In the middle of a forest, two figures sat near a river. One of them was a tall woman, with warm brown eyes and green hair, that practically floated behind her back. Her top was made of grass and roots, while her long skirt were huge petals. Her green hair was also decorated with leaves and flowers.
The smaller of the two, had short purple hair, that covered one of her grey eyes. She wore a grey and black hoodie and black trousers. Around her neck was a purple striped scarf, wich nearly had the same colors like a little snake, the girl had in her lap.
"Do you think you can hold it back a bit more, lady Flora?" The purple haired girl asked. "No." The green haired woman panted. "The beast is going to destroy everything! Yume, go and get the girl you saw and convince her to fight me, until you found the spirit of this forest!" "I see what I can do, my goddess!" The girl bowed and slowly faded into the shadows.
Ink slowly began to open her eyes. 'I had this kind of dream again.' She thought, rubbing her mismatched eyes a bit. She often had dreams were a green haired woman, named Flora and a girl with purple hair, whose name is Yume, talked about a beast and the destruction of the world. Even if Ink could swear that she never met one of them before, they seemed familiar to her.
"You okay, princess?" A voice asked. Ink sat up and realized that she was laying on the floor, Prince Error right next to her. Turning to the source of the voice, the princess, recognized the royal judge Honey immediately. "Y-yes!" She stuttered, looking around a bit confused. "Where are we?"
"Not sure. We all got knocked out by Nightmare's attack." The tall skeleton replied, holding out his hand for the princess. The white haired girl took it, thanking the judge and examining the room further.
It was a rather small room, with dull white walls and a wooden floor. A brown couch was in one of the corners and a table was placed in the middle of the room. Around it were six chairs and on one of them sat Prince Fresh, with a bored expression.
"Ink! You're up!" A voice exclaimed. Said princess looked at the couch, were the voice came from, and saw Dream sitting on it, her personal servant next to her. Ink smiled "Dream, thank god you're okay!"
"She's not completely fine." The servant said. "Killer please! I'm only feeling a bit dizzy, that's nothing to worry about!" Dream whined. "Oh yes it is! As your personal servant, I have to make sure nothing happens to you! I already wasn't there to protect you, when your brother attacked, I don't want you to get hurt even more!" Killer spoke slightly overdramatic.
Ink giggled slightly, as she looked down at Error. "Is ma bro still knocked out?" Fresh asked, staring at the black haired prince's body, after standing up. The princess nodded and kneeled down beside him. She carefully took Errors head and placed it into her lap. Fresh raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it, sitting back into his chair.
Fell's PoV
I slowly opened my eyes, sighing slightly. I got up, stretched me a bit, wandering off to a river afterwards. I drank a bit of the very clear water, before inhaling deeply and putting my head into it. After my little refreshments, I tied my now wet hair into a bun and got up.
I looked at the princess. Lying under a tree curled into my jacket, she was sleeping peacefully. Wich I think she deserved, I mean, she lost her father yesterday and is far away from the rest of her family and friends. She even cried after we went to sleep... I kinda ask myself how she was able to hold back her tears for so long. Probably because she doesn't want to show her weakness, yeah that sounds like her.
I sighed and slowly made my way over to her sleeping figure. "Hey wake up!" I said, while shaking her slightly. "I don't wanna..." She grumbled. "But you have to!" I exclaimed. "Nuuu..." I inhaled deeply, before an idea popped into my mind while exhaling.
I walked back to the river, dipped my hands into the cold water and formed a bowl. I quickly ran over to the princess and opened my hands, so the cold water fell right onto her face.
"Eeeeeeek" She squeaked, jumping onto her feet. "What was that for?!" "Sorry 'bout that, but you didn't want to wake up." I sighed. "Oh..." was all she replied, wich made me sigh. 'Yep, King Asgore's dead definitely made her sad, I better do something about her mood.'
"Hello?" A voice suddenly asked. I quickly reacted and shot a gaster blaster into their direction. The stranger dodged, by rolling out of the way. "Are you crazy?! You nearly hit us!" They yelled. "Who are you?" I hissed threateningly. "I'm just an adventurer!" They replied.
I eyed them closer. They were a young woman, maybe even still a teenager, wearing a black and white outfit. Her hair was white, so I assumed, that she was a skeleton. What stood out the most were her different colored eyes and the red scar under one of them.
"What's your name?" I asked demanding. "I'm Cross! And you are?" She answered suspicious. I gave her small glare before saying "The names Fell." The adventurer took a glance behind me, probably because she saw Geno moving behind me, and then shock was written all across her face. 'Wow, What a bad pun.' I thought to myself.
"T-t-that's THE PRIN-!" I quickly shut her mouth, by pressing my hand against it. "Shhh! We don't want to get the attention of more strangers!" I hissed, showing her my sharp teeth, wich were previously hid by my lips.
"Sorry, but what is the princess doing here? Did you kidnap her?" She asked sternly, after I removed my hand. "No, she didn't kidnap me, but I am not here on free will." Princess Geno spoke "We were chased out of the castle by attackers after they killed father."
Cross looked at us in disbelief. "The king is death?!" "Prince Nightmare did it." Geno explained with a bitter tone. "So what are you gonna do about it?" A voice asked. I looked around confused, while the princess only moved her eye.
Suddenly something jumped out of Cross' pocket, nearly giving me a heart attack! It was a small, white slime, that scared the shit out of me. "My name is Chara, nice to meet ya." They introduced themselves.
"Oh so that's what you meant when you said 'you nearly hit us'" Geno said with a slight smirk. "Did I?" Cross asked confused, scratching his head. Geno nodded, making the adventurer smile embarrassed. "Ups..."
"Hey could you please answer my question?!" Chara groaned annoyed. "Oh yes of course, I am not entirely sure what I should do now. I'll probably need allies to defeat Nightmare." The princess explained. "Cross, tell me, are you an experienced fighter?"
Said skeleton in human form nodded slightly and gasped "Are you asking me to join you, princess?!" "Yes." The other white haired woman answered shortly, wich upset me a bit. "What?! Are you seriously trusting her?!" I yelled. "Fell, I've seen a lot of people til now and I can tell by her look, that she's a trustworthy person." She answered calmly looking into my eyes.
I still wasn't sure about this, but something in the princesses eye told me that she was right. "Fine..." I grumbled "But if you betray us I won't waste a second to dust you!" Cross nodded, while backing away, because of how threatening my eyes were glowing.
"Are we gonna get a reward in the end?" Chara asked sternly. "Of course. If we conquer the kingdom successfully back, I'm gonna become queen and grand everyone who helped me a wish." The princess sighed slightly, when she said the part with the queen. "Alright, I'm in too." The slime stated. "Thank you two, I was hoping to find strong allies as soon as possible. Also do you have any clothes with you?" "Yeah, why'd ya ask?" Chara replied.
Geno chuckled. "First off, we would only get unwanted attention if I would walk around like that and second I hate dresses!" That didn't really seem to surprise anyone, probably because of the many rumors about her being a tomboy and all, even though she didn't act like one right now. Well I can't blame her. She was raised like this!
Chara's PoV
I chuckled to myself at what the princesses just told us. So the rumors, about her being a tomboy were true. She's probably just acting so formal, because it was a habit around strangers.
"Understood! Cross!" I ordered. Cross quickly nodded and sticked her arm into my body. Geno's bodyguard looked at us confused, which made me giggle. "I can store an infinite number of items in me." I explained shortly. "Okay I got the reserve clothes." Cross exclaimed pulling her hands, black trousers, a grey T-shirt and a white jacket out of my slimy body. I'm pretty sure it'll fit her, since Cross is only slightly smaller than her.
I slowly climbed back into Cross pocket, since I was a boy, I didn't want to intrude her privacy. "Call me, when you're ready!" I exclaimed, before slipping into the pocket.
No one's PoV
After the princess changed and Chara came out again, Geno began to explain what their next actions will be "We won't mention that we know about what happened to king to anyone, unless we want them to help us! We're only a normal group of adventurers and my name isn't Geno, you have to call me Yuki from now on! Got that?"
"Do you even know how all of this adventurer stuff works?" Cross asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I've read tons of books about it! Adventurers are groups of people who take missions from people to solve them and get money as reward! I've always wanted to become one and now it finally comes true!" The princess squealed exited, making Fell chuckle a bit, even if she didn't really got what the princess just said.
"Yeah, but you should know, that every group member has a special role!" Cross exclaimed. "Yup I know that! And don't worry bout that! I've studied a lot of magic, so I can be our magician!" Geno explained.
"Hey Fell, What is your speciality in fights?" Cross asked, snapping Fell out of her thoughts. "I'm good at dodging." She answered, after thinking for a while. "I think you two can share the positions of attacker and defender!" Chara stated bored. "Also Geno, if I were you I would change into your skeleton form, or else everyone will recognize you immediately!"
Said woman facepalmed and thanked the little slime, before doing what Chara suggested. After the transformation was done, the white creature stared at her in confusion. The eye that previously was covered by hair was now clouded by white glitches. "What happened to you?" Chara exclaimed. "Long story." Was the answer. "Did that also cause the... you know..." Geno nodded before Cross ended the sentence, leaving Chara with a big question mark.
The light of the bright sun gleamed into the face of a skeleton in a black cloak, who lazily laid in the sand of a small bay. Further in the ocean, a huge, black ship had dropped its anchors.
The skeleton, better known as Reaper, smirked when he heard voices approaching. Without even looking at who came out of the forest, he commented "That took you long enough." "We're terribly sorry Captain Reaper, but we lost Blue, so we had to search for them!" A tall skeleton, named Papyrus, apologized immediately. The captain creaked his eyes open and raised an eyebrow.
"The whole night?" He asked. "Yeah." Another skeleton with the name Dust groaned. "I'm sorry Captain! I met a nice person yesterday and wanted to see her again!" The smallest skeleton of them excused. "Don't worry Blue, at least I got to sleep more than usual!" The taller skeleton chuckled, while patting the smaller's head.
After a little rant from Papyrus, anbout Reaper's lazy behavior, the four people began to carry food, water and other items from a little carriage Dust was able to 'borrow', to a boat. After the carriage was empty, Dust and Blue decided to bring it back to its owner, while Reaper and Papyrus stayed at the small beach.
"Hey Papyrus, knock knock." Reaper said, after a while of just sitting around. "Ugh, No! I'm not doing one of your stupid knock knock jokes!" The taller skeleton exclaimed. "Oh c'mon!" "No!"
Suddenly a loud explosion was heard and the sounds of a fight came closer. Reaper quickly summoned a huge scythe and Papyrus a few bones, both standing up and getting into a fighting stance.
A group of five people ran towards the two skeletons. After they reached the small bay they instantly stopped and began to breath heavily. Reaper and Papyrus recognized Dust and Blue, but not the other three skeletons.
"Do you think we lost them?" One of the strangers asked panting. The pirate captain could tell by their voice, that they were female. She wore a white jacket, with her hood up, so that it covered her face, black trousers and a red scarf.
"Probably, it's usually pretty easy to outsmart royal guard members!" Another female voice said. She wasn't panting as much as the others and wore a black and white outfit, with her hood up, but you could still see her face clearly. Her eyes were mismatched, but no one really seemed to question it.
The third unknown skeleton glared at the black and white female, before sighing. None of the pirates could clearly see if they were male or female just by looking at them. But what confused the group the most, were the skeletons sharp teeth, one of them was even made of gold. That matched perfectly with their outfit, a black jacket with light brown fur on the hood, a red pullover and black pants.
"Ahem, Dust would you mind explain to us who these people are and why you were running away?" Reaper demanded to know. "Oh of course captain! These three are adventurers me and Blue met a while ago! And to your other question, some royal guard members attacked us out of the blue! I have no clue why!" The first mate explained.
"Oh you're a Captain? Let me guess, pirate?" The red scarfed skeleton spoke. "Wow, really?" The female in black and white asked surprised. "Yeah, it's actually pretty easy to say that. If he would be the captain of a navy ship, he would wear a uniform and since his clothes are pretty torn apart, you can also exclude that he's a merchant." The skeleton with the fluffy hood explained, their voice sounded rather female and pretty raspy.
"Wow, you sure now a lot about that, where... oh wait! I forgot about what you told me earlier! Sorry Fell!" The girl with mismatched eyes apologized. The four crew members only looked at them confused, when Blue suddenly began to squeal. "Oh my god! You're the nice person I met yesterday! Cross, right?"
Cross nodded a bit surprised. "Who are you two friends?! And where is the skeleton that was with you yesterday?" Blue asked excited. "Oh, well Outer isn't an adventurer so he isn't here and that are Fell and G- I mean Yuki!" Cross introduced everyone. "Hi, I'm Blue! Nice to meet ya!" The small skeleton exclaimed, jumping up and down in front of them, before turning around and pointing at Dust, Papyrus and Reaper. "These are my friends Dust, Papyrus and Reaper!"
"Alright, where did you two met yesterday?" Reaper asked. "The king made a carriage ride through the city, Blue wanted to see it and that's when Blue bumped into her and her friend." Dust explained, referring to Cross when he said 'her'.
"The king was having a carriage ride? Why?" Papyrus questioned. "You didn't know? Yesterday was the princesses eighteenth birthday." Yuki said rolling her eyes. Suddenly yelling was heard from the distance and the female skeleton with the red scarf turned around towards the group of pirates before suggesting "Hey, Can we maybe come with you to your ship?" "Why?" Reaper replied. "Well, we both don't seem to have the best reputation here, so we're practically in the same boat!" "Was that a pun?" Papyrus asked, even if nearly everyone ignored him.
While Yuki and the pirates were discussing things, Cross looked at the skeleton in the white jacket questioningly. "Hey Fell, was she always like this?" She finally asked. "Only in front of guests and strangers, why'd ya ask?" "Well, there were rumors about the princess being a total tomboy, but from what I've seen by now, she's more like a calm person." "Like I said, she doesn't act normal in front of strangers and also, what do you expect from someone who just lost their father? She might not be showing it, but she's scared and sad." Cross nodded slowly, as Fell continued "Don't worry, if you gain her trust, she'll definitely will open up to you! Also, could you maybe help me with comforting her? She can be really stubborn when it comes to accept her own feelings and I think help from a new friend would be good for her."
"Of course!" Cross agreed smiling. "Say, how long did you two know each other? You seem to know her pretty well!" A sad look hushed over Fell's face before she answered "We've kinda spent our whole childhood together... I don't really want to talk about it..." "Sorry!"
"Hey are you two coming? I was able to convince them!" The undercover princess yelled. The two new friends quickly made their way over to the boat, wich was ready to move now.
Hi guys! I'm terribly sorry that you had to wait for this chapter so long, mostly because of school, but I was also writing on some other story's!
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