Chapter 2: Hinaichigo
A/n: hello my fellow readers now I went through the comments and see that you guys want me to do Hinaichigo next so here it is. also do let me know on which next doll should the reader and Suigintou meet next and allied with them. no let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
in an unknown area a girl with blonde hair wearing a pink dress and is the size of a doll running in a panic.
girl: I have to keep running. Hinaichigo has to get away.
????: oh really now.~
the girl now known as Hinaischigo stops running and turns to see a dark silhouette with several dark dolls next to her scaring Hinaichigo.
Hinaichigo: Hina.
-at Y/n's house-
as the morning sun rise shines through the window Suigintou is already awake and out of her she looks to see her medium Y/n is still asleep in his bed.
Suigintou: [even when he sleeps he looks cute.~]
voice: Hina.
Suigintou: huh? *quiet tone* Hinaichigo?
as Suigintou was lost in thought after hearing the voice Y/n wakes up from his sleep and let's out a yawn and sees Suigintou awake.
Y/n: morning Suigintou.
Suigitnou: oh morning Y/n.
Y/n: is something wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost.
Suigintou: just heard something. probably one of my sisters being attacked.
Y/n: really? which one you think it is?
Suigintou: is it were me I would go after the weakest one which happens to be Hinaichigo.
Y/n: um how is this Hinaichigo the weakest?
Suigintou: well in power she's not powerful the most she can do is manipulate strawberry vines.
Y/n: I see is there anything else about her.
Suigintou: well you could say she's like the little sister of the other Rozen dolls. she tends to be playful and innocent, but she can be easily distracted and tricked. she does have a dream world where she can reside in.
Y/n: I see seems like she would be a likely and easier target to go after for your evil counterparts, but that begs the question whose it going to be?
Suigintou: I'm not quite sure. each of the counterparts of me and my sisters have their own motives. so they'll either go after each of us on their own or try to overpower the other with force by making it impossible to fight back.
Y/n: right, so how do we get you Hinaichigo's dream world?
Suigintou: simple, do you have a mirror?
Y/n nods as the two leave the bedroom making it down the stairs to the main floor of the house. then Y/n leads Suigintou pass the stairs and making a left turn leading to a spare room where he puts things that he puts his extra belongings that he doesn't have anywhere to put them. once he opens the door they see a large body sized mirror at the end of the room.
Y/n: here it is. so why did you ask for a mirror?
Suigintou: *playful smirk* simple my little medium~ me and my other sisters can use mirrors to travel through dream worlds while two others can make door ways to enter other peoples dreams.
Y/n: wow okay, you and your doll sisters get interesting more and more by the minute. what else can you and your sisters do?
Suigintou: well you know the cases that came with me?
Y/n: yeah what of it?
Suigintou: well we can use them as transportation making the said case fly.
Y/n: okay now that is cool.
Suigintou: well for now let's go see Hinaichigo and see which counter part is after her.
Y/n nods as Suigintou takes Y/n's hand and uses her free hand to the mirror making her hand go through the mirror. as the two slowly enter the mirror heading to another dimension that each of the Rozen Maiden dolls posses.
Y/n's pov
after me and Suigintou entered the mirror we found ourselves in a place filled with a bunch of toy houses and stuff animals that are very much bigger then me and Suigintou.
Y/n: so this is Hinaichigo's personal world?
Suigintou: yes this place basically describes Hinaichigo's personality as innocent and playful. now let's find Hinaichigo before-
????: help! Hina's in trouble!
we turn to see the same dolls from last night chasing a girl around Suigintou's height in doll terms running away from them. I got a closer look to see that she is wearing a pink dress with blonde hair.
Y/n: I'm going to guess that is Hinaichigo?
Suigintou: your guess is right. let's take out those lesser dolls and turn them into junk.
I nod to her as I focused on giving Suigintou more power to fight while I was doing so I unexpectedly summoned the same key shaped sword that I summoned with Suigintou's black feathers.
Suigintou: looks like you summoned it again.
Y/n: yeah... *grips it* let's waste these fake dolls.
we then run towards Hinaichigo as Suigintou sent a barrage of her feathers at the first lesser doll knocking it back. while the other one was about to reach Hinaichigo, but I was quick enough to grab Hinaichigo into my free arm and slash at the lesser doll easilly taking it out with one stricke.
Y/n: wow...that was incredibly weak. *looks at Hinaichigo* you alright there?
Hinaichigo: *light blush* ye...yes Hina is all right.
I then look towards Suigintou to see that she used one of her wings to turn into a black feathered dragon like head. it then shoots out blue flames instantly turning the lesser doll into ash leaving nothing, but burn marks and ash.
Y/n: like I said that was fairly easy.
Suigintou: don't let your guard down Y/n these lesser dolls may have been the same from last night, but their weaker than those ones.
Y/n: meaning the one in commands of them is weaker than the counterpart that sent them to attack us last night is?
Suigintou: right, but first *to Hinaichigo* it's good to see you again Hinaichigo.
Hinaichigo: Suigintou? what are you doing here? *gets scared* are you after Hina as well?
Suigintou: yes, but I'm not here to harm you. only to stop the counterpart that is after you.
????: oh really your after Hima?
we then turn to see a doll that looks similar to HinaIchigo, but only the colors oh her dress are darker then Hinaichigo's and her blonde hair looks rather faded with yellow eyes instead of green.
A/n: I would like to show a picture of a darker counter part of Hinaichigo, but I don't have one.
Suigintou: well if it isn't the counterpart of Hinaichigo. I guess I should've expected it.
Himaichigo: oh! goodie for me. more play things *looks at Y/n* and you brought a boy with you. me and my fellow sisters will have fun with him.~
Suigintou: over my body you piece of junk! you will not touch my medium.
Himaichigo: oh what foul mouth you got. I'll fix that.
she then sent some vines at us I felt Hinaichigo cling on to me most likely afraid I then used the key sword to cut the vines with ease as I see Suigintou dodge and cut the vines with her sword after using some feathers to make it. I then felt the ring that binds me with Suigintou start to shine a birght purple light and start feeling a slight burning sensation, but I didn't falter as I concentrate on giving Suigintou more power. then I start to see the key sword summon blue flames thinking quickly I swing the key sword launching the blue flames at Hinaichigo's counterpart burning away the vines and make a direct hit on the counterpart making her jump away with some burn marks.
Himaichigo: *growls* you'll pay for ruining Hima's dress!
Suigintou: then you'll hate this junk!
the counterpart turns only to be met with a large feather formed dragon with blue flames coming right at her. the only thing she could do was bring up some vines to block the attack, but the flames easily burn through them dealing some damage to her and fall to the ground.
Himaichigo: this is what a real Rozen Maiden doll's power when they're partnered with a medium. but no matter I'll beat the both of yo-
voice: retreat for now Himaichigo your too weak at this point.
Himaichigo: b..but Hima can still-
voice2: don't argue with us Himaichigo! retreat for now and recover. there will be other opportunities to dispose of the Rozen Maiden dolls. just not today.
Himaichigo: fine. *to Y/n and the others* mark my words Hima will be back and dispose of you!
she then vanish in a mist of dark meaning she has left as me and Suigintou start to calm down as the key sword then vanishes from my hand and Suigintou lands back on the grown with her wings going back to their original size.
Y/n: well that was something. what now?
Suigintou: for now let's head back to your house Y/n. it's more safer there than here.
Hinaichigo: but what about Hina?
Y/n: your coming with us where it's safer and we can introduce ourselves in a more better way.
I then see Hinaichigo do a cute nod with a smile on her face as we follow suigintou into a mirror that leads back to my house, but one thing was on my mind.
Y/n: [I don't like the sounds of those voices from eariler. I hope we don't run into them.]
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. now that Hinaichigo is now with the reader and Suigintou who should they encounter next? also I would like to know is anyone has any ideas for what the other dark counterparts names should be please let me know in the comments. also if you have a pic that is fitting for each dark counter part of the dolls do let me know and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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