Fishy Feelings And Erebor (ShadowHiding And zobro123)


Seregon P. O. V.

Dear Legolas, one day I will kill you. I knew I had a laid back personality but this elf was simply annoying! It was only three hours into our journey and I had been friends with Legolas before we had come with Hostien, Rumil, Orophin and Dasia to Mirkwood, but he kept stopping his horse and glancing behind us for a few minutes before catching up!

I knew it should not have bothered me, but I kept seeing him stop, look back, and catch, repeat. Perhaps if Mirkwood had more to offer as far as scenery, I might not be so irritated, yet I was developing a minor headache at Legolas's behavior. Not helping my mood.

I brought a gloved hand to my forehead, trying to ease the dull ache, it had been sprinkle for thirty minutes and only now did the rain come down harder. I sighed, pulling the hood of my cloak up and over my head, finally blocking Legolas from my field of vision.

I sighed, this was going to be a long day.

~ ~ ~

Piper P. O. V.

"If you are so worried about the men following us, why don't you go back and kill them?" Seregon snapped at Legolas, I couldn't help but snicker at the dumbfounded expression on Legolas's face, and how he looked to be at a loss of words. She has a point. I thought, glancing back at Angelica who looked to be thinking the same. Why don't we?

My gaze moved to Legolas who straitened his posture and answered in a level tone, "Our mission is to get Dasia to safety. We would be risking that if we turned back and fought these men, Seregon." Legolas made the last part of his speech in a "Matter of fact!" tone. I winced slightly, seeing Seregon's eye twitch, and her hands constrict her extra bit of rein.

She turned her face away to focus on our path, nudging her horse into a faster gate so that she rode closer to Dasia who was in the front with Rumil, Orophin, and Hostien.

I bit my lip. I could slip away and delay them? Legolas would notice, but at this point it truly doesn't matter. With this in mind, I moved my horse to the front of the group near Hostien and Orophin, as Rumil was quietly talking to Dasia, managing to get a few laughs out of her.

As I rode up Hostien and Orophin moved their horses to the side so that I would be in the middle, and as I approached I saw Hostien shake her head at us. It seemed the three of us shared the same idea, to attack the men. But one look from Hostien told her doubts about being able to accomplish such a feat.

But as time went on, I knew we would never be able to go after them, it was already dark and we needed everyone to stay in case orcs or spiders showed up. We would have to wait before, we could attack.

~ ~ ~

Legolas P. O. V.

Two days later

The mood of the company was foul, the rain had continued at a steady drizzle, we were all tired of the rain as we continued our trek. We had fought about what to do, Seregon, Piper, Hostien, and Orophin had all said we should turn back and fight, while Angelica, Dasia, Rumil, and I had refused. We were evenly against each other, four vs four.

Though we disagreed about what to do as far as Dasia's hunters were concerned, we still agreed that no matter what we should continue to Lake Town, and we had, now nearly there for Esgoroth was in clear view.

All went well as we traveled on the shore, to the wooden bridge connecting Lake Town to the shore, until my horse began to slip on the wet bridge.

~ ~ ~

Angelica P. O. V.

"Legolas! Legolas no! Your horse is slipping! NO! LEGOL-" Hostien's yell was cut off as I witnessed Legolas's horse slip on the bridge hitting Hostien's, I watched them slam together, Legolas go flying into Hostien, attempting to catch himself but Hostien lost her seat do to Legolas's impact, beginning to slide, and was eventually dragged off by Legolas into the lake!

My natural and immediate reaction was to laugh, more like scream at both of them as the scene slowed and I saw their facial expressions as they went down. Legolas looked like he was wondering how he did not save himself in a twisted facial expression that screamed, "What?" while Hostien turned her head to glare death at him as if she was ready to snap him in two, as her face scrunched up in anger before they were lost in the murky depths of the lake.

I was practically screaming with laughter as I watched Rumil turn around just in time to see Hostien disappear into the water. His face alighted with shock, as he froze for one seconded before, dropping his reins, jumping over all of us and diving in after Hostien. I fell of my horse, landing on the rough wooden planks that made up Esgoroth's bridge, convulsing in laughter.

It was extremely hard to pay attention in the comedic situation but I was somehow able to, as I saw Rumil break the surface of the lake, Hostien hooked under one arm, while he had grabbed Legolas's tunic collar with the other hand.

When they breached the surface Rumil let go of Legolas, and held Hostien with both arms, and swam over to the bridged setting her on the wood delicately, but had to stop her as she lunged at Legolas who followed them slowly.

Rumil gave a pleading look, and I saw Hostien's body relax, but once she had given in Rumil turned and grabbed Legolas by the shoulders, and forced him under the water!

This is better than seeing a drunken Glimfeather try and fly in a cave with a low roof!

The thought added to my squealing as I flopped about on the bridge as I saw Legolas and Rumil engage in a battle of sink-or-swim, but my attention was stolen as Hostien looked back at me, her wet hair falling in front of her face, but that did not stop the evil grin on her face.

Oh, no...

"Dasia! Can I ride with you?" I quickly called. Nice job Angelica, you have allured death yet again! This should really be my job, why am I not paid for this?

I had not waited for Dasia's replay, as I swung up on my horse and nudged it next to her's, she seemed to understand my will to live, and offered me a shy smile when I moved to her side.

I looked into her eyes and saw the barriers of shyness, and before I knew it I was speaking, "It is alright to open up around us, and be who you are...we are here to help you, and shall be by your side throughout this entire mission. You are safe with us mellon nin." I was a bit surprised with how forward I was with Dasia, but she seemed to be shocked, and grateful as her eyes flashed with gratitude.

"I have never truly had a peop-elves, I guess I meant elves," We chuckled lightly, she is so shy! "who cared about me. I don't know why you would do this for me, but thank you! You have saved my life and my happiness." I couldn't help but notice as he gaze wandered to Orophion who had stopped his horse, and was watching as Rumil and Legolas drag themselves on the dock, clearly finished with their fight.

"I think the Prince could use a kiss to cheer him up." Dasia whispered, as Legolas moped by on hios way to his horse. I was sure I turned bright as a cheery, and was looking very flustered, while Dasia snickered.

"" I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying to gain control of my words, "Well, I believe Orophin has been waiting on a kiss since you were captured!" My attempt at getting even did not get through as Dasia just smirked at me.

Okay, I lost that one.

~ ~ ~

Orophin P. O. V.

After the little "incident" between Rumil, Hostien, and Legolas, we were finally at Esgoroth's gate. We had not established a leader for our group, and when the garrison shouted down at us from atop the gate, I was unsure of who would answer.

It was a little surprising to hear Hostien's voice rise from the middle of our group, "We are elves of the Woodland realm, sent by Thranduil, King of Mirkwood, on a quest of our own. We seek lodging for the time being, as we wish to pass unto Erebor. We ask the people of Lake Town to honor our realms friendship, and our realms aid in the Battle of The Five Armies, in hosting our company."

There was much shouting from the men atop the watch tower, and a distinct order for the Master of Lake Town. We were kept waiting for many minutes, and I could not help but notice how Dasia shivered slightly, Piper's dull eyes, and Seregon's attempt to conceal her shivering as she bit her lip. Hard.

My waited for many minutes my patience running thin, until I shouted at the men atop the wall, "Do the men of Lake Town often keep guests waiting at the front gate, in the rain?"

There was only curt whispering among the men, and shadowy glances at our company, until a high pitched voice yelled at the guards, and a women's face flashed briefly in the line of men, "Let them through you fools! We are wrong to test the Woodland King's patience in such a way! Let them in I say!"

Heavy chains grinned, and wood squealed as the gates were forced open.

Our horses walked gladly through the gates, as they were more sheltered from the wind. We followed the main bridge, escorted on either side by Lake Town guards, as they steered his towards the village keep.

Many people of mixed heritage came out to look at us, and soon a small crowd followed behind us, ever growing. We stopped once we came to a large wooden building; statues of pike-men guarded the stairway to the keep.

Standing beside each pike-men statue were two figures, one noticeably shorter than the other, both wearing blue clocks, with hoods drawn over their heads.

"What is it? What is it? Can't I be left alone for one blasted minute! Why does that elf, and other elf have to keep bothering me? Can't they see I'm a busy man! I have no time for them!"

"Sir, Lady Laisidhiel is a quarter elf, and Lady Chloe said it was elves from Mirkwood. Sir, which is a matter of importance!" A quiet voice said, after the very loud booming one. Grumbling came again from the booming voice, seemingly the Master of Lake Town.

"Laisidhiel?" Seregon murmured, her face twisting in confusion.

"Seregon?" The shorter figure said, throwing back his-her hood.

Well this is surprising. I thought as I saw the women on the left lower her hood and look at Seregon a large grin on her face. She slapped her thigh, laughter rolling from her mouth, "Ha! How is it we always meet in the oddest of places? Seregon, you're not following me are you mellon?" The women of sorts said, jogging over to Seregon.

"I would ask the same of you mellon." Seregon replied, swinging down from her horse to embrace Laisidhiel.

Just than the Master busted from inside the keep, and out he bellowed, "What is the meaning of this?"

The Master glared at all of us, and I and others returned his cold stare.

"We are elves of the Woodland realm, asking Lake Town's gracious Lord to house us for the time being, before we continue on our journey towards Erebor." Legolas stated, in an overly flattering tone. It appeared to work as the Master's face turned to a more pleasant one, and an air of consideration floated around him.

"My Lord?" said the still clocked figure, "I shall show them to their lodgings, we cannot ignore elves of the Woodland realm, and risk grievances between Lake Town and Mirkwood." The Master scowled, but made no attempt to argue, only ushering for figure, which was female by the voice to move on with her idea.

Obviously the Master cared little for guests.

~ ~ ~

Angelica P. O. V.

"Oh Seregon...and everyone" Laisidhiel said. We had followed her and her hooded friend to a large building made out of wood, like everything else in Lake Town, "this is Chole Ann, she is from Rivendell."

Rivendell? "You are an elf?" I questioned.

"A shy one." Chloe answered a smile in her words.

We stepped inside the dimly lit building, and took off our wet cloaks, placing them on a coat rack by the door.

Laisidhiel and Chloe showed us to our separate rooms, and after a short while bid farewell.

~ ~ ~

"Legolas?" I whispered. There was no answer. I was in the main hallway of the building we were staying in, trying to figure out where he was. We were supposed to meet and talk about the spies! Where is he?

I nearly jumped through the roof when a whisper of "yes" was said right next to my ear.

"LEGOLAS!" I yelled in a whisper. Furiously rubbing my ear.

"You called." He chuckled.

"Yeah." I said dryly, "We need to hide Dasia, you and I both know the spies followed us all throughout our trek here, and now we are sitting ducks."

Legolas sighed, leaning against one of the wooden pillars, "We are still going to Erebor, that much is certain...I think Laisidhiel might be able to help us."

He looked at me, seeming a little unsure of what he was going to say, "I think she is part dwarf. I heard the Maste-"

His words were cut off by another voice, "Yes she is. She is also part elf, hobbit, and man." We both looked at the entrance of the hall, and there Chloe stood. She had taken off her earlier attire, and was in a fitting blue dress.

"Honestly, for elves you two are rather loud." She chuckled softly, "I will tell you that Laisidhiel will help you, and has already planned on going with you to Erebor."

Well that was fast.

"She will also hide your friend for you, in a hidden part of our house. It is safer than here." She gestured to the hall.

Legolas and I glanced at each other, a little suspicious, "How is she all four races?" Legolas asked slowly.

"Her mother was a half elf, half human; her father was half hobbit, half dwarf. And you can stop your suspicious looks, not all of you will be going to Erebor, you still need to protect your human friend, we can't do everything for you."

We were both a little speechless, and lost in thought.

Chloe glanced between both of us, her cool blue eyes hinting at amusement.

"We will have things ready by dawn. I will come and get you, and then we will sort the rest out." Chole smiled at us before, turning and leaving the hall.

~ ~ ~

"Hostien. If anyone tries to break in, kill them." I whispered to my friend in our short embrace. We had settled on what our plan was; I would be leaving with Rumil, and Laisidhiel to go to Erebor and negotiate with the dwarfs. Should be fun. Then ask for their help in delaying the spies, for us to make a run for it and hopefully get to Gondor without any issues.

"Assuming someone would try and cross paths with me, I will." She giggled out, "Now go before I come with you!" She said, shoving me towards the door.

"Fine, fine. We're leaving!" I raised my hands in defeat, walking out the front door of Chole's and Laisidhiel's house, I only turned around to see Hostien holding Rumil's tunic collar in a death grip as she kissed him. Ewwwwww. I am sure my face was a bit disgusted, as I turned away from the two.

Laisidhiel was leaning against a wooden post, out right laughing at the situation.

I walked over to the privet dock where we would be casting off, rolling my eyes, before swinging my pack into the boat we would be taking to get across the lake, but when I looked up I spied Orophin gazing warmly at Dasia, who blushed heavily before standing on her tip toes to kiss him on the check. Oh, finally!

I inwardly cheered for the two, until I realized someone's arms had snagged around my shoulders, pulling me against a strong chest,"Do not hurt anyone while you are there, I wouldn't want any more issues with the dwarfs."

"Legolas, you have such little faith in me!" I scoffed, batting the air with a hand.

"Just your temper my dear." He said softly, kissing my check. Did he just insult me?

Laisidhiel coughed loudly into her sleeve, catching everyone's attention, "If you don't mind, it would be best if we leave. I do not believe any of us would like to doddle." 

"Go." Legolas whispered in my ear.

"Okay." I whispered out, stepping into the boat soon joined by Rumil, and Laisidhiel. With one final goodbye we cast off, slowly floating towards the Lonely Mountain. Where our journeys fate would be determined.

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