Snowgrave AU 💕
This is an AU by @Smiledontfrown2019 ! Being a DR/UT fan, I got pretty excited and wanted to make a little oneshot of it! Please check out the original creator!
I wake up on the couch, hearing birds sing outside. There's a few blankets over me, and I also hear Time and Dark talking in the kitchen. I look over and see Dark sitting at the table while Time is cooking.
"Why the f- I mean, frick is it so cold??" Dark says, wrapped in a blanket.
"Sabre's powers, remember?" Time answers, then he sighs. "He pushed himself too far again..."
"Oh, right. Right." Dark says. "What was it this time?"
"Apparently there was a Demon Steve in a cave. Different one this time, and Sabre kept trying to freeze it so it couldn't get away. On top of that, he came home late."
"Oh, so that's why he passed out on the couch?"
I sit up, and swing my legs to move myself from laying down to sitting on the couch normally.
"Hey guys." I say, greeting my two roommates. They look at me, seemingly excited.
"Morning, Sabre!" Time says cheerfully.
"Hey bud." Dark chimes in.
"C'mon, I'm making breakfast." Time says.
I get up from the couch and walk over, and take my spot at the table. We all talk and joke around a while as Time makes the food, then once it's ready, he sets the table. He's made us pancakes.
"Thanks, Time!" I say.
"One more thing." Time says, grabbing something from the counter.
He then places a cup of hot chocolate in front of each of us. I immediately take mine and start sipping it.
"Cocoaaaa." I mumble.
"Heh, silly doof." Dark smirks.
"You're welcome." Time says.
As we eat, I think of how much better my life has been since I've lived with these two. Before, I had to live with... him, and he wasn't very nice. While I still have to work with him sometimes, at least I don't have to be next to him 24/7. Now, I have two great friends in the same house as I am, and it's never as tense here as it was there. However, I think everyone else hates him, as it's kind of his fault the... "incident" happened. And when I say everyone else, I mean the whole village. They all slightly glare at him whenever he's walking by. I'm pulled from my thoughts by Dark.
"Sabre, what is that?" He asks worriedly, pointing at my hand.
I look where he's pointing, and I see there's blood trickling down my hand, which is slowly starting to form drips. Time sees it now too, and looks just as worried.
"Sabre, let me see." Time says, reaching at my bloody hand with a napkin.
"It's okay, it's fine-" I start, pulling my hand towards myself, but Time cuts me off.
"No, it's clearly not. And I believe I know what that's from." He says sternly.
...Double crap.
Before I can say anything else, Dark steps over and grabs my hand, pushing back my sleeve. There, above my wrist, is a thorn bracelet. It's digging into my skin, causing the bleeding.
"This thing again?!" Dark exclaims.
"Knew it." Time says, starting to wipe away the blood on my hand. "Dark, can you get the scissors?"
Dark leaves the room to look for the scissors upstairs, and I'm left with Time. Avoiding eye contact, I try to look for anything else to look at in the room, and my eyes settle on outside of the window. It's sprinkling out, but the drops of rain around the window turn into tiny snowflakes when they get too close.
"Sabre, look at me." Time says as he gets another napkin to clean the blood with.
Hesitantly, I look back at Time, and his expression is a mix of worry and grim. I nervously answer.
"Why is the bracelet back?" He asks. "It's hurting you, what made you put it on? How did you even get another one?"
I don't answer. They're both going to be so mad. Time stares me in the eyes, knowing he'll get me to answer this way.
"Did he make you do it?" Time asks.
I feel tears sting my eyes, and I want to look away, but when I try I find myself staring at the blood-covered, thorned accessory around my wrist. I can't hold it back anymore, and I finally answer him.
"I-it was during the mission..." I say, my voice shaking. "When I kept missing the Demon Steve yesterday, h-he took my aside and held out the bracelet. I-I didn't want to, but he said to remember how it helped with my accuracy a-and to just... and to just do it."
We suddenly hear Dark coming back into the kitchen.
"SON OF A FFFFFFFfffff... fudge biscuit." He says, yelling at first, while walking back into the kitchen holding the scissors. "Sorry, still getting used to the 'no profanity' thing. Heard a lot of it from Nightmare and it stuck."
"It's okay." I say.
Dark hands Time the scissors, and takes out some bandages that he also brought with him. Time carefully slips the scissor blades under the thorn bracelet, snipping away at the small branches of the thing. Once it's off, he takes the bandages from Dark and hands the thorned mess to him, and Dark promptly throws it into the fireplace. As Time starts bandaging the tears and scrapes on my skin, Dark places his hand on my shoulder, and I look at him.
"Sabre. Buddy. You gotta understand that what he's doing to you isn't okay." Dark says. "You may think of him as a friend, but things like this are not what friends do. Or anything else he's done. Heck, he's the reason you were put in a coma for crying out loud. This is just as toxic as when I was stuck with Nightmare or Reverse."
"Or when I was stuck with Elemental." Time adds.
Time finishes treating my wrist, and he places a hand over the bandages.
"The point is..." Time says. "You need to stop going on missions with him. I'm going to tell Light that's he's been doing this to you again-"
"No, don't." I quickly say, panicked. "Uh, he... it... it's fine, I'll tell him myself."
"No you're not." Dark says. "You've tried that before. Why won't you tell anyone what's going on with him?"
I stay silent, not knowing how to answer. He... he said...
"Did he threaten something about us?" Time asks, a hint of anger in his voice.
"No- no he didn't." I say.
"Sabre." Time says. "I see it in your eyes, he did, didn't he?"
I stay silent. How does Time always catch on these things? Dark gets up from the table and starts walking towards the door.
"Well, if that little frigg wants a fight, then oh boy is he getting-"
"Dark, get your butt back over here." Time says. "You're not fighting him."
"What?!" Dark says, throwing his arms up in an 'are you serious' pose.
"Believe me, I want to kick his rear end six ways to Sunday just as much as you, but if he's threatening Sabre then it's best we be level-headed about this." Time says.
Dark begrudgingly walks back over to the table and sits down. Time relaxes and turns back to me.
"Like I said, Sabre," He says. "I'm going to tell Light what's been happening on those missions. Once I do, there's no way in the World Below he can come anywhere near you again without being skewered by a spear. You're gonna be safe... without him."
Time and Dark wrap me in a hug, and I return it with tears now streaming down my face. Nobody's really ever stuck up for me like this. It's strange, being protected by others instead of fighting for once... not like I really ever wanted to fight.
It might just be the hug, but I feel like the room gets a tiny little bit warmer.
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