Part 11
The car ride to the station has Louis asking James a bunch of questions that James ignores. This is all bullshit, he has no idea what's going on. He decides to stay quiet and when they arrive at the station the uniforms lead Louis into the cold interrogation room harshly, way more than necessary. They take his cuffs off, smirk and leave the room.
James then comes in with Joey and they look at him sympathetically, Louis doesn't say anything.
"We need to sort some things out, we will be back okay, sit down and try to relax" James says.
"Can you tell me what's going on, please" Louis asks desperately
Joey winks at Louis which has Louis relaxing instantly, it's a silent sign to relax and trust him and James, so, he sighs and then sits down and waits. As Joey and James leave, he sees the two uniform officers smirking at him and watching him as the door is shut.
"Thank you gentleman, we will take it from here" James says to the uniforms when the door is shut.
Harry and Scott then come racing into the precinct
"James what the hell, let him go" Scott says angrily
"You're lucky we intervened boys, what Louis was planning was extensive, we have enough evidence to put him away for years" Joey says determined
"What the fuck are you talking about" Harry asks confused
"We need to interview Louis and then we will let you see him. You know the rules, don't think you're getting special treatment because of your status and Louis will get none either" James says matter of fact.
"Can we sit in at least?" Harry asks desperately
"Of course not Harry, like I said, no special treatment, you and Scott can watch from behind the glass" James says
"Detective Croydon, can we sit in behind the glass too?" One of the uniforms asks
"Sorry boys, only detectives are allowed to view interrogations, I will keep you updated though. See you at work tomorrow and thanks for all your hard work" he tells them.
They nod and walk out of the precinct, once they are gone James turns to Harry and Scott.
"Eyes and ears are everywhere, the uniforms, play along, I'll let you in when I can" James says discreetly
Harry and Scott nod and head to the room behind the glass so they can see and hear the interview without Louis seeing them. Louis knows they are behind the glass, of course they would be. He has his head in his hands as Joey and James walk back into the room.
They sit on the other side of Louis
"Interview with detective Louis Styles, starting at 7:05pm on Thursday the 10th of June" Joey says
"Now Louis, do you know why you're here?" James asks
"I have no idea, can someone please tell me what's going on" Louis asks, he's scared and Harry and Scott's hearts break.
"We have evidence that you were working with outside sources to plan and take part in the killing of Detectives Scott and Harry styles" James says
"That's bullshit, I'm married to them, why would I conspire to murder them?" Louis asks clearly upset.
"Because we know you're working with your dad, Troy Tomlinson, you're working with him while he is on the inside and using your police access to help him" James says
Louis looks at James like he's lost his marbles
"That's absolute shit, what evidence do you have?" Louis asks, he has no idea what's going on here.
James throws a file on the table and Louis grabs it and looks into it. There are piles and piles of emails and call logs that apparently came from his phone all with proof he's conspiring to kill Harry and Scott.
Louis looks towards James completely at a loss
James's heart breaks at the sight of Louis, he is seriously distressed but he has to keep pushing Louis to get a genuine reaction.
"You, Harry and Scott haven't exactly been on the best of terms lately have you" Joey asks
"What do you mean?" Louis asks
"Come on Lou, the whole Precinct can see the tension between the three of you, it's been going on for weeks, ask anyone. It's way more than just a lovers spat" James says
"We've been having some issues, but nothing that would make me want to plan to kill my husbands" Louis says
"Well we beg to differ and so does the evidence. You're going to need a lawyer Louis" James says
"You will be going away for a long time" Joey says
Louis looks to the glass to Harry and Scott, he can't see them but he knows they can see him. He hopes they don't belive any of this, he's so scared right now, what the hell is going on
"Interview terminated at 7:25pm" James says
They stop the recording and turn to Louis.
They turn the sound off to the room Harry and Scott are in and gesture for them to come into the room
They race in and Louis is engulfed in their arms
"I swear it's not true" Louis says
"We know darling just relax" Scott says
"Can someone please let us in on what's going on" Harry says angrily
"Sit down boys" James says sympathetically.
The boys do and Harry and Scott place Louis on the chair between them both.
"We know Louis isn't guilty of anything" James says
The boys visibly relax
"Then what's going on" Harry asks
"Rhys and Cody have set Louis up. They've been sending emails and making phone calls from Louis work email and phone. They weren't very smart about it because we were able to trace all the evidence back to them, but thankfully they don't know that" Joey says
"But why do they want to set Louis up?" Scott asks
James and Joey look towards each other then back at the boys.
"Because Troy wants Louis on the inside" James says
Louis breath hitches and the boys grip on Louis tightens
"So that's his plan? To get Louis on the inside" Harry says more to himself
"But why?" Scott asks
"We aren't clear about that yet but this is our best option to find out" Joey says.
"Wait what?" Scott asks panic setting in
"No way J" Harry says angrily
"Boys, you want Troy kept in? He's dangerous, even on the inside he's playing with Louis life, this could be the way we stop it for good" James says
"I'll be undercover right and you'll place another officer in with me?" Louis asks
"No Louis" Harry and Scott say
"We will, another undercover will be in with you, you'll be safe" Joey says
"For how long?" Louis asks
"Until we get something, two weeks, a month tops" James says
"You can't be serious, you can't send Louis into the same prison as murders and rapists" Scott says.
"He'll be undercover and protected" James reassures
"Fuck" Harry says
"What if we don't agree" Scott says
"Boys" James says frustrated
"No J, what if we say no" Scott says
"It compromises the case,Cody and Rhys will find another way to get Louis inside and this time it might not be as straight forward as this, it might not be cuts and bruises he walks away with next time, and... I will only take a no from Louis" James says knowing Louis is seriously contemplating this.
"Promise me, I'll be safe and you pull me out after month, tops" Louis says.
"Promise us you will do what you can to get to the bottom of what Troy wants, as much solid evidence as you can" James says
Louis looks at James and nods
"Louis" Harry and Scott say upset
"I have to, he won't stop and Rhys and Cody won't either. I'm sick of him coming between us and interfering in our lives, I have to do this" Louis says
"Fuck this" Scott says defeated
"If Louis gets so much as a single scratch on him.... we quit" Harry says livid, pointing his finger at James
"I promise I will make sure he's safe Harry, I'll lead everything myself, keep you both in the loop" James says.
"Fuck, I don't like this" Scott says
"When do I have to go in?" Louis asks
"Well we need to make it look legitimate, they are watching your every move, we will keep you in the watch house tonight, in the back. Then have your bail refused in the morning, you'll go in tomorrow" Joey says
Louis nods
"You two will have to play along too, no one can know about this at work and you need to act like you belive Louis was trying to kill you" James says
Harry and Scott look to each other and then to Louis, the kiss him on the head and hold him close and just hope this all goes to plan.
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