"Well? What does it mean, kid?"
"It mean to avenge," I said.
"To avenge?" Captain Rogers was perplexed at this turn of events. "Is that a message to us or something?"
"I don't know what it means but it sure is hell creepy," Agent Barton said.
That wasn't the worst thing. It was what hung underneath it like a tattered banner. It's edges still singed but the overall symbol still remained on the flag that was attached to the glass.
The white, black, and red insignia insulted me.
The bird, the rose and the bear.
They mocked me.
I felt that small sliver of fear pierce my soul that I had not know for five years.
I trembled as I stepped back.
"Captain," I said. "Are we ready to leave?"
"Maya, where the hell are you?"
"I'm on my way."
I grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket and took a quick snapshot. Looks like Fury and I would be having a little chat about this.
Instead of burning the flag, I did what I usually did.
I turned my back and ran, never looking back.
To say the least, I'm not ready for any of this. I thought I was but I was just proven wrong.
I was back to the Avengers Tower by the end of that day. Just before I could go to my room, Dr. Banner stopped me.
So here I was, getting ready to place the cuffs on my wrists.
"This might hurt," Dr. Banner said to me as he prepped to place the specially designed wrist cuffs on me.
"Do what you must, Dr. Banner."
"Are you sure?" He asked. "This is your last chance to say no."
"Yes. I'm sure."
"Okay then," he said. "Place you hand on the tray."
I did as he told. My palm faced upwards, leaving my wrists exposed. I just had to bare through with this and I would never have the urge to hurt anyone again.
"Once these are on, you do understand that someone with Level 8 clearance of higher has the authority to take them off? You'll be stuck with these for the rest of your life. You can still decline if you want to."
"It's the only way," I said more to myself than to him.
"There's always another way," he said as he swabbed the area on my wrist. "I've numbed the area around which the cuffs will be placed. The cuffs will be linked to your nervous system so that they'll prevent any future.......mishaps."
"I don't care about the specifics, Dr. Banner. Just get it over with," I said. "It's too late to go back now."
"I hope this works out for you, Maya."
"I hope so, too, Dr. Banner."
On the table next to me was a steel box that contained the cuffs. They were intricate and complicated in design but I knew that Fury had his scientists working around the clock to conjure up this fail-safe.
Dr. Banner lifted up one cuff and placed it on my wrist. Underneath the upper part of it was a sharp spike that would reach into my arm and connect with my nervous system via nanonites that would be released into my blood stream. Whenever I feel to use my abilities, this will send a shock to my system inhibiting it. It will be painful but it is a small price to pay for safety.
"Here we go."
Dr. Banner pushed it into my skin and I watched as blood bloomed from where the spike pierced my skin.
Even now I could feel it there underneath my skin, begging to be released. The power in me roared as it begged me to let it be free.
I breathed in deeply and promptly exhaled.
Thirty minutes later, the second cuff went into my other arm.
An hour later I was given pain pills to control the pain.
Later that night the pain came in hordes as I resisted to scratch and tear at me brand new cuffs.
In the morning, my wrists were red as the sun.
I think the Avengers were keeping a close eye on me.
I caught Natasha watching me at breakfast.
Was there something on my face or did I just look funny? Was it my face?
Hell, everyone was very cautious around me as if they said something wrong and I would break their necks. I probably could but that's not the point.
"What is the matter with everyone today?" I muttered to myself as I pulled a book from my shelf at random.
"Maybe because you look as if you're going to murder someone," Loki said from his corner.
He sat in the armchair close to the window as he glanced up at me. An all too familiar smirk on his damn face.
"What? You gonna tell me to smile because I'll look pretty?"
"Please," he scoffed. "You're boring to me."
"Thanks, Loki. No wonder you never got laid."
"Carful, Midguardian."
Oh. Is that a touchy subject?
Loki was right though. That little shit. He was probably trying to read my mind from across the room. I tried my best not to think of what I saw on the mission or was was around my wrists.
Even now my wrists were bothering me so instead I thought about what to wear today.
Black leather or blazer? Should I look intimidating or should I look professionals.
Decisions, decisions.
"Go with the blazer, Midguardian. At least you won't look like you crawled out of the sewers."
He was reading my mind. That little Asguardian shit.
"As always, thank you. Oh. What would I ever do without you?"
"You're sarcasm is getting irritating."
"So is your attitude but you don't see me complaining," I snapped. "Oh, wait. Nevermind."
"Next time you can look like a street urchin for all I care."
"And maybe next time you'll look like Santa's rejected elf."
"I have a feeling you don't mean that," Loki purred.
"Oh yeah? Try me, Prancer. I dare you."
"Just get dressed and get out so I can work on this spell."
"My room, Loki. I can--and will--kick you out."
SHIELD Headquarters was somewhere in upstate New York.
Good thing I stopped by the bank because I had to convince the taxi driver to get me up here. I hoped that it was worth the effort.
I didn't exactly book an appointment to go and see my new boss.
"Just stop about here," I told the taxi driver.
"But it's just woods and a guard post," he said as he pulled up to the guard shack.
I didn't answer him and passed him the money that I owed. He didn't say another word as he took the money.
"Have a nice day, kid."
As soon as I got out of the car, he speed away toward the city.
"Um......are you lost, ma'am?" The guard asked me as he looked my up and down. Maybe wearing the pant suit made me look out of place.
"Yeah. Is this SHIELD headquarters....," I looked down at his name plate. "Mr. Sal?
"Look, kid. You got the wrong place so you can take your reporting stuff elsewhere."
"That's enough," I said exasperated.
I pulled out my SHIELD ID from my pocket and flashed it.
Thankfully, Fury was wise enough to get me my own ID.
"Look, sir. Can I go through or not? I thought I had clearance."
"Of course," he said, buckling underneath my gaze as he fumbled to press the button that slid open the fences. "Do you want a ride?"
"Thank you for the offer but I prefer to walk," I said.
I walked down the path until I saw a familiar building far, far away. Damn, maybe I should have took the guards offer instead of acting cool. I watched too many action movies.
A sleek black car flew by me, kicking up gravel as it did so.
"Jsckass," I muttered.
Served me right to come up here.
The car back up and stopped next to my. My hand automatically made its way to my gun that was hidden in my jacket.
My eyes narrowed at the window.
The car window slid down to reveal a gentleman in his late twenties who looked like he was in charge of something way over his head. A pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose as he examined me with his hazel eyes.
I didn't trust this guy.
"Agent 20?" He asked in a slight Chicago accent. "I'm-"
"Agent Richards," I finished for him, recognizing his voice. "I didn't expect us to meet under these peculiar circumstances."
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "I get a call from a very flustered guard that an Agent is walking towards the facility. Any reason why I shouldn't drop you back in Avengers Tower?"
"I'm here to talk to Fury. It's important."
"Everything's important, isn't it?" He chuckled.
"That was vague. If you don't have anything else to say then I'll be going. Good day, Agent Richards," I nodded toward him politely and then continued to walk.
Unfortunately, Agent Richards didn't get the hint.
His car started to follow me.
"Agent 20. Get in the car. Fury sent me to come and get you."
"See? Isn't it so much nicer to be honest than vague?"
"You don't understand espionage, do you?"
"No. Not really. I'm new to it.
The door opened automatically for me and I got in, fastening my seatbelt. The car door shut as Agent Richards drove to the SHIELD facility that didn't look as far away as it was.
"I'm gonna give you some advice, Agent."
"I was going to say no thanks but I think you'll keep talking anyway."
"Listen," he said impatiently. "I'm gonna give you some advice because you're a rookie. Don't trust anyone in this field. You can make friends but that doesn't mean you can trust them. Got that?"
"Vague and off track but okay," I said. "Thanks. I think...."
He nodded and pulled into the front of the facility. The door opened on its own as he came to a complete stop.
"I really hope that the next time you want to contact Fury, you'll just call in instead of hitch hiking," Agent Richards said. "Go strait to the elevators and press the button for the twentieth floor. Until next time, Agent."
Then he decided to sped off, kicking up gravel as he disappeared.
"I don't this at all," I murmured to myself.
I turned around and walked into the building, filling Agent Richards intrusions.
The receptionist didn't give a shit as I strolled past her as she chattered away on the phone.
The elevators automatically opened, which meant that this was a private elevator. I pressed the 20th button.
My hands felt clammy as the elevator rose upwards. Fury would probably ask me how it was going with the team? What would I say?
It hasn't exactly been a cakewalk. Half of the team doesn't trust me, with good reason, and the other half are just trying to be polite but don't know how to approach me.
Is this really worth getting away from some unknown organization that's after me? I should have just said no and took my chances in a cell but then I wouldn't be free.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew exactly who was coming after me and why but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions yet. I wanted to be absolute sure.
Director Nick Fury, for a man who only had one eye, he kept it on everything. If anyone knew why this Clan was back, he would. He had to.
The doors opened with a ding bringing me out of my thoughts. I stepped out looked around for the elusive Nick Fury.
He leaned against his desk as he read through some files.
"Maya," he said. "I know you're not here to chat."
"Damn right I'm not," I said as I pulled the photos out of my backpack. "Yesterday, when. I was on a mission I found this."
I placed the photos on his desk and took a step back. He picked them up and glanced over them.
"This is their symbol. I'd know it anywhere, Fury. I thought you said that they were all gone."
"I said that we had evidence to prove they were gone. I didn't say all of them were gone," he scowled at the photo. " Do you really think that they could be back? You said you saw them die."
"I know I saw them die. This has to be someone from the Anwar Clan who wants to reboot the organization," I couldn't help to bite my bottom lip as my stress levels increased. "Why would they be back?"
"I told you they were looking for you," Fury said. "While you were hopelessly failing to adjust with your team, The Anwar Clan broke into several of our blacksitee. The left behind their flag as a warning. They are back, Agent."
"But why come back?" I asked again. I started to pace up and down the room. "This is a message to me, isn't it? This is a warning. No doubt about that."
"They are after you. That's why I put you with the Avengers so that you could be protected if they ever tried to kill you."
"Why do you want to protect me, Fury? What's so special about some genetic freak like me?"
"Because you have valuable information regarding your father's work and you know how these organizations work. The Avengers will deal with this one day and you have to expertise help them. The only problem is-"
"Is that I won't help them when the time comes?" I scoffed as I fell back into a chair. "I don't trust them and they don't trust me. Did you really expect someone like me could just join a team and it would be all hunky dory?"
"I expected you to grow up," he said.
"I am grown up."
"No. You're still that self sacrificing and self-loathing child you were when I first met you. You haven't changed. Not even a damn bit, Maya."
I wouldn't admit it but those words stung. It struck a nerve in me but I kept my face the same as I pretended that it wasn't the truth.
However as much as I hated to say it, Fury was right.
"I'm fucked up," I admitted. "You're right. I'm not good with people but that doesn't mean that I don't want to try. This isn't their fight--"
"It will be."
Fury took a deep breath and let it out. He then walked towards his computer, pressing a button that made the blinds slide down.
"This is what we recovered from the flash drive you brought us on your first mission," he said as a panel slid down in the center of the room showing the globe. Several blips were placed all over the world. "These blips represent where a man named 'The Prince' was seen in the past five years."
A certain blip caught my attention. One that was very close to where I was incarcerated.
"The RAFT?"
"They were looking for you," Fury said as he pressed a button on the keyboard. "You told me he was dead but it looks like you didn't kill him."
"This is impossible," I said as I gazed at the picture before me.
He looked exactly the same, like he didn't age a bit. No burn marks, no scars. I watched the man burn but here he was.
"Still filled with self loathing? Congrats. Now you don't have to."
"You don't understand, Fury," I said in a shaken voice as i turned to look at him. "I saw him burn."
"Does he look barbecued to you?"
"Then he is alive and he's coming for you," Fury said. "Still think you don't need to Avengers when you bring the war to them?"
"So I'm all the Avengers have against these guys?" I asked as i got up from my seat.
"I know I've asked too much before but this time we can effectively end these bastards before they do what thy did to you to thousands and maybe millions of other people."
I made my way to the elevator and pressed a button while still glaring at Fury.
"I hope you know what to do."
"I know."
Then the doors closed and I was alone again.
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