Chapter 1: Forced Marriage

There was knocking on the door that woke Muichiro that morning.

"Prince Muichiro? May I come in?" A female voice had asked.

Muichiro's voice was groggy, and he squinted open his eyes, "Hm?"

The woman was one of the head servants, one assigned to his room specifically, she had come in without even waiting for permission. Muichiro was a kind person, the servants were familiar with him, but that could still get them in trouble. She approached him with a bright smile and her hands full of face products. She opened a tin and blew a cloud in front of him as he sat up.

"I'm certainly awake now," Muichiro coughed, waving his hand, trying not to inhale the cloud of powder in front of him.

"That's good, good morning! We have an outfit for you on your bed, their highness's have asked us to remind you of morning tea and cookies," She said, she fixed her posture after fixing his bangs.

The woman bowed her head, and picked up the cans of Muichiro could only assume where face products that she hadn't used. She scooped them up into her arms and exited the room.

His parents, their highness's of the Mist kingdom. His kingdom, his home. Was it wrong to say he felt distant from them? Sure they were his parents, but his father had become distant himself. Different from the man who raised him and his twin brother early on. His mother was kind, Muichiro had always had a strong bond with her.

A crow flew in through the window, landing on top of a golden cage engraved with diamonds and emeralds.

"CAW!" The crow squawked, clapping the tips of her wings together,  "Good morning, your highness! You're looking as good as ever of course!"

"Ah yes, hello to you as well, Ginko," Muichiro murmured, he ran his fingers through his hair, slightly tangled from the night.

"Here is the note from your brother! He was too lazy to come here himself I suppose," She announced with a petty huff.

Ginko was such a strange little crow, bossy and dramatic. Her voice was so high pitch she could shatter the castle windows if she should try, which were bullet proof. She doted on Muichiro like a second mother would.

"Thanks Ginko, I still have some sunflower seeds if you want them," Muichiro's voice finally snapping out of the deep morning voice.

"Yes please! I'm gonna go down to the fountain later, that will be a nice snack!" She giggled, and hoped right over  to Muichiro's bed.

Ginko happily took the little thin bag from his hand, knotted by a string that she could easily pick apart. She then bounced to the window, and hopped out, spreading her wings to fly away on the breeze. Muichiro watched her go, hoping whoever she went to visit would be okay. He looked down at the letter, and unfolded it.

To: Muichiro

Wake up. It's almost 6 in the morning, mother raised you better than this you big back. You should be getting this before breakfast but that crow has something lose in her head so who knows.

Meet me in the library after our little tea time, and don't brush this off or get distracted looking at clouds, this is really important for your future.

From: Yuichiro

Yuichiro just loves to berate Muichiro, whether through notes or right to his face. Muichiro could imagine his twin scoffing while writing this, probably awake when the sun graces the earth with her golden rays. But he didn't have to bully Ginko as well.

Yuichiro was older, the crown prince. The heir to the throne if their father were to meet an early demise.

Despite being identical, the twins were different. Yuichiro was a hard worker, he worked for the things he had and was good because he put in the effort to succeed. He was more bossy however, and got his attitude from their mother. He had been like that since she had given birth to them. Muichiro was easier going, often much brighter. He was a day dreamer, who liked to get distracted. He was naturally good at things, he could put in little effort but still succeed if he was interested in it.

Muichiro slipped out of his sleeping garments, glancing at himself in the mirror. He looked at the outfit the servant from earlier had set out for him, and put on layer after layer. He sighed and looked in the mirror. His face looked dull, why? He tried a smile, forcing some emotion into his eyes.

The smile fell and he turned around, tying his hair into a low, loose ponytail he grabbed off his desk. He kept the poker face and left his room. He stood still and closed the door behind him, facing forward. There was too many rooms in this palace.

It was a teal carpet that led him to one of the eating chambers, he must have missed breakfast, since it was time for morning cookies and tea. Muichiro could see his reflection in some of the paintings, and he glanced at a shiny plant in a pot. His head hung low when he went into the spacious room.

"Muichiro, good morning sweetie," Muichiro's mother was quick to greet him when he stepped into the room.

The queen was already seated at the table, a cup of tea in her hand, plates of baked goods littered the table. She flashed him a sweet smile, and Muichiro found himself smiling back, walking with more energy when he stepped towards her. He pulled his assigned chair out and sat down across from her, his eyes brightening up.

"You're here early, I was expecting to finish my tea before you or your brother showed," The queen said, popping a pastry into her mouth.

"Decided to beat my brother this time," Muichiro said with a laugh, reaching over to bring a plate of biscuits closer to himself. 

As if coming when his name was called, Yuichiro emerged from one of the side hallways. His pace fast and his expression as irritated as ever. It's like his eyebrows were permanently molded to look annoyed. Father wasn't with them, as he wouldn't be joining them this morning.

The king... He was a good man, a really good father. Muichiro remembered distinct things his father taught him how to do. But when he tried to remember his face, a fuzzy cloud blocked it out. Like he wasn't allowed to ever see his fathers smile again.

His father was a good king, he was a kind king. Until something happened, he wasn't sure what, but... He couldn't do anything about it now. He had to earn his fathers respect now, work to be seen, since he wasn't the crown prince. Not that Muichiro needed to be seen by his father anyway.

We all sat in our designated seats, and ate our breakfast as it was served. I was almost too distracted by the delightful smell of bacon that I didn't notice my brother intensely staring at me.

I paused and looked at him too, trying to read his face.

"Mother, could you please pass the plate of bacon," I said, still focusing on Yui. She picked up the plated and handed it to me,

"Of course Dear, thank you for using your manners," She said, I nod, it was rude to not give some sort of acknowledgement. I put some on my side plate and put the main plate back on the table somewhere in the center.

Yuichiro kept his heavy eye contact while we were eating. Father finished without saying a word, and left. Slamming the door behind him. Mother sighed, she finished her food as well and went after him.

"Cool," Brother said, rolling his eyes. He pushed his plate forward despite being not finished, and grabbed my shoulder.

"Come," He said, letting go of my shoulder and continued to walk out of the room. I sighed and pushed my plate forward, grabbing one last piece of bacon. Then followed him out into one of the separate hallways and into the library. He opened the big doors of the library, and I was instantly met with the smell of books. It was dusty and smelled like paper.

We went behind to rows of bookshelves and hid behind a desk that had some notes for letters.

"Congrats," He said suddenly. He sat down on his knees, staring me in the eyes with his usual deadpan stare.

"Wha- What for?" I sat down on my knees in front of him. What could he mean? It's not like anything big has happened, or will happen to me.

"Well, I was going to ask Mother about switching my piano lessons to after lunch, but I overheard them talking about something in the throne room," He said, he was looking at the books next to him, I myself started to fidget with my hair.

"And... Well- They got a message from the Wind Kingdom about a potential something that could bring peace to our kingdoms," Yui explained he was now flipping through a dusty old book that must have been hidden from the maids and their dusting tools.

"Ok- What does that have to do with me being 'congratulated?'" I said, my brain started brainstorming all the possibilities. Perhaps it was something I've done that they were like, 'Oh yeah that's cool we should be at peace and not fight!' or 'Yeah lets not fight and hug it out!' Those didn't seem likely.

"Well- I think... You may be getting- Ehh I don't really know-" Yuichiro said as if he was trying to find the right words.

"Spit it out!" I was getting impatient.

"Married," He blurted and looked back at me, putting his book back quickly. It took me a minute to process,

"Too who?! Isn't their youngest daughter like 6? I'm only 14!" I blurted, I was way too young to be getting married, to a 6 YEAR OLD-?

"Nono- Ew- The second prince... Genya I think? You know how good this will be for our kingdoms!" He whined.

I wasn't against marrying a guy, in fact I was 99% sure I'm gay. It's a lot though, especially to marry someone I've never met? From an enemy kingdom?!

"Yuichiro? If you're in here please come to piano lessons!" A maid called out. Yui sighed, than grabbed a book for cover and went to where the maid called out.

MARRIED? I couldn't be married! What if he was ugly! Ive never met him actually, maybe once when we were little. Though people change, and I know the eldest brother is a jerk, their father is a bigger jerk. I heard their mother was nice. I'm only 14! I know mother and father got engaged early, but they were at least 17 or 18.

I stood up and waited a little bit just so it seemed that we weren't in their at the same time. I continued walking, leaving the library, I was now walking down one of the many main halls. I think this one led to the West Garden. Oh just my luck,

"Muichiro dear, come here we need to talk about something," Mother said, her and Father were both in the garden. I closed the big doors behind me and went forward so I was in front of them.

"Yes Mother? Yes Father?" I said, I kept eye contact with Mother instead of Father.

"Well dear..." Mother began to say, but was cut off by father,

"You are to pack your bags and prepare yourself, you are moving to the Wind Kingdom where you will stay for a year. You are now engaged to Genya, the second prince of the Wind Kingdom," He said, then turned around and went back inside.

I lifted my hand up to protest, but dropped it to my side when he slammed the big doors behind him.

"I'm sorry dear, but maybe you'll like him. We just really need this peace, you know we've lost a lot due to our war with them," Mom said, she opened her arms to hug me. I ran into her arms and I could feel my eyes begin to tear up.

"I know mom... I'll make the best of it somehow-" I said I hugged her tightly.

"I know, your a brave child, if you ever need something you can always send me a note through Ginko," She started to pat my head. We broke the hug and I bowed, starting my way back to my bedroom.

I was looking down at my feet, processing. I think I maybe might have passed my brother but I didn't say anything.

I reached my bedroom and looked at the already neatly packed bags and suitcases. I was curious and opens a few of them, clothing, snacks, paper and pen, Ginko's whistle, a few of my special belongings.

I sighed, I always pictured Yuichiro being the big one, getting married and bringing our kingdom to greatness. He was crowned prince after all. In fact father could probably care less about which one of us it was, just sent me because Yuichiro was actually a decent prince.

"PRINCE MUICHIRO! Oh it's true-" Ginko said flying through the open window. She flew next to me and landed on my head. I looked up and smiled at her, she smiled back. It's good to know I'll have at least one companion.

I looked out my window to see my father talking to someone who had a carriage, oh this was going to be a long trip. I started my way to the front of the castle, the maids and butlers insisted they carried my stuff. They all were wishing me good luck and cheesy goodbyes.

I remember getting into the carriage, and the ride being pretty decent. There was stunning scenery and the driver was a nice dude to start conversation with. Before I knew I arrived in the Wind Kingdom. It's streets were busy and full of life, it looked like some sort of festival.

Then came the stressful part, the arrival. There was only one woman and a bunch of butler's I assumed. She was short but had black fluffy hair in a loose messy bun, lovely purple eyes.

The driver opened the door for me, I stepped out nervous. We made eye contact for a few minutes before she spoke,

"You must be Prince Muichiro, I'm Queen Shizu," She bowed.

"Hello your majesty, yes that's me," I bowed back, I even thought about kneeling.

"Oh no no what nonsense, please just call Shizu. After all you are going to be part of the family soon!" She clapped her hands and smiles. The butlers grabs my stuff and she leads me inside.

Their castle had a darker color palette, definitely more Wind themed. I mean, hence the name. There were a few younger heirs, but honestly I couldn't bother to keep track. Where did Ginko wonder off too? She must of followed the butlers, oh those poor butlers. Just imagining her criticizing and yelling at them made me chuckle mentally.

There was a guy glaring at me when I walked passed, First Prince Sanemi. I heard he used to be crowned prince, but his father changed it because he found out that he was dating a poor sailor. I think the sailors name was Giyu? Hopefully he's alright. I think he was originally engaged to a pretty wealthy florist named Kanae but she got sick and passed before the wedding. No one could tell if they actually loved each other or not.

She led me to a room, it was beautiful. Then I got distracted by,

"No no no! He likes the curtains parted! Parted I say! Not closed! Are ya deaf?!?" Ginko was flying above a poor butler struggling to part the curtains to how 'I' preferred it. Two other butlers we're hiding behind my new vanity chair. All of them sobbing. I wanted to laugh, but remembered that the queen was also here, shit.

"Ginko- I'm so sorry Queen Shizu!" Ginko flew over to my head as I bowed over and over again, also bowing to the poor butlers who just experienced hell.

To my surprise, the Queen laughed a bit,

"It's alright dear, who's this feisty pretty lady? You all are excused, please help yourself to any food and take a break in the garden," She waved to the butler's who rushed out of my new room. Then turned to face Ginko who was about ready to explode,

"My name's Ginko, your beautiful majesty! I'm Mui's messenger crow, but I'd say we're more like friends, my oh my! What lovely hair you have!" Ginko began to rant on about how lovely the Queen looked, they talked for a minute before both leaving to go gossip somewhere else. Oh my gosh what just happened. Honestly if Ginko wanted to become best friends with the Queen, I'm not even gonna try and stop her.

I was left alone in my room, I guess I could finish unpacking my bags, oh. I see, we're already sharing a bedroom. That explains the multiple dressers and big bed. I picked the side closer to the door, because they all seemed to be empty. I assume he's moving to this room from his old room.

Once that was all done I was debating exploring the castle.

I decided I would, I peaked out of my new bedroom and started down the long gray hallway. The hallways were long but they led to an open area, probably their throne room. I was debating going in, there wasn't really a door but more of a big entrance. Until I heard voices,

"Father, I don't trust him. What if he's spying?" A guy said.

"So be it, we will just declare a major war, besides we technically have a hostage," A deeper voice says, the king. The other guy must be Sanemi. I was going to walk away before they knew I was there,

"Who's there?" The king said. Crap, It's ok, just play it off cool and don't lose your temper. I turned around and calmly walked in front of the two men, bowing of course. It was scary how tall they were compared to me, everyone is tall compared to me.
Sanemi looked at his father as if saying, 'told ya so'.

"I wasn't intentionally listening into your conversation, I was exploring the palace, since I'm now stuck here," I said, I kept my tone even and paced. I didn't want to mess up in front of them. The king chuckled a bit,

"Maybe you could teach Genya some manners! Wouldn't want him to end up like his brother," The king laughed this time, dismissing me and Sanemi. Sanemi led me out two big doors and shut them behind us.

"What a bitch," I mumbled, but loud enough for him to hear. He stared at me for a minute and I froze,

"I like you already," He said. He left me alone after that, I was relieved, I didn't need to be making enemies with everyone here. I went back to my lonely wandering the halls, just sorta checking out rooms. I peaked my head into the kitchen, where some maids were rolling some sunflower seeds in some fine herbs.

Oh my gosh Ginko- I- Ok. I left the kitchen doorway and continued my adventure. I thought I recognized this hallway, yep. I opened the door to my bedroom, it was a little cleaner than before. The maids must have come and dusted everything. Oh,

It was such a pretty sunset. Beautiful oranges that fade into a violet blue- This room had a great view.

"Oh my! So pretty!" A familiar crow flew up next to me and landed on the railing.

"Yeah..." I was so lost in the sunset, I didn't even think that it was Ginko.

"Oh yeah, hey Ginko, I need to send a letter to my brother, are you ok flying that distance?" I said walking over to a desk near the vanity.

"Yes Sir! That is my job after all!" She said, saluting me. I finished writing the letter,


How fun, I've met with most of the royal family except the one who I'm supposed to be marrying. Ginko has become best friends with the queen and yeah. Their father is a jerk by the way. How are you a Mother holding up? I bet it's been a little less noisy without me, heh. Take care of yourself brother!

- The other younger Twin


I buckled it into Ginko's back pouch and she was off. I sat looking at the dark blue sky, the stars shone. Dark clouds started to fill the sky, Ginkgo will be fine, she has some sort of internal radar for storms. She'll probably just storm into someone's house and demand shelter.

It started to drizzle slightly, I could feel raindrops hit my head. It's amazing how depressing the mood became, it was as if everything I thought was ok wasn't. I began to question myself. I even occasionally glanced down at the pavement walkway below this balcony. It wasn't very high, I'd probably only hurt myself.

"Don't jump-" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see a guy standing in the balcony entry, probably so he wouldn't get wet. It began to pour rain, I was now soaked.

"Was it that obvious?" I say, turning to look back up at the sky.

"Eh, I can just sort of sense thoughts like that. It's really not worth it, I promise you," He said again, this time giving a little bit of a chuckle.

I hummed as a response,

"You'll catch a cold, why don't you come back inside the room... Muichiro?" He said. Oh, wait. I turned around and ducked under his arm as he led me back into our room. This was Genya, the one I was supposedly getting married to.

He had darker hair, in a shaved mohawk style. He had a big scar across his nose, it was quite handsome. At least he was cute. He went over to a desk and started to write on some papers, it seemed like math.

I guess since it was late enough I'd head to bed. I went into the bathroom and changed out of my wet garments and into comfy sleeping clothes. I made sure to really dry my hair out, it'd be impossible to de-tangle it in the morning because of how long it is. I left the bathroom and tucked myself into my side of the bed.

I wonder if I could actually fall in love with him. I might as well try to, I mean, I am getting married to him. Forcefully. He was quite cute, and he seemed to care. Some people say I am a very deep sleeper, that is, if I actually fall asleep. Sometimes I'll just lay there and act asleep and scare people.

I just sorta laid there, it was comfy underneath the blankets. I think at one point Genya tucked himself in as well because I could feel the blankets shifting. I went back to thinking about everything when a loud boom sounded through the castle.

I guess it was a thunderstorm, great. I actually didn't mind them, I thought they were sorta soothing. Apparently, Genya didn't. He bolted up and sat straight looking toward the balcony. I opened my eyes to watch him, he went over and shut the curtains, to be met with a bright light and another boom.

He actually jumped backwards. Oh this poor guy, scared of lighting and thunder... Maybe just loud noises. He went back to his bed and buried himself in blankets, he covered his head with a pillow.

I shifted my body to turn around and look at him, he must have felt me move and looked up at me. His pupils were dilated and shaking. I sat up and lifted the blankets off of me and scooted over to in front of him. I hesitantly reached out my arms to hug him and he moved closer to hug me back. He was so cute-

We stayed together hugging like that for a little while. I think he calmed down a bit, his breathing was even and he was snuggled into my chest.

You know... Maybe this marriage isn't that bad...

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 3785


Yes I basically just copied this one over from my one shots book, I did just end up just deleting it in my one shot book and having it be this story so-

I did some research about there family so now I can include the right names and descriptions, of course there not 100% the same because the AU, but like I tried-

I have so much motivation for this story, so, whole book yay!

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