Rise of The Monster! (Raph X Gender Neutral! Reader)

Okay raph. You've totally got this. Just take a deep breath and then ask Donnie for help because there's no way that you can spend a whole evening alone with your crush.

Raph had sucked in a deep breath just as he thought, closing his eyes sitting on his bed. Now what had gotten him so worried? Well if any mind readers had been listening they'd know that raph was incredibly nervous about spending time with his crush.

Which was obviously you.

The two of you planned a Halloween themed night of fun together. Alone. You had suggested making cookies as well as watching scary movies and playing board games. Now poor raph lately could hardly say a word to you. Only able to nod or shake his head in response with a dopey grin stretched far across his face.

You were starting to worry about him. Which was reasonable as he used to be so talkative with you. So before you came today raph decided that he'd go talk to Donnie about his predicament. He had tried talking to his other brothers about it but their advice didn't get him very far.

First raph went to Leo, after all being the face man of the group surely he had some good input. He was the type who knew every pick up line in the book and if there was anyone who could help or raph thought it was leo! (He was wrong.)

Leo's advice led to topics raph had no idea existed. As well as telling him he needed to dress up and impress you going to extreme lengths for your attention.

Raph tried, don't get him wrong he really did. But it didn't go as planned. Dressed in a nice suit one day you had found him in the lair. It was bad timing however as his suit got ruined by poor Mikey who was running with his cup full of paint water. Just as you rounded the corner and saw him the water splashed against the suit.

Needless to say that the plan didn't work and you didn't even realize why he had dressed up in the first place. But you were really kind about it offering to help him get it dry cleaned even though it wasn't your fault. (Gosh he really likes you. You're so thoughtful.)

Then he tried to ask Mikey what to do. The most emotional brother surely has to have some good advice? Or so raph thought. Mikey had just told raph to be himself and not worry so much about trying to impress you because if you really like him for who he is you're already impressed.

It was a sweet sentiment but raph knew better! People like charming men! And well raph didn't think he was all that charming. He did try though, just to appease mind raph and Mikey.

But like all other times since realizing his crush on you he couldn't talk. He'd get tongue tied the moment your (E/C) eyes met his. You were just so interested in what he had to say it made him so flustered.

That left only one brother left to ask for help. So raph figured this was his last attempt before never trying again and hiding from you. He just can't take the way you look up at him with a smile anymore! He swears his heart will burst one of these days.

Raph wasn't entirely sure what donnie could do for him, but it had to be something. Even if it was teaching him a new big word to use in a sentence to maybe impress you.

With another deep breath raph had successfully calmed himself down pushing his body up from the bed. This was going to be easy! Just tell Donnie the situation, if he didn't already know, and then use what he's learned on trying to impress you.

The alligator snapping turtle walking down the hallway twiddling his thumbs together. He felt like a little kid all over again getting up in the middle of the night to ask if he could sleep in his pop's room after a nightmare. (But this was different!)

Donnie's room loomed in front of him, he could hear his brother hard at work in there with the sound of mechanical whirling. Raph didn't have time for pleasantries he only had an hour until you arrived now.

"Hey Donnie?" Raph pushed the purple curtain out of the way walking into the dimly lit lab. Donnie had his back to him, mechanical arms holding different tools against his battle shell, sparks flew off to the side in yellow's and oranges. (A stark contrast to the cool dim hues of the lights in the lab.)

Raph shouted over the mechanical sounds to get his younger brothers attention. Donnie finally seemed to hear him removing an air pod from one ear looking behind his shoulder seeing raph. He let out a long sigh.

"What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something very important?" Donnie turned a little more towards raph, mechanical arms flailing to show off his tools. Raph just smiled clasping his hands together.

"Yes I do uh see that and you're doing a great job! I just- i just need some help." Raph looked to the side already feeling his face heating up at the thought of you.

Donnie pushed his goggles up from his fave narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"This is about (Y/N), isn't it?" Donnie seemed unimpressed letting out a long breath. His tools rested against his desk now, arms retracting back into his battle shell, until at last he stood up crossing his arms up at his older brother.

Raph perked up. Well that was easy he didn't have to explain the situation!

"No-I mean yes!" Raph wanted to wack himself on the side of the head for saying no.
"I just!- They're coming over in an hour and I want to be able to impress them."

"So you came to me for help?" Donnie seemed silently stunned. Then a smile grew on his face.

"Well uh-" Raph scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Ah, Ah, Ah say no more!" Donnie had a spring to his step, walking closer to raph taking his arm pulling him further into the lab.
"I am forth willing to assist! I've been dying to test this modified version of my "Pizza Fun Box"."

"You have a pizza fun box?!" Raph turned towards donnie feeling him shoving his body through a door.

"Uh yes don't worry about it here just stand here." Donnie backed away now closing a door leaving poor raph inside a strange looking machine.
"I am going to make you the very man you want to be for (Y/N)!"

Donnie laughed from outside though his words seemed muffled to raph.

"WHAT?" Raph shouted from inside just wanting to know what his brother said.

"This will only hurt a little!" Donnie shouted from the outside grabbing a lever slamming it down.

The machine whirled to life.

Donnie just watched as the lights flashed before his eyes at the process. That was until an alarm went off.

"Oh no no no!" Donnie rushed around trying to stop the machine now. Fingers desperately hitting multiple buttons until finally the machine shut off.

The door slid open by itself, causing smoke to exit from the machine out into the rest of the lab. Donnie coughed covering his mouth as he did so squinting his eyes.

"Raph?" He called out to his brother who slowly stomped out of the machine.

Something was different about him. That was good right? Just what Donnie wanted.

"Huh?" Raph looked down at Donnie acknowledging he had spoken making Donnie laugh and leap for joy.

"ITS ALIVE!!! ALIVE!!" He ran around shouting it, as if he was Victor Frankenstein himself.

Raph watched eyes slowly following his brother before he smiled. He stomped his feet to the ruckus.

"Alive! Raph alive!"

Uh oh.

Donnie's celebration was cut short, his body stiff as he turned around to look at his older brother. Now Raph wasn't the brightest, Donnie knew that, but the way Raph spoke and acted reminded him an awful lot of savage Raph.

This couldn't be good.
Okay calm down (Y/N) you've got this. If anyones got this it's you!

You were trying to pep talk yourself up as you stalked along the sidelines of the sewers towards the lair.

You didn't want to be so nervous but you couldn't help it. You don't remember the last time you and raph just hung out alone. And this was the perfect time to maybe even hint about how you felt about him.

April helped you devise a plan on what to do during your hang out. You just had to laugh at all his jokes comment on how strong he was ect. Should be easy. If you don't die of embarrassment first.

You clutched the strap of your bag anxiously taking that familiar turn towards the lair listening to the shouts now becoming clearer. You smiled at the sense of familiarity now walking into the lair.

You stood in one of the many entrances watching as Mikey and Leo whizzed by down the skateboard ramp. Their laughter was loud as they passed each other clearly in some sort of competition.

You would have stayed and watched if you weren't looking for raph now. You walked further into the room offering a wave as the boys saw you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Mikey shouted first rushing past you leaving behind a puff of air.

"Yo! (Y/N)!" Leo shouted after pumping his fists at the sight of you. You didn't have time to hang out with them even if they did look like they were having fun.

"Hey have either of you seen raph?" You shouted up to them as they did a trick together in the air before flying back down. Mikey was the first to stop his board kicking it up to hold it now.

"Um?" He looked up towards the ceiling in thought.
"I don't think I have, what about you Leo?"

Leo had nearly fell down the ramp, though saved himself the last second holding his board up just to lean into it crossing his arms. He looked to the side thoughtfully before shrugging looking at you.

"I don't know. Last I heard he was talking about talking to donnie to mind raph." Leo just seemed bored now.

"Okay, thanks I'll go check in with Donnie. Have fun skating!" You waved goodbye to the brothers now rushing off towards the lab.

Why would raph need to talk to Donnie? Was it something mission related? Was there a new threat on the street you didn't know about? (Oh no did they threaten your Halloween affairs?!)

You picked up the pace towards Donnie's lab jumping at the sound of a crash from within. What was that?

"No! No! Drop it! Bad raph!" Donnie sounded like he was struggling with something.

Wait did he say raph?!

You knocked on the wall outside his room for curtesy, waiting patiently hearing another crash.

"Who is it?" Donnie shouted amongst the commotion. He sounded like had just whisper shouted something along the lines of come on in frustration.

"(Y/N), I'm just looking for raph I thought maybe you'd have seen him." You slowly brought your hand to the curtain about to brush it back.

"(Y/N)!" That voice sounds like raph. He seemed happy.

"Ack! No back!-" Donnie struggled as he suddenly swatted your hand away poking his head through the curtain keeping it closed.
"Nope! I haven't seen him. You know how raph can be."

Donnie shook his head dismissively. Something felt off. You placed your hands against your hips not believing a word he said now.

"So you're telling me you lost your 6 foot older brother?" You weren't buying it. Donnie made a face clearly trying to find a lie to tell. He was a terrible lier though.

"Uh yes I'm gonna go with that." He moved to jerk back into his room.
"Been nice chatting let's not to it again for a whole goodbye!"

"Hey wait!" You pulled open the curtain to chase after Donnie.

As soon as it slid open you were stunned standing there in shock at what you were seeing. Raph was in the room, trying to get past Donnie with such child like movements. The moment he saw you his eyes lit up and a broad smile met his lips. (Your heart picked up speed in your chest at the sight.)

Wait! No focus! Donnie lied!

"(Y/N)!" Raph's voice echoed your name again trying to get close. Though Donnie held him back.

"Yes yes I lied!" He could gather you were mad by your expression.

"What did you do to raph?!" You knew by his behavior something bad had happened, and by your tone Donnie knew he was in for an earful. What he didn't expect was for raph to be upset with you.

Raph let out a yell towards Donnie shoving him at full strength out of the way. Donnie crashed into his desk almost breaking it upon impact. You gasped in shock. You didn't want that to happen! Raph how ever ignored his brother walking towards you with heavy steps.

"(Y/N)!" He said your name again, you were frozen in shock feeling him suddenly grab you lifting you up. Carefully perched on his shoulder raph patted your leg.
"Safe up here!"

Oh you wanted to die. You knew there was something wrong with raph, and it was definitely Donnie's fault, but being this close was making your heart pound like crazy.

"Raph? W-what are you doing?" Your nervousness showed in your tone as you leaned down to look at him feeling him keeping you secure on his shoulder with his arm. (Obviously on the side you were sitting on.)

Raph didn't say much just grunted then repeated you were safe essentially. By this point Donnie came back to his senses sitting up coughing from the impact. You quickly turned to look at him.

"Donnie what did you do!" You shouted to him again turning as red as Raph's bandana as he nuzzled his face into the side of your leg.

"Don't blame me! Raph came to me for help with his crush on you!" Donnie stood up brushing off his shell. You froze again.

Raph had a crush on you?

You looked down at him unable to suppress a grin. Even if this wasn't the raph you know and love.

"He did that for me?" You looked away from him trying to hide in your hands.

"Yes! Very touching! But it doesn't matter right now! Even though it pains me to say, I made a mistake!" Donnie kept his distance looking at raph with hesitance.

"Well can you reverse what ever you did?" You let out a shaky breath smiling so widely feeling raph continue to nuzzle into you repeating your name.

"Maybe-" Donnie rubbed his chin in thought.
"If you can get him back in the "Pizza Fun Box" I might be able to reverse the effects."

"You have a pizza fun box?" You turned to look back at Donnie watching him face palm.

"Why is everyone asking me that today?! SURE!" Donnie was short tempered right now. But this was all his fault! You rolled your eyes. Well anything to get your raph back!

"Um," you looked down at raph gripping your clothes anxiously, "hey raph?"

Raph looked up at you as if you were god. (At least you meant that he was hanging off every word you said like it was the most important thing.)

"Let's play a game." You smiled trying not to show how nervous you were about this plan. Donnie ran farther back into his lab urging you to make raph follow.

"Game?" Raph echoed the word back. You're suddenly having flashbacks to the tales of savage raph. Well at least you know he'd recognize you.

"Yeah! Let's follow donnie, like a game of tag!" You leaned down patting his hand softly. Raph looked behind him towards donnie before looking back at you.

"But- you angry?" Raph sounded like he had forgotten how to speed and only knew a handful of words. Poor guy.

"No I'm not big guy!" You tried to sooth him. You brushed your fingers along the side of his jaw.
"I just wanna play a game!"

"Game!" Raph turned towards donnie.
"Raph wants to play too!"

You realize now he sounds like franken-foot. His favorite sparring companion. Or maybe like Frankenstein's monster. Still it didn't matter as raph walked towards donnie mindful of you on his shoulder.

"Okay (Y/N) just guide him through the door make him put you down before walking in!" Donnie raced off to the side and raph lost sight of him.

"We should split up to look for him." You leaned down to talk to raph feeling him looking up at you. He nodded. But didn't want to put you down. You needed to flat out ask. Even if you liked being this close.
"Can I come down?"

Raph's eyes suddenly widened and he nodded quickly setting you down against the floor.

"There!" You gasped pointing towards the door donnie mentioned.
"I think I saw him!"

Raph followed your finger before he chased after donnie through the door. Unfortunately for him donnie was behind it, closing it as soon as raph entered and quickly raced to his control panel.

"This better work!" Donnie shouted as he turned the machine to life listening to it whirl.
You covered your ears at the noise you couldn't bare to see the outcome!

Then it stopped.

The door opened slowly, revealing the thick smoke from within. You and Donnie both waited with baited breaths as raph stomped out from the mist.

"Uh- hey what's goin on?" Raph scratched his head confused.
"I don't feel any different donnie. You sure this thing worked?"

You and Donnie cheered, after all it worked and raph was back to normal!

"(Y/N)! W-when did you- you get here?! I-I mean funny seeing you here!- I mean!-" Raph was sputtering again and now it all made sense why he had such a hard time saying much to you anymore.

You rushed to engulf him in a hug laughing happily to have your favorite turtle back to normal. Though after the moment of celebration you explained what happened to poor raph who was even redder than his own color.

Especially after you asked him out and suggested your original plan of making Halloween cookies and watching scary movies be your first date. (He obviously said yes.)

Alls well that ends well at least. Though you guess now you know what it would be like to be The Bride of Frankenstein's Monster.

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