Part 16

Things don't always go to plan though and Louis has been feeling really off the last week or so, work is back to normal thankfully and the respect he and the boys have at work had grown 10 fold after what happened, but Louis is constantly tired and feels like he has a flu, his body feels weak and achy but he has no runny nose or sore throat. His bruises have healed but his side is really, really giving him grief and he doesn't understand why.

It's like this dull ache that won't let up and it just makes him feel sick.

Harry and Scott get up to head to work on Thursday morning, Louis doesn't even stir and Harry and Scott find it strange but go to get ready, Louis is usually right behind them.

By the time Harry and Scott have poured their coffee and Louis his tea, he comes stumbling out of the bedroom still wrapped in a blanket.

"Darling?" Scott asks concerned.

Harry walks over and feels Louis head

"Wow Lou you're burning up" Harry says concerned

"Yeah I'm just going to have the day off, I feel really sick" Louis says and Harry and Scott look towards each other really concerned.

Louis never, ever does this. He usually works through every type of illness or tries to at least.

"Do you need a doctor?" Harry asks seriously

"Or we could take you to the hospital" Scott says as he comes over.

"No I'm okay, I just need to sleep it off" Louis says

Harry and Scott look towards each other

"Okay, we will be checking in all day. We will call Andy to come over after work to check you over okay" Harry says full of authority

"K" Louis says around a yawn.

"Are you sure you're okay? You never let us call Andy" Scott says

"Well I don't want another fight or Harry to end our marriage so I'll compromise" Louis smiles

The boys smile, glad Louis can still make a joke.

They kiss Louis goodbye and head to work, hoping Louis is okay until they get home.


Louis is just nodding off on the couch when he hears a knock at the door. He's confused and knows if it was Harry or Scott that they wouldn't  need to knock, maybe they have sent Drew or Jake around to check on him.

He gets up and goes to the door, he looks at the screen and can't pull the door open quick enough.

"Noah" Louis says and they both fall into each other's arms.

"Lou" Noah says as he returns the hug eagerly.

"I saw Harry and Scott leave but not you, I was waiting until you were alone to show myself" Noah says.

"Come in" Louis says as brings Noah inside and shuts the door.

"Gosh it's good to see you" Louis says honestly

"I'm so glad you're okay Lou" Noah says.

They make it to the couch and sit down.

"I'm fine, thanks to you, you've saved my life twice now and I didn't get the chance to thank you, either time" Louis says.

"You definitely don't need to thank me Lou, I'm so sorry for what you've been through" Noah says seriously.

"I'm sorry for what happened with everything, where have you been the last three years? How did you know I would be in the warehouse" Louis asks

"I've been around, I headed across to Paris, got a job there teaching criminology actually, so it's been great. I've met someone and I'm happy" Noah says

"I'm so happy for you Noah" Louis says seriously

"I came back because I heard Cody and Rhys got out, I just needed to see for myself and see what was going on. They are literal arseholes and used me to get to you and I'm so sorry Louis" Noah says

"Don't apologise Noah, I'm sorry too, I should have been there more for you and I wouldn't be sitting here right now if it wasn't for you. Thank you" Louis says sincerely.

Noah nods his head and sighs.

"So are you going back to Paris?" Louis asks

"Yeah, In two hours actually, I was hoping to see you before I left" Noah says

"I'm really glad I got to see you too" Louis says smiling.

"You won't tell anyone I came back" Noah asks

"I mean, I'll tell Harry and Scott but they won't mind, they wanted to thank you too but never got the chance. Don't worry, no one is looking for you, after what you did for me no one is trying to get you in any trouble and you had no idea what Cody and Rhys were up too" Louis says

Noah relaxes

"I had no clue Lou, not until the end and it was too late, I bailed before they could kill me too and thankfully I was able to get you rescued too" Noah says

Louis smiles, it's so good to see Noah again and he's so thankful Noah did what he did for him. They sit and talk for a few hours before it's time for Noah to go. They share a huge hug and Noah gives Louis his number. If he's ever in Paris they will be sure to meet up.

When Scott and Harry get home Louis is out cold on the couch, he doesn't even stir as they make noise putting down their keys and taking off their jackets and shoes. They make their way over to Louis and he's sweating, his hair sticking to his forehead. The boys are worried, Louis is never this out of it, something seems wrong.

Scott kisses Louis on the head and he thankfully stirs.

Scott and Harry bend down so they are level with Louis head next to the couch as Louis opens his eyes.

"Hey there sleepyhead" Harry says fondly

"Hey" Louis says sleepily

"How are you feeling?" Scott asks

"Tired" Louis says.

"Did you sleep the whole day?" Scott asks

"Most of it, umm" Louis starts

"What?" Harry asks

"Noah turned up" Louis says

"He did did he?" Scott asks carefully

Louis smiles slightly

"Yeah, he came to say goodbye properly, he's living in Paris with his partner, teaching and he's happy" Louis says

Scott and Harry smile

"We're glad you got to see him" Harry says

Louis nods as he yawns

"Andy will be here in about half an hour" Scott says as he kisses Louis

"Are you hungry, thirsty? Can I make you something?" Harry asks gently

"I'm okay thanks" Louis says and Harry then kisses Louis too.

Harry and Scott both then get up and go get changed out of their work clothes and into sweats and a tee. When they make it back to the lounge Louis is out cold again.

The doorbell rings and Scott goes to answer it as Harry wakes Louis up.

"Scotty" Andy says as Scott answers the door.

"Thanks for coming Ands" Scott says smiling

"I told you I only do house calls for you guys" Andy says smiling as he walks in.

Scott chuckles

"Where's the patient?" Andy asks as they walk in.

"Sleeping, he's been out for most of the day" Scott says.

Louis is just sitting up on the couch when Andy comes in, Andy takes one look at Louis and his senses tingle, something is wrong. Ever the professional though, he knows how Harry and Scott react to Louis safety so he remains calm.

"I actually think I may be sick" Louis says tiredly

Scoot rushes to the kitchen, grabs a bowl and throws it at Harry who catches it and puts it in front of Louis just in time, Louis vomits up what little he has in his stomach.

"It's okay baby" Harry says as he helps him through

When Louis is finished Harry takes the bowl to the bathroom to deal with and Andy gets to assessing Louis.

"How long have you been feeling like this for Lou?" Andy asks

"The last two days have been pretty bad but I've been feeling really tired and flu like for ages, months even, it comes and goes" Louis says

"I know why you didn't come and see me, but I should have made time to come to you" Andy says more to himself.

"Is something wrong?" Scott asks, he and Harry pick up on Andy's worry, they've known him for ages and know when he gets concerned.

"I'm not sure yet" Andy responds

He puts his stethoscope behind his neck

"Can you lie down Lou?" Andy asks and Louis does he winces though when he lays on his side.

The boys all notice and Andy looks to the boys and back to Louis.

"I'm just going to lift up your shirt Lou, I need to have a look at your side" Andy says

Louis hums, he's just so tired

When Andy lifts Louis shirt and turns him over to his side, he sees a big purple looking bruise over Louis kidney

"How long has your side been hurting Lou?" Andy asks

"Ummm a while" Louis says

Andy then puts Louis shirt back down and looks towards Harry and Scott

"Boys, I don't want you to panic, I've got Louis, he's going to be fine but I need one of you to call me an ambulance" Andy says calmly

"Fuck" Harry says and Scott takes out his phone and dials for an ambulance

"What wrong?" Harry asks worriedly

"Louis symptoms were a kidney infection, it must have started off mild and they sometimes lay dormant for a while before they really take hold. If he was punched in the kidney that can cause it to flare up and cause severe damage and that's what's happened. He may have an abscess on his kidney that I'll have to operate on to remove, but I'm concerned about the bruise, this purple bruise across his kidney, indicated sepsis, blood poisoning. I need to get Louis to a hospital and treat him immediately" Andy tells the boys.

At that they both panic

"Just stay calm okay. He's okay, we've caught it now, you did the right thing calling me. He's going to be okay, I just need to get to work on treating him in a hospital okay" Andy says.

The boys nod and try to remain calm as the ambulance comes in and Louis is escorted to the hospital with Andy. He remains asleep the entire time and doesn't even stir until Andy gets him into the ER

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