Robots AU 💛

(I couldn't resist lol, and I'm actually making it a book soon. Dw, I can handle it.)

This AU was suggested to me by -sneakysquirrel-! Thanks for the idea bud, I'm having a lot of fun with it :)

So... what if RQ, but the world is post-mechanical-apocalyptic and the Steves are sentient robots, and there were no humans there until Sabre came along?

+= Background =+

Like I said, the world of RQ is set after a mechanical apocalypse. Humans lived for a very long time there, making their civilizations futuristic and high-tech, creating the Steves to aid them in their lives. They all had slight sentience, however could still be controlled by commands. However, only one was let into the public before an event called The Fall plunged the world into apocalypse. The rest of the robots were just finished the day before the incident that caused The Fall to happen. They used the Steves' colors as coding for their specific jobs:

Red - Programmed for information storage and lab research aid. Would help with researching unknown objects, lifeforms, and substances in labs around the world. Being the first to be created, they weren't given the proper protective internal plating as the rest of the robots before The Fall.

Orange - Programmed to help with construction, architecture, art, and anything involving craftsmanship, really. They have more strength than the other robots, intended to be able to carry heavier materials for building structures. Would also be used for story writing/telling or making art projects for entertainment.

Yellow - Programmed for energy transport/storage, and to be faster than vehicles to help on-field medical professionals get somewhere as soon as possible, depending on their environment to be assigned either job. They would have also been used for competitive racing entertainment.

Green - Programmed with a set of code that will give them access to information on all types of medical aid, however that code needs a certain program to activate it. This program would have been given in hospitals, however The Fall happened before any robots could be sent out. They do, however, have built-in tiny nozzles in their wrists that will mist out a wound disinfectant/antibiotic without the need of the program, so they can do it whenever they like if needed. Also have programming that make them able to repair their fellow robots.

Blue - Programmed to help with lab situations that involved souls (as the humans before The Fall figured out how to take souls out of bodies, even extending to other humans' souls). They have said ability to take souls out of bodies, whether it be to examine them, make the soul's owner fall under their control (was programmed with that for lab safety purposes), or destroy said soul entirely.

Indigo - Programmed to help with transportation/soul connections, depending on environment. Can use connection to either help with roads/railways, or to help the Blue Steves with returning souls.

Violet - Programmed to help with emotional support and would have been generally made for home environments, providing entertainment, home assistance, and even basic home defense (cannot fight an intruder, but would wirelessly alert a silent alarm system to a police station and use itself to shield a human from harm). 

The Fall would turn most of the planet into a mechanical ecosystem, even animals and plants turning into robotic versions of themselves, water turning filthy with rust and decayed bits of metal. However, it wouldn't affect humans, and with how rapidly it spread all humans of the RQ world died of either starvation, dehydration, injury, or natural causes (if someone was on life support, if they were elderly, etc). Only the robotic Steves remained, the one robot that saw the world before The Fall disappearing after teleporting them all out from the storage facilities they were in and somehow giving them complete sentience. Being released hundreds of years after The Fall, after everything had settled down enough for it to be safe, the Steves had no idea what to do at first. However, they began to learn answers from many recordings inside labs around the planet. They learned that they were programmed to help humans, but were given sentience from a piece of code sent out by one robot after the humans realized they couldn't be saved, and they gave said code to the robot to send out once everything he deemed the world safe for the new intelligent race to begin their lives.

The Steves established their own communities and civilizations as time went on, learning how to from documents and other recordings left behind (there was no internet after The Fall, so no, they couldn't access Google or look something up on YT. They never even heard of what the internet is). Only a few human-made buildings remained after the Steves set up, and they spent almost all of their resources and time studying them and the recordings inside to learn more about the species they were created to aid. Eventually, studying the wreckages became a normal everyday thing for just one person to do, and they focused more on building their own species and drew away from their original purposes a bit to create their own names for themselves.

The Darkness is a computer virus, made to control whoever it infects. It can cover the ground and ecosystems because they're also mechanical, but the few patches of biological ecosystems left are obviously unaffected. The Steves were dealing with the Darkness as much as they could, and still found ways to live in peace while doing so.

That is... until one day, just as a prophecy told by their people told, a human came through a portal into their Realm.

+= Story =+

Sabre was also from an apocalyptic world, however his was more like a normal monster apocalypse. He grew up in that fear center of a world, and didn't get access to normal ways of learning about things, so he tends to act a little more like a child than a grown adult. He knows how to read, write, take care of himself, and do other basic things perfectly fine, he just wasn't exposed to outside that much or learned that much responsibility (AKA, in this AU, Sabre is innocent childlike bean basically). The base he was in while still in his old world was destroyed, and he had tried to run from the monsters chasing him down, however they still got him a little bit. Sabre ran into a tomb inside of a mountain to hide, only to be dragged into a new apocalypse by Void leading him deeper into said tomb.

When he came through the portal and appeared in Red Steve's house, he was already severely injured, and was weak from starvation, dehydration, and exhaustion on top of that (he had been running nonstop from the monsters that had destroyed his base for a whole day). Red heard him fall on the ground as soon as he came through the portal, and immediately panicked when he saw that there was an actual human there, and that he was in extreme need of help.

However, Red quickly realized: Since the Steves had never been in contact with them... he had no idea how to care for a human, an injured one no less. He also had no idea what else was wrong with him, as being a robot, he didn't know what starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion was (the Steves gain power from solar panels on them, so they don't sleep).

Cue more panic from Red Steve while he tries to figure out what to do to help the human he's currently holding, also trying to get Sabre to get up.

Red quickly picks up Sabre (who is barely conscious) from the ground and runs to Orange Steve's house, and his friend also panics at the sight of the injured human. The only thing Orange can think of is bring Sabre to the Orange Village so the Leader could possibly help, so they do just that. They obviously get the entire village's attention when the come running in holding a human, but they ignore the Orange Steves' questions and dash to the Leader's house.

The Leader opens the door, and quickly brings Red and Orange inside when he sees them carrying Sabre. Luckily, all of the Leaders throughout the timeline of RQ did more research on humans as a rite of passage and just in case, and the Orange Leader was no exception. The Leader tells the two to lay Sabre down on the couch so he can rest, and quickly tells them that they needed to make a plan to gather biological resources, as mechanical resources they use would not help Sabre at all. Red quickly says they should get to village to help, as covering more ground would help them get said resources faster, as they weren't sure how much time they and left to help Sabre. The Leader agrees, and the three head out while the Leader calls for the rest of the Village so they could help.

The Leader tells them to gather these biological resources:

- Some food from the closest source they could find.

- Water from a clean source.

- Medical supplies from the nearby remains of a hospital, and get the recording saying how to use the medical supplies correctly so they don't mess up, as man-made supplies is very limited.

The Village agrees, and different groups rush off to find the resources needed. Red, Orange, and the Leader stay with Sabre, making sure he's alright while the Village is getting what they need to help him, and to protect him in case Darkness suddenly shows up. The people of the Village soon return with apples, bottles of clean water, and plenty of bandages and different medicines to help the human that had suddenly appeared. Red is the one that uses the recording containing information on how to use the medical supplies properly, as Red Steves had altered themselves to withhold information from recordings easily. Orange and the Leader watched as Red helped Sabre with his injuries, while the Village eagerly waited outside.

They wait for a while after getting Sabre bandaged, and soon, he wakes up. Confused, but not really scared. They give Sabre the food and water, which he happily takes, and Red, Orange, and the Leader start asking questions about Sabre and where he came from.

They soon learn that Sabre isn't scared of them because he went through scarier in his world, explaining the monster apocalypse. They also learn that Sabre was actually terrified of other humans, as the only times he ever experienced with them were when people were beating him up to steal his supplies. He actually hadn't gotten any food for days before the Steves gave him some, as groups kept stealing whatever he found, and he was only one person so he couldn't fight back. He didn't even have any friends in his old world, so he couldn't form his own group to have any chance of keeping whatever scarce resources he found. He already preferred the robotic Steves to his own people, as they were the only ones that showed him kindness.

And right then and there, the Steves present decided; "Yeah, we're keeping this bish."

Fast forward a little bit (after Red had been killed because of Darkness, and Sabre learned about it), the Orange Village decides that Orange Steve will keep Sabre at his house, since he'll be safer as they have much less of a chance of being attacked. So, Orange does just that... but then, makes the Rainbow Hub to keep Sabre even safer, somehow making all the plant life in it biological (hint: Crystal). Sabre doesn't mind, as he loves the outside area of the place (he had never seen bright green grass and trees before, everything was dead in his world).

This was the start of an amazing adventure, between mechanical beings and one singular human.

+= Random Details =+

- The Steves are all at least two feet taller than Sabre (they can be even taller, like three or four feet taller than him), and add the fact that Sabre has a very childlike mentality in this AU, the Steves tend to treat him a little like a kid.

- Sabre collects crop seeds and other ways of growing food so Orange doesn't have to keep looking for some whenever he runs out, and starts growing food in the Hub. There's already clean water in there, so they don't have to worry about that.

- Sabre often tires himself out while constantly exploring the mechanical world around him (again, childlike mentality). When that happens, Orange/Rainbow just picks him up since he can easily carry him (because he's both a robot and the Orange Steves are the most physically strong). He also picks him up whenever they enter grassy areas, as because the grass is made of metal... yeah. You can guess.

- The Crystals were made by the humans that inhabited the RQ world before the Steves, meaning for them to be able to store mass amounts of energy. They were, however, used the way the Crystals were formed in SL, turning them into the Chromatic Crystals.

- The Steves know how fragile humans apparently are, so they're very careful with Sabre when picking him up or even just coming into physical contact with him, as freakin giant robots could easily injure a human.

- Crazy people in RQ often try to experiment on Sabre, as they want to know how a human is in their world, even though they died out centuries ago. However, they have to deal with an angry Rainbow as a consequence...

- After Sabre gets corrupted by Void giving Darkness to a bacteriophage (they're real irl) and making it infect him, Sabre's eyes were extremely damaged because of it, as that's how the bacteriophage entered his system (it just shot through his eye). The Steves, although still a little cautious of him, gave Sabre new mechanical eyes while he was still asleep after fighting out of the Darkness' control.

And now situations, as per tradition with AUs I have a lot of fun with :)

(Sabre and Orange arriving at the Violet Kingdom for the first time. Orange lets Sabre out of his sight for one second to talk to the Violet Leader.)

V. Leader: I'm so sorry about them, they're just... excited, to say the least.

Orange: Yeah, I can understand why.

V. Leader: I hope- Oh jeez, what are they doing?

(Orange turns around and sees Violet Steves entirely surrounding Sabre. One picks him up, and Orange remembers how much the Violet Steves like hugging people and immediately runs over.)


(Just Orange/Rainbow freaking the frick out in an instance where Sabre gets sick. Just... imagine the overprotective chaos.)

(Sabre and Rainbow walking through a biological patch of forest, when Sabre notices a rash on his hand.)

Sabre: Oh, dang it!

Rainbow: What?

Sabre: (Holding up his arm) I must've touched some poison ivy by accident-

Rainbow: (panik mode) Poison ivy-?!

Sabre: Don't worry, it won't kill me. It's just really annoying and uncomfortable.

Rainbow: Oh, okay. Wait, should we-

Sabre: Yeah we should go back and find something to fix it, it already itches like heck.

Rainbow: Okay.

Art hehe :>      (Not shipping, just fluff stuff)

He sleep :3

Someone pls claim this one-

I wanna see it as book but I'm busy :'D

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