Head Cannon: When You Meet

A/N: occasionally between one shots I'll do head cannons, just to keep things fresh!

Key: (Y/N) = Your Name

❤️ It was pretty late to be out on a school night. But April had insisted you meet her in Central Park.

❤️ "it'll be fun girl! Besides I want you to meet some friends of mine!"

❤️ "but Central Park at night? Come on April.."

❤️ needless to say you failed that argument. April assured you'd be safe. You'd just have to believe her. Being a teenager meant taking risk right?

❤️ your mind completely wandered as you walked along the street peering down ever corner like a murderer was waiting for you.

❤️ you were too nervous.

❤️ "well well what do we have here?" The voice had called to you from the alley making you quickly swivel your head. Your eyes widened.

❤️ out slithered a giant snake/man? You weren't sure what it was but it was huge and terrifying. (Definitely a first for New York that you've seen.)

❤️ "pretty little girl all alone." The snake sang some sort of undertone to his strange words. You swallowed thickly clutching the straps to your bag tighter.

❤️ " I don't want any trouble." You turned swiftly away trying to keep walking forward.

❤️That was a mistake.

❤️The snake grabbed you by the arm.

❤️"Leaving so soon my pretty little lunch?" His words were horrifying.


❤️You tried to fight your arm out of his grasp desperation kicking in to finally break free you shoved your other hand up in his face. Pushing it up right to the nose.


❤️The snake hissed in pain pulling away from you quickly, this was your chance to run!

❤️So you did rushing down the street seeing Central Park in the horizon. Come on you're almost there!

❤️"Why you little!-" you could hear the snake man behind you. You screamed continuing to run.

❤️Don't catch up don't catch up.

❤️"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" That voice was new.

❤️You skidded to a stop panting as you turned around jumping at the sudden giant that seemingly fell from the sky in front of you.

❤️No wait he's a turtle?

❤️A 7ft, teenage, snapping turtle?

❤️You must be dreaming.

❤️"(Y/N)!"  You could hear April's voice. Maybe you fell asleep in class and she's trying to wake you up!

❤️You were so stunned you fainted.



❤️Someone was shouting your name shaking your arm.

❤️Your eyes fluttered opened finding your self laying on a bench with april leaning over you.

❤️"Oh thank goodness!" She sighed wiping the sweat from her forehead.

❤️"What happened?" You groaned sitting up.

❤️"Well that I'm not so sure about," a familiar voice suddenly rang in your ears, "i just happened to be a little late trying to get my brothers to the Park and I saw you being chased by another mutant!"

❤️You slowly looked up to see that snapping turtle again.

❤️You almost passed out a second time.

❤️"(Y/N)! He's a friend! Friend!" April pulled you back from falling over again.

❤️"The name's Raphael, Raph for short!" Raph smiled at you before rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Sorry if I scared ya. You must be April's friend she's been wanting us to meet!"

❤️You just nodded. Your mouth was dry.

❤️"Yo! April!"

❤️Another guy shouted. You had turned your head to look back.

❤️There's more of them?!

❤️Needless to say you did pass out again from shock but after April explained it all when you came back to, it was okay enough.

❤️All in all, not the worst first impression you've ever made.

💙 pick up the pizza, it'll be easy, nothing to worry about.

💙 you huffed rolling up the sleeves to your jacket.

💙 you had been sent by some friends from school to go around the corner and pick up some food.

💙 just another boring group project but motivation was needed.

💙 you had offered pizza as the food of choice for said motivation. It was the only obvious choice, as it had almost all the food groups with it.

💙 but you didn't want to be the one to get it! You came up with the idea, shouldn't that be enough cause not to go get it?

💙 you kind of wished someone had come with you, you've been keeping up with the news and the strange mutations happening around New York was starting to scare you a bit.

💙 but it's fine. No big deal. You've lived here your whole life you know what to avoid.


💙The door chimed upon your arrival as you walked through. The crips fall air following behind you as you walked in.

💙You should be cold but your nerves were warming you up.

💙You got in line, peeking over the few people before you.

💙This was the busiest you've ever seen this joint.

💙Just your luck.

💙You sighed reaching for your phone in your back pocket. You may as well entertain yourself.


💙Another customer walks in.

💙"A line?! Oh you've got to be kidding me!" The guy behind you had sounded heart broken at the line before him.

💙You turned around to catch a a glimpse of him.

💙You turned back seeming to ignore him, that was until it clicked.

💙Was that a giant turtle?! Dressed in a hoodie?!

💙You turned back around to confirm your thoughts.

💙His gaze met yours.

💙You turned back just as fast.

💙"Take a picture, it'll last you longer." His tone was flirtatious as he leaned over your side smirking at you.

💙You jumped as the line pushed forward.

💙"Sorry- I- I didn't mean to stare-" Why are you sputtering?

💙"Eh I get it all the time, no big deal. Most people wanna pizza this." He shrugged smirking still.

💙Was that a pun?

💙You cracked a slight smile trying to suppress a snicker.

💙"That was terrible, real cheesy." Wait you didn't mean to say one back.

💙The teenage, turtle?, laughed at you.

💙"Hey that's a good one! Okay okay wait, I gotta think of a good one to combat that." The turtle laughed more.

💙"Oh man that was too good. I wasn't expecting that."

💙You raised a brow. Well he was normal enough. Even if he vaguely reminded you of a red eared slider.

💙"Are you saying women aren't funny?" You gasped in fake offense.

💙"No, not at all. I'm just saying no one is funnier than me." He was quick to respond.

💙You both laughed.

💙By the time he has thought of his pun, it was your turn to pick up your food.

💙You confirmed who you were picking up for and grabbed your box though now you weren't so eager to leave as you were when you stepped inside.

💙You hesitated on leaving but kept walking towards the door.


💙The guy rushed in front of you opening the door for you.

💙"After you." He winked.

💙You rolled your eyes but thanked him nonetheless walking out.

💙He followed after you with his pizza box held in one arm.

💙"So, do I not get to know the name of the punny lady?" He smirked again.

💙You stopped walking turning to look at him. You couldn't help but smile.

💙"Hm, well I guess you've earned it. A worthy adversary in the battle of puns." You laughed a little.
"My name's (Y/N)."

💙"Leo, but you can just call me the most handsome turtle you've ever seen."

💙You snorted.

💙"Hmm, not exactly smooth there leo."

💙 "I thought I had you for sure with that one." He snapped his fingers as if he really was sad he didn't luck out.

💙You both laughed.

💙Neither of you wanted to stop talking. It was nice having someone to try and out wit with puns.

💙But eventually your path had to split.

💙"See you 'round!" He had waved turning a corner.

💙You echoed his words back.

💙You smiled to yourself walking down the street towards your friend's apartment where everyone was waiting for you.

💙They cheered when you walked through, but complained about the pizza being cold now.

💙You didn't care.

💙It was all worth it for that brief encounter with Leo.

💙Maybe mutants weren't as scary as you thought.

💜 "this is useless!" You cried out in despair.

💜 "it's not that bad (Y/N)!"

💜 "maybe not for you and your super smart tutor." You groaned out at april. Laying your arms out against her desk you looked down.

💜"just admit it, I'm the worst at math." You sighed. April just laughed at you.

💜"you know when I invited you over to my place for a girls night of studying I didn't think you'd be that down in the dumps." She bumped her shoulder with yours.

💜 "about my D in math? You're crazy! My parent(s) are going to kill me! They want me to get into a good collage I can't do that with a D on my report card!" You cried out in fear. April had to smack the back of your head to snap you out of it.

💜 "thanks.." you rubbed your head.

💜"Girl this seems like a CDE!" April had her phone out now hastily texting someone.

💜"A what?" You tried to peek at her phone. She shoved you away.

💜"A Call Donnie Emergency! He's my tutor, I'm sure it'll totally be cool if he tutors you too." April shoved her phone back in her pocket smiling satisfied.
"At least he better be! Or I'm gonna make him okay with it!"

💜April looked scary with the way she clenched her fist seeming furious at the thought of this Donnie guy not wanting to tutor you.

💜You laughed nervously.

💜"How much is it for tutoring?"

💜"What? Girl no it's completely free. He's always looking for a chance to show off anyway." April looked at her nails almost annoyed at the thought.

💜You snickered.

💜Donnie and April must be close.

💜"Sounds like a piece of work." You hummed looking down at your homework.

💜"Oh he is." April put her hands in her hips shaking her head.
"But you'll like him. He's trying to be better at least."

💜Tap tap.

💜You jumped at the sound of someone tapping the window to April's room.

💜You quickly looked over seeing April opening the window obscuring your view of who ever just climbed in.

💜"I have made it! And in record time too. I was looking for an excuse to test my new invention." The unfamiliar voice filled the gaps of silence that had crept into the room.

💜"Wow D, I didn't expect you to get here so fast." April seemed surprised.

💜"Naturally. This was a CDE, very few have the authorization to text me in such a manner." He sounded so a matter of fact like.

💜"Well D, it wasn't really for me. I have a friend who needs help." April sauntered over to you still obscuring your gaze. You stayed seated you knew better than to question her methods.

💜"Nope. No. I don't take CDE for "friends" of a friend. I'm sorry april but I was never here-" as he began to speak April moved out of the way revealing you two to each other.

💜Your eyes widened.

💜So did his, for a completely different reason.

💜He's a turtle! A-a teenage- turtle!

💜You wanted to scream. But quickly reminded yourself that April was calm. So you should be too.

💜"Ho-wow-I-" Donnie sputtered like he had completely forgot to function. His face looked a little red.

💜April grinned, wide enough to match the Chestier Cat.

💜"Donnie this is (Y/N), (Y/N) Donnie. She needs some help with her math homework and you are just the turtle for the job."

💜"Well naturally." Donnie crossed his arms before walking over to the two of you smirking.
"My genius is unrivaled."

💜He had looked down at you as if awaiting your ooo's and ahh's of praise to his intelligence.

💜Instead you just stared wide eyed.

💜"I-um- I've heard a lot about you from April. I was wondering who was tutoring her." Your hands were shaking slightly. You shouldn't be so afraid. But you've never seen anything like this before.

💜Donnie beamed.

💜"Well, I don't normally do this for "friends" of a friend but it seems I have no choice. I shall help you."

💜Donnie picked up the papers sprawled over the desk to examine them.

💜Then he pulled up a chair taking a seat beside you beginning to ask what was confusing you.

💜Your anxiety about him being a giant teenage turtle quickly disappeared as you talked.

💜The more the two of you talked the more you realized you shared similar interests.

💜Your elective this year was robotics and somehow had slipped into conversation.

💜Of course naturally you and Donnie hit it off after that.

💜Though you had a lot to learn it seemed as he knew about all these algorithms and codes you didn't.

💜The homework flew by with out any problem and when it was finished the two of you had just started talking.

💜And talking.

💜And talking.

💜April had come into the room, she had left after a while since the conversation wasn't really including her, to pry Donnie away from you.

💜"Can I have (Y/N) back please! This is a girls night!" She whined while pulling him away.

💜You laughed.

💜"I guess we got carried away." You stood up.

💜"Of sorts, I suppose we did." Donnie pouted deeply.

💜"I'm glad you two hit it off so well but I gotta ask you to leave D, the homework is finished." April pushed him towards the window.

💜"Yes yes, I'm leaving." Donnie huffed looking back at you.

💜He smiled.

💜"Till we meet again oh fair lady of science!" Donnie was out of the room after that.

💜You had just waved goodbye.

💜April huffed closing the door.

💜"Well that went better than expected, come on I made pizza!" April pulled you from her room determined to spend some good quality time with you after Donnie had hogged you most of the time.

💜You just laughed again.

💜Well, even if that was an odd encounter you like you like Donnie.

💜Hopefully you'll be able to ring in another CDE again.

🧡Ah this was the kinda day you needed!

🧡No obligations, no home work, and most importantly no parent(s) to shout for you to come home.

🧡Just a day to relax after school and find a good roof top to paint.

🧡Okay so the no homework thing was a lie.

🧡You had a painting due for a project in art.

🧡But you were having art block.

🧡You tried so many sceneries for your background painting. But nothing really sparked that artistic zing you needed.

🧡 so that's what led you here on top of the roof of your apartment complex.

🧡 you thought maybe the sunset over Central Park, which was visible from here, would be perfect for that zing you needed.

🧡So you sat.

🧡Waiting for that spark.

🧡5 minutes of staring passed.

🧡30 minutes.

🧡An hour.

🧡You groaned kicking your feet up from where you sat holding your head in your hands.

🧡Why are you having such a hard time with your art?

🧡You eventually packed up your easel and paints in defeat.

🧡Maybe a walk would help you.

🧡Leaving all your art things at home you wandered around bouncing a bit on your heels as you took each step.

🧡You should be inspired!

🧡There was so much to be inspired over.

🧡But nothing seemed to click.

🧡You huffed kicking a rock.

🧡"Look out!" Some one shouted from behind you in a panic.

🧡You turned but it was too late as you collided with someone falling to the ground with a thud and an oof.

🧡"Oh me gosh," the voice on top of you shouted, "I'm so sorry!"

🧡You groaned sitting up as the weight was removed off of you.

🧡When your vision finally corrected itself you gasped at the sight before you.

🧡Was that?-

🧡No you must be dreaming!

🧡But!- but he's a humanoid boxing turtle!

🧡"I-" Your mind just completely blanked.

🧡"what just happened?" Finally you came too shaking your head.

🧡The turtle in front of you looked behind him as if looking for someone.

🧡"Well me and my brothers were having a race on who can get home the fastest. But I uh didn't see you when I was zooming by. Whoops." The turtle grinned sheepishly.

🧡You hesitantly stood up.

🧡He was quick to help.

🧡"It's okay." You sighed at last.

🧡Your eyes looked at the stickers on his plastron.

🧡They widened.


🧡"I love your stickers!" You gasped out suddenly.

🧡The turtle blinked before he smiled widely pointing at his stickers.

🧡"Really?! Ah man no one ever notices them!" He laughed.

🧡"I made them myself they're my own design!" The turtle seemed pleased by that.

🧡"That's so cool!" You were in awe.

🧡"You think?" The turtle rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet.
"I wish I could give you one just for being so cool about all this!"

🧡He laughed a little.

🧡You laughed with him.

🧡"No, no I don't need one for that! I just love the art style." You had inspiration at last!


🧡"Can I use them as inspiration for my art project?" You rang your hands together anxiously.

🧡"Sure!" The turtle seemed to be quite a chipper guy.
"Just credit me!"

🧡"What's your name?" You quickly pulled out your phone.
"And can I take a picture of them?"

🧡"Oh! It's Mikey," Mikey puffed his chest out a bit, "and sure!"

🧡You took a few pictures before typing his name hastily into your phone.

🧡"Thank you so much Mikey!" You were about to run off.

🧡"Hey wait! What's your name! Just in case I see you again!" Mikey stopped you from rushing away so quickly.

🧡You hesitated before hitting your head with your hand.

🧡"Oh duh," you shook your head now, "it's (Y/N)."

🧡"Nice to meet you!" Mikey shook your hand quite quickly and suddenly.

🧡"You too! Thanks so much!" You shook his back and then ran off.

🧡"Good luck!" Mikey called from down the street as you ran home.

🧡"Thanks! You too in your race!" You shouted back.

🧡"OH NO!! THE RACE!!!" Mikey shouted as he ran the opposite way.

🧡Hopefully you'd seen Mikey again. But for now you had just what you needed for your project.

🧡At least the art style you wanted for the scenic back ground.

🧡A humanoid boxing turtle just happened to be just what you needed.

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