason: Incident during testing. No major damage to facility, staff, or other subjects, but condition is worsening and becoming more prominent. Visible changes to subject noticed.
> Request: Approved. Sending Data To Observation & Examination Research Wing.
> Add Message? Y/N
> Y
> Please Input Below:
> This dimensional rift induced condition isn't as generic as we thought. Subject #762 is already starting to get out of hand if its constantly increasing hysteria is not controlled. It... changed during testing today, while separated from #763, as we needed to further examine #763's abilities while #762 was put into responsive testing. It went wrong, that one stubborn rookie was involved, and #762 went into a sort of metamorphosis (that's what Medilab is calling it, anyway). If you don't believe me, look at the security feeds. This needs our attention before it becomes something we can't handle.
- Dr. Ritaryu
> End Log
Looks like whatever went haywire during experiments did get out of hand. Did it cause the damage to the room? Hopefully I don't run into it.
Though, what condition do these logs keep talking about? The energy drain one I understand perfectly fine, it's a fairly known one back home. Even I've been afflicted before. However, this... 'dimensional rift' one, I don't have the slightest idea. Maybe this creature or whatever it is came into contact with something it wasn't supposed to? Or maybe the portal it and the other thing entered through closed when this thing was still going through? There have been a few nasty incidents back in the Steve Realm because of that... it's still horrifying to think about. It was fortunate that Professor Red had some lucky breakthroughs for a cure.
Anyway, that's all of the logs I can look at. Looks like the only way out is the obliterated bulkhead, so... fingers crossed there's nothing still in there.
The other side of the heavy door is what seems to be an observation room, the shuttered window from before viewing it. Stairs to my left lead down to a broken electric gate, which failed at keeping in what was being observed. Scratch marks matching the ones from the other room cover the gated off area, with more leading up the stairs and to the bulkhead. There's a huge blood spatter right next to the gate, with drips following the claw marks. The blood definitely isn't fresh though, so that's a bit of a relief.
Behind the stairs is a walkway leading to another door, maybe another observation room or something. There's no damage there, so I probably have a better bet at avoiding whatever broke out. Playing it safe is likely the only way I'll find my way back to the group, as I don't exactly have a weapon to defend myself with if I do encounter something.
The bulkhead across the walkway is unlocked, and after a bit of struggling to push it open, I see a room lined with lab equipment filled with vials of mystery liquid and yet another computer at the back, a normal door next to it. The screen is also showing more logs, no passcode required.
I walk over and examine the dates of the logs, which are all perfectly fine and uncorrupted. The dates of the logs span over about three months, with the last one having no date and is labeled 'Emergency Lockdown Notice'. That's totally not concerning at all.
Clicking on the first log, I see that they're all medical reports. Reports of the same test subject I've already been reading about.
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 1
> Species: Likely human, but unsure
> Vitals: Mostly normal, slightly raised due to stress
> Brainscan: Normal
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: None
> Mental Wellbeing: Suffering from post-dimensional-travel stress and trauma, increasing hysteria due to stress/trauma, could turn into regular panic attacks if it doesn't improve
> Physical Wellbeing: Some minor injury, but otherwise fine, odd 'glitches' to be investigated
> Treatment Being Used: None at the moment
Recommendation: Low-Tier experimentation only, cannot take higher levels at this point. Attempt regular dosage of sedatives to calm subject, if it can be approached. Find way to better keep it calm other than sedatives, as side effects could happen. Avoid using harmful enforcement tools, such as tasers and prods, as they can add to the subject's stress and lead to spikes.
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 2
Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Erratic
> Brainscan: Unidentified Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: Panicked, mania has worsened, although #763's presence has been aiding
> Physical Wellbeing: Spine elongated and vertebrae poking through skin leading to subject constantly leaning forward due to lack of internal space for spine to straighten, bones in hands and legs also elongated with similar results, various stretch marks covering skin, discolored patches of skin exactly like the 'glitches' on torso, face, and limbs, teeth have become pointed, sclera darkening unnaturally with irises brightening, visibly shuddering, subject clearly in pain from disfigured bones
> Treatment Being Used: Sedatives no longer working, solution in the works
Cause: Incident during testing, during a hysteric episode of the subject, a rookie guard used his tasing prod on the subject despite MediLab's previous orders to avoid doing so. Subject proceeded to thrash for a moment, followed immediately by going into shock and this... transformation. Has mostly stayed still since, likely due to pain.
Recommendation: MediLab may have to intervene with this half-done metamorphosis and bring the subject in for surgical treatment, as the disfigured bones could cause harm. Since normal sedatives no longer work, and our stronger doses are for desperate measures, just keep #762 near #763 for now. Only request for Code Dusk measures if absolutely necessary.
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 3
> Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Stable
> Brainscan: Unknown Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: Calmed since incident, but is still panicked and stressed (likely to the sudden physical changes), although #763's effect is very helpful
> Physical Wellbeing: Emergency surgery went well, is now recovering, surgical sites properly stitched together and maintained, Subject Handling team to be keeping an eye on all surgical sites until subject's recovery. Subject's altered appearance completed its shift during the surgery, due to the procedure's aid in moving it along. #762 is now larger and more beast-like than human, although the patches of skin are still provoking questions, as no one could figure out what caused them or their purpose during the surgery
> Treatment Being Used: Regular changing of bandages over surgical sites, and painkillers for 3 days (may have to restrain subject during administering, as it's still very uncooperative)
Recommendation: Continue keeping #763 near #762, as it helps with how difficult the subject can be. Let the subject rest until healed, as attempting testing while the surgical sites are still fragile would be risky with disastrous consequences if the stitches break, and it needs to become used to its new proportions. Theory is that the subject will continue to grow, based off the structuring of this metamorphosed form. This entire situation is likely caused by the dimensional trauma induced condition the subject has had since arrival.
Note: Subject will be fit for higher-level testing once healed
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 4
> Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Normal
> Brainscan: Unknown Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive (May be interfering with brainscan)
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: As usual, moderately panicked and stressed
> Physical Wellbeing: Surgical sites have healed more rapidly than expected, almost ready for the stitches' removal. Since the subject can move around again, it's been getting used to its new form, with #763's positive encouragement. As we thought, the subject is continuing to grow, despite metamorphosis being complete
> Treatment Being Used: Is now off painkillers, doesn't need the bandages anymore, back to normal procedure with handling. Need update on possible other solutions to subject's hysteria
Recommendation: Once the subject is fully healed (about a day after stitch removal, based off its presumed recovery process), start preparing it for the higher-level testing mentioned in last report. It's going to need it, judging from the extensive plans and schedules we've been seeing from Observation and Experimentation.
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 5
> Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Normal
> Brainscan: Unknown Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: Moderately panicked and stressed, although has begun to act strangely
> Physical Wellbeing: #762 has grown a great deal since last entry, reaching the stature of most of the other subjects, which has helped with the subject defending itself against them during endurance testing. The subject has also begun to act oddly, as said in the mental wellbeing section, and we're trying to figure out why
> Treatment Being Used: None needed
Recommendation: Continue as planned, but keep an eye on its behavior
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 6
> Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Normal
> Brainscan: Unknown Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: Moderately panicked and stressed, as always, but seems to be getting confused a lot of the time, also still acting strangely
> Physical Wellbeing: After many incidents of running into walls and glass windows, missing attacks, mistaking two opponents with each other, and having trouble observing images, it's likely that the subject's eyesight is failing. Hopefully just some easily fixable nearsightedness, but if it becomes worse case scenario we'd have to replace its eyes.
> Treatment Being Used: None for now
Recommendation: Put the subject in less complicated/physically taxing tests while we figure out what's wrong with #762's eyes and try to fix it.
MediLab Log - #762 - Report 7
> Species: Unknown
> Vitals: Normal
> Brainscan: Unknown Condition
> Power Level: Inconclusive
> Abilities: Unknown
> Mental Wellbeing: Unknown (refusing to even be anywhere near the scanner, and we were barely able to examine it, as it's being much more difficult than usual. We've noticed that recently the subject's been snappy and irritable.)
> Physical Wellbeing: Overall it's okay, a few more scars and missing tissue from endurance testing than last time, but no major change
> Treatment Being Used: None needed
Recommendation: Perhaps the subject needs some behavioral adjustments.
> Audio Message Attached: Please Follow Instructions
> Playing Audio Message, Subtitles Below:
> "This is Dr. Gynos, Subject #762 has gone into a rage and begun attacking everything it sees. Turns out, it does have abilities, and just never used them with us around. Watch out for that. It broke out of the observation center during testing and the rest of the med team is gone. I'm issuing a Code Typhon under orders by Dr. Ritaryu, and will attempt to administer a Code Dusk sedative to incapacitate it. The facility is on lockdown as this message is going out. If I fail, someone use Code Dusk to stop the subject's rampage in my place."
> [Rifle Being Loaded]
> "Hopefully a vial or two will knock it out, but I'm not sure. At the very least, it'll slow it down. I don't know how it got out, but something to know is that 762 is carrying 763 with it. Reasons unknown. It's also carrying all of the recovery equipment still attached to 763, so it's definitely not trying to kill it. We can get our answers later, but right now I'm going out there. If I don't make it, do what I couldn't and incapacitate the subject. Save our research."
> "And... tell my big sister Kirana that I love her."
> Audio Message Ended
So, that's how everything got so bad here... that test subject had enough and broke out itself and its... friend, I guess. I don't blame them, judging from all the damage in the testing areas and equipment I've seen around, this place was probably torture. In case I run into that thing, I should remember the 'bad eyesight' bit. Might save me later.
The sound of falling metal suddenly comes from the next room, and I freeze. Either it's just this lab falling apart, or something's in there. And again, I don't have a weapon to defend myself. I need to be careful.
I carefully get to the door, open it just a bit, and peek through. I see a large, disfigured silhouette, hunched over and looking at something in its claws. It's dark in the room, but a light is coming from whatever the silhouette is looking at, however the... thing is blocking it, so I can't see exactly what this being is. I remain still, waiting for it to leave so I can check it out.
Although, as I wait, I start to hear this creature... crying?
Confused, I try to look closer, but the door handle suddenly snaps off the door and makes a loud noise. I see the being's head start to turn, but before it can look at me I panic, drop the broken door handle, and curl into a ball. Not my best moment, but it's all I thought of in that second.
I wait for a while, but nothing happens. Getting up and looking back into the room, I see that the being is gone. I now see that the light source in the room is a lantern, and there's other things scattered around it. Hey, wait... that lantern is familiar.
I cautiously walk into the room, looking around as I approach the scattered items. Picking up the lantern, I realize that these is all my things. This is the lantern I brought on the investigation, the bag nearby is my missing one, all of the stuff spilling out of it is my equipment and supplies, and that photo on the ground...
Gathering the rest of my stuff, I walk over to the photo and pick it up. It's an old photo of me, back when I was Shy Orange Steve, surrounded by Happy, Funny, Crystal when he was also still an Orange Steve, and Sabre. I keep it with me to remember my old friends.
However, now the edges of the photo are torn where that creature was holding it, along with some kind of grime. I can always replace the photo, I have more of the same one so it's no worry, but I'm probably going to keep this one as the damage to it is not too bad. But... why did that creature have it? And further, why was it crying while looking at it?
...I have a bad feeling about this.
I shake the unease and put the photo back in its proper place in my bag. Lifting my lantern, I'm able to see a large hallway at the back of the room, the edges of its entrance splotched with... something. It look similar to the grime on the photo, but darker. I seriously hope it's just dirt.
It's the only way forward, so I don't really have any other choice. Avoiding the debris scattered around the room, I reach the hallway and step through. It's nothing special, just like the large, tall hallway I walked through when I woke up on the floor. However, what's more unsettling about this one is the odd grime making a trail on the walls, and there's bits of salvaged debris making new, makeshift supports for the ceiling, and sometimes making defenses meant to keep out something much bigger than I am.
I'm able to slip through holes in the makeshift defenses, and continue going down the hall. I eventually reach the end, walking into a room that's definitely being used as a shelter for someone... or something. That same odd crud in the hall is also on the walls here, and a lot more of it at that. Plenty of makeshift structure fixes are everywhere, all the wires that's supposed to be attached to equipment are being rerouted to something else, the trail leading out of the room. However, there's a working computer just like the others on the other side of a glass wall to the right of the room.
I make my way to the glass-walled room, and step into it, looking arou-
Stumbling backwards, I grab onto the desk to keep myself from falling as the body at the left side of the room scares me. It's out of view of the window, so that's why I didn't see it earlier. Its face is half-decayed, while dried, old blood makes a stain down the front of it. Its torso has a large puncture on its side. Whoever they once were had a lab coat, with an odd card clipped to the front pocket. Looking closer, I see a name on it.
"Dr. Kirana Ritaryu, Facility 19 Head, Level 5 Access."
Facility Head? Hm. Guess this 'Dr. Ritaryu' was not only the one responsible for the awful treatment of the test subjects here, but also the one running the whole lab. I should feel bad about their demise, but... it seems like they got what they deserved; exactly how much mercy they showed the subjects.
Turning back to the computer, I see that it's on a log screen, where this person was writing their final message.
> Untitled Log
> It got me. 762, 'The Titan', attacked me while I was trying to recover subject 763. 763 is being cared for and protected by 762, that's why it's been so defensive of this area since the escape. It's where it's keeping 763 'safe'. And it seems like this defense is mutual. During the Code Typhon, after Dr. Gynos put the subject to sleep for a while at the cost of her life, 763 is what killed her after she sedated 762. It proceeded to care for 762 until it woke up, hours later. During 762's sedation, 763 was talking to it, and I overheard what the subject was saying. Those two subjects have been working together to escape for who knows how long, maybe this whole time. I tried for hours to find a way into the room while 762 was incapacitated, but as soon as I did, 762 woke up just as I got to 763 and clawed my side. I'm not going to make it. Somebody kill those freaks for me.
> I'll see you soon, Kiyura. I'm sorry.
Can't say they didn't exactly deserve that...
I step away from the computer and back into the first room, mostly to get away from the corpse. It felt like it was staring into my soul.
I notice the mass of rerouted wires leading to somewhere nearby, and being curious, I decide to follow where they go. It might be something useful. Or a way out.
The wires lead through a few wrecked rooms, and because the layout of this area is similar to the previous, I figure that this is going to lead to more testing rooms. However, I notice one comprehensible sign hanging above a doorway;
'Containment Rooms'.
I guess this place's layout isn't entirely symmetrical like I thought. This area seems pretty empty, so I hope these rooms will be too. If it's not... I'm prepared to run.
The containment rooms are big, sturdy-looking chambers that practically replace the left and right walls, and are stacked floor to ceiling, with catwalks and staircases making the higher ones accessible. Steel bars are locked in place, with the occasional chamber open with (thankfully) nothing inside. The rest of the room has computer desks and wheeled tables, some knocked over or broken. Dark puddle-shaped stains dot around the room, while a very prominent trail of the strange grime I've been seeing around lead to the back wall of the room.
At the back wall is a large bulkhead door, the trail going to wherever's behind it. The trail of wires ends there too, a hole in the wall allowing them to get past it without the bulkhead being left open. An unsettling blueish glow shines from inside whatever room is behind the door.
Welp. I've gotten this far, no use in turning back now.
I walk to the back of the room and approach the bulkhead door, grasping the handle and trying to open it. I'm taken by surprise when I'm halfway through opening the heavy door when it just snaps off its hinges. I quickly step out of the way as the door falls and makes a dent in the tile ground, not wanting to be crushed. The noise of the door hitting the ground is booming, probably attracting some unwanted attention. I better hurry up and get inside before anything comes by and sees me.
Hurrying into the room, I see the wires are still going. Whatever they're going to is behind the makeshift wall in front of me, as I can hear a cacophony of machines' droning noise coming from there. Not only that, but I hear... someone.
Carefully, I attach my lantern on a loop on my bag, and take what's left of my spear off my back.
I take slow, steady steps around the wall, not sure what'll be behind it.
Peeking around the wall, I see someone attached to a multitude of machines, all the source of the strange glow I saw. The machines seem to be pumping some kind of... energy? Into them. The figure is breathing heavily, and seems weak. They and the machines are inside a seemingly glass chamber, with the door to it wide open so they're not trapped, and the chamber is somehow decorated with odds and ends that look to be helping the person attached to the machines stay comfortable. They have odd scrubs for clothes, are clutching a small black fabric, and a tag clipped onto their ear like an earring reads '#763'. That's one of the experiments mentioned in the logs, the one that apparently killed one of the doctors.
I step a little closer, wanting to get a better look at them. Something about them seems... wait. Hang on, that's-!
"Time?!" I exclaim, lowering my broken spear quickly upon recognizing him.
Time Steve looks up and quickly turns towards me, his expression of disbelief.
"Light?! Wh-What are you doing here?!" Time says, looking worried. "T-They didn't get you too, did they?!"
"What? No, this place is absolutely destroyed." I answer, running to the chamber. "There's nobody even here other than you, as far as I know."
"So they're still hiding..." Time mumbles. He then turns back to me. "Listen, Sabre's here too, but he's not exactly himself. You need to hide so I can explain things to him. He's probably on his way already."
"What? Why? Won't he recognize me?" I ask, confused. "Besides, I need to get you out of h-"
"No, you can't. I need to stay attached to these machines, they're pretty much keeping me alive right now." Time interrupts, glancing at the machines for a moment. "But no, Sabre won't recognize you at first. There's something wrong with his eyes, and before the escape nobody could figure out what. It's hard for him to see clearly. If I tell him it's you, he won't panic and think you're someone trying to hurt me."
"Why on earth would he think that?" I say. "What happened that would make him think that?"
"The scientists, that's what." Time answers. "Because of them, Sabre was pushed too far and turned into... something. I don't know what exactly, but he's been turned into something that definitely isn't human like he used to be. It's still him though... he's been protecting me from any scientists that are left and other escaped experiments that try to get me while I try to recover."
"...Okay." I reply, still shocked at the very idea of what they've been through. It's now hitting me that Time and Sabre are the test subjects that went through all of those awful things. "Is there a way we can get both of you out of here? I'm sure we can help you back home."
"Well... Sabre carried all the machines once, during the escape..." Time says. "But I don't know if we can get out of the lab. It's on complete lockdown."
"You can, that's how me and some of the Guard got here." I say. "There's a huge hole in one of the walls, and outside there's a portal that leads to the Realm. If we can just get you both out there, we can get you home. And get help."
"You have no idea how much I'd love to go home, Light..." Time says. "But it won't be that easy. All the commotion probably riled up everything still inside this lab. Even if you find all of the Guards you brought with you, so many things are going to try to stop you. Especially the scientists. It's going to take a while."
"Then so be it." I say. "I promise, I'm going to get you and Sabre home. Everyone back in the Realm misses you both, and you don't deserve to be treated like this. I'm getting you out of here, whether those scientists like it or not."
"Well...I can't really stop you, and it's not like I want to." Time says, smiling for a split second. "Now, you need to hide somewhere, before-"
Time suddenly looks up and freezes in place. He's staring at something above me.
"Uh... Time?" I ask quietly, admittedly scared.
"Light. Don't make any. Sudden. Movements." Time whispers.
"W-Why? What's wrong?"
"He's behind you."
I slowly and carefully turn around, to see a huge, lanky, terrifying being standing behind me. It looks furious, the creature's piercing green eyes staring daggers right at me, what would normally be the whites of its eyes a pitch black. It's growling, razor sharp teeth bared as if it's preparing to attack. A similar tag is clipped to its torn up ear, reading '#762'. Multicolored blotches cover its ashy tan skin, a few growths resembling horns on its shoulders. Its scrubs are stained with variations of deep red. The claws, raised to attack, are dripping with the strange grime I've been seeing around.
However, in a moment, I'm no longer scared. I know who this is.
I remember his green eyes, usually hidden behind a blindfold, but the day we reconciled after the War he showed me them. I see the creature's dark brown hair, and while it's now grungy and long, I still remember the one person I knew who had such a shade. I remember his tan skin, covered in scars, and despite how it's darkened I still recall how the other Orange Steves in the village used to tease him by calling him 'Sandy' due to it being odd among the orange hues. I remember that same, scary expression, usually only seen when we'd fight alongside each other in battle.
I extend my hand cautiously, which makes the creature look confused, yet still angry, defensive, and... scared.
I call out.
His gaze softened.
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