Runaway AU 🏵

AU Context: Instead of immediately going into the World Below portal cave after the whole Corrected Sun thing, I thought of a different outcome: What if Sabre couldn't take the hatred towards him anymore?

Chapter Context:

All the terrible things that happened to Sabre during that arc, the vandalism in his house, the Leaders not doing anything to help him, all those people saying those awful things about him, it pushed him to the edge of just... not caring anymore. Sabre didn't want to, but all the hate against him was going too far, and more than anything he wanted to run from it all... but he believed that he could just hold out through it until it was over.

People in the Kingdom still talked behind his back. Although whoever outright said it to him was stopped and slightly reprimanded, as everyone remembered that's what the Corrected Sun did, but nobody really ever stuck up for Sabre. Besides, the damage couldn't be undone. No one else really cared about it anyway, and Sabre was left alone with the sting of their words. The only two people that really cared for him then was Green Steve (aka therapist) when Sabre could visit his house, and M when they would meet up at the abandoned library. However, both those times were rare, and Sabre would mostly just stay inside unless he had something to do in the Kingdom that day.

It was after a particularly bad day for Sabre when it happened.

He had heard the Violet Leader talking about him while he was in the Citadel. He had heard the townsfolk whispering about him while passing by. A few people even spoke their mind to him directly, and there weren't any Guards to ward them off, so he had to listen to that for a while. Arriving at his house that evening, Sabre was hoping that he got to unwind after that day's events, when he saw why so many Guards were absent today.

Light and five Guards were standing in front of his house, which had become damaged deliberately by someone unknown. Windows were punched out, the door was bent and its lock broken, and there was even a hole or two in the walls. Visible through the shattered windows were more signs inside, each having more hurtful things written on them like last time. Sabre's items that were in the house were strewn about, some fragile things even broken as well. As soon as Light saw him running up to the scene, he tried to soften the blow best he could, but there wasn't really anything he could do. He and the Guards had cleaned up most of the mess left behind, but they couldn't fix the damage until much later. 

As Sabre froze in front of what was left of his home, Light apologized and said that he could stay in an empty Guard's quarters if he wanted, but Sabre brushed it off and said he would deal with it. Light didn't think much of it, and he and the Guards left as it was getting late.

Little did Light know that this would be the last time he would see Sabre for a long while.

As Sabre sat awake late into the night, crying in his destroyed home after an awful day, he realized something...

He didn't feel safe here. He never did. He's living in misery to protect people that would barely care if he died. He's surrounded by people, who used to be friends, that hate him for something that he couldn't control. People that used him, had impossible expectations for him, and never treated him as a person, but rather a living war pawn. Now that there was no war, he was useless to them, so they were treating him accordingly. He had given them everything he had, even giving up his place in the World Beyond to save some of them, but they never did anything in return. He didn't belong there, and to them, that was enough reason to shun him. As tears continued to stream down his face, Sabre quietly broke down at the realization.

Sabre couldn't take it anymore. He had to get out.

If everyone didn't want him here, so be it.


[Sabre's POV]

As I gather the few things I know I need, I also grab my journal and cloak, knowing those will be most important for what I'm about to do. Then, I take two pieces of paper, and use them to make two letters; One for Green Steve, and one for M. They're the only ones that truly cared for me during all this, so they are the only ones that will know.

As I write, I try to keep my tears from falling onto the paper, but I occasionally fail and the small drops stain the letters. I eventually finish, my hands shaking, and I put each letter in an envelope corresponding to their recipients. I take them and place them in my cloak's pocket, then take one last look around my room here. I had already taken and packed everything I wanted to bring with me in this room, now all that's left that I want to take is on the first floor. I head downstairs, now wondering if I'm making the right decision.

I had seen it while I was rushing up to my room earlier. I make my way to the living room, and as I thought, it's right there on the floor. I walk over and pick up the small, orange bracelet with a prismatic gem-shaped charm in its center. Rainbow had given it to me soon after he became... well, Rainbow. It's all I have left of him, and until today I had kept it in a lockbox where I thought it was safe, but I guess the vandals that visited my house earlier smashed it open and threw the bracelet aside. Holding the trinket, I quickly head into the kitchen and grab some food for the road, placing it in the little free space left in my bag. Then, I place the bracelet around my wrist, and carefully go to open the front door, making sure not to make too much noise.

There aren't any Guards around during this time of night, so I'm mostly safe. All I have to do is get to that small open spot in the walls, and then... I'm free.

I quietly navigate the empty streets to where I know the small crack in the Kingdom's walls is, and then slip through into the outside of that perilous town. Before I truly leave, I walk over to the abandoned library... M wanted to meet here again tomorrow, and I feel horrible about just leaving him like this, but... I just can't stay in the Kingdom anymore. I can't take this torture any longer.

I place the note in a spot I know M will see it, a bookshelf he's always standing next to when we meet. Then, I turn in the direction I know Green's house is so I can leave the second letter.

As I run through the forest, I keep feeling a sense of fear grow within me. I'm really doing this, I'm really leaving... am I doing the right thing? I have no purpose here anymore... I even kept my promise with Red Steve I made all that time ago. I protected everyone the best I could, the Darkness is gone... I did what I said I would. There's nothing left for me to do.

I arrive at Green's house, and as I'm still quietly crying, I place the letter on his front doorstep. After I do, I freeze for a moment. If I do it this way, I won't get to really say goodbye. I'm just going to disappear, and I'm leaving both him and M alone...

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of something in the bushes behind me. I panic, and run back into the forest. I keep running, and running far into the night. As I do, I look up towards the stars, and...

That feeling of fear leaves me entirely. I don't feel trapped in decisions anymore. For the first time in so very long, I actually feel... free. No stress of other people counting on me to figure out their problems. Nobody here to talk about me behind my back. No one to keep breaking down what I build up.

As I keep running, I still cry, but this time... they're tears of joy.


I've been running for days, trying to get as far away from the Kingdom as possible.

Everyone's definitely noticed I'm gone by now. I wouldn't be surprised if Light and the Colorless Guard started searching for me a while ago. I mostly keep running at night, and find a spot to hide out and sleep during the day, so I reduce my chances of being found. I'm starting to run out of food, though, so I need to find a place that I want to stay at soon.

I'm running in the early morning daylight today, as I need to look out for a place to set up. I'm in a plains biome with a few trees sparsely around, and the occasional flower or two. I haven't really seen anything of interest, when I notice a few trees that are oddly colored in the distance.

I make my way over, and I discover a biome that looks like it was teleported out of a storybook.

The trees are multicolored in pastel rainbow, there are flowers I have never seen before everywhere, the nearby rivers' water is a bright aqua blue, and animals surround all the colorful plant life. It's not a small biome either, it stretches far into the horizon in the direction of the newly rising sun. I cannot believe my eyes at the sight of this ethereal safehaven in front of me.

As I walk forward into this strange biome, I keep looking around in case someone is following me, but all I see is the beautiful scenery surrounding me. None of the animals around seem scared of me, and I notice that there isn't just the normal cows and sheep. There's some oddly colored, but beautiful birds, definitely not parrots. Some fish in the water I slightly recognize, as they resemble some fish from my original world, but they also have strange hues and none of them look like the normal river fish I've seen... they're not scared of me either. I wander deeper into the picturesque area, leaving the plains behind me, and they're soon out of my vision entirely.

I walk through this new place for a while, when I spy what seems to be a perfect clearing. There's no trees in a large area of the biome, another river of bright blue water is close by with many fish jumping out every few minutes, the entire area of land is flat, the trees surrounding it are tall and most vibrant, all those new flowers form a field behind the clearing... like the biome entirely, it seems like this place was taken out of a fictional story.

I feel safe here. I carefully take off my cloak's hood, as I believe no one has been following me. Walking over to a little hollow in one of the bigger trees, I put my bag down next to me after sitting down and rummage in it for a little while, looking for the blanket I had packed. Once I find it, I tiredly pull it over myself as I realize how tired I was... I had run all night and morning, not stopping at any point. As I drift off, I decide that this is where I want to stay. How could I not? It's literally perfect.


I wake up around what looks like noon, based off the placement of the sun.

I immediately get up and start getting to work on gathering materials. I feel bad about cutting down the beautiful trees here, but I have no other way to get the wood I need in order to build myself a makeshift place to stay while I work on a permanent home. As I gather the logs, I also pick up the colorful saplings that dropped and replant the trees I cut down, not wanting to ruin this place. Once I gather all the wood I collected, I'm about to turn back and return to the clearing when a creature that resembles a deer bounds forward up to me.

I freeze in place, not wanting to scare it off. It looks curiously at me, and I then take a closer look at the creature. While it does resemble a deer, it's a bit larger than one. The colors of its coat are a bright blue fading into a pastel purple on its back, and it's hooves, antlers, and eyes are entirely white. Pastel bunches of what looks like moss cover its antlers, small flowers sprouting out of them. It suddenly drops something it was carrying in its mouth, then runs away...


I don't really question what just happened, and inspect what the animal dropped on the ground. It's... a pouch? Why'd it have that all the way out here? I open the small pouch, and find a bunch of wheat seeds. I could definitely start a farm with this... heh, thanks little guy.

I make my way back to the clearing and put down what I gathered next to my bag. I take a small break, then get to work on a shelter. Picking up the wood, I make a crafting table and start making planks out of the logs.

Soon enough, I have a small hut put together, my belongings inside along with the crafting table and a few other things I made while building. I'm actually kind of proud of this! I jump down from the roof I was finishing, then open the door to the temporary hut and head inside, as it's getting dark. I don't know if anything hostile comes out at night here, and I don't want to find out.

I've already crafted a bed, so I throw myself onto the soft covers as soon as I walk in and close the door. Building took the rest of the day, and this is gonna be the first night in a while I actually sleep at night. I look out the nearby window as I fall asleep, watching the stars through the leaves of the colorful trees.

I can already tell, this is the start of something better for me.


[???'s POV]

Good, he's already settled into the area I made for him.

It's not technically interfering if I create a new biome that just happened to be in his path... besides, this isn't a normal timeline anymore, so I can almost do as I please now, and it has no effect on the future.

I hope he doesn't mind that I looked into his memories a little to create the creatures inhabiting it, but I want my creator to feel at home in the space I've put for him, as he's run from the Kingdom made by my creations. The fact that they pushed him that far is... upsetting, but I'm not like the Enchanter. I'm not going to cause harm to this world, even in situations like this, as I can always find a way to make it better for those who deserve it. The Chromatics will find their own consequences to their actions soon enough.

I wonder if I can communicate with Sabre, since this is now an imperfect timeline...


Hehe, I'm definitely making a second part to this. I know I'm saying that with a lot of AUs, but I am working on them, it's just taking a bit.

Also, feel free to ask questions about the AU, because I know you have them since I was a little vague with it   :)

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