
Started Oct. 2. 2018

(Y/n) pulled her VR helmet off and rubbed her eyes

"Stupid school... Ruining my fun with my friends..." She grumbled. (Y/n) got off her bed and grabbed the box of chocolates, bringing them over to the computer. She threw a shirt off the spiny chair and sat down, booting up the computer.

"Father said I'm transferring to One Piece Academy... I might as well find out what I'm going up against..." (Y/n) said aloud, logging onto the computer before grabbing a chocolate bar from the box. She in wrapped it and took a bite, savouring the taste of the chocolate. Google appeared on screen and (Y/n) typed in the school's name.

"One Piece Academy... Umm.... One Piece Academy is the number one school for troubled children. Children sent there are trouble makers, law breakers and children who get terrible grades. Children don't leave unless the sentence they're given is served. Sentences can be shortened or added on to depending on what the children choose to do at the school." (Y/n) read. She blinked once, grabbing another chocolate bar. "Ok... So it's a school for the criminally gifted... Why on earth am I being sent there?!" She asked.

"Probably because of my stupid power..." (Y/n) mumbled, shaking her head. "My parents are so stupid..."


"Kid! Because you tried to kill Law again, you get to show the new student around on Monday." A man announced. He had red hair and a metal arm. He sat in the front of the class with his legs propped up on the table.

"WHAT!?!" A kid at the back stood up in an angry rage. He had spiky red hair and no eyebrows. A pair of goggles held his hair out of his face and he wore the school uniform. A white button up, black pants and a red tie. "WHY THE HECK AM I BEING PUNISHED!?!" The man at the front didn't seemed fazed by the boy's attitude.

"It's either show the new kid around or get your time extended another year." The man said, shrugging. "It's your choice." Kid glared at the teacher and sat back down.

"Fine...." He muttered. "I'll show the stupid new kid around..." The red headed teacher grinned.

"Great! Now, do what you want for the rest of class. Except killing each other." The man said before grabbing a bottle of booze from his desk.


(Y/n) spun around in her chair a couple times.

"I'm... So.... Board..." She groaned. (Y/n) stopped herself from spinning and looked at the empty box of chocolate bars. "I need more food... But that involves getting up.... But I really want food.... Uggggggghhhhhhhhh........ Fine. I'm getting up, and going to get chicken nuggets." (Y/n) announced. She stood up from her chair and grabbed a baggy (Favourite Color) hoody, throwing it on over top of her tank top. She grabbed her beaten up running shoes and slipped them on before grabbing twenty dollars.

"Alright... Let's go get chicken nuggets." (Y/n) nodded to herself and left the house.


"Can I get a twenty pack of chicken nuggets please?" (Y/n) asked, rocking from her heel to her toes impatiently.

"That'll be ten dollars." The woman the the register said. (Y/n) handed the woman the twenty, getting ten dollars back. "It'll be ready in a minute." (Y/n) hummed and stepped to the side, allowing the person behind her to order.

"Chicken nugget happy meal with a regular root beer please!" The young woman next in line cheered. She wore a blue button up shirt, black jeans and army boots.

"That will be eleven dollars." The woman said.

"I only have a dollar..." The woman in blue mumbled to herself, looking at the currency in her hand. (Y/n) looked at the ten dollars in her hand and sighed.

"I hate being nice..." She mumbled, walking back over to the cash register. "Here." (Y/n) put the ten dollars on the counter, making the young woman' sees light up happily. She placed a dollar with the ten and the woman behind the counter took the money. The young woman in blue turned to (Y/n) happily.

"Thank you so much!!!" She cheered, tackling (Y/n) in a hug. "I really needed that food! You really saved me there! I owe you one!" The young woman had short brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and pale skin.

"Nah, it's fine. I'd rather help someone out then watch them suffer. I don't really like to see others in pain." (Y/n) said, shrugging.

"You'd be a great friend! Your friends must be really proud to know you." The cheerful woman said.

"Ah... I don't have any friends..." (Y/n) mumbled, looking away awkwardly. "Not any live ones that is... My only friends are online..." The young woman's eyes lit up even more.

"You play games?! What games? Are you any good?" She asked, practically jumping off the walls in excitement.

"I guess I'm ok... I play most VR games Blue Inc put out, and a couple PC games." (Y/n) said.

"Blue Inc? What's your user name tag? I play Blue Inc games as well!"

"Uhh... My gamer tag is Cheshire."

"Woah! You're Cheshire?! I've been looking for you!" The young woman exclaimed, tugging on (Y/n)'s arm. "I couldn't find your email and I reeeeaaaaaally wanted you to try the newest game before it came out!" She rambled.

"Looking for me? Who are you?" (Y/n) asked. The woman laughed.

"My name is Emily Blue! I am the owner of Blue Inc!" She exclaimed. (Y/n)'s jaw dropped.

"You're.... Emily Blue...? You're so amazing!!!!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Miss, your chicken nuggets and ready." A man from the kitchen called. (Y/n) quickly grabbed her nuggets and walked back over to Emily.

"Sooo, why were you looking for me?" (Y/n) asked.

"I wanted you to be one of the few who tested out the newest game I made! Madness! Like, early access type of thing." Emily said.

"Really?! That would be awesome!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Miss, your happy meal is ready." The same man called, hanging onto an empty cup and a happy meal. Emily grabbed the happy meal and the cup happily and skipped over to the soft drinks, filling the cup up with ice and a mix of Root Beer and Dr Pepper.

"I'm glad you excepted! I really hope you enjoy the game! Everyone chosen will be meeting together at Blue Inc headquarters located in the city next to us. A car will come pick you and some of the other participants up in front of the opera house tomorrow." Emily said cheerfully, taking a sip of her mixed drink. "I need to get going, but I'm glad I ran into you here! Thanks again for paying for my happy meal!" Emily turned to leave, only to suddenly remember something, and turn back around.

"Oh! And before I forget, you'll need this. Or else you won't be picked up tomorrow!"

"Wait, it's tomorrow?!" (Y/n) asked.

"Yup! Is that a problem?" Emily asked.

"Nope! That was, just... Sooner then I expected. But, I have no life except gaming and fixing things. So, I'm down." (Y/n) said, shrugging. Emily smiled.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then." Emily waved and walked out the door. (Y/n) waited until Emily was gone before jumping around happily, earning weird looks from other people. She ignored them, shoved a chicken nugget into her mouth, and walked out the door.

"I'm going to test the game~ I'm going to test the game~"


(Y/n) walked back into her house and yawned, tossing the empty chicken nugget container onto the kitchen table. She grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter and turned it on. On the screen was a message from Death.

'You there?' He asked. (Y/n) hummed and began typing, walking into the living room and collapsing onto the couch.

'I am now. What's poppin Death?' (Y/n) waited for a response, which didn't take that long.

'Sitting in school. This annoying guy keeps trying to kill me.'

'Kill you? Why?'

'You don't sound very shocked that someone would try to kill me.' Death wrote before continuing. 'And he's mad that I took his pencil.'

'Wait, I thought you said you weren't going to school because you were too smart for it.'

'I lied.'

'Le gasp! How dare you lie to me! I thought we were besties!!!'

'Unlike you, I have an actual life and real friends.'

'I have a life! I play video games, attend school (mostly), talk with you and build things. Plus! I have more friends now! I have TopHat, FireFist and Zero!'

'You have no way to contact them. So they don't count. Plus, you don't know they IRL.'

'I also don't know you IRL'

'Exactly. You have no friends. So you need a life.'

'You're so mean!'

'I know.' Death sent an evil emoji face. (Y/n) shook her head, laughing to herself.

'Hey, know anything about One Piece Academy?'

'Sorta. Why?'

'Just wondering. There wasn't too too much info about the school online.'

'It's a terrible school. Lots of people die and many weird things go on. Never ever attend that academy.'

'Ok, ok. Chill Death.' (Y/n) sighed and ran a hand through her hair. '... Do you attend One Piece Academy?' Death didn't respond after that. He just left (Y/n) on read. (Y/n) sighed again and turned her phone off, tossing it to the other side of the couch. She lied on the couch for a minute before grabbing the golden colored card Emily gave her from her pocket and looked over it. There were darker golden designs on the outside and blue lettering in the middle of the card reading 'V.I.P - Very. Important. Player'. Underneath that was one word. 'Cheshire'. (Y/n) sighed and put the card back into her pocket.

"I'm soooo boardddd...." She groaned, sitting up. Her eyes drifted to the staircase, staying locked on the entrance way to her door. (Y/n) groaned. "That's too far thoughhhhh..... I don't wanna get up... But if I stay on the couch I'll continue to get board.... Ugggggggghhhh.... Fiiiiine.... I'm getting up... I have yo fix that watch anyways..." (Y/n) rolled off the couch and fell on her face. She groaned, but forced herself to get back to her feet. (Y/n) dragged herself up the stairs and entered the first door in the left. The room was dark and had the outline of a work table. (Y/n) flipped the light switch on and took a deep breath, smiling. Pieces of scrap metal littered the floor and work table. Old, trashed projects sat in piles in the corners of the room and ideas written on paper covered the floor. (Y/n) closed the door behind her and sat down in the large, black spinny chair at the work table. In the centre of the table sat a silver watch, but there were more buttons and gears in it then a regular watch.

"Alright... What still needs to be done on you...." (Y/n) asked herself, picking up the watch and looking over the design. She looked at the detailed diagram on the table. "The shock is in place, the poison, the antidote, the small knife... Umm.... The sea stone still needs to be implanted in it... So does the ice jem and the fire jem... That's simple enough..." (Y/n) said to herself. She opened a drawer in the work table and grabbed a little case covered in cupcakes. She placed the case on the table and opened it up. Using tweezers, she picking up a small green stone, a small red stone and a small, ice blue stone. (Y/n) pressed one on the extra buttons on the watch and a small compartment popped out, three small indents in the compartment showed (Y/n) where to place the three stones. (Y/n) picked up the sea stone and placed it in the first indent. The fire stone and ice stone followed suit. (Y/n) put the compartment back in place and shook the watch, listening for any odd sounds. Nothing happened.

"Well... I'm glad it didn't blow me up again..." (Y/n) mused, grinning. She put the watch on her left wrist and secured it. "Now, let's test this out. Wouldn't want to accidently poison someone tomorrow..." (Y/n) laughed and pressed one of the extra buttons. A small knife popped out of the watch, growing to a larger size. (Y/n) took the knife off the watch and tossed it up and down. But instead of catching it, the knife stabbed her hand. (Y/n) winced in pain and sighed.

"Not again..." She mumbled, taking the knife out of her hand. Blood began forming a puddle on the ground. "This is what happens when you're board... There should really be warnings on knives." (Y/n) cleaned the blood off the knife and put it back in the watch, watching it shrink back down to a tiny size and becoming hidden into the watch face. (Y/n) hummed and exited the room, walking into the bathroom and grabbing the rubbing alcohol and some bandages. (Y/n) quickly cleaned the stab wound, hissing in pain. Tears pricked her eyes, but she forced them back, so she could wrap her hand.

Once (Y/n)'s hand was wrapped up, she cleaned up the trail of blood and continued to test out her watch.

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