Part 24

The next day Drew and Louis are heading back from a homicide they were overseeing, they have undercover security tailing them but they aren't overbearing and Louis forgets they are even there. Drew decides to stop at a gas station for fuel and they both head in, security waiting outside

"I'm going to get a water, would you like a drink?" Louis asks Drew as they head in.

"A coke would be great thanks Lou" Drew says with a smile.

Louis nods and goes to the back of the store to grab Drews coke and his water. He grabs them both out when he hears a commotion at the front of the shop. He turns around, hidden by the shelves to see a guy waving a gun between Drew and the cashier, Drew has his hands In the air, while he tries to talk to the guy, tries to coax him to put the gun away.

"Shut up or I will shoot your Fucking Head off" the guy yells.

"Look lets just calm down okay, we can talk, but only when you put the gun away" Drew says.

"I just want the money" the guy yells

"Okay, sure, we can get you the money, just put the gun down first" Drew says.

Louis can see the situation escalating, he hasn't been spotted yet so he ducks down and decides he needs to help Drew, the guy is getting more heated and Louis knows that's bad news when he's got a gun.

Back at the station Harry and Scott are bantering with their crew in the lunchroom, giving each other shit. Harry is swinging on his chair, his signature smirk on his face as he roasts one of the guys about his new tattoo of his wife's name, Scott backing him up. They are family and it's all taken on the chin but they always pay each other out, the first chance they get.

Jax walks in halfway through though with a concerned look on his face.

"What's up Jax" Scott asks as he sips his cola.

"Boys, it's a code 9" Jax says as he turns the TV on to a news channel, they see a service station with swat and police out front, code 9 means hostage situation.

"Shit, which squad" Harry says seriously as they all stand up and gather round the Tv. One of There units is in there and it's serious.

Jax doesn't answer Harry, but swallows hard.

Harry and Scott then look to Jax worriedly.

"Which squad Jax" Scott asks again sternly, not wanting Jax to confirm their fears

"28" Jax says

"That's Louis and Drew" Charlie one of the other officers says concerned.

"Fuck" Harry says as he turns to the television.

"What's status" Scott asks, he's slightly shaking, his hands unsteady as they await news.

"Gunman inside, no shots fired yet, swat have visual on Drew but not Louis" Jax says.

"We need to get down there" Harry says

"Can't let you leave Haz, Jame's orders" Dax, another officer says.

"Shit" Harry says, he knows it's protocol and Troy no doubt has men watching them and they are to vulnerable if all three of them are on scene.

They all watch the TV on the edge of their seats, Harry and Scott try to contain themselves and keep composure but the thought of Louis in there, held hostage has them scared shitless. If something happens to Louis they will never forgive themselves.

They then hear shots fired from the store and swat have to wait to head inside.

"Shots fired" Jax relays from the on-site squad.

"Who's hit?" Harry panics.

"They can't say" Jax says.

"Just tell us if it was Louis or Drew Jax" Scott says upset.

"No confirmation, I don't have confirmation, SWAT isn't cleared to go in" Jax relays.

Harry and Scott's blood runs cold as they wait with bated breath. It's a long few minutes before another shot is fired

"Swats heading in, we've been stood down, we have to wait" Jax says.

"Fuck this" Scot says angrily.

Harry walks over to Scott and cups his face.

"It's okay, he's going to be okay" Harry tries to sound believable,

"You don't know that" Scott says upset.

"And you don't know he's not" Harry says.

The squad watch on unbelievably, the way Scott and Harry are acting has never been witnessed by the team. They are worried and clearly scared over Louis safety.

"Harry, if something happens to him" Scott says.

Harry and Scott lock eyes and portray their love and vulnerability to each other.

"I know Scotty, but nothing is going to happen to him, he's going to be okay. Trust me" Harry says seriously.

Scott nods and Harry hugs him close, they don't really care how any of their affection looks to the team, they've known each other for so long, they are family and no one would dare say anything about it. Louis' life is in danger, two of their family are involved in a crisis and they all just pray they will make it out.

Inside the store Louis has the culprit on the ground as he handcuffs his hands behind his back,

"Let me go" the guy keeps saying as Louis halls him up and SWAT takeover to drag his arse back to the precinct

"Fuck Lou, you were awesome, I was a little worried there for a minute" Drew says chuckling.

Louis, having been drilled so much by Harry at the academy, remembered his training when Harry made him recreate every single possible scenario of a hostage situation. His entire Sunday was taken up with the training. While the rest of the recruits had the day off Harry had ensured Louis was put to the test and Louis, at this moment couldn't be more grateful for it. He was able to sneak up on the perpetrator and after the guy shot two shots as a warning into the roof, Louis new it was time to step in. The third shot was about to be put in Drews head until Louis brought the guy down and the bullet went into the floor. Drew is forever thankful that Louis acted the way he did and they now share a bond that only few in the force can and their trust in each other as partners went up ten fold.

When Louis walks back into the station with Drew he wasn't expecting the cheers and pats on the back he receives, he smiles shyly and tries to find Harry and Scott. He makes it to the second floor and the lunch room where he finds Scott and Harry and their entire squad watching the TV, he sees the siege on the news and the details of how Louis took the criminal down.

Scott sees Louis first.

"Wholly fuck, Lou, thank god" Scott says as he rushes forward and engulfs Louis in a huge hug.

"I'm fine" Louis says as he hugs Scott back

Scott pull back and he and Louis share a kiss, it's only small and doesn't last long but they both know the meaning behind it.

"I love you" Louis says.

"God, Lou, I love you so much" Scott says as he places a kiss on Louis head.

Louis then locks eyes with Harry, Harry smirks slightly and Louis half smiles back as he walks slowly to Harry and is engulfed in his strong arms.

"You remembered didn't you" Harry says into Louis hair.

"Everything, Drews alive because of you" Louis says.

Harry pulls back and cups Louis face.

"No darling, Drew is alive because of you, and so is the cashier and the culprit, they are alive because of your actions. You were brilliant Lou and I'm so fucking proud of you" Harry says.

Louis doesn't want to tear up but he's waited so long to feel like this, so long to be accepted by Harry like this and Louis can't stop the grin across his face as he launches further into Harry and hugs him tight.

That night in bed the three of them all holding each other close after another earth shattering love making session, one of their best. Scott and Harry decide its time to have a talk with Louis.

"Darling, Scott and I were hoping to talk to you about something important" Harry says and Louis heart picks up a little, he sits up and turns around to face Harry and Scott who are sitting against the headboard on the bed. He sits on his knees and leans back on his legs, feeling so small in the presence of Harry and Scott.

"Is it something bad?" Louis asks innocently.

"No darling" Scott says fondly.

"Listen, ever since you were shot and Scott and I thought we'd lost you, we....we've been wanting to talk to you about us, the three of us" Harry says seriously, leaning forward and grabbing one of Louis hands.

Louis is confused, this doesn't sound like something good

"Um okay" Louis says quietly.

Harry strokes his thumb over Louis knuckles effectively calming him.

"Harry and I want to talk to you about making the three of us permanent" Scott says.

"Permanent? I thought we were boyfriends?" Louis says even more confused.

Harry and Scott chuckle.

"Yes darling we are but.....we want to be so much more" Scott says.

"Look Lou, we love you and having you nearly taken from us, twice, has put things into perspective for us....we haven't told you but Scott and I are secretly engaged to be married" Harry says.

"What?" Louis asks. He's about to panic, surely Harry and Scott wouldn't dump him like this, after they just made love, three times.

"No one knows at work, just our families and well...we want you to be permanent and included" Scott says carefully

"Hang on, you're asking me" Louis asks breathless.

"Yes, Lou, Scott and I are asking you to be a permanent part of our lives, ours, forever" Harry says.

"We know you're worried about it being too soon, we get it but we don't care, we love you, so much, absolutely incredulously and we want to marry you" Scott says.

He then brings out a small black box and Louis nearly looses it. He is so in love with Harry and Scott and would do anything to have them forever, they are his absolute world and can't believe this is happening

Scott opens the box slowly and inside is a silver necklace with a small ring on the end, one that matches Harry and Scott's that they absolutely never take off.

"Wholly shit" Louis says as he tears up, it's so beautiful.

"We decided against rings, until we're actually married, this way we can wear them at work, and none else has to know, until we're ready. And they don't get ruined" Harry says smiling.

"I....I..." Louis starts as do the tears.

"I hope they are good tears" Scott chuckles.

Louis nods.

"I love you both so much, I can't believe this, I want this so much" Louis says as he takes his eyes off the necklace to look Harry and Scott in the eyes.

They beam at Louis and Scott places the necklace around Louis neck and if they shed some tears and make love for the fourth time, no one has to know.

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