Apocalypse AU 🏵
(Ayo huge TW btw)
Haha inspiration after watching zombie game playthroughs go brrrr
So in this AU, the world had become a zombie apocalypse. Sabre and his friends (Lucas and Ryan of course, other people on the team if ya want) survived the initial fallout, and created a base of operations for themselves and started using parkour to get around like in Dying Light, since it was the safest way to get around the post-apocalyptic town they lived in.
It was a nice town, not exactly a city but not in the sticks either. It wasn't small though, so once the zombie virus came along there were plenty of zombies for them to learn to avoid. Sabre and his friends eventually came to be the only living inhabitants of the town, having dealt with all of the crazed raiders that tried to invade, and surveying all of the town for any possible survivors and never finding any.
Sabre and his survivor friends spent a very long time in their base, expanding it over many large buildings and gathering all sorts of supplies, even making quite the large farm inside a bunch of greenhouses they had taken over. They built many passageways that connected different buildings to the base, such as stores of all kinds, a few abandoned restaurants, the old police station with a jail, a gym, and lots of abandoned houses. Even got a crap ton of solar generators working and had electricity.
It was as if they built a city out of what they took over, all for themselves to live in. If they weren't the only survivors, it could've housed thousands. They spent their days hanging out together inside the base a lot, but they always found it fun whenever they had to go out and gather things from other parts of town, as they loved using the parkour courses they built once they mastered them.
However, all good things never last.
One night, as they were sleeping, an extremely large group of zombies somehow broke through one of the walls of the base. Shuffling through the large camp, they eventually make their way to the survivors, who had not heard the wall break and were still asleep.
Sabre wakes up to furious zombie growling and the door to the bunk hall, which has all of their bedrooms, being beaten down. He and his friends quickly get up, at first trying to fight the zombies back. However, the horde is too strong. The survivors then try to get out of the bunk hall a different way, through the large vents. As they quickly stack things to get to the vents, the door breaks. Zombies flood into the room. There was no time to save the rest.
Sabre, Lucas, and Ryan are the only ones who got into the vent system.
Screams echo behind them, along with the sounds of zombies, as the three run through the vents of the building. They can also hear the sounds of zombies following behind them, their footsteps loud on the metal floor. Panicked, the three keep running.
Suddenly, the vent gives out below them. Sabre screams out along with his two friends as they crash to the floor. Unluckily for them, that room is also filled with zombies. Scrambling to get up, the three are horrified as the zombies slowly get closer. Sabre grabs onto Lucas and Ryan as soon as he gets up, and they run through a hallway. What they didn't know was, zombies were inside the rooms of that hall.
Ryan was the first to be ripped from Sabre's hold, and dragged into a room with no escape.
Lucas followed shortly after, yelling for Sabre to run as he struggled, trying to get the zombie to let go of him.
Sabre would never truly get those screams out of his mind.
Sabre, crying as he ran, got out of the hallway and the building, running through the grass of the base's yard. Zombies came at him everywhere he turned, and Sabre kept dodging as they swung at him.
Just as he was about to reach a windowless shed he knew had a lock, however, Sabre felt a horrible pain in the back of his leg. As he screams, he falls forward onto the ground.
Quickly turning around, Sabre sees that a legless zombie had been crawling through the grass, and he was unlucky enough to step in front of its teeth. Quickly kicking the zombie off, Sabre gets up and changes direction.
Sabre runs through the yard, trying to ignore his leg. Zombies still follow behind him, and he ducks and weaves through slashing claws of the undead. Eventually, Sabre reaches a part of the base which the zombies hadn't infiltrated yet. Hurriedly getting inside, Sabre locks the door behind him.
He backs up into the wall, then slides down to the floor, in shock. A sharp wave of pain turns his attention back to his leg, and he takes a look at the wound. Through the fabric of his jeans is a clear, almost perfect, bloody bite mark. That's when the reality of the situation fully hits Sabre.
He's been bitten.
He's going to turn.
Sabre thinks for a moment. His friends will probably join him soon enough, very likely having been bitten as well. Zombies are all over the base, and he's only one man, so there's no taking it back by himself. There are no other survivors in the town, anyway.
Accepting his fate, Sabre quietly sobs as he feels his mind fading away, the infection taking over.
Sabre suddenly wakes up, lying on his back on the floor. His vision is fuzzy. Everything is muffled, but he thinks he hears movement around him. Looking up at the ceiling, he recognizes that he's inside one of the storage rooms that the base had, although everything looks a little worn down.
A numb pain makes itself known in his right arm, and Sabre rolls on his side to see what's happening. Once he's on his side, however, he hears a 'clink' noise coming from very close to him... seemingly coming from something on him, actually. Sabre looks down, and despite his unclear vision, sees something that resembles a blowdart stuck into his chest. It looks different, though. More... high-tech.
Sabre then looks at his arm... or rather, what's left of it.
Half of his forearm is missing, part of the bone peeking through. However, the wound looks to be very scabbed over and even partially healed, although definitely not fully. The pain still feels numb, not what Sabre was expecting from a missing arm.
Sabre's vision then clears greatly, and he looks up in front of him. Standing there is a group of people, each one singular color; One red with a lab coat holding a peculiar-looking weapon similar to a sniper rifle, another red one holding a baseball bat with nails in it, an orange one holding what seems to be an axe handle with buzzsaw blades replacing the axe head on either side of the wooden handle, a yellow one holding a pistol and a hunting knife, and another orange one holding a makeshift spear. They and their weapons are all covered in blood spatters.
Sabre's hearing gets a little clearer, and he listens to the people in front of him talking.
"...Professor. What on earth did you do."
"Uh- run an experiment? It's seemed to be successful as well."
"I-Is it d-dead? Is t-that how z-zombies l-look when they're d-dead?"
"No, it is not dead. Quite the opposite now, in fact. My test elixir made sure of that."
"Dude... did you just revive a zombie?"
"That's the simple way of putting it, my friend."
"Professor, do you have any idea of what you've just done?! You've brought one of the original inhabitants of this world back to life from being undead!"
"I know! Fascinating, isn't it?!"
"Well, do you know what to do with it now?!"
"...I hadn't thought that far ahead. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to work."
"Oh, for the love of-"
"Red, it's looking at us."
"It is awake and looking at us, Red!"
"I-Is it gonna kill us?!"
"Not likely. If anything, it's probably still in extreme shock from the transformation. Very out of it."
Suddenly, a static is heard. The red figure with the baseball bat takes a radio off his belt and tunes in.
"Red Scout, we heard a lot of commotion from where you are. What's wrong? Did the Professor blow something up again?"
"No, he didn't. But he did do something."
"What? What is it this time?"
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but... we've got a live one."
"WHAT?! But everybody searched all throughout this wrecked town, and there wasn't anyone here! And that part of the base is filled with zombies, so no way a survivor was in there! What happened?!"
"The Professor happened, that's what. He made an... elixir of some kind, got a weird dart gun, and shot a lone zombie with it. It uh... it worked. Do we bring it back to base?"
"Uh- hang on. Let me ask the rest."
A moment of quiet passes over the radio, then an eruption of voices happens on the other end. All of the people in front of Sabre are surprised. The baseball-bat-wielding red person tunes into the radio again.
"Uh... Orange Leader? You still there?"
The voice comes back, talking over the crowd of voices in the background.
"Yep- Yeah. Bring it back with you. We'll have a quarantine set up when you get here."
A background voice suddenly gets louder than the rest, although it's still unintelligible.
"Also, Red Leader is seriously fuming. And he says that the Professor's in trouble."
"Aw, come on!"
"Oh, I know he is. We'll be back soon."
"Okay, see you then."
The red figure puts away the radio, and turns to one of the orange ones.
"I'm guessing Shy doesn't want to carry it, and Yellow Steve's arm is injured, so do you got it Orange?"
"Yeah, I got it. Hang on."
The orange person with the buzzsaw-axe slings his weapon over his shoulder and into a large duffel bag on his back, walking towards Sabre. He carefully picks Sabre up off the floor, and starts to walk with the rest of the group.
After a while of walking, Sabre's shock wears off, and the pain in his arm fully realizes. Sabre winces and groans in pain. The group notices pretty soon.
"Uh, is it alright?"
"Yellow, his arm's missing. He is definitely not okay."
"His shock's likely worn off. Probably in a lot of pain right now."
"Heh, that makes two of us..."
"G-Guys, it's going t-to attract zombies i-if it keeps making n-noise..."
"Shy's right. Professor, you usually have all of the medical stuff. Do you have any painkillers on you?"
"No, we're running low remember? We were sent out on a scouting mission, so it wasn't thought to be necessary."
"Anything else?"
"Uh... I have a tranquilizer?"
"How do you have that and not painkillers?"
"...I made it myself."
"Are you serious right now?"
"It's all we have, so can he use it or not?"
"Ugh, fine... Professor, I swear if that has any negative effects on it-"
"It won't, trust me."
"I'm pretty sure Red's the only one that trusts you with this kind of stuff, Professor."
The red person with the lab coat walks closer to the figure carrying Sabre, pulling out a syringe. Sabre flinches when he feels a needle in his shoulder, but soon enough everything feels numb again. A minute later, Sabre quiets down and closes his eyes.
"...I-It's not d-dead again, i-is it?"
"No, it's still breathing."
"Probably got too overwhelmed or something. It'll be fine once we get it back to base."
Everything fades away as Sabre quickly falls asleep.
Sabre wakes up again in a room that resembles a modified house's bedroom, but there's hospital equipment everywhere. The stump of his missing arm is properly treated and bandaged, and nothing seems all that run-down.
Soon Red Steve enters the room with him, being the most calm of the group, and the Leaders figured it'd be better for Sabre to hear a familiar voice at first. Red explains to Sabre the whole situation of how he got there, and how the Steves took hold of this base.
The Steves had left their original home, their Realm, after the Darkness became too much for everyone to handle. After the Red Kingdom was forced out of hiding and joined the large group of Steves, they went through a portal to Sabre's world in order to try and find a new home.
The zombies weren't too dangerous for them, as they can't be infected by their virus, but still dangerous nonetheless. The Steves made their home inside this base, slowly taking it over again and getting all of the zombies out. They've been here for about two years.
The Steves are very happy to know that Sabre is one of the people that originally built the base, and he gladly teaches them things like how solar panels work and how to make things using things left in the town. He even teaches them how to use the parkour courses he and his friends made, which the Yellow Steves had a lot of fun with. The rest of the colors... not so much, but they eventually get the hang of it.
Throughout the story, it's revealed that rifts between Earth and the Steve Realm are still open. Darkness can't really handle the trip to Earth however, and zombies can't handle the trip to the Steve Realm. Although, the villains of the Steve Realm can handle it perfectly fine.
Sabre has to learn to fight the evil Steves, alongside re-learning the layout of the town and such, as everything's changed a lot in the past two years. Raiders become a problem again, as they heard the news of people living in that town again.
Maybe in one arc of the story, Sabre sees his friends as zombies, and the Professor remakes the elixir he used to cure Sabre and turns Sabre's friends back as well? :>
Edit: Forgot to mention, the Professor gives Sabre a robotic arm in place of his missing one.
And now, situations:
(After Sabre sees the rest of the changed base and is given his old room back, as it's rightfully his. The group that rescued Sabre and a few others have helped show him around.)
Red: Alright, you should be good now. Also, take a shower when you can. You smell like death,
Sabre: Well, I was dead.
Funny O.S: Heh, I like this guy.
(The Professor checking up on Sabre, as not everyone is completely sure that he's 100% cured. Red, M (nicknamed that by others because of his 'sneaking around in a cloak' habit), and the Red Leader are supervising.)
Prof. Red: Hey, you think that Sabre is immune to the zombie infection now?
Sabre: ...I'm not testing that.
Prof. Red: Oh, com-
Red, M, and R. Leader: Professor, no.
(Orange, Red, and Sabre on a rooftop. Sabre is teaching Orange and Red about things in the world.)
Orange: (holding up a bottle) What's this?
Sabre: Oh, that's alcohol. Great for making Molotovs.
Red: Mo-lo-tovs?
Sabre: Basically throwable fire.
(Sabre takes the bottle, and gets a strip of fabric out of his bag and grabs a nearby gas can.)
Sabre: (putting the Molotov together) You douse the fabric in gasoline, stick it in the bottle like a fuse, but make sure some of it is still hanging out, and then you get a lighter...
(Sabre grabs a lighter, and looks around. He spies a zombie in the road, lights the Molotov, and aims. He throws the molotov, hitting the zombie on the head with it, and a bloom of fire surrounds it.)
Sabre: BOOM! Headshot!
Red: (concerned) ...Orange, you're not allowed to use those.
(Sabre teaching the Yellow Leader and the Orange Leader how to parkour. They just reached the end of one of the courses.)
Y. Leader: Okay, that was actually pretty fun.
Sabre: Right? Now you see why me and my friends built so many. Super fun.
(They look over at the Orange Leader.)
Sabre: Dude, you okay?
O. Leader: (Out of breath and terrified) SHUT. UP.
(Sabre finds out that a lot of the Steves know how to make TNT.)
Sabre: Wait, so you guys can just... make explosives?
Orange: Yeah, why?
Sabre: ...Mind if I have some?
Sabre: Aw, man...
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