Chapter 4: Together. . . . but at what cost?

          Using this image as a reference for siblings:

But for the 14 year olds, Make Teiko 12, and Hiroshi 9, because I need Muichiro to be slightly older

Enjoy Darlings 🤗

--(Muichiro POV)--

           I woke up again, this time not dreaming of anything. I took in my surroundings, letting my eyes adjust to the bright golden light that spilled into the room from the window.

             "Did you sleep alright this time?" Genya asked, he was sitting at his desk but he had turned to look at me. I nodded my head and drowsily got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to change into my proper clothing.

           I got out of the bathroom, brush in my hand. I hate brushing my hair. I hate it. I pulled the chair from the vanity over to the desk Genya was at. He was doing papers again. Why?

            He watched as I sat next to him and looked at his papers, then lazily held up my hand with the hairbrush in it. He chuckled, but took the hair brush from my hand and stood up. He shifted so he was behind me and started to brush my hair. He was so gentle, being careful to not pull strands, or rip out chunks while being frustrated, cough, cough, Yuichiro, cough. I think I even started to fall asleep.

             "Hey Genya?" I said. He hummed an acknowledgement, probably too focused on my hair. Oh wait, I didn't actually mean to say his name out loud. I was just sorta of thinking. Would now be a good time to ask about it. . . ?

            "Well-" I didn't know how I wanted to phrase this. He let my hair fall down and tied it into a ponytail, separating my front strands.

            "About the whole engagement thing," I started,

           "Are you not comfortable here?" I could almost hear the panic in his voice, he actually tightened his grip on my hair, pulling a few strands.

            "What- No- My hair Genya-" I said, protesting, he instantly released it and let it fall back down. I hope I didn't make him upset.

             "Sorry." he mumbled, he sat on his knees on the floor behind me.

                "You're fine, just please be gentle." I said, running my own fingers through my front strands. I never want to lose my hair, I quite like it even though it's impossible to take care of. It almost distracted me from the main topic.

               "What I was saying was," I said, staring back forward. Genya stood up and began to play with strands of hair again.

            "Well, I know we're technically engaged. . . but have you ever thought of starting a relationship with me. . . ?" I murmured, very nervous of his response. It seemed like he wanted to be with me, but I also didn't want to lose him. He paused, his hands froze.

             "I was waiting for you to bring this up." He said, letting my hair fall again. I took a breath, really nervous right now. What if he didn't want to be with me? What if I started a war between our kingdoms? What if I was stuck marrying a man who hated me? I love him though- I love his hair, his scars, and his funny and kind nature.

               "I would love to be your boyfriend, I think this marriage may be the best thing that's happened to me in a while. That is, if you want to date." He said finally, he took all of my hair and put it into a messy bun. I blushed,

          "I- uh, I do." I mumbled out, cursing mentally for stuttering and pausing.

        "Well then, why don't we go get some breakfast at a specific 'Kat Kafe' to celebrate, Darling~?" He said. I blushed more, why did he have to say it like that- Why did he have to sound so cute? I love this, I love him.

          We both went into his closet as he started picking out clothing for us. He looked at me and started laughing, I frowned, but my face disagreed and blushed more. I covered my face, steam practically coming from my ears.

           "You look so cute when you're flustered-" He said, laughing harder. I covered my face in hopes of hiding how embarrassed I was. He gave me a set of clothing, one of his oversized gray hoodies and black jean shorts. He chuckled as I scoffed and left the room. I went to the bathroom to change, slipping off my current sleeping clothing, and sliding into the new comfortable clothing.

        We made our way to the 'Kafe' following the same route as last time. He went over the balcony first and landed then held out his arms this time, of course I jumped right down into them.

             He smiled at me, and I smiled back, he kissed my forehead, then shifted to hold me in a bridal style. I blushed, and it took me a minute to process he was carrying me.

           "Genya, I can walk!" I protested, kicking my feet a little. He chuckled and let me stand on my own. He offered his hand and I took it, I noticed he was blushing. I chuckled, and we continued walking to the 'Kafe'.

          Halfway to the 'Kafe' I heard a shriek, a very upset Ginko landed on my head. Genya stared at her, concerned.

        "I THOUGHT YOU WERE KILLLLLLEEEEDD!!!" She cried, beating my face with her wings. I had to shoo her off my head.

      "I'm fine, jeez-" I said coughing, pulling the feathers she left in my hair, out of my hair. Genya took a step back and continued to just stare. She was hovering in front of me, and turned around. She had a note in her note pouch,

      "From your brother! He seemed very upset. . . ." She said, letting me take it from her pouch.
      "What?" My face dropped, I opened the letter. It read,


        I hate it here without you. Come back, there's no one to talk to and I'm bored. Father is as stuck up as ever, but he seems to miss you too. Ive spied on him a couple of times and he's wondering if he should have sent you, just as long as your ok, I'm ok. Though, mother has grown ill, it doesn't look like anything but a cold. She's become quiet, and it scares me, just stay safe over there, ok?

- Yui


         I frowned, Genya patted my back reassuringly. Ginko glared at him. If it's only a cold and they can treat it, it's fine. I'm glad my family actually misses me, I should write a letter back to them when I get home. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear how nice it is over here.

        "You alright?" Genya asked he took a step closer to me.

       "Yeah, remind me to respond to him when we get back? Alright?" I said looking at him, he smiled and nodded. I kissed him on the cheek without thinking and just continued to the cafe. He blushed and paused for a moment, having to sprint to catch up to me. Ginko went her own separate way.

      We arrived at the 'Kafe' and entered. The sweet little bell rang. Except there were a lot more people in here. I recognized the people from yesterday, the short man with a mask and different colored eyes, Obanai, Mitsuri was cooking. Tengen was as flashy as ever and talking to a fiery man.

       Giyu was sitting on Sanemi's lap, and there was a woman with black hair fading into purple sitting next to them enjoying tea. There was another big man, who seemed to be blind playing with some kittens. I didn't know there were kittens here, I must have missed them yesterday.

       "Genya?" Sanemi said, that seemed to direct everyone's attention to us, luckily I was mainly hidden behind him.

       "Ara Ara, Hello Genya!" The girl with purple hair said. They all greeted him, and went back to their own conversations, until Sanemi asked,

      "Is Tokito with you?" That seemed to spark some people's attention,

      "Tokito as in the Mist Kingdom's last name?" The blind one said, he turned his head towards our direction.

      "Yep, figured we'd sneak out." Genya said. He walked forward and sat at a booth that wasn't taken up. They all looked at me, and watched as I sat down with him.

       Tengen spit out his drink,

      "Aren't you that short guy from yesterday? Muichiro was it? How flashy!" Tengen said, he slammed his mug, and luckily it didn't shatter. I kept my face dull, but mentally it was so awkward.

        "Is it true that you have a twin? What's it like being here? Were you kidnapped?" The purple-haired lady asked. I frowned, Genya took my hand and held it underneath the table. I leaned my head on his shoulder, I didn't want to answer these questions.

         "No he wasn't kidnapped, yes he has a twin, unsure older or younger and I don't know do you like it here?" He asked this time looking at me. Way to take the pressure off me. I shrugged.

        "My kingdoms prettier, but I'll give you a six out of ten." I said, sarcastically of course. I mean my kingdom was prettier, I mean, in my eyes. Genya looked hurt, joking of course. At this point we all joined this booth and we were just asking questions back and forth.

       "Yes I have a twin-" I said.

       "Older or younger?" The fire man asked, he was very loud.

       "Older by two minutes." I responded.

      "Why are you here?" Obanai asked.

     "I have to marry Genya." I answered. They all sorta paused, then smiled.

     "That's nice." Most of them said, I'm surprised they didn't press more on that.

      "Where's that crow of yours?" Tengen asked, and he went digging in a bag behind him. He pulled out this cool sparkly ankle bracelet, big enough to be a necklace for her.

      "Harassing maids or butlers." I said. I shrugged when Genya and Sanemi looked at me concerned.

      "What? You should have seen her yell at those poor butlers. It was funny." I said, sitting straight when Genya sighed. The others either laughed, or looked at me with disappointment. I sighed.

       "I could call her if you want." I said, I remembered I had her whistle on me. She could hear it from miles away, just in case of emergency, or I was bored. Tengen began to nod, and the others were just having conversations with each other.

      I took her whistle out of my pocket and blew into it, of course nothing came out,

        "Is it broken?" He asked, making a dramatically upset face. The other people here went to their own booths and were talking or cleaning or cooking. I shook my head.

      Almost as if mentioned, Ginko flew in one of the opened windows and landed on my head. Looking very judgemental, watching the others.

       "Very flashy! Ginko right?" He asked, he leaned on the table so he was eye level with her.

       "Yeah." She scowled. She looked down at me and mumbled,

         "So you were here yesterday." It was very harsh and cold sounding, it scared me. Tengen snapped and got her attention, he held up her flashy necklace. It was very pretty not that I got the close up of it. Ginkgo looked at it memorized,

            "For me?" She said, and she flew onto Tengen's arm, and they began to chat.
I went to find Genya, he was sitting next to his brother and Giyu. I sat next to him, and he looked at me and smiled.

         "So you're just camping out here?" Genya asked Sanemi, who was holding Giyu's hand. Sanemi nodded,

          "I don't want to risk getting in trouble. . . ." His voice trailed off, he looked scared. Giyu hugged him. Genya frowned, and I reached for his hand. He took it and smiled at me. Their father must be a scary man. I could just imagine some of the punishments. . . is that how they got those scars. . . ? My thoughts stopped there, just imagining one of them crying.

        "Muichiro?" Genya asked. I looked up at him. I hummed as a response,

        "Sorry it just looked like you were zoning out," He said and patted my head. I smiled and shrugged, it looked like everyone else was leaving, most of the people I didn't recognize were gone. It was only Genya, Sanemi, Giyu, and the Kanroji's. They disappeared into the kitchen.

         "It's almost time." Giyu said, it was the first time I heard him talk. Sanemi stood up and walked into the staff only part of the cafe. Giyu waved as he left the cafe. Genya stood up too and grabbed my hand.

          We walked out the back way taking the less populated way back to the castle. We got into the garden and we heard. . . . crying? Genya seemed alarmed and ran forward, almost dragging me forward. It was a little princess, one of Genya's siblings I assume.

        Genya let go of my hand and sat next to them rubbing their back. They had their head in their knees.

          "H- he hit her, Genya. . . ." The princess sobbed. Genya frowned,

         "Why can't he ju- just love Mother!" She cried out. Genya reassuringly hugged her and picked her up. The young princess just cried into Genya's shirt. I felt bad, by the sounds of it, it seems like his father lashed out and hit his mother. I knew that man was a bitch.

We began to walk to one of the side gates,

        "You cant! He wants to punish you for sneaking out! That- That's why he hit her!" She sobbed.

        "Shhh. . . . It's ok Sumi, if he's going to punish me so be it." Genya said, he sounded mad, but kept his calm and reassuring movement. I was scared I didn't want Genya to be punished- We entered the castle, and Genya told Sumi to go find Teiko or Hiroshi. I'm assuming those were the other heirs, their siblings. Sumi ran off, she was still crying lightly.

       Genya kept walking, picking up the pace. He barged right into the throne room, slamming the doors open. I followed behind him, barely. The king was there, he sat on his thrown. Menacingly. He looked at Genya with disappointment.

       "You disobeyed me again, you know I forbid you from entering the village. And I thought you were different from your brother." Genya looked at him and just scowled, keeping his stance.

       "What's worse is you brought Tokito with you! You will be punished, and you will not be allowed out anymore." His voice went dark and scary, it made me freeze up, I hated when he said my name.

      "So what? It's not like your letting me do anything by being kept up in here. You hit Mom and that's what I'm here to discuss." He said, he shouted a little bit.

     "How dare you raise you voice at me?! She is MY queen and I get to with her what I please!" He snapped back. I started to tear up, the air was filled with hatred. I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to go back home- But I can't leave Genya, I love him!

       "BULLSHIT!" Genya yelled. The king raised his eyebrow,

      "Are you asking for me to beat you? I could always punish. . . ." His voice went quiet. Genya froze and he tensed up.

         "You wouldn't- He didn't do anything!" Genya snapped, he was furious. The king smiled, it was a vicious, evil smile.

         "Technically he is as guilty as you for entering the village." He said, he raised one of his hands I froze, no. . . .

       "Since you so wish for it, I'll punish him instead." His voice went cold, and sour. It seemed like he enjoyed inflicting pain on to others. Two guards came in front of me, they grabbed Genya by the arms,

      "NO STOP- He didn't! It was my idea! MUICHIRO RUN!" Genya continued to shout curses as he was removed from the room. I froze, my arms fell limp and stayed by my sides. I looked at the king, I was so scared I began to sweat. He stood up and the big doors closed behind me, there was no escape. I was stuck- Genya- I was holding my breath,

    What do I do now. . . . ?

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 542
Anyway, I hope I did ok with the siblings. Very tired right now- but sleep is for the weak and this math homework won't complete itself.

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