Extreme Measures 💜
This is relating to the Parasites AU, showing just how extreme the lengths Sabre goes to in order to avoid having a check-up done on him.
This is unrelated to what AnonymousRook is going to do with the AU, I just wanted to write this :b
Also, I found a cool song that fits the AU pretty well! It's called 'Fruiting Bodies' by R.I.P, but just like the AU it has body horror, so if you don't like that then you probably wouldn't want to hear it =v='
[3rd Person POV]
As the meeting wrapped up, the Leaders began casually discussing their days. The Rainbow Kingdom had been the subject of quite a bit of conflict lately, making them stressed. Friendly conversation was a nice way to let them unwind a little.
"By the way, has anyone else noticed that Sabre has his arm wrapped in bandages-?" The Violet Leader asks. "I saw him yesterday and it had me a bit concerned."
"Oh, that." The Orange Leader says, sighing. "He slipped while jumping around high places like he usually does. His arm was sliced open on an iron fence. Light and I were right there when it happened, nearly gave us both a heart attack."
"Wh- He's okay, right? Someone treated the wound?" The Indigo Leader questions, the Blue Leader having a similar look of worry.
The Orange, Yellow, and Green Leaders all cringed.
"You'd have better luck teaching an ocelot to do a backflip than getting Sabre to let somebody treat him." The Green Leader says, almost facepalming.
"What do you mean?" Violet says, confused.
"We don't know exactly why, but Sabre has always had this... avoidance to medical help." Orange explains. "If someone so much as suggests just doing a check-up on him, he's out of there faster than a Yellow Steve on Swiftness potions."
"That expression is literal, it's happened before." Yellow adds. The looks he gets from the other three prompt him to throw his hands up in exasperation. "I'm not kidding. I seriously wish I was."
"The only conclusion we could come up with is it's a sort of phobia of his." Green continues. "Sabre won't tell us anything at all about it, so... all we have are guesses."
"Is he really that bad-?" Blue asks. "I mean, I could understand if there's something about medical practice he fears, but-"
"Considering he's caused himself further injury just to get away on multiple occasions, yes."
"Excuse me?"
"He what?"
"We don't get it either." Orange says, crossing his arms. "At this point, it's better to just leave him be instead of trying. His injuries always seem to heal properly, so... there's not really a need for intervention, but of course we still worry. The first time I saw it happen, it was at my village..."
The Orange Leader exited his house, hearing a commotion coming from nearby. Quickly looking around, he sees Crystal Orange Steve and the usual group of others he's friends with gathered around a tree, all looking up at something in it. The Leader walks over, fairly confused and a bit worried.
"What's going on? I could hear you from my house." The Orange Leader asks. Two of the group turn and face him, while the other three
"We were just sitting and talking while whittling stuff, and Sabre cut his hand pretty badly on one of the tools." Happy explains. "We tried to help him, but he's not letting anybody look at it."
"He climbed the tree to avoid us..." Funny mumbles, a bit frustrated. "We've been trying to get him down so he can get his hand treated for about an hour."
The Orange Leader looks up, and sure enough, he sees Sabre sitting in some of the high branches of the tree. He's holding his right hand tightly, almost wincing a little, drips of blood falling onto his jeans. As Crystal tries using a long stick to pull him down, he kicks it away while putting a hand in his pocket. After a few seconds, he pulls out what seems to be a spare blindfold and quickly wraps it over his injured hand.
"Sabre, you need proper medical attention!" Nerdy shouts, still trying to help get him down. "Just come down and we can help you-"
"Nope! I'm fine! I can take care of it myself!" Sabre replies, shouting back.
"Just get out of the tree!" Crystal yells, trying again to use a stick to get him down.
Sabre kicks the stick into the trunk of the tree, snapping it in half. The broken half bounces off Crystal's head, and he throws down the other half of the stick in frustration.
"M-Maybe we could just wait nearby for him to climb down on his own?" Shy suggests.
"No, he'd either run as soon as we get close or outlast our patience." Crystal says, shaking his head. "Once, he stayed on the roof of the gazebo in the Hub for a whole night before I gave up first."
"He's done this before?" The Leader asks. Crystal turns around.
"Oh, hi Leader. Yeah, he does this whenever I try to help him when he gets hurt." He sighs. "He's never told me why he hates it so much when people try to treat him, but as soon as I just ask if I can help, he's out of my sight faster than I can blink. This isn't the first time he's climbed a tree to avoid it."
Oh, that's why you're so frustrated about it?" Nerdy asks, tuning in on the conversation.
"Maybe he's scared?" Happy shrugs.
"Why would he be scared? It's just first aid."
"You're scared of heights."
"Alright, arguing isn't going to solve anything." The Orange Leader says, interrupting. "Have you tried just asking him what's wrong?"
"Yeah, but he's never answered." Crystal replies. "He either stays quiet or changes the subject."
Funny then rushes back over to the tree, pointing at Sabre.
"If you don't get down from there, I'm gonna climb up and get you down myself!" He shouts.
Sabre yells back from the branches.
"Try it, I dare you! I'll fricking jump!"
"DON'T!" Everyone else shouts.
"Funny, maybe that isn't a good idea-" Happy says.
"He's bluffing. He's like, fifteen feet off the ground. It'd be stupid to jump." Funny replies.
"And what if he's not?" Nerdy asks. "Remember, this is the same guy that started climbing on roofs to win at tag!"
"Well, then... someone get ready to catch him if he does."
Funny jumps into one of the trees branches, despite the others' worry. Noticing Sabre tense, Crystal and Shy run over to the spot below where he is in the tree, while everyone else keeps trying to convince Sabre to get down.
As Funny gets closer to where Sabre is, Sabre starts to scoot closer and closer to the edge of the branch he's on. Noticing this, Funny tries backing up a little and climbing the branches opposite to him.
"Come on, Sabre! Don't be stupid!" Funny says as he climbs. "We're just trying to help you!"
"Yes we are! Just come down, and we can help you properly bandage your hand-"
At that moment, Sabre leaps away and out of the tree, much further than Crystal and Shy thought he was going to go. The group of Orange Steves panic as he descends further and further in a matter of seconds, quickly approaching the ground.
"...Thankfully he didn't land on his head or anything, but he ended up twisting his leg. We left him alone after that." The Orange Leader says, finishing the story.
"He actually jumped-?" The Violet Leader says, horrified. "I didn't think he'd go to such extremes..."
"Me either." The Indigo Leader agrees. "How has he not nearly gotten himself killed if he did something like that to avoid first aid?"
Nobody seems to notice the Blue Leader awkwardly avoiding eye contact.
"And it only got worse the more we tried." The Yellow Leader adds. "After a fight at the outpost one time, he was slashed at a few times by a Darkness with a sword. Instead of letting any of the healers we had there tend to his wounds, he ran off and hid somewhere. It took two hours before Rainbow Steve found him hiding in the ceiling rafters by accident. Sabre tried running off again, but he ran into a metal beam and fell off. It's a mystery how he didn't knock himself out. And we haven't even mentioned the one time Rainbow took him to the Green Kingdom-"
"Please don't bring up the dripstone incident." The Green Leader says, almost glaring.
"Alright, that's fair."
"I'm sorry, the what incident?" The Blue Leader asks.
"You don't want to know." Green sighs.
I thought of more situations so here-
(Sabre and Rainbow are just chilling in the Hub, Rainbow leaning on him while they're both sitting down. Rainbow suddenly jumps up, freaking out.)
Sabre: (standing up) What??
Sabre, internally: Oh frick, that was the Sky People moving.
(Sabre pretended to get the nonexistent bug off Rainbow and act like nothing happened.)
(How the Professor finds out about Sabre's avoidance to health checks.)
M: (talking to the Leaders during a meeting) By the way, just ignore the Professor if he says anything odd. Recently he's been fixated on trying to figure out what Sabre is, talking about trying to study his biology and such-
Green Leader: If he actually manages to get Sabre to stay still long enough to make any observations, that'd be more of a help than anything.
M: What?
Orange Leader: Allow us to tell you about the various incidents.
(Later, when M is telling the Professor about the meeting.)
Prof. Red: ...Interesting.
(When Sabre runs off after the Professor discovers the Sky People)
Sabre: (just walking through the woods, looking for some kind of shelter since he can't really go back home now)
(He freezes, seeing something in the foliage.)
Sabre: (Quickly turns around and books it)
Light: (exiting his hiding spot and chasing after him) SABRE, GET BACK HERE!
(Sabre and Time's house. Time is just minding his business when he walks into the living room and sees Sabre talking to himself. He almost thinks nothing of it until he hears)
Sabre: (quietly) No, you guys can't do that. He's our friend. You said you liked him, didn't you? ...He was just worried about me, he's not a danger to any of you.
Time: (realizing he's talking about how he tried to help when Sabre was sick the previous week) ...what the f—k.
Das it, 100k reads special soon :D
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