The Call of the Sky AU P2 💜

[Sabre's POV]

I snap out of whatever trance I was in and look around, wondering where that voice came from. It was from my dream, whoever's voice it is couldn't possibly be real... right? I'm still looking when Time taps my shoulder.

"Sabre? You good?" He asks. "Man, you went fast..."

"Did you hear that?" I say, searching from the cliff we're on overlooking the ruins.

"Hear... what, exactly?" Time says.

"There was a voice, didn't you hear it?" I say. "It sounded like it was right in front of me..."

Time then looks worried, and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, Sabre? Maybe we should head back." He says. "Last time you heard voices, it didn't really end well."

"But it's right here, look! This is where everything is coming from!" I say, pointing to the top of the dilapidated castle.

Time looks, and sees what I see. The source of the colorful glow and strange wisps is a space at the top of one of the castle towers. The strange song accompanying it is loud and extremely clear, so its source must also be in the castle. I feel like I recognize its melody...

"Woah..." Time gasps. "There really is a source..."

"Yeah, the glow and the song!" I say.

"Uh, speaking of glowing..." Time says. "The mark between your eyes is showing through the blindfold. It's really glowing now."

"It is? You can actually see it?" I ask, and Time nods.

Suddenly, the song gets louder again, and I hear someone.

"Enter the ruins. Find us. Learn of your past."

I freeze, staring at the ruins.

"Sabre, did you hear something again?" Time asks.

I don't answer, already preparing to jump down.

"Sabre, no-" Time starts, but I'm already making my way down the cliffside.

As I move from rock to rock, getting closer to what seems like a moss-covered path, I hear Time arguing with himself. I reach the bottom, Time makes up his mind.

"Oh, screw it. SABRE!" Time yells, and he just jumps down from the cliff face.

Landing next to me, he doesn't even get a word in before I'm rushing towards the castle entrance. I hear Time calling out after me again, but it's like something is covering my ears, muffling his words. I soon reach the broken gate, slipping inside between bent iron bars. Once I'm inside, I see a circular room with a stained glass ceiling, the floor and walls covered in a language I... I think I understand. All the symbols of the language are glowing, along the walls and floor, climbing along columns to the glass ceiling. The stained glass makes up a mural, all the pieces much smaller in order to make actual pictures. 

There's four scenes made in the glass. A symbol of a white four-pointed star against a multicolored background, the sky with a golden sun shining through one of the clouds, a shadowed figure with wings and a star symbol on their head against a pastel green background, and what seems to be differently colored portals against a black background. Moonlight and the glow of the strange phenomenon outside spill through the glass, giving light to the room. Do they mean something?

I start to walk forward not by my own accord, and before I can think there's more hazy images in front of my eyes... just like yesterday night.

The star from before that I recognize, being held up by someone in a flower field. The person looks injured and beat down.

A bright light shining in the sky above a bustling kingdom, reaching across as far as the eye can see and blocking out the sun.

Two of the people that look like me, both with blonde hair, and looking regal in some way. One is mostly clad in red, while the other has a dark blue. They also both have small crowns.

A space that looks like an abyss, things that look like multicolored stars moving around in the sky there. Portals form a line like a hallway.

I'm suddenly pulled from these illusions when I feel someone grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back. I snap out of it and turn to see who did that, and it's Time.

"Jeez, Sabre! What was that?!" Time says, looking fearful. "You were just wandering through the halls, and no matter how many times I called for you, you just kept walking like you didn't even hear me! I was only able to keep finding you because of that mark!"

"I... what?" I say, looking around.

I'm not in that room with the glass murals anymore. I'm now in a hallway, the glow of the mark between my eyes being the only light source.

"How did I get here...?" I mumble, and Time looks at me.

"You... don't know what happened." Time says, his expression blank.

"No? Last thing I remember was I was standing in that main room with the glass ceiling, and then I saw more of those memories..." I say, confused.

Time just stares, then grabs my arm and starts leading me out of the hallway.

"Nope, we're leaving. Come on." He says, dragging me behind him.

"Aw, what?! But-" I start, and Time interrupts me.

"Nope, no 'buts'. We're getting out of here. You going into some sort of trance, running to an old, ruined place of power while in said trance, hearing voices, and you wandering around without knowing what's happening is the stereotype of someone being led to an ancient being that wants to mind control them. All this is just one big Nope." Time says.

"Come on man, I'm not gonna get 'mind controlled'." I say. "This is the first time ever I feel like I'm remembering things! Things from before I got to this world!"

"Nope, we're not doing this. Not alone, at least." Time continues. "If you want to come back here, we're letting people know about this first. Most likely the Leaders and Light Steve."



At that moment, a huge double door mysteriously opens as we pass it. It creaks as the age-old hinges move for the first time in probably centuries, revealing a pitch-black room with a few strange lanterns hanging from chains from an unseeable ceiling, as there's no other light sources. There's something that looks like a pedestal and a stone lectern with a light blue glow in the center, right in front of a deep drop-off in the room. Time and I just stare at it for a second.

Time doesn't even notice that he's loosened his grip while in shock, and I wriggle free. I just stare at it for a while, when I hear something again.

"Go in. We're trapped in here."

I run into the room, Time chasing after me. The glow from my mark illuminates the space around me.

"Sabre, no!" Time says, stopping a few feet away from the pedestal and lecture as I step onto the stairs leading to them. "Get out of there, you don't know what'll happen!"

"Actually, I... I think it's safe." I say. "I feel like I remember this."

Time hesitates and tries to argue, but then runs over to my side at the pedestal. We look at the strange language written in the stone, accompanied by a symbol in the center. It kind of looks like a right hand.

"What even is all this...?" Time wonders aloud.

Without thinking, I start talking about it.

"A special kind of locking mechanism, the code written in a language only this kingdom understood to keep it safe from outsiders. The hand symbol is where someone with authorization would put their hand to lock or unlock the seal it's connected to, and say the code to release or trap whatever they wanted to lock in here. Not many things are able to break it with force, it has to be an insane amount of power in order to do so." I say. I then freeze and stare at the pedestal's symbols again. "How did I know that...?"

"Uh, yeah, how?" Time asks, and I shrug.

We stay silent for a moment. Then, Time turns to me again.

"Can you read the code?" He asks.

"I can try... I think I can." I say, hovering my hand over a few of the symbols.

In an instant, almost like a reflex, I place my right hand over the center symbol and start speaking.

"⎓∷ᒷᒷ↸𝙹ᒲ, ∷ᒷᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹∷ᒷ, ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒲ⚍リ╎ᓵᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ, ∷𝙹||ᔑꖎℸ ̣ ||, ∷ᒷℸ ̣ ⚍∷リ, ∷╎ᓭᒷ, ⎓ꖎ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣, ᓵ𝙹ꖎ𝙹∷." I say, not really sure what I said.

The pedestal and stone lectern start glowing, and symbols of the same language from the mural room start glowing as well, along the wall in front of us. It lights up the deep abyss below, yet we still can't see the bottom. I then look up from the lecture's symbols and look towards the gaping hole in front of us.

"ᒲ|| ↸ᒷᔑ∷ !¡ᒷ𝙹!¡ꖎᒷ, i ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ∷ᒷℸ ̣ ⚍∷リᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ||𝙹⚍." I say, staring into the pit below.

"What in the fu-" Time starts to say, but I cut him off, snapping out of whatever that was.

"I have no idea what just happened either, man." I say.

Suddenly, the song that's been in the air for hours stops, and a multicolored glow matching the one in the sky falls into the room like a fog. The silence is replaced by an abrupt, soft howl, and a light blue glow shines from the abyss in front of Time and I.

What seems to be thousands of winged spirits float up from the pit, and stop mid-air where we are, filling up the room. They all look a little like me, not as in they actually look like me, but like we're the same kind. Time and I freeze, one of the winged see-through creatures getting closer.

They speak, and I recognize them as the voice in my dreams.

"It's really you... I'm sure your actions have already answered this, but... Sabre, do you... remember us?"

I'm still frozen in place, confused and scared, but also entranced by a sense of recognition and some sort of nostalgia. I watch as the creatures look curiously and hopefully at me and Time.

"I don't know..." I whisper. "I don't know..."

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