Part 10
Louis leaves for work before Harry and Scott get up and this goes on for a week, tension is high at work and at home and Louis refuses to talk to Harry, he sleeps alone and it's upsetting.
It all comes to a head two weeks later. Louis walks into the apartment after Drew drops him off at 5:30pm. He's so sick of the tension and needs to sort all this out, Harry and Scott must have the same idea as Louis walks back into the apartment to dinner set out on the table and a bottle of wine open.
Louis sighs.
"Hey Lou" Harry says quietly, smiling slightly
Louis holds in his tears. He's wanted Harry to speak to him like an actual person for weeks.
"I'm sorry" Harry says genuinely
"Me too" Louis says
"You really don't need to be sorry, everything you said about me was true. I'm an arse and a jerk and I'm sorry for treating you like shit" Harry says
Louis nods
"I don't really understand what I did wrong" Louis says
"You didn't do anything wrong, it's me baby, I....I know this sounds stupid but I was worried and scared about some... things and I took it out on you because I wanted you safe" Harry says
"I know what you get like when you're worried Harry and I know how you act when you're worried about me. But, this was different, you didn't even try to talk to me about it, you just straight out yelled at me and I had no idea why. You literally haven't spoken to me in two weeks, we haven't slept together or in the same bed for the same amount of time. For someone who was worried about me, I never got one call or message asking how I was, where I was, or anything like you usually would do. I actually felt like our marriage was coming to an end" Louis says as his tears glisten his eyes.
"I'm sorry Louis, I know I haven't spoken to you... and Scott is upset at me about it all too, I put him in a terrible position and he kept telling me to just talk to you and I didn't. I just wanted some resolution about this case and I'm sick of waiting for it. I'm sorry okay. I love you more than anything in this world and that's part of the reason why I wasn't coping. I don't want to lose you" Harry confesses
"Why would you lose me Harry?" Louis asks confused.
"The car accident was yet another wake up call to not take our relationship for granted. Every time I look at you I see this scar" Harry says as he moves Louis hair off his forehead "I'm reminded of nearly losing you again. I can't handle more and" Harry says looking down.
"And?" Louis asks
"And I'm worried something else is going to happen" Harry breathes out.
"Like what?" Louis asks
Harry takes a deep breath
"Troy didn't appeal his case Lou, he's planning something on the inside and I've been completely on edge trying to figure it out. He made sure Cody and Rhys got out, but that he stayed inside and there is a reason for it, I just can't figure out what it is and it's driving me nuts. Even on the inside he's fucking with what's mine and I can't handle something happening to you" Harry says genuinely.
"H, I wish you would have talked to me about all this, if you want me to stay out of the way I will, I had no idea about my dad or anything that's been going on. I trust you and even though I know you're overprotective I know you wouldn't ask me to take off work if it wasn't serious" Louis says and Harry sighs looking to Scott who raises his eyebrows in an "I told you so way"
Harry looks back to Louis
"I love too so much and I'm really sorry, can you please forgive me" Harry asks
"I love you too H, so much and of course I forgive you, just please talk to me, don't keep me in the dark because I'm likely to do something to spite you... like run away" Louis jokes.
Harry smiles, he brings Louis into his arms and they hug for the first time on two weeks.
They both relax into each other and breathe each other in
"I missed you" Louis says
"I missed you too baby" Harry says closing his eyes and drinking Louis in
"Also, for the record, Harry has Drew keeping tabs on you and messaging and calling about your whereabouts, so technically we knew your movements completely" Scott says trying to lighten the mood.
Louis chuckles and Harry smirks
"I should have guessed" Louis says
"Now come and eat, you're fading away and that's added to my worry" Harry says.
Louis has lost quite a lot of weight and he still feels like he's coming down with something, it hasn't developed further, but it's been weeks that he's been feeling not quite right. He doesn't mention anything though.
They sit down to dinner and Louis actually manages to eat something small
"Am I allowed to ask questions about Troy?" Louis asks
Harry and Scott look to each other
"Of course Lou. I'm sorry we have been keeping you out of the loop" Scott says
"It's fine, I've been flat out anyway and I didn't really want to hear anything anyway" Louis says
"What did you want to know" Harry asks
"Has anyone seen Cody and Rhys since the car accident?" Louis asks
"No, they've skipped town, they didn't turn up to their parole meetings and have officially been reported to the board for violating parole, which means when they are caught they will be back in jail" Scott says
"What about Noah? Has anyone seen or heard from him?" Louis asks.
"Sorry Lou, not that we know of" Harry says sympathetically.
Louis nods
"Maybe Troy just doesn't want to get out knowing he pissed off a lot of people and would be a target out here, maybe there is a simple reason why he didn't appeal" Louis says
The boys have though about this and something just doesn't sit right.
Just then there is a knock at the door
Harry is confused and heads to the door, he looks at the security screen on the wall,
"It's James, and two uniforms" Harry says even more confused
Scott and Louis stand up from the table and walk towards the door as Harry opens it.
"Boys" James says formally.
"What's going on J" Scott asks
James sighs
"I'm really sorry to do this boys" James says
He then gestures for the two uniformed officers behind him to move forward. They walk towards Louis and turn him around harshly and pull his hands behind his back
"Louis Styles, you're under arrest for conspiracy to Murder" James says
"What the hell" Louis asks confused, he has no idea what's going on
"What the fuck, J, let him go" Harry says angrily
"James what the hell" Scott asks just as upset
"You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can and may be used against you in a court of law" James continues taking no notice of Harry and Scott as Louis is being led out of the apartment by the uniforms.
"Harry" Louis calls desperately
"It's okay darling, we will sort this out" Harry calls
"James please" Scott pleads worryingly
James hands Scott the arrest papers and walks to the door
"That's it? No explanation!" Harry yells
"You're welcome to come to the station" James says
"James, fuck, tell us what he's being arrested for... NOW" Scott demands
"It's all in those papers" James says nodding to the papers.
"James, Jesus" Scott responds.
"Louis is being arrested for conspiring to kill" James says.
Louis looks terrified, he has no idea what's going on or who he's supposedly conspired to kill.
"Who James, who has Louis supposedly conspired against" Harry asks angrily.
James looks at Harry and Scott and sighs.
"You both" James says and he's out the door.
"That's bullshit" Harry says as he and Scott race after James and the uniforms.
"It's in the papers boys, see you at the station" James says as he nods towards the papers he gave Scott
"We are right behind you Louis" Scott says, trying to reassure Louis as the lift doors close
Harry and Scott head back into the apartment hurriedly, they need to get to the station
"What the fuck is going on" Harry asks
"I have no idea" Scott says
"I mean sure he's been angry at me but he would never do something like that" Harry says
"Harry, Louis didn't conspire to kill us, someone's set him up" Scott says trying like it's the most obvious thing in the world
"I know he wouldn't, of course he wouldn't, but who would set him up?" Harry asks
"H" Scott says as he stops in his tracks
Harry turns around to see him reading the papers James gave him.
James had hidden a note inside the paperwork
'Rhys and Cody are watching, play along, I'll explain everything at the station, I'll look after Louis'
"Fuck" Harry says
The boys hurriedly get changed into jeans and hoodies, they grab Louis a change of clothes and are out the door in record time.
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