Part 16

Back at the station Harry and Scott make it back to the office by 4pm, they have been gone 6 hours.

As soon as they make it back to the office, Jax is coming inside.

"Hey Jax, What's up" Scott asks.

"Just wondering if you've heard from Louis today?" He asks slight concern in his voice,

"We missed two calls from him but when we called back his phone went to voicemail, we were just about to go downstairs. Why?" Harry asks,

"Well, he came to me this morning, asking for clearance for an address, you guys weren't here so I told him I could help. he told me it was a drive by so I cleared it for him. I tried to call him too but his phone was off, it's been 5 hours and his partner isn't in today so he's alone" Jax says,

"Shit" Scott says as panic radiates through him.

"What's the address?" Harry asks,

"I'll send it to you" Jax says, as he forwards the address to Scott and Harry's phones.

"I researched it, it's on data as a known where- a- bouts for Tony Bosch" Jax says,

"He's one of the suspects in Louis case" Scott says,

"Have you tracked his car?" Harry asks as he and Scott get ready to leave.

"Just getting the info in now" Jax says.

"The address is an hour away" Scott says after looking it up,

"His car is still at the address" Jax says.

The boys nod.

"Get backup and an ambulance out there for precaution, code 3 on everyone" Harry says.

Jax nods and heads to get it done. Scott and Harry head to Harry's rover and out to the address, breaking every speed limit they can.

"If something has happened to him H" Scott says.

"Nothing is going to happen to him, I won't let anything happen to my boys, I promise you" Harry says.

Scott loves Harry to pieces and he hopes they aren't to late, they are both kicking themselves that they couldn't  answer Louis calls sooner.


In the cave Louis and Lacey try to relax, it feels like hours since they've been inside and Louis is feeling slightly woozy from blood loss. He prays Harry and Scott will find them.

"I'm cold Louis" Lacey says as she shakes.

"I know love, I'm so sorry, here" he says as he lifts up his sweater  and pulls it over Lacey too, her head peaking out of the neck but keeping her warm against Louis skin.

"Thanks for rescuing me" Lacey says.

"I'm sorry I took so long" Louis says rubbing Lacey's back.

"It's okay" she says snuggling in closer.

"Your mum and Dad will be so happy to see you" Louis says, trying to keep them both talking and conscious. If they fall asleep they might not wake up when help comes and the cold could take them both.

"I didn't mean to go with Mr Tony, I've met him with my dad before and he was always nice to me, but he isn't nice anymore" Lacey says sadly,

"So he's friends with you dad?" Louis asks .

"My Dad does his account booky things, but he saw something he shouldn't have and that's why Tony took me, that's what I figured out while I was there. I listened to what they all said" Lacey says.

"That's very clever Lacey, you're so cleaver" Louis says.

"Do you think we will be rescued?" Lacey asks.

"I know it" Louis says smiling,

"How?" Lacey asks.

"Because my boyfriends are detectives too and they will find out where I went and come and find us" Louis says.

"Your boyfriends?" Lacey questions.

Louis laughs

"Yeah my boyfriends, they are my saviours too" Louis says.

"Do you love them" Lacey wonders innocently.

"Very much" Louis says.

"Then I do too" Lacey says matter of factly.

Louis laughs, his breathing is getting worse and he really can't stop it.

"I don't have a boyfriend" Lacey says.

"That's good, you're too young" Louis says

Lacey giggles.

"I don't have many friends, they don't really like me at school cause I'm shy" Lacey says upset.

"Well I think that's silly. I'll be your friend okay" Louis says as he starts to close his eyes.

"You're my best friend Louis, you're the only one who came for me" Lacey says.

She kisses Louis on the cheek and they both end up falling asleep.


Scott and Harry make it to the scene by 5, it's dark out and freezing, it's starting to snow and rain at the same time and the boys are concerned.

They are met with police cars and arrests being made, an ambulance is there and they see fire fighters trying to put out a fire in what looks to be Louis car.

Harry and Scott are met with Edward and Drew near the front of the house.

"Where's Louis" Harry asks dominantly.

"Just calm down, guys" Edward says.

"He's not in the house, he was here, So was Lacey but we think they escaped" Drew says.

Harry and Scott are relieved but they have no idea where Louis is.

"We think they are in the Forrest, there are blood tracks that lead into the Forrest but then they disappear" Drew says.

"Blood, shit, so one of them's hurt?" Scott panics.

"We think so, we can't send a search party in, in these weather conditions" Edward says.

"No you have too, Louis has asthma, he won't last the night, he's triggered by the cold, you can't leave him and a 6 year old out there overnight, they won't survive" Harry says.

"We will go in" Scott says.

Harry follows him as they go to grab torches and equipment.

"Okay wait, we will come too, we will get search and rescue to put the flood lights up and we will work with that we've got" Drew says.

The boys nod, they change into the rescue suits that are blue and help protect them from the cold and elements in the Forrest.

"I'll come too guys, you'll need at least one of us" Amy the ambulance officer they've met a few times on jobs comes over to say.

"Thanks Aims, Louis has Asthma and one of them's hurt" Scott says.

"Okay let me get some supplies" she says as she rushes to the ambulance and grabs her supplies, putting them into her kit.

Ten minutes later they are making their way into the Forrest, the flood lights come on and they can see for a while which helps.

Ten minutes later they come to a small cave and Harry sees a pink shoe just outside the entrance,

"Over here" he yells as they all race towards the cave.

"Harry and Scott are inside in no time, they see Lacey and Louis curled up together on the ground, Louis in a sitting position and Lacey straddling him to keep warm.

"Louis" Harry tries as he bends down, he gets no response.

Lacey however opens her eyes.

"Hi there lovely, I'm Scott, you must be so cold, let's get you somewhere safe and warm hey" Scott says gently.

"No, I can't leave Louis he's my best friend" Lacey says as she tears up.

"Oh love, he's coming too I promise, Louis is a bit hurt right now and we need to help him, come on let's get you warm" Scott says.

They help Lacey out of Louis shirt and Drew is there to take Lacey, they wrap her in thermal blankets and Amy checks her over, she's okay and she lets Drew and Edward start the walk back to the group with Lacey.

"Please save my best friend" Lacey yells as she cries as Drew and Edward carry her off.

Scott turns his attention back to Louis then

"Amy" Harry yells as he lays Louis down in the cave.

"He's pulse is barely there" Harry says

"He's been shot" Scott says as he notices Louis arm.

Amy kneels down next to Louis, and checks him over as best she can in light they have.

"I've got oxygen and I can give him a steroid but we need to get him back quickly" Amy says,

She puts a mask on Louis and gives him a steroid to open his lungs before Harry is picking Louis up into his arms like a child. Holding him close to his body to keep him as warm as possible.

Thermal blankets are placed over Louis body and they rush as fast as they can back to the ambulance.

Louis is taken away as Lacey screams for him when she sees him.

Scott and Harry are allowed in the ambulance and they take a seat next to Louis as they are rushed out of the cold and to the hospital.

On the way Scott makes a call to Andy, asking him to come to London private, they don't want anyone else touching Louis.

When they make it Andy is whisking Louis away and Scott and Harry look on with heavy hearts as they settle in for a rough night hoping Louis makes it through.

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