Bound AU Stuff :b 💜

Moar Bound AU shenanigans!

(Yes, this is an excuse to use the sibling dynamic-)

(Rainbow Hub)

Blue Steve: Hey, uh, Rainbow?

Rainbow: Ye?

B.S: So... both sets of twins met each other.

Rainbow: *sigh* ...What are they doing?

(Cut to Sabre standing on Shadow, while Time stands on Elemental, the duos basically having a T-Posing contest.)

Sabre: You'll give up eventually.

Time: You first.

Elemental: Yeah, you two first.

Shadow: In your dreams, leaf head.

(Rainbow and Blue walk in.)

Rainbow: Huh. Usually I'm the one doing the dumb stuff.

Sabre: Well excuse you, this isn't "dumb".

Blue: All four of you look ridiculous.

Elemental: That's the point; whoever gives in to the embarrassment first loses.

Time: And it'll be easy to beat two chickens.

Shadow: You-

Sabre: Dude, stay still. I almost fell.

(All four of them go back to silently asserting dominance, with Rainbow giggling in the background, and Blue facepalming. Then, Shadow has an idea.)

Shadow: Hey, Elemental.

Elemental: What?

Shadow: If you let us win, I'll give you pie.

(Elemental proceeds to yeet himself backwards, making sure to catch Time as he falls.)

Sabre: WE WIN!

Shadow: VICTORY!


Elemental: Who cares, I get pie for doing something stupid.

(Rainbow is just dying laughing, while Sabre and Shadow do a little victory pose.)

Blue: ...Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots.

(Sabre, Rainbow, and Shadow hanging out. Rainbow is on the couch, while Sabre is eating breakfast. Shadow walks out of his and Sabre's room wearing Sabre's hoodie.)

Sabre: Hey, that's my hoodie.

Rainbow: Oh boy, here we go. (Picks up Gerald, who was sitting next to him on the couch) We're gonna go take shelter in the yard.

Shadow: Well, I'm wearing it, so mine now.

Sabre: That's not how it works, give it back.

Shadow: Haha, no.

Sabre: Dude, come on, give it back.

Shadow: Make me.

Sabre: (Getting up) 'Kay then, bi-

(Meanwhile, outside. Rainbow is hiding behind a bush with Gerald, and Light comes into the Hub.)

Light: Hey... what are you doing there?

Rainbow: Shadow stole Sabre's stuff again.

Light: (Taking cover next to the other two) Oh crap. What'd he steal this time?

Rainbow: His hoodie.

(Sabre and Shadow knock down the door, becoming a whirlwind of yelling and hands being thrown as they move their fight across the Hub.)


Shadow: HOW ABOUT "NO"?


Shadow: SCREW YOU!

Light: Well... now what?

Rainbow: Either they get over it themselves or one of 'em knocks out the other.

Light: Wh- pardon?

Rainbow: They may be close brothers, but they do not play nice.

(Sabre being an insomniac. It's 3AM in this situation. Sabre is at his desk reading, while Shadow is pestering him by tapping his shoulder.)

Shadow: Sabre, quit being a night owl and go to bed.

Sabre: No.

Shadow: It is way after midnight. Go. To. Bed.

Sabre: Nah. I wanna finish this.

Shadow: You're gonna be tired tomorrow.

Sabre: And we're not doing anything tomorrow, so who cares if I'm tired?

Shadow: One, you never know what could happen. Two, that's not healthy, and as your brother I care about your health.

Sabre: Deal with it or go to sleep yourself.

(Shadow just stands there for a moment, then picks Sabre up, who drops his book in surprise.)

Sabre: Wh- hey! Put me back down, man!

Shadow: Okay, I will.

(Shadow floats over to Sabre's bed and drops him on it. Sabre is now laid down on the bed, looking up at Shadow.)

Shadow: Dealt with it. Now go to sleep.

Sabre: (Trying to get up) Shadow, lemme finish my-

(Shadow prevents Sabre from getting up by sitting on top of his chest.)

Sabre: Oh come on, not this again.

Shadow: Yes, this again.

Sabre: Get off.

Shadow: No.

Sabre: Come on, it's only like, ten more pages!

Shadow: I will knock you out myself.

Sabre: Try me, fog cloud.

Shadow: Okay.

Sabre: Wait I didn't mean-

(With a quick fist to the top of his head, Sabre is out like a light. Shadow made sure he didn't do any damage, just enough to make him take an unexpected nap. Shadow then floats over to the lightswitch, flicking the ceiling lamp to "off". Shadow then takes a last glimpse at his brother before returning to inside their body, and smiles. He thinks, "You've always been stubborn as a mule.")

(It's a cold day in the Hub. Sabre and Shadow absolutely hate it, as they never expected the weather to change so fast. Rainbow doesn't seem to mind it, however.)

Rainbow: Hey, today's really pretty, huh?

Shadow: Pretty? It's freezing!

Sabre: Uh, yeah, how is there not ice forming on the ground right now?

Rainbow: Oh, you're fiiine. It's not that bad.

(Skip ahead to a few hours later. Sabre and Shadow have been hiding from the chilling winds in the gazebo, while Rainbow feeds the pigs. After he's done, Rainbow walks over to the two, who are now huddled together.)

Rainbow: Alright, I'm done! What do you guys wanna do today?

Sabre and Shadow: Go inside.

Rainbow: Oh, come on. We just got out here!

Shadow: It's been hours. We are FREEZING. Can we please go in now?

Rainbow: If we go in now, can we do stuff together later, then?

(He doesn't need to speak another word, as the brothers have already sprinted inside the house. Giggling, Rainbow heads back in as well, seeing them already wrapped in blankets getting warm again on the couch. Rainbow joins them on an opposite chair and lights the fireplace. The day soon turns into one of calm and coziness, and the three friends exchange stories in front of the hearth.)

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