Part 6
"Styles" Harry answers Louis phone at 2:05am
"Hey Haz it's Drew" Drew says on the other end
"How are you still functioning" Harry asks seriously
Drew chuckles
"The same way Louis is" Drew says
"I think he's getting sick" Harry says as he looks to Louis who's fast asleep, curled up in Scott's protective arms.
"Yeah I thought he was a bit warm yesterday" Drew says.
Louis then stirs
"Look, why don't I come out with you tonight?" Harry says to Drew
"I'm up Haz" Louis says as he sits up.
"Let me go out for you Lou, you're exhausted, please" Harry says.
"I'm fine, when was the last time you oversaw a scene? It's easier if I go" Louis says.
"Louis" Harry warns
"Tell Drew I'll be on the street in 5" Louis says
"I heard him, I'll be there in 2" Drew says
Harry hangs up and Louis climbs out of bed and gets dressed
"I'm worried Lou" Harry says seriously
"I know, one week remember, Edward said one more week" Louis says reassuring Harry as he kisses him gently
"I love you" Harry says
"Love you more" Louis says as he goes to kiss Scott who's still out to it and he leaves.
Harry tries to get back to sleep but he can't and just as he's nodding off again at 4:30, his mobile rings and Harry answers to a worried James.
Drew and Louis are heading back at 3:45 after overseeing a crime scene, it's quiet and they are both just exhausted.
"I think we both deserve a holiday after this is all over" Drew says as he drives through the deserted streets.
Louis laughs
"I've heard Jamaica is good this time of year" Louis chuckles and Drew smiles
Drew is just stopping at a stop sign on a deserted road when they both see headlights coming from behind and it happens so fast that neither of them have time to react.
Their car is slammed into and hit hard from behind, causing it to skid forward along the road and into a tree.
"Ughh" Louis groans
It's earily quiet as they both try and catch up with what's just happened.
"Fuck" Drew says as he sees two men get out of the car behind them, the car that just hit them.
Drew then realises he's stuck in the car, his foot is trapped and his body sore.
He looks toward Louis who's got a huge gash on his forehead that's bleeding heavily, he looks disorientated.
Drew doesn't have time to react, suddenly Louis door is ripped open and he's dragged out of the car. Drew pretends to be passed out, he can't move and he doesn't want to draw more attention, he needs to find a way to radio for help. Drew opens his eyes ever so slightly and he sees Cody and Rhys look at him, Cody takes a gun out of his back pocket and points it directly at Drew.
"No" Louis yells
"Shut the fuck up" Cody yells and whacks Louis across the face. Louis whimpers.
"He's dead Cody, leave him" Rhys says
"What if he's not?" Cody says angrily
"We aren't here for that, we can't have them trace the gun, now shut up and let's do what we need to do" Rhys says sternly.
Cody looks back at Drew, contemplate shooting him again before he lowers the gun
Drew's training has taught him enough to play dead but it's one thing trying to steady your breathing when a gun is pointed at you and to try and do it while pretending to be lifeless. He breaths a sigh of relief
Cody and Rhys then grab Louis and drag him to the middle of the road.
Drew wastes no time and reaches straight for his phone, he calls into headquarters and they dispatch a crew to help them, they are five minutes out.
Drew tries to free his leg but it's trapped completely under the dash, he can't do anything but watch on as Louis is beaten by Rhys and Cody
Cody and Rhys beat Louis while they slander him,
"You better watch your back you little runt" Cody says.
"This is a message from your old man from the inside" Rhys says as he twists Louis arm back.
Louis doesn't make a sound as it's once again popped out of its socket.
Louis doesn't want to show mercy or pain and give them satisfaction, so he stays as quiet as he can.
"There's more to come you faggot, and we will be right here watching," Cody smirks as he and Rhys then end their assault finally.
They take off in their car and Louis is left on his stomach in the middle of the road.
Louis manages to slow his breathing and get himself to his knees, he tries to stand and falls a few times before he manages to stand shakily, the pain is crazy but he needs to get to Drew, he doesn't know what to do, if Drew is dead he's going to lose it.
He's in so much shock that he somehow makes his way to Drew. He rips open the drivers side door, tears in his eyes.
"Drew" Louis says relieved when he sees Drew awake in the drivers seat.
"Fuck Lou, are you okay, my legs trapped I can't move I'm so sorry" Drew says
"It's okay, I'm fine, I'll be fine" Louis says as he tries to catch his breath, they are both relived the other is okay.
Louis then sits on the ground leaning against the open door.
"Help is coming, I've called it in" Drew says as they both hear sirens.
"K" Louis says, he's so tired.
Louis eyes close then
"Lou, stay awake kiddo" Drew says, he knows Louis could have a bad head injury and he needs to keep him awake.
Louis responds and opens his eyes again.
"Good job, just stay awake okay" Drew says and Louis nods.
"I'm glad you're okay" Louis says
"Me too kid, I'm glad you're okay too" Drew says and they smile slightly at each other, understanding the situation and each other. Thankful they are partners.
The ambulance, police and firemen show up and Louis is escorted to the ambulance straight away.
The firemen work to free Drew from the car and they manage in record time.
The ambulance look both boys over and Drew thankfully has only suffered minor injury's and whiplash but he and Louis are both escorted to the hospital in the same ambulance to make sure that everything is okay.
"You can't fall asleep Louis, try and keep your eyes open for me" Amy the ambulance officer tells Louis.
"I'm so tired Amy" Louis says
"I know, but you've got a bad head injury and we need to get some scans done and see the damage before you're allowed to sleep" Amy says kindly
"How long is that going to take? I need to be asleep before Scott and Harry find out what happened and lose it " Louis asks cheekily
Amy and Drew smile thankful Louis is still joking around.
"Not long I promise" Amy responds
Louis is so exhausted by the time he gets to emergency. He tries to keep himself awake and tries not to focus on Harry and Scott and how they will react when they find out what's happened.
Drew gets a few stitches in his head, thankfully his leg is just bruised along with a few ribs, he is told to go home and rest completely and to have the next week off work.
He is escorted to the waiting room while he waits for his girlfriend to drive down and pick him up, he wants to know how Louis is doing, so he decides to wait for some news before he leaves.
Harry and Scott race into the emergency department at 5am, they are worried, all they were told is that Louis and Drew were in an accident but they were both stable. They approach the front desk but are told they need to wait in the waiting room for any news.
They are beside themselves. As they enter the waiting room they see Drew and he stands up to greet them both.
"What the fuck happened" Scott asks taking in Drew's appearance
"Are you okay? Fuck" Harry says as he and Scott check Drew over themselves, making sure he's not severely hurt.
"I'm okay, just alot of bruises and whiplash, I'll be fine" Drew says
"Far out Drew, thank god you're okay" Scott says
"Yeah we are lucky we were stopped at the stop sign, it could have been a lot worse" Drew says
"Is Louis still being checked over?" Scott asks worriedly.
"Yeah, he's still getting checked out but he's okay" Drew then reassures and they both relax.
"What happened? James said you were hit form behind?" Scott says.
"Yeah, I stopped at the stop sign and bam Rhys and Cody hit us full force form behind. Louis had quite a big gash on his head but he was okay, Rhys and Cody then took him from the car and beat him. I couldn't help him, I was trapped" Drew says
"Those fucking shits" Harry seethes
"They were going to shoot me but thankfully I played dead and they thought I was already gone" Drew says
"Wholly fuck" Scott says
Drew then explains more of what went on at the scene.
Inside the ER Andy walks into Louis private cubicle, he's still trying to keep himself awake.
"Louis William Styles, what have I told you about coming back as a patient to my ER" Andy says smirking
"Belive me, I'm not here by choice" Louis jokes back
"I can see that"Andy says
"I'm so tired Andy" Louis then says, he just desperately wants to sleep.
"I know kiddo, Your scan results show you have a pretty severe concussion" Andy says
"Great" Louis says sighing
"You have a few broken ribs and a lot of bruising. I'm going to have to stitch that head wound up and unfortunately pop your shoulder back into place" Andy says sympathetically.
"Okay, I can handle it" Louis says
"I'll give you some strong drugs that will help with the pain okay" Andy says.
Louis nods
"Once I stitch your head up you can sleep, you need to be woken every four hours though" Andy says.
"So I have to stay?" Louis asks defeated.
Andy smirks
"You should stay overnight but I knew you would put up a fight, so I'll pump you full of drugs and send you back to your two worried husbands who are taking up space in my waiting room" Andy says fondly.
Louis smiles slightly
"Thanks Andy" Louis says
"No problem" Andy smiles
Louis relaxes as Andy and a nurse administer him pain relief.
"Now tell me exactly what happened" Andy says as he starts on Louis head.
Louis explains what he remembers as he becomes more out of it from the drugs, by the time Andy is done Louis is so out of it he doesn't even make a fuss when Andy pops his arm back into place and a sling is put on his arm. He gives Louis some high dose pain pills to take home and escorts him out to the waiting room to Scott and Harry.
"Louis" Scott practically yells as he sees Louis first
Harry and Scott are by Louis side in a second.
"Shit baby are you okay?" Harry asks.
"I'm so good Harry, Andy gave me the best drugs and guess what" Louis says completely high.
Scott and Harry relax and look at Andy who's smiling fondly
"What darling" Harry says
"You're so pretty, you and Scott have the best hair" Louis says
They chuckle, thankful that Louis is somewhat okay.
"He's got two broken ribs, bruising, a concussion and his shoulder was dislocated again" Andy explains.
"Far out" Scott responds as he kisses Louis on the head.
"Should he be kept overnight?" Harry worries
Andy smiles
"He's okay, wake him up every four hours and keep up his pain relief. He needs rest and the next week off work" Andy says
The boys nod in response
Drew says a fond goodbye to Louis and they promise to see each other in a week.
The boys get ready to take him out of the hospital, Harry scoops Louis up in his arms bridal style and carries him out to the rover, Louis is passed out before they even get there.
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