Chapter 2: Kanroji's Kat Koffee Kafe

Warning: Genya not being scared around girls because he's gay

-(Genya POV)--

I hated thunderstorms, I'm surprised I even managed to fall asleep. I slowly opened my eyes, but I was met with a light blue soft sleeping shirt. That's strange, I don't remember getting any blue pillows-

OH! Oh gosh- It was Muichiro! That explained a lot more, but why am I snuggling with him?! Right, last night. I don't understand how someone like him would like rain or thunderstorms. I wonder if he would have jumped if I didn't show up...

I really needed to get up and finish that homework, father insists I be good at math for billing and money complaints in the kingdom. I hate that man. For some reason I also didn't want to move, it was comfy and he smelled nice. He smelled nice? Yeah, it was sorta calming, he smelled like mist, or rain. Maybe because he was out in the rain, but I wasn't complaining.

It was so calming to just be right next to him... So relaxing I felt so not stressed, it was like nothing was wrong with my life...

He started to shift, I think he woke up. I noticed he paused for a minute before holding his breath, then he let out a sigh and laid back down. This time he scooted down and snuggled into me, he hugged me and then started to go back to sleep.

I think I could hear him gently snoring again. I chuckled, gosh why did he have to be so cute? I mean- Hot- Handsome- Cute- sToP- At least I wasn't marrying someone I couldn't stand.

In fact... I could even say I slightly loved him, if we were going to rule over this kingdom when my parents retire, or pass, I will treat him right.

I would never treat him how father treated mother, it was horrible. He treated her as if she were a mere trophy, something to display. The only reason he requested to marry her is because she was a princess and one that 'loved' him. Any feelings she had for him, have now surely passed. He just wanted good genes for his next generation of rulers.

The sun was in the sky now, almost noon? We'll have to meet up for lunch. It's one of the only meals we have together in this family. Maybe because father couldn't stand all of us. I mean that's his fault for not settling for one or two heir, it's not our fault we aren't his definition of 'perfect'.

I slowly shifted, I loved Muichiro, so cute and perfect. I'm surprised someone this perfect was in the Mist Kingdom... I thought they were all mean after the meeting we had a while ago. I think Muichiro was there, there was another one of him though..? We were all so small I'm surprised I even remember that.

I moved him slightly, replacing me with a pillow. I'm glad he could sleep in, rest. He'd probably be judged by father for sleeping a lot, but I don't care. In fact I haven't slept that good in a long while...

Ugh speaking of breakfast, he's probably going to be so weirded out. I love all my siblings, even the obnoxious antics of some of them. My mother probably won't stop talking about future grandchildren... Oh god- I blushed at the thought of that.

I sat down at my desk a while ago, I just didn't take out the homework. I now took out the homework and glanced at the problem I was stuck on. Of course it was the last one! If I don't finish it before father sees and remembers it, which is as soon as he meets me today, which is probably lunch. I'm dead.

I swear I was looking at just that one problem for so long! I looked back out at the sun, now almost directly at its highest in the sky. Any minute a maid or butler would come in and say we've been called for lunch.

I was so focused on the thought of explaining it to my father in front of Muichiro, I didn't even notice Muichiro himself get out of bed. He slightly waddled over to me, still half asleep, He leaned over the desk and snatched the pen from me, he scribbled down some letters and numbers, with all sort of mathematical formatting I didn't understand on a separate note,

"Mmm, there. Just copy it over, I'll explain later... Maybe..." He said he slouched and leaned onto my shoulder. He looked so cute when he wasn't fully awake. I think this marriage was maybe the best thing to happen to me, who couldn't resist his cute little face? He turned towards me and climbed into my lap, snuggling into my chest.

Oh my gosh, I could feel my cheeks heating up, I was a blushing mess. I mean I'm glad he trusts me enough to fall asleep again in my lap- but holy! Just too cute for my brain to handle!

As I predicted, a butler came in, he announced that we had been called to lunch and were expected to be down there in 10. He paused for a moment, glancing at Muichiro asleep in my lap, I blushed, and then he left without saying a word.

"Come Muichiro, we have to get to lunch, Father is waiting," I said standing up slowly, I shifted his weight in my arms and carried him bridal style back over to the bed.

"No, I'm tired and your comfy and your father sucks," He said, his tone very harsh at the end of the sentence. I chuckled, anyone could see my father sucked.

He actually clung onto me and was not going to let go of me, I wasn't even carrying him anymore, he was just using his upper body strength to hold himself up.

"First impressions can't be bad, I don't want him to cancel the marriage," I said, he looked up at me with a surprised face. I then blushed a little realizing I said that out loud. He slowly got down, and stared at me for a minute before heading to the bathroom to change, I could have sworn he was blushing.

He came out dressed fancily, and I went into the bathroom after him to get myself dressed as well. I slipped off my clothing, and decided to wear something formal as well.

"Hey Muichiro, Father likes people who know their manners and aren't immature," I said as I left the bathroom, my father was very picky though-

"I know I met him earlier... What a jerk-" He mumbled that last part very quietly but I managed to hear it somehow and I chuckled. I didn't want Muichiro to be yelled at for something he didn't know. On the way to breakfast, I explained to him all of the times my father has snapped and why. I also told him some of my fathers worst pet peeves. He nodded, and even asked questions on how to deal with them.

Before we knew it, we reached the main door that would open up into the main eating hall. I sighed, Muichiro looked at me with concern.

"Just act natural, you have met them before." I mumbled, I went to the left of him and opened the big doors, instantly my family, minus my father, looked in our direction. One of my little siblings, not sure which, let out a loud dramatic gasp.

I opened the door to an angle and held it open for Muichiro, signaling he could go first. He walked out in front of me, and did a half bow, thanking me. We both walked toward the table with smiles on our faces. I noticed there was a new chair next to me, probably for Muichiro, hence the teal accents in it.

I let him get into his seat before taking mine, my mother smiled at me and we sat there in silence for a minute. Then the big, big doors that lead to fathers private library opened, revealing father himself. He came to the table and took his big seat next to mother.

The chefs came out and started dishing out all sorts of sandwich dishes, probably for lunch. My little younger siblings began to take and eat as it was served, but mother and father seemed to be watching Muichiro, waiting for him to move.

Muichiro looked at me nervously,

"We have peanut butter and jam, chicken, lunch meat, and a lot more, I'm sure we'll find something you like," I said breaking tension between the three of them. I gently took one of the plates in front of me and placed one lunch meat sandwich on his plate and mine.

I think he was relieved because I heard him sigh a little bit. He put on a big smile and nodded at me. I noticed Sanemi wasn't here yet... Father will punish him later, I'll try to help him if I can-

"So, I see that you two are getting along well!" Mother says, she clapped her hands and then put them back in her lap. Keeping her big bright smile.

"I'd say we are!" I smiled and Muichiro returned it, smiling back. I thought father would have asked something but all he did was watch Muichiro. I can't tell if Muichiro knew he was watching and playing it cool, or if he didn't notice.

We sat and ate while mother rambled on about future plans for us. Luckily she didn't mention grandchildren, but I could tell Muichiro was blushing the whole time, heck so was I.

Lunch was done when father stormed away, everyone just went their separate ways. Thank goodness it was that easy and not too complicated. I think my father probably went to find Nemi. Nemi's probably hiding, or went out to sea with his fiance. I don't think he's going to tell father he's getting married, especially to the person father frowned upon and tried to get rid of.  He was not very happy when he found out the two were dating.

Speaking of dating, I need to ask Muichiro what we are, because we've been forcefully engaged, but haven't spoken of dating. I wouldn't mind dating him, he's small and cute. He has a good attitude too.

Muichiro and I were walking down one of the hallways heading back to our room.

"So..." Muichiro said, he swayed his arms back and forth.

"Ah right, I suppose you want to do something and not just sleep all day?" I said chuckling. He nodded,

"Do you ever go into town? Or have a garden?" He asked, looking at me. I just realized how pretty his eyes were, they left me in a trance. They were such a beautiful sight, gorgeous mint that faded into a bright white. It reminded me of a misty ocean. I loved it.

"Genya?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we go down into town a bit, but I mainly sneak out to see some friends," I said, most of the time father doesn't like us going down to town because it's not what royalty does. I often sneak out anyway to see my brother's friends, and eat at one of their cafe's when I don't want palace breakfast.

"Oh... Can we sneak out now?" He asked looking out one of the windows and at the town. He seemed bored, I don't blame him.

"Absolutely, I could use some tea right now. I think you'll like the cafe my brother's friends have, they make really good everything," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him back to my room.

"Sanemi had friends?" Muichiro asked, not even minding me dragging him. I laughed, we reached my room and I dug through the closet. I needed a not fancy outfit. Oh perfect!

Muichiro and I found basic garments to wear out in public that wouldn't be considered to fancy or rich. I changed in the closet, we both met back up in the main bedroom area.

"It's comfy," He said, stretching.

"Yep, makes me wonder why we can't have comfy fancy clothing," I said scoffing, he chuckled a bit.

"Alright follow me," I said, I walked out onto the balcony. I swung over the edge and clung to the railing. I put my foot on one of the ledges supporting the balcony and lowered myself slowly. Then jumped to the ground, and stood up like nothing happened. He frowned.

"Told you it's not worth it-" I was going to say, but instead I was met with a teal blur landing in my arms.

Politely, what the fuck?

I stumbled back, I looked down dumbfounded, Muichiro looked up at me and smirked.

"Yeah, you right. This is so much better," He said, making a dramatic pose in my arms.

"I will drop you," I threatened, joking of course. He scoffed, then stood on his own. I took his hand again, and led him past the garden and out through a sneaky hidden trimmed bush. We could easily sneak past, and the maids agreed to keep it trimmed so it didn't cut or scratch us.

They agreed that we need freedom in our lives.

I took him out onto one of the side roads of town.

"Will they recognize you?" Muichiro asked, looking around.

"Maybe, maybe not. I tend to not go into very crowded areas anyway," I said, there was this one time someone barged into the cafe and screamed when they saw me and I basically had to run back to the castle, but luckily the cafe is now closed right before and after lunch so we can all hangout without being swarmed.

"Oh. What about me?" He asked.

"Probably, not. Not a lot of people know what the heirs to the Mist Kingdom look like, they do know that their twins but..." For some reason nobody knows what other kingdoms' heirs look like, you'd think they know right?

"Cool," He said, then ran out in front of me. He stopped at the end and just looked around at the busy streets of town. With the anniversary of father and mother being declared king and queen was about a week away. People have started decorating and celebrating.

People were everywhere, talking and buying things, there were many booths selling things in this area.

"Woah, what are they celebrating?" He asked, whispering, and we worked our way through the crowd, luckily people are blind and too busy buying things to notice us.

"Next week is when Mother and Father were declared rulers years ago, and everyone's sorta hyped," I said, I went in front of him and grabbed his hand. He nodded, then we decided to take a short cut under the bridge.

"There it is! Kanroji's Kat Koffee Kafe! All spelled with K's by the way," I said, he laughed but just looked curious when we approached the small building, I opened the doors and a little bell rang.

"We're closed right now, please come back in an hour!" A soft female voice called from the kitchen.

"You sure? I can help clean!" I called out. Muichiro was looking around the place. It was a very small cafe, dessert and snake themed. It was run by a man named Obanai and his Wife Mitsuri. Their last names are Kanroji.

"Oh Genya!" She peaked her head around the corner, she had her usual pink and green braids, and uniform.

"Who's this?" She's said, stepping out, throwing away some gloves and setting dishes aside. She looked at Muichiro and walked over.

"Is the teal in your hair natural? Or is it dyed?" She asked, pointing to his hair and smiling.

"Huh? Oh it's natural," He said, smiling back.

"Mine too! Sorta- I didn't dye it though," She said smiling,

"The boys are out right now, they'll be back soon though I'm sure. And about cleaning- Do you mind helping..?" She said, chuckling nervously, the place was sorta trashed. I suppose that's how it gets after breakfast hours, it was their busiest hour.

I chuckled, but went over to some tables and started collecting dishes and silverware. She sat down at one of the booths,

"You boys want something to drink? It's on the house!" She said jumping up and sprinting to the counter which had machines that I assumed made special drinks.

"If you don't mind!" I responded, Muichiro looked at one of the signs curious.
"Alright boys, drink?" She said readying two mugs.

"The Caramel Kitty Frappe please!" I said, I brought some dishes to the sink and grabbed a mop to help clean the floor.

"Is hot cocoa ok?" Muichiro asked, I think he wanted to help clean but didn't know much about this place.

"Yep! Names. . . . Names, Genya and. . . . Oh my I totally interrupted you earlier! I'm sorry!" She said bowing and frantically apologizing. Muichiro looked a little surprised and waved his hands,

"Nono- Your good don't worry, it's Muichiro." He said awkwardly smiling. 

"Ok... Shizua- uh, how do you spell it? And what's your last name?" She asked, holding a little notepad. You would think she would have learned the royal family's last name by now-

"S-h-i-n-a-z-u-g-a-w-a," I said, it was funny, every time she asked me how to spell it, I mean I don't blame her. Muichiro glanced at me before saying,

"Tokito," He said, then went to the sink and started washing them.

"Alright!" She went to the machines next to Muichiro and started preparing the drinks. Then the machine started and made the coffee, I didn't have a good enough view to watch it. She finished decorating the mugs with fancy toppings then put them in a booth for three.

"ComeI wanna talk! It's been a while," She said sitting in the booth. I lead Muichiro to the booth and we both took a seat.

"So Genya and Muichiro? How's everything been?" She asked, clapping her hands together.

"Good, yeah sorry father has been very annoying the last week due to everything," I said laughing.

"The festival? Last time you came down without any problems though, unless they're doing something different this year... A secret! Tell me I can keep a secret!" She said laughing as well and leaning closer to the both of us, still smiling.

I chuckled and Muichiro smiled, I hoped he liked her enough to hang out for a while, hopefully he can meet the rest of the gang too.

"You swear?" I said looking serious l, I turned towards her with my hands on the table. I think it scared her a bit.

"Ye-yes," She said she also mimicked me and was now staring me dead in the eyes.

"Extra sure?" I got a little closer.

"Yes," She got closer as well.

"Extra, extra sure?" I said stranding up.

"Yes!" She said, standing up as well.

"Swear on your Cafe and Husband?" I said holding out my pinkie.

"Yep! Your secret is safe with me! Not even the dishes will hear it," She said taking my pinkie, we made a pinkie promise.

We both sat down and I looked at Muichiro, then she looked at Muichiro. Muichiro was sipping his hot cocoa, but now his eyes darted back and forth from me and Mitsuri.

I held out my hand as if signaling to him.

"Him?" She asked, looking at Muichiro with big eyes.

"Believe it or not, you are now looking at the youngest prince of the Mist Kingdom," I said crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

She started for a minute, her jaw dropped.

"What- I need to be more polite, why didn't you tell me? I need to- what?" She said standing up then sitting back down.

"Ah! You said you're last name was Tokito! I'm such an idiot, forgive me!" She began to cry her eyes out.

"WAHHHH! I interrupted a prince! I'm so sorry!" She's said standing up and frantically bowing at him.

"It's fine-" he said, putting down his hot cocoa.

"That's not even half of it," I mumbled taking a sip out of my very good caramel frappe. She looked at me with big eyes and her jaw dropped again.

I looked at Muichiro and he just shrugged,

"He's also my fiance, and we're getting married sometime in the future," I said, taking another sip from my frappe.

She just stared at him then me, then her head kept turning to look at us.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" She squealed and stood up and jumped, clapping her hands together.

Muichiro just sorta looked at me concerned, and I patted his head. This was normal.

"But do you two actually like each other? Or despise each other?" She said, sitting back down and interrogating us like we were some major villain.

I stayed silent and looked at Muichiro who seemed to be blushing a bit.

"Well- we definitely don't hate each other, and I'd say he's pretty cute," Muichiro said blushing and taking a sip of his hot cocoa, avoiding our eyes.

I blushed and took a sip from my frappe and just looked down.

"Young love... I remember when I first met Obanai..." She said, putting her hands on her cheeks and sighing.

Then the bell rang, a group of four men walked in. A short man with two different colored eyes and choppy hair, Obanai. Another taller man with black-blue tinted hair with blue eyes was clinging to my brother, Giyu. Sanemi, tall, ugly, has scars, mean. Another tall man with white cloudy hair and many jewelry accessories and scarlet eyes, Tengen.

Mitsuri ran up and picked up Obanai by hugging him.

"Welcome back boys!" She greeted them all.

"You both escaped father?" Sanemi said, looking over to me and Muichiro.

"Yep- You missed lunch by the way," I said putting mine and Muichiro's empty mugs in the sink.

"Shit I did?" He said Giyu hugged him and he hugged back.

"I don't get why you don't stay out here like a flashy man!" Said Tengen patting Sanemi's back.

"Yeah, we could help hide you here, since they'd probably search Giyu's place first," Obanai said looking at Mitsuri, Mitsuri nodded. I noticed Muichiro shifted next to me and was almost hiding behind me. The rest of them continued their conversation.

"Who are all of them? You seem like good friends but I'm very confused..." He whispered into my ear.

"Ah right, the short one Mitsuri is hugging is Obanai, the loud flashy one is Tengen, and the blue one clinging to my brother is Giyu," I whispered back to him. He nodded and then Tengen came over to shake my hand.

We shook hands 'flamboyantly'.

"Oh hey, who's the new member?" He says.

"Oh that's Muichiro!" She said smiling, then winked at me. It's nice, she always kept secrets, though I'm sure they'll find out soon.

"Sup kid! You look young, how old are ya?" Tengen asked, making a dramatic pose.

"14," He mumbled, he clung to my side.

"Oh, I see, hey kiddo!!" Tengen said, backing up.

"What's going on here?" A new squeaky female voice said. We all looked towards the door a bit alarmed. It was a crow with a message on her back. Muichiro instantly hid behind me and pulled me back into the booth,

"Don't let her see me-" He said, sounding desperate.

"What are you?" Tengen says, trying to pick her up. She pecked his hand,

"Excuse you! I'm Ginko and I'm currently looking for someone to drop off the message, I saw the wolf and followed him hoping to find my owner," She huffed. Muichiro laughed very quietly.

"I also heard his name, so where is he, unless you're kidnapping him!?" She shrieked and flew up. Muichiro was grabbing onto my side, still quietly laughing. This must be his crow. Sanemi took Giyu out of the cafe and started walking away.

"Chill were not kidnapping anyone!" Obanai said he was going to go get a broom, but Mitsuri stopped him. The bird huffed and flew out the window.

"I am so sorry-" Muichiro said, peeking out from behind me.

"Oh that bird was yours..!" Mitsuri gasped and then went back to hiding the brooms.

"Cool where did you get her? She's flamboyant!" Tengen yelled looking out the window and trying to see her.

"Found her, she just sorta clung onto me," He said he stood next to me now.

"That's cool! Oh- The Cafe is going to open soon! I suggest you guys get going now before it gets busy!" Mitsuri said, Obanai was already heading to the kitchen to prepare.

"Oh yeah- Well thanks for the drinks!" I said, taking Muichiro's hand as we left through the back door. I heard Mitsuri squeal behind us. Tengen probably stayed behind to order something.
Me and Muichiro held hands as we worked our way back to the palace, sadly not everyone was at the cafe, but at least he met some people. Hopefully he's getting an understanding of how the town works too.

We reached the garden and I hoisted him up over the balcony, or at least where he could lift himself up. I jumped on a ledge and grabbed the balcony railing, I jumped up and slid over it.

"Should we change back?" Muichiro asks, already looking for his former clothing.

"Yep, that would be the safest option," I said, I grabbed my own clothing and went into the closet to change. I think I heard him go into the bathroom. I came back out already dressed into my formal clothing. I noticed he was already out sitting on the bed, he had a brush in his hand.
He took a deep breath before looking at his hairbrush like he was going to strangle it.

"GENYA! Help me it's being mean!" He whined and ran to me, hugging me, and pointing at the hairbrush like it was some major evil. I laughed, and he looked at me scowling.

"Alright, Alright- Go sit ok?" Still laughing, I went over to him as he sat on the bed in front of me. I started to move the brush through his hair, it was so smooth and silky. I'm surprised he's allowed to have it this length, it's very long, probably hip length.

It barely even took me a minute, there were almost no tangles. I hesitantly started to comb it with my fingers, starting to style it into a ponytail.

"You have very beautiful hair..." I mumbled,

"Thanks, you can properly style it if you like, I don't mind you playing with it, you're gentle," He said he started to fiddle with his own hands. Time passed and I was still playing with his hair, it was so smooth and silky I couldn't even take my eyes off it. When I finally did blink my eyes started to water.

"Is there anything we could eat for dinner?" He asked, he put his hands beside him.

"Yeah, I could make a request if you want something," I said, distracted by his hair.

"What about you, aren't you hungry? It's been a couple hours since the Cafe." He said, he turned to look at me. I put my hands on his ears and tilted his face forward again.

"Meh, eat later, hair now," I said, I grabbed as much as I could fit into my palms and lifted it up, letting it fall back down.

"I'm glad you like my hair but you need to eat something, I need to eat something," He sighed. I stopped playing with his hair for a moment, thinking.

"What do you want to eat? The chefs could probably cook up anything," I said.

"Power nap," He said.

"Huh-?" I said, I looked at the back of his head. He leaned back, landing on my chest. He was asleep, I think. Nope he wasn't, he grabbed me by my hips and pushed me down onto the bed, I blushed. He had me in the middle of the bed and he snuggled into my side, he was very strong for his small build-

"Sleep..." He said, his voice trailing off. I chuckled, he was so adorable to be with when he was in his half asleep mode. I stoked his head, brushing my hands through his hair.

"Alright... I'll sleep now," I said as I closed my eyes .

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 4803

I'm so happy writing this, very excited. Trying to get the rest of the Hashira introduced, but meh. I also just love Ginko here- She's the best thing to write in my opinion.

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