Chapter 1: a surprise awakening

A/n hey guys here is the first chapter for this story now before it begins I want to know what sould the evil counter parts of the Rozen maiden dolls should look like if you know please tell me or show me by leaving it in the comments now let's get this chapter started

Y/n's pov

it was another normal day for me I was just relaxing in my house living alone since my parents died in a car crash when I was only a boy I was then taken car of by my grandparents until the age of 18 to be able to inherit a large some of money to which my parents left me now I'm just going day by day living my life to the fullest I then went to the kitchen to make some thing to eat as I open the fridge I see that I need to do some shopping to due so I made a sandwich and eat it I then went to my room to grab my wallet but a interesting paper caught my eye as I picked it up and began to read it

Y/n: would you wind it or not wind it? please circle your answer then place the paper down. okay this is odd well just to humor this why not

I circled to wind it and just place the paper back down on the desk and picked up my wallet and began to leave the house to go grocery shopping it took awhile to get everything necessary like ingredients, drinks and other stuff I went back to my house once I finished putting the groceries away I went back up stairs to relax but as soon as I enter the room I see a case in the middle of the room to which I did not remember was there

Y/n: huh I don't remember that being there

as I move close to the case I causally open it making sure that it wasn't anything that could do me harm or something like that as I opened it all the way I see what looks like a doll

I was surprised I then carefully lifted up the doll to get a better look as I took in the details that the doll as silver white hair with dark blue cloth and headband with a white dress as her back as black feather like wings

Y/n: this is amazing craftsmanship she almost looks like a real person but how did she get in my room with that case?

I then look back at the case to see a wind up key that came with the doll to which I picked it up and look at the doll's back to see a small hole for a wind up key to which I place the wind up key in and wind up the doll after that I removed the wind up key and place the doll on my bed to see what happens next I then notice that the doll started to twitch and started moving making me go wide eyed and move back slightly the doll then stopped twitching then open it eyes

doll's pov

as I was starting to wake up I open my eyes to see a teenage boy in front of me he has h/c hair and e/c eyes I will admit he does look cute but I then look around to see that I'm in what looks like his room and to see that he placed me on his bed

Doll's thoughts: well at least he knows how to treat a lady

I then hop of his bed straighten my dress and look at the boy I was debating to whether or not to have this boy as my medium but then I get a memory of the fight that released mine and the other sisters dark counter parts and that they were stronger than us without our mediums so looks like I got no choice

Doll: allow me to introduce myself I am Suigintou the first Rozen Maiden doll now can you please can I get you name is that is not a problem

boy: *snaps out of daze* oh sorry I just don't see many living dolls often but my name is Y/n L/n pleasure to meet you miss Suigintou

Suigintou: please just Suigintou will be fine it's nice to meet you Y/n now I'm going to discuss an important that you'll need to know

3rd pov

as Suigintou explains what's happing in the current Alice Game a dark figure watches them from the window that leads into Y/n's room

dark figure: *evil giggle* I see that the first Rozen Maiden Doll has awaken for the others I'm not sure but the others would let me know is they are *gets an Idea* lets see if Suigintou can last long without a Medium 

the dark figure then sticks it's hand out as two dark masses formed in front of the figure then starts to take shape into doll like beings of similar height to Suigintou

A/n: these are going to be the lesser enemies and yes this is the doll heartless from Kingdom Hearts 3 I thought this would be a fitting for this story

as the two doll like beings look at the dark figure while twitching the Dark figure laughs at the actions of the dark dolls

dark figure: you see those two in their *points to the window with Y/n and Suigintou* I want you to attack them mainly the doll talking to the human as for the human that is an optional one now go

the dark dolls nod and procced to head towards Y/n's house as the dark figure makes it's leave by going through a portal

- with Y/n and Suigintou-

Y/n: so this Alice Game is a battle royal between you and your other six sisters along with a eighth doll that is based on the original design of the seventh doll to which you must defeat your sisters and gain their Rosa Mystica by getting all seven in one doll will become Alice am I right so far?

Suigintou: yes you are but this time it's different as my sisters clashed along with a eighth doll caused our dark versions of me and my sisters to form and gain motives of their own while they also managed to become Alice without gaining the other Rosa Mystica right now that's all I remember and that I'm afraid that the darker counter arts are more stronger than me and my sisters to which I'm going to need a Medium to at least give me just enough strength just to barely handle one dark counter part meaning I'll need to ally myself with my sisters and the eighth doll

Y/n: I see.... if I do become your Medium will mean I'll just become a target like you but I'm already involved so how do I become your Medium?

Suigintou: *lifts up her hand to show a ring on her finger* you'll have to kiss this ring that is on my finger once then the same ring will appear on your finger allowing you to provide energy for me

Y/n nods to her and goes slowly to kiss the ring on Suigintou's finger but before Y/n could fully kiss the ring a sound of breaking glass was heard as the two look in the direction of the window to see two dolls wearing dark dresses with glowing orange eyes one charged at Suigintou who dodges out of the way and sends a wave of black feathers at the dark doll as the other went after Y/n who back up quickly as the dark doll was getting close Y/n's hand lands on a bat he used when he used to play baseball he uses the bat to knock the dark doll away from him but the dark doll then shot a dark orb at Y/n hitting his hand making it latch on a wall

Y/n: ah damnit!

as Y/n struggles to free his hand the dark doll then switched it's attention to Suigintou who dodges another attack from the dark doll she was fighting as the second dark doll then charges at Suigintou grabbing her while catching her by surprise the dark doll then spins around while Suigintou opens her hand as several black feathers go to her hand and form a sword which she used to slice the dark doll's arm off making it lose it's grip on her as she lands next to Y/n who still trying 

Y/n: damnit I can't get free!

Suigintou: Y/n quick kiss my ring! before those dolls get back up

Suigintou then goes to Y/n positioning her hand that her ring was on near Y/n enough for him to lean in as he kissed the ring a bright purple glow shined out catching the two dark dolls attention as the light died down Y/n felt a light burning sensation as a ring similar to Suigintou's ring on his d/h as Suigintou smiles at her new Medium she was hit by an attack by one of the dark doll as the one that attacked her had black smoke coming off it's hand as the other was preparing an attack to finish off Suigintou but Y/n then does something that surprises the dark dolls

Y/n: leave.... her..... ALONE!!!!!!!

then Y/n's ring starts to glow brightly giving Suigintou more power while the black feathers that were used to attack one of the dark dolls fly towards Y/n's hand that was stuck to the wall and started to form a weapon of it's own

A/n: just the weapon

as the weapon formed Y/n's hand was released from the wall as Suigintou gets back up and sees Y/n with a weapon that had black wings on it she was surprised at first but quickly turns her attention back to the dark dolls as Y/n swings the weapon as a barrage of black feathers launch at the dark doll hitting it with the feathers tearing the dark doll apart as the dark doll then fades into nothing as the last dark doll looks at Y/n and Suigintou as the two were standing next to each other both of their rings started to glow as a blue energy starts to appear around Suigintou as Y/n flinches a little but is not bothered by it then both Y/n and Suigintou both bring up their weapons as the dark doll steps back from the two then swings their weapons launching a large barrage of black feathers completely destroying the dark doll as there was nothing left of it as both of their rings glow died down and weapons disappear Y/n leans his back on the wall lettingout a sigh of relief as Suigintou goes to her Medium

Y/n: man that was something *looks at Suigintou* you alright Suigintou?

Suigintou: yeah I'm fine the energy you gave me was enough to get me back up I must say you have a lot of energy I'm impressed

Y/n: *chuckles* thanks I'm guessing that those weren't normal dolls right?

Suigintou: yeah your right about that form what I had to guess that it's either my dark counter part or one of the others that is capable for controlling others or surprise attacks 

Y/n: looks like my life is about to get more interesting but what do we do about my window?

Suigintou: *smiles* I can take care of that Meimei come on out

just then a small blue light comes out of Suigintou's case and goes to the glass shards as each shard goes to the broken window as it then start to repair as it was never broken

Y/n: woah! what is that?

Suigintou: this is my artificial spirit Meimei each one mf my sisters has one besides the eighth doll

Y/n: that is cool *yawn* I guess all of the excitement made me tired

Suigintou: that and it is getting late as well we should rest we'll discuss on our next move tomorrow

Y/n gives a nod and grabs some sleeping wear and takes a quick shower then gets in his bed and let's sleep take him while Suigintou moves her case up against a wall near Y/n's bed as she climbs into her case and closes it before she goes to sleep she thinks about what happen today and her Medium

Suigintou: Y/n there's more than that meets the eye with you and that the fact that you summoned a weapon form my black feathers I would like to see what more you have to show

To Be Continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I want to know who should be next to join Y/n for future chapters please leave the name of the next Rozen Maiden doll in the harem that should be in the next chapter also I want to know what should the dark counter parts of the Rozen Maiden dolls should look like please let me know or show me a picture that would look like them but more dark and evil looking and I'll see you guys in the next one

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