Color Drain AU 💕

This super cool AU does not belong to me, it belongs to RachiePotato184! Thank you for letting me write something using this AU :D

They already have a oneshot chapter on this AU, and I'm basing this one off of what I think could happen after it. Go read it when you have the time, guys, it's pretty awesome! It's in their book titled 'Short Stories from the SCU'.

Context: There is a horrifying creature that has been draining people of their color, the thing for some reason wanting to be rid of all color. It recently got to Sabre, the only hint of color being left on him being his now extremely pale skin. Sabre has grown sick since the creature drained his color, and Time has been trying to help him get at least a little better, but nothing has happened. He makes the decision to get a message to Light about it, as the news of Sabre being drained had not reached outside of the village they live in. In fact, only the Village Leaders knew, and everyone else had been worried over the few days Sabre hadn't gone out of the house.


[Light Steve's POV]

Ever since the monster appeared and started draining the people of our Realm, there's been many meetings on ideas to stop the thing.

I'm at one of them, currently. An Elite is with me. The Colorless Guard had been put in charge of defending all the Kingdoms in hopes of warding away the strange beast, and putting up traps in areas it's frequently visited. We know where it goes, because it leaves drained bodies wherever it hunts...

The Leaders have been trying to figure out ways to stop the monster. Right now, they're thinking that with the help of the Red Kingdom, we could make a weapon capable of killing it. Doing so will be hard if it works, however, as its strange heightened senses make it so it's almost impossible to sneak up on it.

"How's the progress on the weapon's research, Red Leader?" The Yellow Leader asks. I turn back to the conversation.

"It's going alright." The Red Leader says, also nicknamed 'M' by Sabre. "The Professor should be able to make a prototype of it soon."

"That's good, keep making sure he doesn't... get off-track." The Yellow Leader says, adding that last part as we all know what the Professor is like.

"Has anyone had more reports of the beast attacking since the last meeting?" The Blue Leader asks.

"Yes, two of my people had been caught by it near my kingdom..." The Orange Leader replies, sounding somber.

"One of my people was killed while trying to get to the settlement on that island." The Green Leader adds. "His friend was able to get out of there before it reached him, but not unscathed. It slashed him pretty badly."

"Four of my people were killed by that thing while they had gone out for resources." The Violet Leader says.

"There's been reports from seven individual villages of one person getting drained." I say. "So... that makes fourteen casualties in total..."

"That matches up with how many people entered the World Beyond..." The Blue Leader sighs.

Suddenly, we hear lightning outside, and we all turn to look at the door just as it slams open. There's a Yellow Steve standing there, looking panicked.

"What is it? What happened?" The Yellow Leader asks.

"It- The c-creature-" The Yellow Steve stammers, trying to catch his breath. He must've been pretty quick to get over here.

"Calm down, just tell us what's happened." The Indigo Leader says, and the Yellow Steve at the door stops for a second.

He looks up at all of us as tears stream down his face.

"The draining creature! I-It got Sabre!" The Yellow Steve says, and shock pierces the room like an arrow.

"WHAT?!" The Red Leader exclaims, his voice shaking.

The Orange Leader stares in horror, tears pricking the edges of his eyes. The Yellow and Green Leaders look panicked as well, now. The Blue, Indigo, and Violet Leaders are still and have almost matching looks of distress. The Elite next to me freezes in place. I'm about to start asking questions, when the Yellow Steve speaks again.

"Good n-news, though;" He says. "Somehow, he's still alive. Time Steve has b-been trying to figure out if this can be reversed, or if he's stuck like that. They're both at t-their house right now."

I quickly jump from my seat and bolt out the door, the Elite Guard following me. We both teleport to the village I know Sabre and Time live in, as I hope that the worst won't happen.


As soon as I recognize the area, I rush towards the house that Sabre and Time live in, the Elite following close behind. I get there soon, and hurriedly knock on the door. A few seconds later, Time opens the door and lets us in.

"I'm sure one of the village people told you what's happened?" Time says, and I nod.

"How... how bad is he?" I ask. Time glances towards the other room behind him, and then turns back to me.

"Since the day he was drained, Sabre has grown sick." Time begins. "It's not anything too bad, but he's become weak and has barely stopped coughing. He struggles just to hold things, I'm surprised he can still stand... At first, I hoped that since he was still alive after the creature got to him, he would recover. But two days passed, and nothing I did helped. Believe me, I've tried everything I can think of, but he just isn't getting any better. Good thing is though, he isn't getting worse either."

I stay silent for a moment, worried for Sabre. Then I turn back to Time.

"Did you try reversing his time state, like you always can?" I ask.

"Yes, and for some reason, it still did nothing." Time sighs. "I have no idea why that didn't work..."

Suddenly, we hear coughing coming from the other room. Time quickly turns and rushes into that room, the Elite and I following behind him. As soon as we enter, I stand frozen in shock.

Sabre is almost unrecognizable. His hair has turned white, his clothes now different shades of grey, even his blindfold looks as if it has been bleached. The only remaining color Sabre seems to have is his skin, which is only very, very slightly tinted with the familiar peach-like color he used to have. He's constantly shaking, shivering like a leaf despite being wrapped in a blanket.

Time is keeping his hand on Sabre's back, trying to help ease the coughing fit he's currently having. Eventually, Sabre calms down, and notices me and the Elite Guard standing there.

"Oh,h-hey, Light..." Sabre says, a small smile forming on his pale face. "What- What's up?"

I just... keep staring. It's almost like I'm looking at a ghost of a friend. Seeing Sabre like this... I don't know how to describe it. I then snap myself from my shock and walk over to Sabre. He looks a little confused for a moment before I pull him into a hug.

"What in the Realm did that thing do to you..." I say, holding back tears at the sight of Sabre being so... weakened.

I then let go. Sabre looks up at me.

"Ah, c'mon buddy. It's not that bad." Sabre says.

Time, the Elite, and I just look at him for a minute.

"Boi." The three of us say in unison.

"What? It's not." Sabre says, smiling a little more.

"You literally look like a pencil drawing." I say.

"Stubborn as always..." Time mumbles.

We stay for a little bit, catching up with Sabre and making sure he's doing alright. Eventually, Sabre gets another coughing fit and Time has to calm him down. We decide to leave them both alone for a while, letting Sabre try to recover.

As we exit the house, I can't shake the feeling of dread that I've had since I found out what happened to him. Usually, Sabre is one of the people that stays standing and helps out with the issue no matter what. Seeing him be so frail is... off-putting, to say the least.

The Elite and I have only gone a little way's down the village path when we hear a scream coming from the left of us. Turning our heads, the screams continue, and a terrifying roar is heard.

"What in the Realm was that?!" The Elite says.

"The creature. Come on." I say, sprinting towards the forest the roar came from.

The Elite follows behind me as I shove branches out of the way for us. As we get close to a clearing, a Green Steve rushes by us, going back towards the village. I understand why he was running when we reach a clearing.

Standing in the middle of the clearing is the creature. Paper-white skin. Giant clawed hands. Seven large eyes accompanying several dozen smaller eyes on its face. In one hand, it's holding down a greyed-out body by the torso, a few last bits of green being absorbed into the creature's hand as a small glow fades.

The creature suddenly looks up at the two of us, and tosses the drained body aside into the bushes. The Elite and I ready our spears, preparing ourselves for whatever this thing might do. The creature stands up, towering over us, and charges.

The Elite and I jump out of the way before it catches us, both claws barely missing. I quickly roll to absorb the impact, then get back on my feet as I see the creature going full speed towards the Elite, who's on the opposite side of the clearing. I quickly take out my bow and fire an arrow into the creature's leg as the Elite runs, giving him more time to get out of the range of the beast's claws. The creature spins around and sees me, snarling as it pulls the arrow out.

I run over towards where we entered the clearing, the Elite and I now circling it, confusing the thing as it tries to pick a target. The Elite occasionally gets close enough at it's blind spot to swing at it a few times with his spear, while I keep firing arrows. We do this for a while, chipping away at the creature's tough skin as I see a little strangely-colored blood trickle from the wounds against the pale white.

Suddenly, the creature turns around and whacks the Elite with one of its claws, sending him flying into a tree. He falls to the ground, sliding from the tree's side, and doesn't get up. The creature then jumps high into the air, disappearing into the tree branches above us. I look around, puzzled by the creature's actions, before I notice the Elite pushing himself up from the dirt and start to run over to help him.

The Elite looks up as he collects himself, and he quickly reaches out, pointing.

"CAPTAIN! LOOK OUT!" He yells, and I turn around, looking up where he's pointing...

Only to see the creature as it falls from the trees, grabbing me and pinning me to the floor. I try to struggle out of its grip, but it's extremely strong and has my arms stuck to my sides. The creature moves it's other hand, using it to wrap it around my torso. It then adjusts its grip, quickly moving its clawed hand from around my arms to over where my heart is, and a small glow forms at its palm.

I freeze, knowing that this is how it drains people. I brace myself for whatever pain this might bring, hearing the Elite yelling for me. I wait a few minutes, my eyes forcibly locked on the creature, but...

Nothing happens.

The creature realizes that it's not getting anything from me, and confusedly looks at its hand, the glow stopping. I take this opportunity to punch the creature in one of its large eyes, making it let go of me and stumble backwards. As the creature clutches its eye and arches its back, I quickly get up and grab my spear again, noticing something I didn't see before.

The creature has a long, straight, light grey scar going vertically from the top of its chest to its stomach. Almost like a drawn line. The scar looks weaker than the creature's paper-white skin, almost as if that's a weak point in its armor. I ready my spear and charge towards the creature, aiming for the start of the grey line.

The blade of my spear pierces through the scar almost effortlessly, and the creature howls in pain as I drag the blade through the rest of the line like a knife through weak leather. It's relatively easy to do so, as the thick, tough white skin of this beast doesn't let my spear fall outside the grey from the scar. My spear arcs through the air as I get through the final part of the scar, and the creature falls backwards a little more, although it still stands. For a split second, I see something I never expected to.

Inside the creature is not flesh and bone, but an empty space holding many, many differently-colored spheres. These spheres almost look how souls are described to be, and wisps of each individual color in the sphere wrap around it. Each sphere is one color, matching the colors of the people this thing has absorbed; Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet... they're all there.

However, an odd one out catches my eye, floating in the center of all the other colorful spheres. There's a multicolored one, mostly dark green, a tan-peach color, and a darker blue, along with a little brown and tiny spots of dark grey. It's strange, all the other are single-colored and bright, while this one is made up of multiple muted colors.

The creature pushes me away and hunches over before I can get a better look, and I fall to the ground. The creature holds its sliced open skin together and it somehow reforms back into just a scar, although the scar has gotten a little bigger. The creature quickly runs deep into the forest, away from the village, it's roars and screeches getting farther and farther away. The Elite gets over to me and helps me up.

"Captain, are you alright?" The Elite asks.

"Yes, I'm alright." I answer, still staring at where the creature left. "Somehow, it didn't get me. What about you? Are you okay?"

"Just a little bruised, I'll be fine." The Elite says.

I take one last look at where the creature ran off, before we head back to the village to check if everything is alright. The Green Steve that passed us is probably from there, and that other Steve the creature had drained was likely his friend... another casualty by this wretched monster. As I keep checking where the creature grabbed me, though, I can't help but wonder...

What on earth just happened?

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