Part 22
When they reach the lift they all pile in but no one says a word, especially when Noah, Cody and Rhys enter alongside them.
Scott sighs and presses their floor as the lift doors shut and the lift takes off.
"Out and about today Lou?" Cody says smugly.
"You don't look so good mate, maybe you're not up to anything yet" Rhys says with a hint of distaste.
"Are you feeling okay Lou?" Noah asks.
"Yeah I'm fine" Louis says quietly to Noah smiling slightly.
The lift dings and then opens.
"Don't push yourself to hard Louis, we'd hate for you to never come back to work, I doubt Harry and Scott would want you then" Cody laughs
Louis turns toward him then.
"Fuck off, or I will send that report to safety about you punching me in the face. Grow the fuck up Cody and then maybe your dick might grow and satisfy someone" Louis says and leaves the lift and a smirking Harry and Scott and embarrassed Cody behind.
Louis makes his way to his, Harry and Scott's room. His arm is killing him but he won't say anything to Harry and Scott.
Louis grabs a pair of old sweats and a sweater, he needs a shower, wants to rub his dads hands off him, he makes his way to the bathroom but not before he's stopped by Scott and Harry.
"Louis" Harry says and Louis stops, he sighs and turns around to face Harry and Scott.
"We want an explanation" Harry says slightly angry.
"I don't have one" Louis says and turns to walk into the bathroom.
"That's bullshit Louis, fuck, just talk to us" Scott says upset.
"You need to open up to us Louis, fuck, we aren't against you here, we're trying to help you, trying to protect you, we are trying to understand" Harry says,
"Understand what? Help me how? If I wasn't with you, if you both weren't fucking me, you wouldn't give a single shit about my safety or trying to help me. I would be put on desk duty until the case was solved, no guards, no police escort, no special treatment, so don't pretend like this is fucking normal and you're trying to understand me. I saw my dad for the first time in 13 years, I acted on impulse I wanted to talk to him, ask him why he's doing this, I didn't mean to cause trouble, to fuck up your case" Louis yells.
"Fuck the case Louis, we love you and yes we aren't going to deny that that has a huge impact on how we handle this but we don't care, you're ours and we will protect you in every single way we can"Scott yells back.
"Well it doesn't matter anyway, you can protect me all you want it won't stop him killing me, it won't stop anything" Louis yells. Tears leaking from his pained blue eyes.
"Don't say that, don't you dare say shit like that, we would never let that happen" Harry says calmly yet so eerily dominant, everyone breaths heavily trying to calm down.
"What did he say to you" Scott asks calmly.
"It doesn't matter" Louis says.
"For god sakes Louis" Harry yells.
"He said he disowns me as a son, that I'm nothing to him, that no son of his would ever be a faggot or a cop. He told me he won't hesitate to kill me and hurt me, that I'm in the way and if you both want what's good for you and want me kept alive you will forget the case" Louis yells back. His breathing is heavy as the room goes silent and Louis shakes his head as tears stream down his face.
"Sweetheart" Scott says shakily.
"Don't, Scott please, I know you can't give up the case,I'm not asking you too, I know it's not personal I get it, but.....he was so scary, he's evil and he wouldn't hesitate to kill me......i don't want to die, but I know there is nothing I can do....I'm quitting the force" Louis says brokenly.
"No Rookie, fuck, no...we will sort this out" Harry says holding back his tears.
"No, I've made up my mind just, leave me alone, please" Louis says and he closes the bathroom door leaving Scott and Harry in their room.
Louis breaks behind the door and let's himself cry his heart out, Harry and Scott can hear him and break themselves. This is all fucked up but Harry and Scott won't let Louis give up that easily and will never let anything happen to him.
Louis shoulder makes it nearly impossible for him to undress and shower, he's in pain and knows he has to tell Harry and Scott.
He tries to calm himself down and manages a long hot shower where he just breaks alone. When he's done he dresses in his sweats and a sweater which he only puts one arm through. He feels a little better after his shower and just wants to curl up in Harry and Scott's arms. He wants them to hold him tightly and tell him he's going to be fine. He wants to kiss them over and over and tell them how much he loves them and that the thought of losing them is unbearable.
Louis looks himself over in the Mirror he's still toned but he's lost a considerable amount of weight. He wonders how his life has changed so much in a few short weeks. He tries not to dwell on it and he exits the room in search of Harry and Scott.
Louis hears voices on the way to the lounge room and when he enters he stops in his tracks. He didn't realise how long he had been in the bathroom for. Scott and Harry are sitting on the couch, Drew and Edward on the floor around the plush table and there are three other guys sitting around the couch. All of them are in jeans and sweaters, shoes off, socks on their feet. They scream cops, important high up cops. There are files and takeaway Chinese all over the place.
"Hey baby" Harry says as he gets up to walk towards Louis.
Louis blushes and looks at Harry.
Harry cups Louis cheeks and swipes his wet fringe off his forehead. Harry can't believe how absolutely stunning Louis is, he is so lucky.
"Can you come and meet some people" Harry asks.
"Um.....okay" Louis says shyly.
Harry smiles and grabs Louis hand and leads him over to the group.
"Lou, you know Edward and Drew, but this is Scott and my boss, the big boss. Sergeant Croydon, James this is Louis" Harry says proudly.
"It's nice to meet you kid" James says standing up and holding out his hand for Louis to shake.
"You too sir" Louis says shaking his hand with his good hand.
"No sir from you, you're with Scott and Harry now, they are very, very good friends of mine and unless we are at work there is no need for formalities" James says smiling.
Louis smiles back shyly, James is not what Louis expected, he isn't balding, fat and ageing, instead he's about 35, tall dark and handsome. He's somewhat comforting.
"This is Jake and Joey, they are Edward and Drew's bosses" Harry then explains of the two guys next to James.
"Hi Lou" they say nicely, big smiles on their face.
"Hi" Louis smiles back shyly.
"The boys are over to talk about the case, we've had some new leads and we are in for a bit of a Long night" Scott explains.
"Oh okay, well I will leave you too It then, I didn't mean to interrupt" Louis says as he goes to walk away.
"You're not interrupting baby" Scott says.
"It's fine, I can go" Louis says again, he really doesn't want to overstep the line.
"Actually Louis, could we have a chat?" James says.
Louis looks at James shyly.
"Ummm, sure" Louis says.
Harry sits down and brings Louis in next to him, so he turns to face James and gets a warm smile.
"Listen, Harry and Scott have told me that you want to quit the force" James says.
Louis looks back at Harry and Scott who are smiling at him smugly. Louis sighs and turns back to James.
"Yeah" he says
"Well I have a proposition for you" James says.
"Okay?" Louis says confused.
This guy is everyone's boss, he's higher than Harry and Scott which is huge. The fact that he is even talking to Louis is a wonder.
"I was looking through your test results and your files after you were shot and I was very impressed, your scores on your testing and assignments throughout the academy were actually better than Harry's" James says smiling at Harry.
"Okay, Okay, just by a little" Harry says jokingly, causing the boys all to laugh and tease Harry.
"Harry's scores have never been topped" James continues.
"Oi I was a close second" Scott says cheekily.
"You were a close second Scotty but you're now third, Harry second and Louis you've taken the top spot of scores in the entire academy......ever" James says.
"Wha?" Louis says confused.
"Harry has had top spot for nearly 10 years" Joey says.
"We can't let you leave Louis, you're too valuable, we need you" Jake says.
Louis sighs.
"Edward is taking a job in a different sector in a few weeks and we want you to take his spot, working alongside Drew. You and Drew will be head of investigations, it's less field work but it's overseeing all cases" James says.
Louis is shocked.
"But....I've been on the job a week and I nearly got myself killed, how does that warrant a promotion?" Louis asks.
The boys laugh.
"Lou, you proved yourself long before you even started and handling Harry at recruits, not many people can do that" Scott says.
"But...what about my dad, Troy, what about him and the case" Louis asks.
"The people in this room are the only ones who know Troy is your dad, it's all of us who've been working on the case for nearly a year. You will be brought into the investigation. We will not let anything happen to you.....understand" James says.
He looks Louis in the eyes Intently. Louis trusts him instantly and he sighs, this is huge for him and he can't pass this up.
"Alright, I'll accept" Louis says.
The boys all holler and hoot, Scott and Harry ruffle his hair and kiss his cheeks.
"Welcome to the big leagues Rookie" Harry smirks
"Where you belong" Scott says seriously,
Louis smiles back.
"You're due to come back in a month right, you can start then" James says and Louis nods his thanks.
"Now, lets have another beer and let the long night begin" Jake says.
The boys laugh and James gets up to grab some beers
"Are you hungry Lou? You need to eat" Scott says as he brings Louis between his legs.
"No I'm good" Louis says.
Before Scott can reply the doorbell rings. Harry goes to answer it and Andy walks in with his medical kit.
"Thanks for coming Andy" Harry says,
"Of course, I only ever do house calls for you" Andy chuckles and Harry laughs.
"Lou, Andy is here to look you over" Harry says.
"Harry" Louis whines.
"Don't even start Louis" Harry replies sternly.
Louis shuts his mouth but he really doesn't want to be looked over, his shoulder is badly hurt and he doesn't want a trip to the emergency room, the thought of another hospital has him on edge.
James comes back into the room and hands everyone but Louis a beer, they all watch Andy check Louis over. They have never, ever seen Scott and Harry so loving, hands on and gentle with someone, even each other, it's enthralling to watch.
"Your temperature is a little high Lou, are you hurting anywhere" Andy asks,
"I....Yeah a little" Louis says quietly, he really doesn't want this.
"Were you hurt? the alley?" Andy asks.
Louis stalls.
"Did he fucking touch you" Harry rages.
The other boys all look on smiling as Harry gets angry about someone touching Louis.
"Harry" Louis says.
"Louis, answer now" Scott says just as angry.
"Fine, he pushed me up against the wall and he hurt my shoulder" Louis says ashamed.
"Fuck Louis, how badly" Harry says turning soft. Louis sighs.
"Pretty bad" Louis confesses.
"Louis" Scott says
"I have to take your shirt off kiddo" Andy says.
"No, no way nope, it hurts way to way" Louis says and he starts getting upset.
"Hey, relax, relax, just breathe, I'm here and Harry is here it's going to be okay" Scott says gently. Looking Louis in the eyes as he tries to calm him.
"It's okay baby, alright" Harry says kissing Louis head.
Scott holds Louis tightly around the waist as Harry and Andy take Louis shirt off. When they manage to get it off they see Louis shoulder is black and blue and looks completely dislocated.
"Well, this is a bad one Lou" Andy says
"Please, please don't touch it" Louis says desperately.
"Kid, I have to, you know I have too, otherwise you will have to have surgery" Andy says,
"I'm going to vomit" Louis says,
"It's okay sweetheart. Just lean on me and relax and breathe" Scott says.
He pulls Louis all the way back on him, Harry holds Louis good hand in comfort, dragging his thumb over Louis knuckles,
Andy pulls out a green whistle from his bag.
"This isn't going to taste very good but it is going to help you with the pain. I want you to suck on it and I'm not going to touch your arm until you're feeling good Okay" Andy says gently.
Harry grabs the whistle and brings it to Louis mouth.
"Breathe it in Lou" Scott says,
Louis does, it tastes like shit but after a few puffs Louis is going limp and relaxed on Scott.
"That's it, good boy baby, that's it" Scott praises.
"You're doing so well darling" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead,
"Alright Lou, you're doing great, just relax" Andy says as he reaches out grabs Louis arm, he positions himself and gets ready to pop Louis shoulder back.
"Fuck no fuck, let go" Louis says drowsy.
"Shhhhh, it's okay, suck in the whistle, it's okay" Harry tries
Louis sucks desperately on the whistle, trying to breathe the medication in, it still hurts like hell.
"Good boy" Scott says.
Andy then pulls Louis shoulder and there is a very loud pop that causes everyone to cringe at how much that would hurt.
"Oh shit" Louis says loudly as his arm is popped back in.
"Good boy Lou, it's all done now" Andy says,
Harry and Scott breathe a sigh in relief as Louis begins to relax. Scott lies down with Louis over his chest and he manages to lull Louis to sleep,
Harry and Andy talk further about medication and strapping Louis shoulder when he wakes. Andy is then saying his good buys and Harry walks him out.
When Harry walks back into the room he puts a blanket over Scott and Louis and tucks Louis up. Scott and Harry then look towards the five other boys in the room and realise they have been complete soft, loving boyfriends and the looks of fond and the smirks they all have on their faces tells Harry and Scott it hasn't gone unnoticed.
"Don't say it" Harry says.
"You mean, how completely and utterly in love you both are" Drew smirks.
"Shut it" Scott chuckles,
"I've known you both ten years and I've never seen it, I can't get over what I just witnessed" James laughs.
"I'm impressed" Jake says.
"Who would have thought someone could tame the wild, cold hearted wolves" Joey says,
Harry and Scott laugh and Scott cuddles Louis close. They deal with the ribbing and secretly love it, they love Louis and don't really care who knows.
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