Chapter Twelve

(Above is a visual, to get the idea of what Lyra looks like) -Clo

Lyra began to panic. "Barley! I killed him! What do I do? I mean, I've taken out people with my violin, but I've never actually killed someone!"

Barley held out his hand. "Lyra, it's okay. You did it out of self-defense. It was the only thing you could do. He would kill you before I could help. It's fine."

Lyra stared at Clyde's limp body, the knife still sticking handle up in his chest. She gulped in some fresh air, and tears squeezed out of her eyes. Lyra shivered. Barley gently took her hand.

"Come on, Lyra. The men will be waking up soon. We should be on our way." Lyra looked up, and saw that Barley looked sympathetic, and he was sincere. Lyra felt calmer.

"O-okay. Let's go." Lyra grabbed her bag and violin. She saw some of her food was missing. The men probably wanted a mid-day meal, she thought, and slowly slung the bag over her shoulder. Lyra looked one more time at Clyde's body, and then at her hands. She wiped her eyes, and then followed Barley down the road.

Barley shook out the map. "Don't worry Lyra. It'll be alright, I assure you."


It was around the end of the day by the time the two had arrived at the port town. It was indeed filled with canals, and instead of roads, it was filled with rivers and waterways. The houses were positioned on the bit of cobblestone around the village, and tons of boats with lanterns made the water look as if tons of fireflies had just landed.

Lyra was amazed. "It's beautiful!" Barley smiled, and nodded. "And the perfect place to lie low." The sun was still setting, but it still seemed rather dark. "Let's find an inn to stay at for the night before it gets dark."

They cheerfully went walked towards the city. Momentarily, Lyra forgot what had happened before with Clyde and his men, and was grateful for Barley for comforting her along the way.

When they got into the city, Lyra was in wonder. It was filled with beautiful lights and sounds. Her nose filled with delightful smells from the cart vendors, holding out delicious fruits and sweets. Barley went to one of the boats in the water, and requested a ride to the nearest inn.

The boat was beautiful. It was covered in intricate and amazing designs, and a lantern was perched on a handle between Lyra's and Barley's seats. The boatmen stood in the back, pushing the boat slowly along the canal.

Lyra saw the sights, and wonderful flags all over and exquisite colors. She frowned. "Barley? This may seem like a strange question, but why is it so...happy here? I mean, in Fenrir, people are always afraid and working. What makes this place different?"

Barley chuckled. "Well, first off, the town's main export is transportation. And since air ships come to pick up your export, bread, the soldiers come much more to your town. However, it's not like you can transport, well, transport, so soldiers don't visit much. But they come by to check on the people sometimes of course. And it's much more dreary here when they do. Tonight, no soldiers will be coming, so they're free to do what they wish."

Lyra was rather jealous here. They could do anything without being afraid, unlike her home. She would consider staying here instead of going back home. At least she'd be in less danger here.

Then again, the people at home needed a healer. Even if some wanted to throw her to the king, she'd at least be there for the people who were grateful.

After all, how would they heal anyone without her? It was bad enough she was gone for so long. Lyra touched her violin in her bag gently.

The boat gently bumped against the side of the canal, and the boatman pointed towards a small building, with the label Inn on the side. Lyra and Barley stepped out.

The place was very cozy. It had a warm hearth, a smiling owner, and a ton of food.

The innkeeper, a plump woman with three children, invited them to eat. Lyra personally never ate so much in her life. The flavors of the food burst and tasted delectable in her mouth, and she loved them. At Fenrir, the food was rather bland, and it was normal to have no seasonings or sweetness. Lyra was not used to the taste, and the kind innkeeper laughed heartedly when Lyra gave a little gasp of surprise as she ate the food.

By the time she was finished, Lyra was a little drowsy. Thankfully, Barley had already gotten them rooms. Barley bid Lyra goodnight as he went to his own room, and Lyra collapsed on her bed, and gave a happy sigh. She let her black hair out of its bun, and changed into her nightgown. She sank beneath the covers of her bed, and Lyra closed her eyes.

The town had done a spectacular job of making her forget Clyde.


Hiya bros! I decided to make this chapter a bit of a happy note, and I hope you enjoyed it!


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