Enderian AU Lore :0 💜

This is some background lore for the Enderian AU! The design for Sabre was originally made by RandomDoodles and I asked to use it, bc I didn't really have a design before they made one lol. By the way, I'm basing the End in this AU on the "Better End" mod for MC, so it's not just an empty dimension here.

Enjoy the ✨backstory and after-story stuff✨


Backstory Part:

In the End Dimension, which had existed far before the Steve Realm, the Ender Dragon ruled over the End's sentient inhabitants. Those inhabitants were once people, who had fallen into the void and died, and were reborn as Endermen by the Ender Dragon's magic to give them a second chance in the End. The Ender Dragon was a kind ruler, and everyone treated her with much respect for this. The Ender Dragon (confirmed to be named Jean, and in this AU she can turn humanoid) was the Queen, with all the Endermen (which are us, the Sky People) living in the End's community of many colorful floating islands.

One day, as Jean was checking over the main island's End Crystals on the pillars, she heard something arrive in the End and went to check it out. There on the obsidian platform, was a very young human child, who was already injured before falling into the End. Jean quickly picks up the young child, and takes him back to her kingdom to help the poor thing. By the time she's gotten the child to her quarters to help him, he's already close to death. Jean also realizes that since he hasn't died, he can't be reborn as an Enderman, and she isn't going to let the child die just yet.

She then remembers something; an ancient kind of transformation, only used in instances such as this. Being the last Ender Dragon, she sees two opportunities as a result of this powerful magic. The child will live... and she could finally have an heir to her crown and not be a lone member of her species.

Jean takes the child and sets him upon her alchemy table after clearing it, and quickly gets to work, as she's running out of time. Taking an uncharged End Crystal shard, a healing potion, and a bit of her own blood to serve as the DNA needed, Jean uses her power to transform all the components into an energy, and fuses it with the child.

The transformation immediately takes hold, and the young child is turned into a hybrid of an Ender Dragon and a human, the dragon part taken on most thanks to the crystal shard. The child stops crying, and looks up at Jean, wonder filling his new eyes as he sees things he couldn't before. Jean smiles and gently reaches towards the child, who playfully grabs her giant hand as it comes closer.

"Finally... I'm not the last." Jean whispers, joyful tears filling her eyes.

As the child continues to play with her hand, Jean looks at the child and knows he has to be given a name, as she didn't know his name from before he fell into the End, and he's most likely too young to speak. Besides... he has a new life now. Putting her hand down, she watches the child as he curiously looks around the room, occasionally looking up at her.

"You have already been through so much..." Jean wonders aloud, thinking. "You are very strong for handling it like you did, especially being so young... same as a warrior... Ah, I know. Your name..."

"Shall be Sabre."

(Hehe, bebe ender boi)


As Sabre was once human and is now a human-Ender Dragon hybrid, he can shift into a human form whenever he wants, and he does so during the day once he's stuck in the Steves' realm. However, it is uncontrollable at night, as that's when Endermen actually come out as they have a hard time seeing in bright areas. Basically, if Sabre touches moonlight, he can no longer hold onto his human form as long as he stays in said moonlight. As soon as he's out of the light's range, he can transform back. Sabre can also be forced into his Enderian form if he's too close to an End Crystal.

He gained his wings after a Dragon's rite of passage in the End, completing a trial of sorts to prove he was ready for them. He's gotten the hang of flying by the time he's in the Steve Realm.

Sabre would age like a normal human at first as he grew in the End, then once he reached the age of a teenager he started aging like everyone else, which is very slow. However, he spends a long time in the End before being stuck in the Overworld. So while he seems like an adult to the Steves, he's actually only almost there, as Enderians have a different sense of when someone is an adult because they age so slow.

Bonus End lore; Enderians attack endermites because they're the End equivalent of cockroaches.


After-Story Stuff (aka after RQ Aftermath for this AU):

Sabre finds a way to teleport back into the Steve Realm after the Loop reset, because... Ender Boi. Once he's back, everything returns to normal. Everyone already knows he's an Enderian, because he had to go into that form while fighting Shadow during the second Darkness arc, and the Leaders were watching that. So then, he doesn't have to hide anymore, and enjoys his life as an Enderian in the Overworld.

One day, a strange portal opens up in the woods, and everyone knows because End Portals make that super loud sound throughout the world when they're activated. Only the Red Steves and Sabre knew what it was, so they explained, Sabre very clearly excited about the portal. The Leaders know why, as he's explained before that the End Dimension is his old home. However, he had no idea how to get back until now.

Wanting to get Sabre to be able to see his home again, and wanting to become allies with the Ender Kingdom Sabre's a part of, the Leaders and Light gather to visit their interdimensional neighbors and bring a small team of Colorless Guards, and Sabre wanted Time to come too. Sabre warns them that the obsidian platform that the portal leads to isn't big enough to hold everyone, so the group decides that the Guards, Sabre, and Time go first while the Leaders follow when Sabre goes back through to give them the okay. They do that, and when they walk to the center of the main island, they're met with the sight of a dark figure at the top of the center pillar.

The figure opens its wings, revealing to be Queen Jean, the Ender Dragon and Ruler of the End herself. She stares at them, trying to figure out what they are.

Everyone panics at the sight of the Ender Dragon at first, and Light and the Guards even draw their swords. Sabre sees this, and stops them.

"Wait, don't!" Sabre says, raising his arm to block them.

"What? Why?" Light asks.

"Because, uh..." Sabre answers. "That's... that's my mom."

Everyone stares at him in disbelief. Light and the Guards lower their swords.

"HUH??" Time exclaims.

"What." The Yellow Leader says, shocked.

"That's your mother?!" Light yells.

"Yeah, that's my mom!" Sabre says.

That is confirmed by Jean swooping down from the pillar, excitedly landing in front of the group.

"My son!" She says, happily extending her arms towards the lost Enderian.

Sabre quickly flies over and joins Jean, as she brings him closer and hugs him. The last two Ender Dragons are finally reunited.


Jean had brought the group over to the End Kingdom, happily accepting them as new allies almost right away, wanting to thank them for bringing Sabre back. She is explaining how the Kingdom works, and showing them around. Sabre is chilling on Jean's hand, as she is still a giant compared to him and he wants to hang out with his mother again. They reach the throne room, and find out that Jean is the Ender Queen. It's come as quite a surprise to them.

"So, you're the Queen?" The Orange Leader asks.

"Yes, I am." Jean says. "Being the last Ender Dragon before Sabre came along, the Enderians saw me as authority, as Ender Dragons are the most powerful creature in the End."

"Wait..." M says, realizing something. "If you're the Queen, and Sabre's your son..."

"Mhm." Jean says, grabbing a small trinket off a nearby shelf. "Indeed..."

Jean places the small trinket in Sabre's head, which the Leaders realize is a silver crown. Jean continues, as the other Leaders put the pieces together and realize what M figured out.

"That makes Sabre... the Ender Prince."

...Confused chaos ensues XD

Don't worry, they eventually calm down lol.


And now, just one little situation with the dragon mom protecting her son :3

(Void tries escaping from the World Below, and climbs out of a rift to see Jean waiting there, Sabre standing there on her hand.)

Sabre: (pointing at Void) There he is. That's him.

Jean: (Angry Dragon Mom mode activate) So... you're the one that attempted to mind control my son?

Void: (PTSD flashbacks)

(Void got his butt kicked lol)

Aaand that's it. Might make more situations if I feel like it. Hope you enjoyed the lore :D

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