Ghostbuster (Leo X Female Ghost Mutant! Reader)
This is a request by @Desolateddreamur
"May I request a Leo X Mutant Ghost! Female reader?
The reader's take is that they were mutated at a Halloween party when dressed up as a ghost and the house was sold and abandoned. You wander and haunt the house.
Leo at first didn't believe in ghosts and found it even harder to after The Gumbus but when he investigates the house and funds you he realizes they can be real.
You tell your story to him and he declares he wants to help you get fixed. You end up falling head over heels for him for his kindness and generosity, but you're upset you can't kiss him to show your love to him.
Surprise, surprise, he gets you fixed and the first thing you do is kiss him and then express your fancy to him"
This got to be too long for me to write in one go, so I'm going to divide it into two parts, just to get everything asked for in there! Hope that isn't a problem!
But anyway I love a good Halloween prompt! Have you guys noticed that it's my favorite holiday yet? XD Now, let's get this show on the road! Leo ain't afraid of no ghost!
Key: (F/N)= Friend's Name
October 31st, Halloween.
You didn't want to be here. This was an awful idea. But alas you had to be for your best friend. The lights flashed above you, the music blared from the speakers, and people danced all around. Laughing and drinking to their hearts content.
This was supposed to be fun! Instead you were cooped up in a corner drink in hand watching the others having fun. It's not that you didn't like parties. It's just this one sucked. (You we're going home alone tonight, that meant absolutely no drinking. It's New York anything can happen!)
You stared down at your cup, looking at the fizzy soda you had settled on within. You kinda wished you weren't backed into a corner but at the same time did you really want to be dancing out there?
"Hey!" Your friend caught your attention. Their costume shimmered in the flashing lights. They looked like a walking disco ball.
"What are you doing here in the corner?"
You sighed brushing your hair from your face keeping the torn ghostly dress from getting messed up as you moved. (You were even super cute! Dressed as a Victorian ghosts! But what was the point?)
"Oh you know, just, floating around." You snickered elbowing your friend. They rolled their eyes.
"That's so not funny." They scoffed.
"Get some real humor like fanging out."
You both laughed at the awful word play. But the laughter didn't last too much longer.
"Though seriously girl, what are you doing alone? This is supposed to be about fun!" Your friend draped their arm over your shoulder pulling you close.
"I know it's just that I don't really know anyone. Plus I mean look at how they're dancing? Where's the rhythm?" You jabbed your thumb out towards the crowd snickering.
"Well you just gotta find the right dance partner," your friend wiggled their eyebrows, "how about the guy in the blue over there?"
You turned to look at a guy dressed as a blue yeti dancing toward the edge of the crowd. You rolled your eyes.
"No way. Too much energy." you laughed a little.
"Okay suit your self I'm gonna go talk to him." Your friend removed their arm from you slithering off to talk to the guy. You laughed a little watching them go.
"I'm gonna explore the house a little!" You shouted after them, letting them know where you were going before leaving.
You slid past the crowd yourself now ducking between people to make it towards the stairs. The music was quieter out here. Now it felt like a real haunted house.
Now a house in New York City? Wasn't so uncommon if you went to the right neighborhood. (But you weren't exactly in New York City, you were more in Brooklyn right now.)
This house has been on the market for a bit but no one has ever taken the deal. There were rumors amongst the locals that it was haunted. But ghosts aren't real. You didn't think so anyway.
You crept up the stairs feeling a sudden chill. Though even if you weren't superstitious this definitely was spooky. The floorboards creaked underneath you as you walked, groaning in protest at the sudden weight.
You had to admit though the rooms you came across as you reached that second floor were nothing to write home about. They were pretty empty aside from a spider skittering across the floor in shock at the door opening.
But you did find a bed room.
It was beautiful, or well used to be, the curtains still hung over the opened window flowing in the wind. Only a dresser and vanity remained in the room. But that's not what made it so stunning. It was the wall paper and wooden carving along the edges of the floor. Who ever had this house last was an artist. (So you assumed.)
You walked towards the window pushing the curtains open peering down at the quiet street. The wind blew past your hair making you shudder. You sighed now leaning against the ledge.
What was with you? Why couldn't you have fun at this party?! Maybe you were just stressed out.
You closed your eyes ignoring the buzzing coming to your left. You assumed it was just a stupid fly.
School was starting to really weigh you down and on top of that you had been pressured into picking a collage but you don't know where you want to go! It's just too much pressure when you've had none for a while. You frowned.
Your eyes widen at the burning pain suddenly. You turned to look at the arm it was mostly coming from finding a mosquito, but it shouldn't hurt that much! In a panic you went to brush it away only to find your hand phasing right through it.
You stumbled back, watching as the mosquito flew off. Your body burned! You screamed watching your hands disappearing and reappearing at your sudden mood shift.
What was going on?!
You stumbled towards the vanity looking in the mirror, your skin was replaced with a glowing pale blue hue, you were see through! Your eyes now black and sunken in, with matching black mascara running down your face. (But it was like a tattoo more than it was makeup.)
You wanted to scream again.
You! You're a- a ghost! You had to tell someone!
You rushed down the stairs back to the party shouting to your friend as they danced amongst the crowd. You slid through rushing to get to them.
"(F/N)!" You shouted their name watching as they looked around for you. But they couldn't see you. Why can't they see you?!
And that's when you realized that you were absolutely invisible right now. No one could see you.
You figured no one could see you at all now. Maybe this was just a bad dream.
You waited outside in the stairs to the house, waiting for the party to end. But as it ended and everyone left no one saw you.
(F/N) was looking for you when they left but didn't think much of it when they were finally convinced to go home by their other friends. (Figuring you left early.)
So there you sat alone.
You can't go home like this. You can't even go to school like this.
What do you even do?
December 13th
"Leo I SWEAR! There's a real ghost in this one this time!" Mikey was petrified at the reel he had seen on Instagram. Screaming at the top of his lungs begging for one of his older brothers to pay attention to him shoving his phone nearly in his face.
Leo leaned back shocked at the sudden moment gasping sharply before shoving the phone out of his face. Eyes catching a glimpse of a blue lady in the window of a town house.
"What?" Leo scoffed.
"No way! I'm not falling for another fake! Ghosts aren't real we already had this discussion I was clearly right and you were wrong."
Leo leaned back against his bed picking up the comic book he had put down. Dramatically he flared it back, in a way to say leave, as he gripped the pages.
"This is different!" Mikey pushed the comic down, completely crumpling the pages in his grip.
"Hey!" Leo snatched what was left of it sniffling.
"My baby!"
"We have to investigate!" Mikey shook his head tugging Leo up from his bed.
"We have to stop her from possessing people and killing them!"
"What?" Leo looked at Mikey shocked.
"Uh just what have you been watching?"
"Come on I'll get April!" Mikey dragged Leo out of the room.
"Well when in Rome, at least I have another chance to prove you wrong!" Leo laughed loudly down the hall following after Mikey.
Did he believe any of this? Oh no. Absolutely not. He believed that ghosts were real as much as he believed donnie had a heart. (And honestly for Leo that was a definite no to it not being real.)
But to humor Mikey he went along with it. April seemed excited, cheering about how she got to be a genuine ghost hunter again as the three of them walked through he sewers towards Brooklyn.
"Man I am PUMPED! I've been dying to test out my new bat! HA!" April was swinging her bat around widely before she pumped her fist seeming to have the most energy. Leo had his hands behind his head looking up at the ceiling with a shrug.
"This is just gonna be another fake ghost for views. I'm telling you ghosts aren't real." Leo laughed a little rolling his eyes with a scoff.
"Maybe the Gumbus wasn't real, but I'm telling you this one is! She's real!" Mikey was looking at his phone leading the charge.
"Yeah I think he's right." April walked more to leo's speed tapping her bat against her shoulder.
"She's all over social media. I heard someone tried to buy the town house and couldn't got through with the deal 'cause of the Victorian ghost there. It's been empty ever since!"
"Psht please!" Leo shook his head dropping his arms.
"That sounds exactly like a clickbait story!"
"Well you'll see it's not!" Mikey turned sharply to look at Leo. A look in his eyes screaming don't question him making Leo hold his hands up in defense. He may not say it aloud anymore but Leo really still didn't believe it.
The end of the road finally came, and the trio climbed the latter up towards the surface the clean night air hitting them all in the face as they crawled out of the manhole.
"Come on this way." Mikey marched on not waiting for Leo or April completely serious about finding this supposed ghost.
It wasn't much farther now. Though Leo had to admit the closer he got to the town house the more on edge he got.
It was unusually quite. At least not the kinda New York noise he was used to. (But being outside of the main city would do that.)
"LOOK!" April was the first the scream. Pointing up towards a window as it flickered with a light revealing a ghastly girl.
She looked down, seeming to see what the commotion was before gasping and disappearing. Wait what? What did he just see?! Was that a- a-
These two months since being turned into this, ghost, form were perhaps the loneliest of your life. Utterly and completely alone in an abandoned home that now no one for sure wanted with you here.
But where else was there for you to go? Your parent(s) did come looking for you after your disappearance on Halloween night. So did (F/N) and a few others. Even the police came. But no one found sight of you. You didn't dare reveal yourself to them with your predicament.
You wished you were human again. So badly you wished you weren't stuck in this stupid Victorian dress as a ghost. Even if you did have cool powers. (Such as invisibility when you desired and transparency. You could phase through what ever you wanted. But it came at a cost. You couldn't touch anything. At least you didn't need to eat now though.)
You knew that people saw you. After you accidentally messed up with a recent tenet trying to move in you found it best to keep a low profile.
It wasn't your fault! There was a little girl in the family and she had managed to catch a glimpse of you before the finale closure deal, you think that's what it's called, was made. She showed you her doll she was carrying around and you decided to talk to her. After all whos going to believe a little kid about a ghost?
You had made her laugh, but it was enough for the parents to turn and look catching sight of you. They screamed at the sight and quickly refused anymore dealings with the house. Even the realtors became skeptical of even setting foot inside here. But maybe it's better that way. You didn't want to bother anyone with your new form.
So there you were, in your new home wishing to be human again. You said you wanted a break from school but you didn't mean like this. You'd never meant like this.
You sighed sitting close to the window in the bedroom you've now deemed as your own. (Over the last month you've scavenged for furniture for the home. Even if you aren't really sitting it was nice to at least have some sort of normalcy in your new life.)
You expected a group of kids to come by again but they ranged for times. Sometimes it was right as school got out. You found yourself during the day staring at the clock and thinking about what classes your friends where in at the time rather than doing something to take your mind off the predicament.
Sometimes the other kids came around 10 pm. And the gothic kids around 3 am. You didn't expect them to be here for some time to shorten the answer. (You thought you had enough time to stare.)
"LOOK!" So when a girl shouted out you were startled. Eyes looking down to see a familiar girl standing with two, turtles?!
You gasped quickly turning invisible. No no! They can't see you! You don't want any of this kind of attention. You backed away from the window holding your breath.
Go away.
Go away.
Don't come in.
You released your breath in defeat. Your thoughts were in vain. It seems they can't read them. Well you may as well give them what they want.
Slowly you slid out of the bed room. Peering down the banister of the house to see the trio slowly creeping inside.
"You guys are seriously scared over a clear projection in the window?" One of the turtles scoffed, seeming at ease while the girl and the other turtle he was with seemed a bit paranoid.
"That wasn't a projection leo!" The other turtle cling to the girl whisper shouting.
You crinkled your nose in thought. Well you don't think a teenage ninja looking mutant was the weirdest thing you've seen in your time here.
"Shh!! I think I heard somethin' upstairs! Come on!" The girl rushed forward marching towards the stairs only for the now nameless turtle to hug her.
"NO APRIL DONT LEAVE US!!" He must really be scared. But why was he here if this was that scary for him?
"Mikey get off!" April pushed Mikey gently swatting him with her bat.
"Personal space Boi!"
Something about her was familiar. Was she a girl in your school? She looked like it. Maybe she was?
"Guys ghost aren't real why don't we just leave. We came we saw and I'm done and hungry." Leo patted his stomach following April up the stairs.
"We gotta stop the ghost though!" Mikey rushed now to step in front of his two friends. Arms out to keep them from walking up any further.
"Yeah but why? If there's really a "ghost" here it's not doing any harm so what's the big deal." Leo shrugged.
They were all so interesting to watch. It was almost like you were in the middle of watching a tv show or something. Well you guessed now was your time to shine.
You moved down the stairs stopping behind Mikey revealing yourself looming down over the group.
"He's right, maybe you should leave." You shrieked like a banshee. April and Mikey screamed at the top of their lungs. You don't think you've gotten anyone to scream that much.
In a panic april threw her bat at you and then ran with the other turtle. But one remained frozen in his spot. You loomed further over trying to cast a darker shadow over his blue bandana. But he stayed unmoving.
Oh no.
Did you accidentally kill him?!
"Um." You shrunk back down to your normal height fiddling with your hands.
"Are you okay?"
"YOURE NOT REAL!" Leo screamed jumping back mortified now. What a delayed reaction. He couldn't move anymore from his spot taking deep breaths. Oh you must of really scared him and he didn't want to even be here in the first place.
"Do you say that to every ghost you meet?" You hummed a bit. Even if he was scared out of his wits you had to admit it was nice having someone to talk to.
"No! I mean yes! I mean wait! Wait!-" Leo seemed to be all over the place shaking his head.
"You aren't really a ghost there's a logical explanation behind this like projectors or something. Maybe this is Donnie getting pay back after I rigged his lab chair to explode with feathers the next time he sat down. YEAH this is revenge! I KNOW YOURE HERE DONNIE NOT FUNNY!"
You just watched as poor Leo seemed to loose his mind shouting up at the ceiling. He looked so crazy you almost didn't want to tell him that you didn't know who donnie was.
"You're another mutant right?" You broke off his ramblings. You had a thought cross your mind.
"What about it?!" Leo shouted a bit more again seeming alarmed. He looked like he was denying you were real in his head.
"You're just the first one I've seen. Well aside from some pig guy who sneaks into the alleyway here every Tuesday for some silverfish." You rolled your eyes at the thought of him. You could smell him from a mile away and It wasn't a good scent.
"You know meat sweats?" Leo seemed to gradually be calming down.
"Wait did you say another mutant. Are you one too?"
"I don't know." You picked at your hand now.
"One minute I was human at a Halloween party as a Victoria ghost, the next I was bitten by a mosquito and became a real ghost."
"So you are a mutant. Ha! I knew it! I was right! Another one in the book!" Leo seemed much more relax now. But then his face fell.
"Wait, what do you mean a real ghost."
"I mean I can't touch anything and phase through walls and I'm see through kinda real ghost." you gestured towards your body as you spoke.
"That could just be a mutant trait! You can't be a real ghost!" Leo was looking nervous again.
You rolled your eyes a bit moving through a wall and back to prove it to him.
"Pretty sure I'm Danny Phantom now." You placed a hand on your hip narrowing your eyes at Leo. Leo just stared.
"I don't know who that is but I- I don't believe this." He quickly shook his head. He seemed to be panicking.
"I've been in this house for a month for sure now, I just wanna go home and see my family and go back to school but I can't like this!" You sighed.
"I know it's dumb to trust a stranger but I was wondering if maybe, just maybe, you could help me become human again."
Leo blinked.
"Uh you want me to what?"
"Help me be human again. Man are you listening to me?" What was with this guy?
"Well I can't exactly get over the whole ghost thing." Leo rolled his eyes back at you before getting closer inspecting you.
"I mean naturally your instincts are right asking me. I am the best for this job! It's just uh- well- I'll have to see what my brothers think."
"Brothers?" You decided to ignore the narcissism.
"Yeah, so we can get the whole 4/11, or something like that, on your situation." Leo smirked.
Well, what do you have to loose.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." you sighed heavily chewing on the inside of your cheek. It was true you couldn't believe yourself. Especially with the fact you just confided in a total stranger.
But you couldn't take the loneliness anymore. At least now you won't be alone. You have Leo.
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