Remembrance AU

Ehehehehehe, I'm super proud of this one >:D

[Sabre's POV]

Even though it's been so long since then... I always go back to that place, almost every night.

I carefully go down the stairs, not wanting to make a sound. I'm out the front door in a few minutes, and begun towards the woods near the house. As it always does, the hidden path of those bright blue, small flowers that grow at the same level as the grass lead the way. Their ever-so-slight luminescence makes them visible in the pale moonlight.

An archway of tree branches and vines around them are above me on the path, making it so this passage is only visible to those at ground level, and the ones that know what those small flowers represent... which is just me, at the moment.

I eventually reach a place that looks like a ruin, although it's very familiar to me despite its aged look. That's how it's hidden; everyone just believes that it's an old ruin from earlier times. I know that this place is more than that, however.

The bottom of the circular structure is clearly visible in the middle of the ruin, its pieces scattered about, seemingly broken. A flip of an old switch that was hidden behind the moss on the walls proves otherwise, as the structure and pieces' ancient markings begin to glow a light blue. The stone pieces float upward and towards the structure, completing the circle and making a portal in the resulting frame.

I walk into the bright, water-like window inside the portal frame, knowing what's on the other side.

When I can see again, the same tall, towering trees surround both the portal and the crystalline pond in front of it. Flowers grow everywhere in the grass, brighter than normal. A single large tree stump is in front of the pond, near the group of lily pads that float on the water as fish swim underneath them.

I walk over, and as I always do, take a seat on top of the stump that overlooks the beautiful pool of bright blue water. Familiar memories flood back to me as I reminisce on events that took place both here, and before this haven was created.

Although... I'm pulled from my memories as I notice something, although I'm not fearful of it. I turn around from staring out into the pond, knowing this day would come.

"Time, I know you're there." I call out.

It takes a second, but Time Steve nervously appears from behind one of the large trees near the portal. He seems both curious, and confused.

"Sabre, what is all of this?" Time asks. "What is this... place? Why do you keep coming here?"

I motion for Time to come and join me at the stump, smiling softly.

"Come on, I'll explain everything." I say.

Time walks over to where I am, and sits next to me.

"Okay, this is starting to weird me out. Why are you so calm about this?" Time asks. "Usually when... something like this happens, I guess, you kinda freak out a little."

"I know, it is a bit out of the ordinary for me." I chuckle. "Really, though... I knew this would happen eventually. I realized that a while ago."

"How'd you know I followed you?" Time asks.

"No offense bud, but... you're kind of bad at sneaking. I heard every stick you stepped on while going through the woods... and when you tripped on that tree root." I say.

"Oh." Time says quickly, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's alright, Time. You just wanted to know what's going on." I say.

"So... like I asked before, what's with all of this?" Time asks.

"Well... it's a long story." I say.

"It was 11:00 when we both left, we have all night." Time says.

"Okay then..." I begin. "You remember what happened just before you opened the rift to the beginning of the 'loop', right?"

"Yeah, turns out you're Origin's creator." Time says, looking down at the water. "That... was a lot to take in for a while."

"Well, what if I was to tell you that I had always known?" I say.

Time quickly turns his head back to me with a shocked expression.

"What." Time says.

"Heh, yeah. I always knew what I really was here." I continue. "I may not have actually remembered anything when I first got to this world, but as the days went on I quickly regained my memories once I started coming back here."

"Coming... back?" Time asks, visibly confused.

"Yeah, when I entered a linked portal to here back in the first Rainbow Hub, it wasn't my first time being in this little dimension. Far from it, actually." I reply. "A very, very long time ago, I had been here a few times before, but not many. The last time I was here before I came to this world, I was with Origin, and we were saying goodbye."

"For what?" Time asks.

"I had been watching over this world since I first created Origin, and watched as he created so many Steves, some that you don't know about." I continue. "I was fascinated by this world and its people, and everything they built throughout the years. Many made names for themselves, exploring, discovering something, creating something new, and a lot more. I wanted so badly to go down and visit this world myself, but just like Origin, I was bound to only watch and couldn't be on that plane of existence. The world couldn't handle the power either of us had if we did, and a lot of things would've been destroyed on accident."

"But... you're here now, so what happened?" Time asks.

"One day, I had an idea." I say. "If Origin and I had the power to transform things and give and take power in an instant... why not give myself a much less powerful form so that I could see what this world is like from the perspective of one of you?"

"Wait, so you...?" Time trails off.

I nod.

"I gave up my powers and normal form so I could finally live among the Steves, as someone close to being one of them." I confirm. "This place acted as a gateway to both this world and a world that Origin had made a long while ago, and he put me inside it to adjust to my new form for a while. After I said goodbye to Origin, I went though the portal to the other world, making the changes final. I became... me. The me I am now."

"You gave up being a literal creator of all just so you could live in this world?" Time says, bewildered. "Why? You had everything..."

I smile and look back out to the water.

"I wanted to see this world and know the people that lived in it, more than I wanted to stay as I was." I say. "To this day... I don't regret a thing. In my mind, it was completely worth it."

A moment of silence passes.

Suddenly, lightning strikes right next to us, and a familiar figure with bright blue eyes appears.

"Wait, you always remembered?!" Origin exclaimed. "I-I thought- I thought I lost you for good!"

"Uhm... yeeeaaahhh, the whole 'remembering' thing wasn't really supposed to happen." I say awkwardly. "Sorry I had to do that to ya, bud."

Origin picks me up in a hug, looking both excited and extremely happy, almost crying tears of joy. As soon as he puts me back down, he notices Time, who was just sitting there.

"Uh... H-Hi, again, Origin." Time waves awkwardly.

"Hello again, Time." Origin says, having calmed down pretty fast.

We spend a while talking to each other, when Time and I notice we have to go back.

"It's 1AM, after all." I say as we say our goodbyes to Origin. "I'll be back again tomorrow, I promise."

"I'll be waiting, Sabre." Origin smiles as we walk through the portal.

As soon as we cross over to the other side of the portal, Time and I start walking through the forest again. It's silent for a bit.

"...Well, that was the weirdest night of my life." Time says, which makes me laugh.

"I mean, I'd guess so." I say.

We walk together back to the house, and I hope Time continues to take this... surprisingly well.


[3rd Person POV]

Little does Sabre know what danger is approaching...

Long forgotten after the First War, an army of cursed beings begin to rise again to avenge their fallen master.

Their one goal is to find the True First Creator, and hunt him down until he has perished by their hands, as they know he has put himself in a much weaker and more vulnerable form. Origin has held them back the best he can for so long, but not even he can contain their malice any longer. The only hope left of their plan being unsuccessful is the Cursed Ones never finding out who the True Creator had become in this world.

Meanwhile, reports of strange people attacking villages and people have reached everywhere across the Realm. Nobody has really seen them, because of their cloaks mostly hiding them and barely anyone has seen them and lived to tell the tale, but their only description is beings shrouded in a deep purple, almost black smoke that emanates from their bodies, and glowing eyes of the same color as a known previous enemy; The First Curse. Strange markings and all.

As stakes rise, Sabre wonders how long he can keep his secret hidden from the rest of the Realm... for both his safety, and others. From his memories, he knows that if the Cursed Ones get even the slightest lead on who he is, they will find that person and do horrible things until they break and tell them. And Sabre knows who they'll likely go after if they know;

Time and Light.

With the Cursed Ones searching high and low for him, will Sabre be able to hide his identity as he always has... or will his past catch up to him?

Only time will tell...

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