"Guys. Don't." Vlyad instructed, as Travis moved over towards the latter that was still sound asleep. The albino only shrugged at the brunette's warning, still straying towards the sleeping male across the cushioned couch. Travis stood over Zane, an evil glint burning his sage colored eyes. Travis harshly grabbed Zane's forearm, pulling him up harshly. Zane's crystal red eye(s) shoot open in the hurry, his head snapping in every single direction in seeking for a threat.

Zane looked to Travis, an annoyed look pricing through his blood red eye(s). "Travis! I told you a million-" Zane cut himself off, starring a Travis with a blank face.

Travis's eyes widened as a small red dripped from Zane's eye(s). Zane instantly noticed, pressing his fingers against his cheek bone, wiping away the leaking blood. "I-I, I'll be in the restroom." Zane pried himself from the albino, storming across the carpeted flooring and slipping into a small hallway that lead to the bathroom. The others stood in shock, at the small scene that had played out before them.

Vlyad looked to the hallway Zane had stowed himself away from the others. "I'll go check on him."

Vlyad stood from the wooden made chair he sat in moments ago. He scurried away to the white painted hallway and walking towards the door. Garroth looked over to Laurence who was rolling his eyes as Travis blinked in confusion at the latter's actions. "What was that about?" He asked, making the brunette turn his attention towards the blonde.

"Remember how I said Zane was dating Travis? Well, how would thou feel if thy's significant other's counter part was in front of them and you could show no signs of remorse? Or even the meer thought of never seeing them again at that." He shot the albino a dangerous glare as he looked down in guilt.

Luci stepped up, pounding her curled fist into the cup of her hand. "No! I'm determined to get you three back-" Her optimistic statement was sliced into half's as a low growl departed from her stomach, making everyone blink in awkwardness. "Right after breakfast that is..."


Everyone sat in silence, chewing freshly made muffins that Luci had whipped up. Despite Garroth usually starring at Laurence, this time his attention was on Zane. Sure at the moment they aren't "technically" brothers, but that small detail didn't stop him from worrying about the younger.

Zane sat in the corner of the square table, nibbling on a blackberry muffin made for him, yet his chewing was slow as he stared blankly at the table's top. Aphmau drew in a large breath, sucking in the others' attention. Aphmau looked over to latter besides her, smiling. "So you and Travis are dating. How'd you to met?" She squealed.

"After someone cut my eye out." Zane said simply, taking another bite from his small, round cake. Everyone grew quite, their eyes finding another spot for their shaking gazes to rest on. Luci dug her upper teeth into her lip, trying desperately to find another matter to discuss.

"So Laurence! What about you! Any special someone in your life~?" Luci cooed, hoping not to receive a similar answer as Zane's.

"No, but I have my eye on someone." He smiled, looking at someone in the room who Garroth couldn't tell, but it was in his general area, it was probably a coincidence I mean, he was sitting in the middle of most the people in the room it could be anyone.

Dante opened a new conversation, being the only one who noticed everyone was still uncomfortable from Zane's calming statement. "So... What are we like in your world?"

"Jerks." Zane snarled, harshly taking more of his muffin. Vlyad rolled his eyes, resting his cheek against his curled knuckles.

"You're just saying that. You're all every kind, expect Travis and... He's not important." Vlyad giggled, hiding his worried expression.

"What did I do?!" Travis snapped, his eyes widening whirl pressing his palms against the cool surface of the kitchen table.

"You...He and Zane have done quite a few things." Laurence mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows while scowling.

"If you don't mind me asking... What we're some of them?" Luci asked with a small tilt of her head, flicking her orange strands of hair to one side of her make up stained face.

"Killed villages for no reasons, killed Cad and-" Laurence's statement was sliced into two as Zane stood up, slamming his hands onto the table.

"I only killed them so that G-" Then almost instantly karma stired when Vlyad cut him off.

"Then what about the village?!" Vlyad shouted, scrunching up his already scared face. By now everyone in the room had gone quite, terrified to speak to the three who stood glaring at each other.

Zane opened his mouth to speak, but quickly clampped it shut as he flinched in a pain. Vlyad's angered expression melted away into worried one as he started towards his brother. Zane let out a small snarl as he watched the younger approach.

Garroth bit down on his cherry colored lips, trying to think of a distraction for the group. "Um, Luci! How about we start looking for ways to get back?!" He sweated, Loudening his voice to snap the three out of the small argument.

Vlyad looked to the blonde, his face looked disgusted but nonetheless he nodded. "Yes, we must arrive home as soon as possible."

Luci nodded, pushing he white stool back while looking over the group. "Yes. Let's get going."

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