Head Cannon: Watching a Scary Video
(A/N): I thought it would be fun also for spooky month to also write one head cannon for it! Enjoy lovelies!
❤️ getting raph to watch anything scary was a feat in its self.
❤️but if by some miracle you get him to watch something he's cowering behind some furniture or a stuffed animal. It all just depended on where the two of you are.
❤️ you had made the mistake of suggesting the two of you watch some scary stories on Instagram.
❤️Raph naturally tried to get out of it.
❤️After all he may not say it but he's easily scared by anything "spooky" or "creepy."
❤️"N-now are you sure we can't just watch something else? L-like uh- Sesame Street?"
❤️"Come on it'll be fun!"
❤️"I-I don't know, I mean isn't there anything else we can do?"
❤️"Come on raph."
❤️"It's not that I'm scared! Its-it's just-"
❤️"It'll be fun, we're safe where we are big guy!"
❤️"A-are ya sure?"
❤️It took more convincing after that naturally, but you finally got him over to your computer.
❤️True crime wasn't exactly a good choice but you thought maybe that it would be fine.
❤️You figured it would be up his alley.
❤️After all raph loves watching cop shows.
❤️And food.
❤️And the person you were watching both cooked and talked! Win win!
❤️You were wrong.
❤️Unsolved murders was not a good choice for him.
❤️"So then, she goes missing. Now you gotta understand that she was a punctual girl! Never late to anything not even coming home! So when she mysteriously doesn't make it home after her normal time. People started getting suspicious."
❤️The voice on the computer spoke and raph was now hiding behind you.
❤️"They found her body later in the river. At least half of her was there."
❤️"NO!!" Raph's screams nearly woke up the neighbors. (It was pretty late. Your second mistake.)
❤️After that raph had shut the computer and refused to watch anymore.
❤️He held you close the rest of the night.
❤️You're not sure why but it made you blush the whole time.
❤️"Raph it's okay it didn't happen here." You patted his arm to console him.
❤️"That doesn't matter! The fact was that coulda happened to anyone and I ain't lettin it be you!"
❤️You had to calm him down after that.
❤️Well you can't say he didn't at least try.
❤️You just know that next time it's best to watch something more easy going. Or at least just action packed.
💙it was actually Leo's idea to watch something scary.
💙 you honestly weren't sure at first.
💙not that you minded the idea of watching something spooky. It's just that it's Leo.
💙leo loves to make a joke out of anything.
💙But after some questioning you think you felt okay.
💙"So what are we going to be watching?"
💙"Oh you know just someone playing a video game."
💙Leo sounded so nonchalant about it.
💙"What's the game?" That was your mistake.
💙"Mortuary Assistant."
💙It didn't sound so bad. You knew that was a real job so what's the harm?
💙The only scary thing was just the bodies.
💙You were wrong.
💙Both you and Leo were wrong. You had the same thought process.
💙By the end of it the two of you were holding on to each other unable to tear your eyes away in fear.
💙The two of you watched Markiplier shouting about how that woman wasn't his grandma.
💙You screamed.
💙You couldn't help but hide your face in Leo's shoulder feeling him holding you just as close.
💙It was his turn to scream after that.
💙He had to turn it off.
💙Neither of you moved from the other still in a tight embrace.
💙"It's not real it's not real!" Leo repeated that a few times under his breath right next to your ear.
💙You didn't know why but it made you shudder.
💙You felt yourself blushing. (It must just be from the adrenaline.)
💙After that the two of you got out of his room and went to sit in the living room to watch Lou Jitzu movies.
💙They made the two of you feel a little better.
💙Though when the two of you heard a noise in the hall it made you both freak out again.
💙Leo had went to attack one of his brothers.
💙"WHAT THE HECK!-" it was poor raph.
💙You both weren't allowed to watch anything scary after that.
💙But it was definitely better that way.
💙That was until leo tried again a few days later.
💙"You wanna watch Outlast?"
💙You had laughed.
💜The truth was neither of you would watch any scary video.
💜that was unless dared to.
💜naturally like any teenager would during a sleep over truth or dare was involved.
💜and naturally donnie picked dare.
💜As he did he gave you a smug look. Almost like he was seeking your approval.
💜"Feeling brave are we?" Leo obviously took advantage of the situation.
💜"Oh please. I can take on any dare you throw at me. So have at thee!"
💜It went south quickly.
💜"I dare you to watch a scary movie with (Y/N)."
💜It didn't sound so bad. Until it was just you and Donnie in the living room.
💜Donnie scoffed at the idea of having to watch a simple movie. As he said nothing scares him.
💜"You don't have to do this D."
💜You tried to reassure him there was no harm in chickening out.
💜"And give 'nardo the satisfaction of my loss?! Never!"
💜You just wished that you had a say too.
💜You're not even sure why you had been dragged into this in the first place.
💜The movie that had been chosen was Friday The 13Th.
💜It wasn't to bad at the beginning.
💜Though you were a little upset at how cruel the campers had been in the past.
💜But then it was fine as time moved forward and they were almost comical.
💜Oh how wrong you were.
💜It was a horror movie for a reason.
💜You jumped every jump scare.
💜At least Donnie was still watching it determined.
💜That was until someone had finally gotten killed.
💜You both screamed.
💜You hid behind him a bit from where you sat.
💜Hiding your face in his shoulder.
💜"Just tell me when it's over!" you were brave but not brave enough for this!
💜"Don't worry it's not real! It can't be!" Donnie was trying to rationalize.
💜He had wrapped his arms around you clinching afterwards.
💜You're not sure why, but your heart sped up inside your chest at the action.
💜Needless to say that he had managed to go through with the dare just fine.
💜Leo wasn't satisfied, but Donnie had done what had been asked and sat all the way through it with you.
💜But next time if that was a dare you're out.
🧡now Mikey was a superstitious person.
🧡he had a philosophy that if you watched anything scary a ghost would haunt you.
🧡of course that wasn't always the case and you knew better.
🧡but regardless you knew better then to pressure him into watching a scary video.
🧡You were surprised though when he had offered to watch a scary video with you.
🧡"Yeah! My favorite youtuber just posted! I thought it would be fun!"
🧡You had to admit now you were skeptical. But you watched it with him.
🧡The two of you had built a fort just to watch the video.
🧡You were pretty cozy in there with all the pillows.
🧡You clutched one close to your chest watching the video intently.
🧡"If I don't make it back be sure to tell the story!" The youtuber clearly was doing a bit. But it looked so real.
🧡Just then did the camera fall from the persons hand to the floor and the two of you watched as blood splattered on the floor afterwards.
🧡You both screamed.
🧡Pillows and blankets flew everywhere as the two of you jumped up in fright.
🧡Naturally the two of you hugged each other still screaming at the top of your lungs.
🧡It was scary!
🧡"WOULD YOU PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN?!" Donnie's shout finally pulled you and Mikey back to reality.
🧡You didn't want to pull away from the hug though.
🧡You don't know why but you felt your face heating up being so close to him.
🧡"That was so many No's!" Mikey had pulled away from you plopping back down against the, now destroyed, pillow fort.
🧡You followed after him.
🧡"Wanna watch some cute puppy videos?" You pulled your phone out still slightly shaking from the fear.
🧡"YES!" Mikey fell to your side now.
🧡"what kinda question is that?!"
🧡He was right it was never a question to ask him. The king of spamming cute animals videos.
🧡needless to say cute puppies were what you both needed!
🧡And that was about how the rest of the time went.
🧡Not that you minded watching cute animals videos was way better than that awful scary one.
🧡Not worth it at all.
🧡But you were happy to be with Mikey regardless.
🧡After all anything with Mikey was bound to be a good time!
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