More Superhumans AU 💜

Came up with some more stuff while at school hehe

First off, lore snippets!

- Sabre never used his power during Rainbow Quest both out of fear that the organization hunting down superhumans would notice it, and that he didn't have his equipment that would make sure he didn't hurt himself while running (aka his suit).

- Sabre did use his secret identity as the vigilante superhero Flash in this AU, in an attempt to paint superhumans in a better light. Even though nobody really hated superhumans though, people still feared them because of their unnatural powers, so the government of that world formed the superhuman-hunting company to get rid of them all by execution.

- Watts was the only normal human that came with the superhumans because he wanted to help and was willing to sacrifice all he had built in their home world in order to do so, and as a result the superhumans respect and care about him immensely. So basically, if a Steve tries to mess with Professor Watts, they're about to get wiped in the next minute.

- The superhumans don't have that much control of their powers because they had no one to teach them how, so they're all self-taught. And when you think about how much damage just one of the can do... that's not a good thing. As a result of improper teaching methods about their powers, and nothing really being known about superhumans, their powers tend to go haywire sometimes.

- Superhumans are more durable than normal humans, so normal humans wouldn't have stood a chance in RQ because of that. Sabre and his friends, however, can handle themselves fine.

- Remember how I mentioned that superhumans that have super speed are prone to heart problems? Well... Sabre's one of those cases.

- Also, remember how I said superhumans with invisibility have trouble controlling it at times? That means that if somebody's able to sneak up behind Lucas and spook him, he goes invisible lol. I like to imagine there's a running bit that Lucas does go invisible when that happens, but his hat can still be seen until he notices (invisibility can work with the hat because the invisibility power can affect things the user has if they want it to).

- To answer a question in the previous chapter: The Yellow Steves would be very surprised about Sabre's power, and are extremely shocked once they find out that Sabre can go much, much faster than them. Like, 20 Yellow Steves each try to race Sabre when they realize that.

- Professor Red is very intrigued by the superhumans' abilities. Professor Watts keeps him from kidnapping people.

- Speaking of Professor Red, he takes full advantage of the deal (*AHEM*blackmail*AHEM*) he has with Sabre to test things with superhumans. Watts supervises along with M.

- Hypno may or may not attempt to have a screech contest with a superhuman that has the Shriek ability. He only wins because they lose their voice during it, as that's the previously mentioned consequences of Shriek users overusing their power.

- Sabre also has to deal with an abundance of electricity in his body, because now that he's using his powers again it's been collecting (he gathers static electricity while he runs with his powers). He's able to get rid of it with the help of one of Professor Watts' machines that he built for that purpose. If he doesn't get rid of it, it could add to his heart problems. Anything small enough won't do anything though, like a shock from one of those weird lighting orbs you see in museums. He would make one go haywire, though.

- Superhumans give each other nicknames based on their powers as a kind of way of friendly banter, and they make for great code names. This is how Sabre got the alias 'Flash', as other superhumans used that as his nickname.

Aaaand here some more powers!

Oracle: Users can randomly see small bits of the future, at max a few seconds. It could be from the same minute they see the vision or the same day, and can't see into the next day. Their downside is headaches. Lots of headaches.

Merling: Users can have small sets of gills appear on each side of their necks, making them amphibious. Downside is that they need more water than a normal human whenever they're not swimming, and anything that's in the water is more easily absorbed into their skin.

Flight: Another classic. No wings, just able to fly. Downside is that they need to watch their altitude, because they still can't handle low oxygen levels higher in the sky, and they have trouble with having a sense of balance while flying since there's nothing there.

Withering: Users can touch something (has to be their hands), and it withers away in a few seconds. To prevent accidents, users constantly wear special gloves made by Professor Watts. Downside is they tend to have not nearly as strong immune systems as a result of withering auras messing with them, making them more vulnerable to disease.

Elasticity: Users can stretch their limbs up to four feet longer that normal (but nothing farther than that as it would be absurd). Downside is that they tend to have issues with their bones, such as it being easier to dislocate something.

Telepathy: Users can do the usual abilities associated with telepathy, such as mind reading for a short while or lifting small objects (not anything bigger than a book though, that's more the telekinesis users' thing). Downside is that they are inflicted with nausea if it's overused.

And now, situations with this batch of chaos :3

(Lucas and Ryan messing with Sabre.)

Lucas: Hey, watch this.

Time: Okay?

(Lucas points a small device at Sabre, then activates it and a small shock comes out. It immediately hits Sabre.)

Sabre: Hey- Quit that!

Time: (laughing) What-

Ryan: (giggling) Since Sabre has more electric charge in his body than the rest of us, any static electricity immediately goes to him. It's hilarious.

(Light walks into a room, hearing a lot of noise. Sabre, Lucas, and Ryan are there along with Professor Watts working on something in the background.)

Sabre: Ryan, get down.

Ryan: (On the ceiling) Nope.

Lucas: You're gonna fall.

Ryan: I'll be fiiine. I'm messing with my own gravity, remember?

Watts: Blood is going to rush to your head and you'll nearly pass out, that's why you fall whenever you do this. So get down before you fall.

Ryan: I'm not gonna- oh crap-

(Ryan falls and lands face-first on the floor.)

Ryan: Ow.

Watts: I told you.

Light: ...

(Light walks out, not even going to try and understand what just happened.)

(Both Professors working in the lab. Professor Red goes to grab something from a desk behind him, but when he turns around there's two beakers floating above the desk.)

Prof. Red: What the-

Watts: (Turning around) Oh- Dang it, Lucas! Quit messing with stuff!

(The beakers drop and the two can hear Lucas laughing as he walks away.)

Prof. Red: ...Does he do that often?

Watts: Annoyingly, yes. At least it wasn't Ryan-

(Lots more beakers and test tubes start floating.)


(Everything drops and they hear both Ryan and Lucas laughing.)

That's all I could think of lol, definitely doing more stuff with this =v=

Maybe I'll even make some  a n g s t  >:3

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