Snowgrave AU P2 💕

SmileSheepy/TarryVision (aka Smiledontfrown2019, they changed their user) made me art of the Horror AU as part of a fanart deal like last time lol, so this is my end of it :3

Enjoy fluff-angst >:D


[Sabre's POV]

Contrasting the rain from yesterday, it's a warm day... for everyone else, of course. I'm still freezing over here.

And as usual on warm days, my powers come in handy. I like to give everybody snow cones on days like these to make them happy, especially the little ones. I always feel nice whenever I get the village kids to smile. The snowball fights I help them start always work, too.

I'm sitting on a bench outside of our house, where I usually am whenever it's a hot day and I want to give people some relief from the heat using my powers. I give another snow cone to someone, and look to the side of me where I'm sitting down. He's still clinging onto me like his life depends on it next to me.

"Okay Dark, you can let go of me now." I say, giggling slightly.

"No way, it's hot as the World Below." Dark says, wrapping his arms around my torso. "It's fu-"

"Dark, there's kids around, watch your language please." I hear Time say softly behind us, stepping out of the house through the front door. "Also, yes, please let go of Sabre."

(Quick author's interruption; in case you didn't notice in the last part, for this AU I made Time and Dark act more like people in Deltarune, like how Sabre is based off Noelle a little bit and there's a mystery Steve that kinda represents Kris. I based Dark a bit off of Susie because of his not-so-nice past, and Time is a bit based off of Ralsei because he's the best friend wholesome boi that cooks :3)

"Fine." Dark mumbles, letting go and switching to just leaning on me. It looks funny because he's taller than me.

"Sooo, how are your days going so far?" Time smiles, leaning against the doorframe

"Going good." Dark answers. "Other than outside being a literal oven."

"I'm doin alright, kinda tired though." I reply.

"Probably because you've been using your powers all morning. You sure you're doing okay?" Dark asks.

"Sabre, you just recovered from the other day, you need to be careful about overusing them..." Time says.

"Don't worry, I am. That's just how I work, remember?" I smile. "I'll be fine once I take a nap or something later."

"You can go ahead and take one now, everyone's doing okay now 'cause of ya." Dark says.

"Are you sure?" I ask. "It's like... 11, and the village has a lot of people..."

"And you're tiring yourself out and need a break." Time says. "It'll be fine."

"Well... alright." I say, getting up. "Thanks, guys."

"No problem goober, just don't freeze the house over." Dark chuckles.

"We'll wake you up if we need you, you just chill for a bit." Time says.

"Eyyyy." I say, pointing finger guns. Time returns the gesture while Dark rolls his eyes.

I go into the house, and walk over to the couch. Picking up the blanket left there from yesterday and getting comfortable, it's not long before I quickly fall asleep.


[Time's POV]

"So... you're gonna go talk to Light now?" Dark asks.

I look at him, worry now returning to me.

"Yes, I am... what he's been up to again isn't good for Sabre, and it's about time we stopped giving him chances."

"Good. And next time I see that punk I'm gonna knock some sense into him." Dark says.

"Don't, you know what he's done and what he could do." I warn. "It's too dangerous."

"Fine, fine..." Dark says.

Silence passes for a moment, then I remember something.

"Hey Dark, did you remember to clean your room?" I ask.

"Aw f- ...Garbage." Dark says, quickly correcting himself.

"Go finish up." I sigh.

"YeS, mOtHeR." Dark says jokingly, in a mocking tone. It makes me laugh as he enters the house.

Okay... now to go to the Guard headquarters and talk with Light. He needs to know what's going on with... him.

I walk a little ways away from the house, then teleport.


As the lightning passes, I see I'm right in front of the headquarters.

A few Guards either wave or nod my way, us having become friendly after my help during the... incident, and I return the gestures as I make my way to where Light usually is.

I see him working on his sword combat skills again in the training room, repeatedly striking a dummy with a sword. He hears my steps as I walk towards him, and turns his head. Sheathing his sword when he sees it's me, he smiles.

"Time, nice to see you again." Light says. "What brings you?"

"Hey, Light. Nice seeing you again too. I wish it was on better terms, however..." I say. "There's a bit of a problem."

"Oh no, what's going on?" Light asks, seeming worried. "Did someone try to go after Sabre again?"

"No, but Sabre is involved." I reply. "It's about... him."

"Oh boy, that guy..." Light sighs, facepalming. "He's been pushing everybody's buttons here, too. I even caught him poking around my quarters last week..."

"Light." I say. "He did it again."

Light quickly looks up, shocked.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Light says.

"He made Sabre overuse his powers again." I explain. "Back in that cave while they were chasing after that rogue Demon Steve, the other day. He was taking advantage of Sabre's powers, and when Sabre kept missing ice blasts to try and freeze it, he used a briar bracelet just like the one from the incident. Made Sabre wear it. Sabre came home late that night, and was so drained he just crashed on the couch without saying a word. Dark and I saw Sabre's bleeding hand yesterday morning after he woke up. Sabre told us everything while we were getting the stupid thing off him."

Light stands there for a moment, silent. I notice tears starting to form in one of my eyes and quickly wipe them away. Looking back up at Light, I see the slightest hint of anger in his eyes as he looks to his side.

"That little son of a..." Light mumbles, then turns to me. "This is going to stop. I promise that. He's been pushing the balance of Sabre's abilities again for far too long already, that is the last straw. I'm so sorry, Time. I shouldn't have tried to give him another chance. It's just... he used to be-"

"I know, it's nothing to apologize for Light." I say. "He used to be a friend to all of us, and how he changed so suddenly, almost overnight is... strange. But he's become a danger, not just to Sabre but to all of us. None of us could've seen it coming."

We stay quiet for a second, thinking of better times. Times when he... was kind, of all things. Not the monster he is now.

"...I'll let the Leaders know, and I'll be outlawing him from any place the Colorless Guard have jurisdiction." Light says, breaking the silence. "You make sure Sabre recovers alright."

"Thank you." I say. "And I already have been, along with Dark. Sabre's recovering quite fast, actually."

I turn to leave.

"I wish you well, Light." I say, giving a small smile.

"Hope everything turns out okay, Time." Light says, giving a small wave.

I head out of the Colorless Guard headquarters, and teleport home as soon as I step out of range of the building.


As soon as the lightning fades, and I'm standing outside of the house, I notice frost on the windows. Never a good sign.

I quickly head inside the house, and it's extremely cold. As if the arctic biome not far from here has been placed inside our home. I can even see my breath in front of my face, it's that cold.

I look toward the living room and see Dark sitting on the couch next to Sabre, who's crying and wrapped in a blanket, with Dark attempting to comfort him. I rush over, and they both look up at me.

"H-Hey, Time." Dark says. "T-There was a b-bit of an issue w-while you were gone."

"Sabre, did you have a nightmare again?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

"Y-Yeah..." Sabre says quietly.

I carefully rub away the ice stuck to Sabre face from the tears, as a few frozen drops fall from his skin and onto the floor. Things always get much colder whenever Sabre becomes panicked, and nightmares are a common cause.

As Sabre slowly calms down, the frost on the windows begins to disappear and it gets slightly warmer inside again. Dark and I hug him, knowing what he sees whenever this happens.

"They... their f-frozen faces were the l-last thing I saw before I passed out, a-and..." Sabre says softly, shaking from fear.

"Shh, shh. It's alright, that happened a long time ago. It's already over." I say. "That's not happening anymore. You're alright. It's okay now."

"Nobody blames you for what happened, bud." Dark adds. "It wasn't your fault. It was his. You have nothing to worry about now."

We spend a few minutes comforting Sabre, and eventually the house returns to a relatively normal temperature and Sabre has fallen asleep again. Dark gets up and starts to clean the melted puddles that are around while I carefully lay Sabre down on the couch and place the blanket over him.

"So... were you able to talk to Light?" Dark asks as I go to join him in cleaning up.

"Yes, I was." I answer. "He said that he would outlaw him from anywhere the Guard has jurisdiction."

"That's a relief..." Dark sighs. "You think he'll still try to get to Sabre?"

"Knowing him, it's likely, but..." I say. "I don't think he'll be successful. Light actually looked angry when I told him what happened."

"Really?" Dark chuckles. "Snowball finally showed some emotions?"

"Yes, and he would kill you if he knew you call him that." I chuckle.

"Heh, he could try, but-"

"Did you finish cleaning your room?"



"Oh come on, it's not that impor-"



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