Ghostbuster PT 2 (Leo X Female! Reader)

(A/N): This is a continuation of a request! If you've clicked part 2 before reading part 1 go back and read it!

Enjoy lovelies!

February 14th, Valentine's.

Leo had been determined to help you out of your situation. Christmas has come and gone in a blink of an eye. You're not sure how many months it's been now. Time felt like an illusion and simply nonexistent, especially the time you spent with Leo.

You had met the rest of his brothers, finding out who the other two were that had been with him that night he found you. Of course Mikey calmed down after getting to know you and April was disappointed you weren't technically a real ghost.

You've been subjected to countless experiments by donnie, though it was a bit tricky as he couldn't touch you.

"Fascinating." He had said when the two of you first met.
"It's like ghost bear if he was a ghost all the time. This will be my finest challenge yet."

Of course he hadn't gotten very far. But as time pushed forward and the months changed, you steadily began to realize you deeply enjoyed leo's company.

He's visited you everyday since finding you. Getting to know you more, determined to help you change back to what you consider normal. You wanted to touch him so badly. At first it was just wanting to hug him. He had tried once and fell right through you to the floor. (He was embarrassed at the time but brushed it off.)

Then you wanted to at least hold his hand. It wasn't enough to be phased through his hand when ever he rested it beside you. It was the closest the two of you could have any sort of contact.

But now? Now you want to kiss him. Maybe it's because you have a crush on him. You don't know when it came about but you knew you felt some sort of way for the red eared slider. You really felt like you were a Victorian woman from the past. (Though soul-ly for the facts that you were pinning from a distance. Longing stares and being unable to touch him.)

You sighed wistfully as you waited by the window in your bedroom waiting for Leo like always. He wasn't very punctual. He'd show up anytime of the day, he'd always have an excuse but at least he still visited. Today he was brining donnie with him and he was always punctual so you had faith they'd be here after lunch.

You just wished you could touch leo at least someway. Kiss him for all his effort. Even if that was your silly little crush talking.

You glanced back at your freshly decorated room, smiling at the effort everyone had put in to making this abandoned town home into a real house. (Naturally being with out care for a few months led to some plant life invading the inside, but it felt more and more like home everyday.)

You were a little disappointed that leo was bringing donnie with him today however. On Valentine's Day some selfish part of you wanted to spend the whole day alone with Leo. Even if you knew he didn't think anything of it.

"Come on Donnie you're too slow!" Your head perked up at the sound of Leo's voice coming from the street.

Quickly you peeked out the window again, no longer paying attention to your room, looking down seeing donnie farther ahead of Donnie who was playing with that wristband of his. (You're not sure what to call it but it was very advanced, you knew that at least.)

"Do not rush me! Today is experimental day and I want to make sure I have my things in order. You do want her to go back to her human form don't you?" Donnie never looked up from his wrist as he walked and talked.

Leo rolled his eyes tapping his ōdachi against his shoulder impatiently walking more ahead.

"Yeah, but I also want to see her, can't you pick up the pace?" Leo groaned standing now just outside of the house.

You turned to look at Donnie as he sluggishly caught up. He didn't seem to respond, only making a face towards his wrist. (You've learned that when they're together it's nothing but disaster. Leo was always one to bring out the chaos in people. But maybe that's because they're pretty opposite in personality. You've mentally called them disaster twins inside your head after learning the hard way one day the chaos they bring when they're together.)

"(Y/N)!" Leo shouted from below your window drawing your attention away from Donnie to look down at him. You smiled clutching the edges of the seal with one hand using the other to wave.

"Aren't you going to come in? Or do you have to be invited in like a vampire?" You called out in a joking manner making Leo smirk.

"I mean I'm happy to do my Dracula impression." Leo was about to move his arm out as if he had a cape, but just before he was about to do the thick accent Donnie whacked him on the back of his head.

"I know this will be incredibly hard for you, but could you please not be an idiot for 5 minutes?" Donnie finally looked up from his arm band irritated at leo. He gave him a knowing look in agitation, then rose his gaze up to you offering you a smile as a greeting.

You smiled back waving again trying to suppress your laughter. Leo looked a bit embarrassed as he sheathed his ōdachi on his back crossing his arms following Donnie inside.

You pushed yourself away from the window excitement suddenly taking over. You couldn't help yourself, even if you wanted to spend time alone with Leo you were still so happy to see him.

You rushed out of the room, and even though you felt your legs moved you were floating towards the railing rushing towards the ground floor as the boys entered.

Leo seemed equally excited looking like he wanted to hug you only to realize he couldn't last second. The arm he had raised to welcome you in a hug quickly rose to the back of his head rubbing it with a grin.

"Long time no see boo-ette." Leo teased. That seemed to be one of his favorite nicknames. Well you guessed there were worse things to be called.

"Hardie Har Har Luigi." You poked fun back shaking your head.

"Hey! I'm Mario we all know I'm the star brother of the family!" Leo shouted in dramatic offense. You both laughed a little.

"If you two are done with what ever this is, I'd like to get started on todays tests." Donnie motioned for you to follow him into the kitchen. He walked in ahead leaving you and Leo to exchange glanced. (Way to spend Valentine's Day.)

You followed behind, even if you wanted to hang out with Leo you had a cure you also wanted.

This was always the same. Donnie would lead you both into the kitchen. Tell you to sit down, pull out a bunch of things from his bag he'd bring with him. And thus the experiments began.

He had been working on something so he could touch you. So far he had these gloves that seemed to mimic your abilities, which was useful so he could touch you for a short amount of time. His other tech was like that, he'd poke and probe you these days now that he could have contact. (Nothing worked as usual, but you think he's getting somewhere.)

Leo was always just watching, happy to input witty banter or talk about his day as a way to distract you from the needles and such. Todays results were a little different, what ever Donnie had injected you with seemed to work momentarily.

He had asked you to pick up a bottle he placed on the table, and you were able to!

"Fascinating." Donnie had written it all down as you were able to pick it up. Cheering with Leo at the fact the three of you were getting somewhere.

But like always it wasn't very far. Little at a time Donnie was able to make improvements. But it was never enough to actually cure you. The effects wore off and that was the end of the experiment for the day.

You walked with Leo towards the door the two of you sharing the same longing goodbye's you always did. You knew he didn't like you back, not crush wise, but it was nice to know he liked your company enough.

You were glad you had taken the plunge and asked for his help.

March 6th.

Another month, no closer to a cure. You were beginning to wonder if you'd get anywhere now. Donnie seemed to be stumped in his studies and hasn't come over in a while for experiments.

Leo still did though.

As of right now the two of you laid together on the roof the the house staring up at the stars in silence. (He had come over quite late today, and to make up for it he had invited you to the roof seeming to have decorated it for you. It almost looked like a date but you knew better.)

"Oh man honestly (Y/N) you should have seen what happened today!" Leo was rambling on about his day looking up at the stars as he talked laying on his back with you.

You were watching him as he gestured out towards the sky laughing as he recalled his day. You wanted to tell him how much you like him. How much this all meant to you. (You wanted to kiss him so badly.)

But at the same time you wanted to tell him your doubts. Tell him you didn't have much hope for being human again. To ever touch someone again.

You were quite as he talked, zoning out slightly not quite catching a word he said. Just listening to his voice. He turned to look at you smiling after laughing a little, he said something that fell deaf to your ears. It was then he noticed you weren't listening.

"(Y/N)?" He sat up a bit, using his elbows to do so, turning to his side to get a better look at you.

You blinked snapping out of it.

"Huh?" You shook your head trying to come back to reality.

"I was just talking to you...are you feeling okay?" Leo rested his elbow down against the roof fully laying on his side resting his head in his hand.

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry." You shook your head.
"I guess I got lost in thought."

"Well what's more important than hearing about me?" Leo snickered as he joked. Clearly poking fun at what the conversation was, but he didn't mean that. (He just acted like he did.)

You turned away from him laying flat against the roof hands clasped together against your stomach looking out at the stars. You heaved a heavy sigh shaking your head slightly.

"I'm kinda loosing hope." You huffed staring at the constellations that managed to shimmer though the city lights.
"I don't think I'm ever going to be human again. I'm just gonna be stuck like this forever."

"Hey we don't know that." Leo scooted closer to you, you could at least feel the sensation of him so close. Your heart raced in your chest as you slowly brought your eyes over to look at him. You couldn't fight the blush that rose to your face.

"I feel like that's how it is." You swallowed thickly trying to brush off your nerves.

"I mean donnie can be annoying, but he's pretty smart. If anyone can turn you back he can. I haven't lost hope yet." Leo smiled at you a bit shrugging.
"Besides, isn't hope the most important thing we have?"

You blinked a bit at his words unable to suppress your own smile. Wow that was actually pretty wise for him. (Which was surprising.)

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You hummed continuing to stare at him.

"Of course I am. When am I ever wrong?" he wiggled his eyebrows a bit making you laugh. There was the Leo you knew.

"Yeah yeah, calm down there." You laughed a little letting it simmer down into the night as the two of you continued to star gaze.

He was right. There's still hope. You wanted to confess so badly to him how much you appreciate him and have a crush on him.

But nows not the time.

April 20th.

Still no donnie. It's been a good while now for sure and he still hasn't shown up. But Leo still had hope that his brother could change you back. So you couldn't loose hope either.

It was pretty early in the morning when you had gotten the sudden company. Busy with rearranging some things you could touch in an effort to entertain yourself when the door had burst open.


The voice had started you to the point of dropping something gasping as you turned around seeing donnie standing in the doorway seeming out of breath.

"D?" You gasped in relief that it was a familiar face.

"I have finally the answer to all your troubles!" Donnie slid his gloves on quickly walking over to drag you to the kitchen. You couldn't fight him following along in confusion.

It was 6 am.

Donnie say you down like always and rushed about in a frenzy making you follow his every movements in curiosity. He was muttering talking wildly. It was almost hard to understand him, but you understood the most important part: He was going to turn you human again.

April 20th, 3:30 PM.

Leo pushed the cover to the manhole off, grunting as he lifted the weight while still clinging to the latter. He knew he promised you he'd start visiting you more and more earlier until donnie started his experiments on you again, but he got caught up in a mission today. (Thanks raph.)

Donnie had been gone most of the day from the lair, and while Leo didn't care where his brother went he was a bit concerned at the lack of communication. (He just hoped it wasn't another purple dragon thing. Come on when will he learn about those dweebs?)

Leo hopped out pushing his thoughts of his brother out of his head as he stood city level at last sucking in a deep breath. He had to see you!

Leo didn't want to admit it but in the time he's known you he's gotten quite attached. (Teased even for a crush he denied. But he very much had one.)

He has to see you, and make sure you were doing okay. He didn't blame you for being upset about your mutated form. Though he thinks you look amazing in that dress, even if it was a Halloween costume, he couldn't imagine being unable to touch anything. Much less eat.

You needed someone to be there for you and he was that person. Or so he hoped.

Leo rushed towards the town house with a skip in his step, like a love sick teen on their way to see their crush. He couldn't help himself. Seeing you filled him with such a good feeling.


He stopped just outside the house in shock at the noise that had reached his ears making him hold his breath. What was that? That wasn't you was it? Was someone in your haunted home?


It sounded like someone was breaking in. Leo quickly rushed into the home, looking around as he easily pushed open the door seeing things all thrown about. Oh no. His blood ran cold as he dashed up the stairs where he had heard another crashing sound.

The door to your room was slightly ajar and he held his breath unsheathing his ōdachi from his back. He was about to give this intruder what for!

"(Y/N)!" Leo shouted as he ran into the room waving his ōdachi about. Then he saw you, no longer in a ghastly form standing on shaky legs with donnie observing you in the corner of the room.

Leo blinked confused as he looked between you then donnie slowly piecing things together.

"Uh." Leo lowered his arms.

"Yes thank you for joining us 'nardo and interrupting my documentation." Donnie scoffed from the corner shaking his head.

"Leo!" You had beamed at him walking over wobbly legged. You fell a bit into him, which of course he caught you. (His heart was slamming against his chest quickly at the close proximity.)
"Donnie did it! Look! You were right!"

You sounded so happy that Leo couldn't help but join in on your excitement. He cheered laughing a little as you tried to stand straighter.

"You're like Bambi right now!" He poked fun at you in an innocent way swallowing thickly as you held on to his shoulders. You did one of your mocking laughs at him but seemed so genuinely happy.

"You know what this means right?" You we're so excited it was clear your mind was in such a good place that consequences weren't a thing.

"Yeah! We can finally do that pizza eating competition we talked about. I'm so gonna win." Leo winked as he laughed a little watching as you shook your head.

"No! It means I can finally do this!" You quickly leaned forward locking your lips with his own.

Leo was frozen standing there in shock, and poor donnie slowly slid out of the room giving the two of you privacy, he didn't know what to do at first.

You were kissing him.

No wait you're actually kissing him!

Leo's face turned a nice shade of pink as he felt your lips molding against his own, and soon found himself kissing back. His hands meeting your waist pulling you close into him. Your chest against his plastron.

The kiss of course didn't last long, simply because as soon as you felt him kiss back reality came crashing down on you. You didn't even mean to act so rashly you had just been so excited. You jerked back with a gasp.

Leo was a bit sluggish opening his eyes unable to stop the grin that crept along the corner of his lips. You apologized quietly covering your mouth.

"Huh?" Leo was a bit love struck.

"It's just-just that I wanted to thank you for- for keeping me company and being my friend and stuff." You rambled quietly into your hand and Leo barely caught the beginning. But he had gotten what you meant. Well, enough anyway.

"You know there's a better way to thank me." Leo leaned closer smirking. He came back to his senses enough to flirt. You yelped at his rebound seeming to be even further embarrassed.

"A-and what is that?" You were clearly humoring him.

"Well, you could kiss me again and go on a date with me." He winked again.

"What?" You slowly moved your hand away from your mouth.

"What do you say? Just the two of us out on the town?" He hummed leaning closer brushing his lips against your own. Obviously you agreed.

He had helped you relearn how to walk again as the two of you made it to Donnie who seemed unimpressed with his brothers interruption.( But he was happy the two of you were finally together. He didn't think it could have gone any slower.)

"Hey you know what this makes me now that you're human again right?" Leo had suddenly spoke after donnie left the two of you, you were busy packing a few mementos for when you returned home from the house.

"What?" You turned back at him confused.

"A ghostbuster." Leo laughed only to be silenced as a pillow from your former room was thrown at him.

Who knew being mutated was one of the best things to happen to you. And who knew that being human again was a possibility?

Leo really was technically your Ghostbuster.

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