Part 15
Louis doesn't get a chance to convince Noah about the guy, turns out Noah has food poisoning from something he ate at breakfast and ends up going home. Louis ends up digging things up himself and what he finds just confirms he was right all along and like Scott said, he should trust his gut.
Somehow Lacey's father has been caught up in a drug ring. Louis thinks it's unwillingly, he might have seen something he wasn't supposed too and as he digs further he finds some Interesting things out.
By the time he's heading home, he has a lot to discuss with Noah and contemplates going to his place, until Cody and Rhys are again in the lift with Louis, Harry and Scott.
No one says a single word and Louis sticks to Harry's side like glue, when The lift doors open to the penthouse Harry and Scott don't make a move to leave, Louis looks at them curiously.
"You go ahead baby, why don't you order us some dinner" Harry suggests.
"Um okay" Louis nods and walks off.
Scott turns around and places his hand over the doors, preventing them from shutting.
"Listen here, You lay a fucking finger on our boy again and there will be so many consequences your heads will spin" Harry spits.
"Louis hasn't and won't report this, we figured it out, it's not hard and if we find you anywhere near him again you're arses will be on the street. Daddy wouldn't like that boys, would he, remember your place" Scott says angrily.
They don't wait for an answer before they walk into the penthouse leaving a shocked and intimidated Cody and Rhys behind.
"Louis" Harry calls as he walks into the kitchen, Louis hangs up the phone just having ordered sushi.
"Yeah?" Louis asks,
Harry looks at him and sighs, he walks over and kisses Louis and holds him close
"What's wrong?" Louis asks
"Nothing Rookie, Harry just gets a bit over protective of the ones he loves and becomes a bit clingy" Scott chuckles,
"I love you" Harry says as he pulls back and cups Louis face.
Louis smiles
"I love you too" he replies.
"Okay sappy Mc saps" Scott chuckles and grabs a water from the fridge
"Ohhhh I love you too Scott" Louis says smiling.
"And I love you darling" Scott replies.
"We need to put ice on that cheek, Rookie, it looks sore" Harry says concerned.
"It is, but I think I've missed the window of ice being any help" Louis says.
"You know you really are the worst patient" Scott says fondly shaking his head.
Louis smiles cheekily.
"So what did you order us for dinner?" Harry asks turning Louis around and wrapping his arms around him, resting his chin on Louis shoulder.
"Sushi" Louis smiles, kissing Harry on the cheek.
"Just what I feel like" Scott says.
"I need a drink, food, my boys and the Tv what do you say?" Harry then says going to grab himself a beer.
"Sounds perfect to me" Scott says.
"Yeah, I'm just going to have a shower" Louis says.
"We will join you" Scott smirks and Louis smiles widely back.
After a quick shower that involved three blow jobs, they all relax on the couch eating sushi and watching TV, in comfy sweats and T-Shirts
"So Noah went home sick today we heard" Scott says.
"Yeah, food poisoning" Louis confirms.
"Did you get a chance to dig a little deeper on the case?" Scott asks.
"Yeah, and I found out a lot, I was right, it is the same guy and there looks to be a huge web, Lacey's Dad definitely knows him, i just don't think he's guilty, I think he's being blackmailed" Louis says.
"That is great work Rookie, can we check over your notes and things tomorrow? We can get your warrant pushed through if the evidence is solid" Harry says
"Yeah, that would be great, thanks" Louis smiles.
The boys are really proud of Louis and want to help him in any way they can
The next day at work Louis turns up and there is no sign of Noah, he's out sick again. Louis doesn't mind, the more evidence he can present to Noah when he gets back the better. Harry and Scott kiss Louis goodbye and they part ways at the lifts.
When Louis reaches his desk he sees a note on top, addressed to him. Louis looks curiously around the office, seeing no one around. He opens the note.
"Tony Bosch - 10 Shields Way North London"
Louis is confused. Who left the note and what's it got to do with him. He contemplates his next steps carefully. He can't just show up to the address, obviously there is an investigation happening on Tony and Louis would need a warrant.
Noah isn't here also, so he'd have to go in alone. He decides a drive by of the place wouldn't hurt and heads towards Harry and Scott's office to get clearance.
He reaches their office and they aren't inside, he sighs.
"Hey you're Louis right?" A voice says and Louis turns round to come face to face with one of the guys Louis saw up here the other day.
"Um yeah" Louis says.
"Nice to meet you I'm Jax" the guy says holding out his hand
Louis shakes it in return
"Nice to me you" Louis says smiling.
"Looking for Harry and Scott?" He then asks.
"Yeah" Louis says
"They just left, had a job come up" Jax says.
"Okay, can you tell them I stopped by?" Louis asks.
"Sure, anything I can help with?" Jax asks,
"Um...not sure, I need clearance to check out an address I was given" Louis says.
Jax smiles.
"I can help, are you entering the premises?" Jax asks as he starts walking back to his desk, Louis follows
"Wasn't planning on it but that could change" Louis says.
"Okay, I'll write you a clearance for drive by, call backup if you plan to go in and things change quickly, I'll note it on file. What's the address?" Jax asks
Louis nods and hands the address over, Jax does some computer work before he lookstowards Louis and smiles.
"There you go all done" Jax says, handing Louis a piece of paper.
"Thanks Jax, could you tell Harry and Scott where I went?" Louis asks,
"Sure, no worries" Jax says.
Louis nods and leaves the office, he heads to his car and begins the hour drive to the location.
Louis doesn't hear from Scott or Harry over the next hour, they must be busy.
The address turns out to be an old abandoned house in the middle of the Forrest, it's creepy and Louis parks his car out of view down the dirt driveway. He thinks for a few minutes that he's actually been set up and Cody and Rhys have been joking with him, sending him to the middle of whoop whoop so they can laugh at him.
He tries to call Harry and Scott again but has no luck. He decides to turn around and go back to the station when there is a knock on his window. He looks up and sees two men in Black with guns in their hands.
"Get out of the car" one of them says.
Shit, Louis is fucked.
He gulps and slowly steps out of the car, at least Harry and Scott will find out where he went when he doesn't come home.
He's grabbed by one guy and the other one snoops in the car, effectively finding Louis badge and wallet.
"Louis Tomlinson, he's a detective" the other guys says.
"Well, we caught a cop today, how fun, Tony won't be too happy" The guy holding him says.
"What do we do with him?" The other guys asks.
"Torch the car, bring him in, let Tony sort him out"
The other guy nods and gets to torching Louis car, Louis is in shock as he's gripped tightly and walked up the path into the old house.
He's shoved inside and the guy starts laying into him a few times, Louis fights back as best he can and lays into the guy a few times too. He's pinned against the wall though, the seedy man is strong.
"Why are you here" he asks Louis
"I'm investigating a missing person and this address came up" Louis says.
The guys smirks.
"You're in deep shit now, Tony will kill you, he knows enough cops to have it covered up"
Louis doesn't say anything.
"You cops should know your fucking place" he spits and punches Louis again, Louis falls to the ground in pain.
He's grabbed again and taken to a bedroom,
"Any funny business and I'll put a bullet through your head myself" the guys says as he leaves the room effectively locking the door.
Louis turns around to try and find a way out when he sees a little girl in the corner of the room, she's dirty, her long blond hair sitting passed her shoulders. Her wide blue eyes look up at him scared. She's wearing jeans and a pink jumper and Louis recognises her instantly.
"Lacey?" Louis asks.
Lacey looks scared before Louis smiles towards her.
"Are you going to take me home?" She asks innocently.
Louis smiles
"I am hun, but we are going to have to find a way out together, do you think you can be really brave for me?" Louis asks.
Lacey nods her head and Louis smiles.
"My name is Louis, I'm a detective and we're going to get out of here okay" Louis reassures.
Lacey nods
"Okay, have you been in this room the whole time?" Louis asks as he looks around.
"No just today, I was in the basement" Lacey says.
Louis nods and gets up, he sees a bathroom that's connected to the bedroom they are in. In the bathroom there is a small window above the sink and Louis knows they can both fit through there....just.
He walks back towards Lacey.
"Are you hurt at all Lace?" Louis asks,
"No, they didn't hurt me, I'm just cold" Lacey says.
Louis takes his police jacket off him and puts it over Lacey, she smiles, instantly warm.
"Thanks Louis" she says.
Louis smiles back.
"Okay now, I'm going to lift you up and we're going to escape through the window in the bathroom, you're going to go out first and then me, we're then going to run into the woods. I have backup coming and we will hide there until they do okay" Louis says. Only half lying, he knows Scott and Harry will come looking for him, he just doesn't know how long it's going to take.
"I'm scared" Lacey says
"I know hun, but I'm right here okay and I promise to protect you and get you out of here safely and back to your parents. Do you trust me, we need to be in this together" Louis says.
Lacey looks into Louis eyes, she is instantly put at ease and can tell Louis is kind and loving.
"I trust you Louis" she says.
Louis beams back at her.
"I trust you too" He says causing Lacey to smile.
They then suddenly hear voices outside the room, they are loud and angry.
"A cop, you're serious, and he's still alive?" An angry voice spits.
"Okay Lace we have to go" Louis says quickly.
He picks Lacey up and closes and locks the flimsy bathroom door he puts Lacey on the window sill and tells her to jump.
"Promise you're coming too" she asks,
"Pinky promise, trust me hun, I'm right here" Louis says
Lacey nods and she's out the window landing on the grass below.
Louis manages to get up on the sill, his adrenaline pumping. His ribs are sore and he has a hell of a headache from being punched in the face, he's sure it will be a nice purple colour.
He's about to jump when the bathroom door is broken down.
He doesn't have time to act before he hears a gunshot and he's on the ground next to Lacey.
"Louis" She screams.
Louis has been hit in the shoulder, it Fucking hurts but they have to go or the next bullet will be their heads.
Louis doesn't think before he's picking a small Lacey up into this arms and running towards the Forrest. He's fast thanks to his training, he hears voices and yelling, a few more gunshots but none of them hit them thankfully. They make it to the Forrest and the shelter of the trees. Louis doesn't stop though and keeps running.
Eventually they make it to a small cave, Louis brings them both inside and Lacey is crying her eyes out.
"It's okay Lace, we're safe, you're okay I'm here, I've got you" Louis tells her as he cuddles her close and rocks her back and fourth.
Lacey soon calms down and Louis Adrenalin soon wears off, they weren't followed, thankfully they lost the guys. They now just have to wait it out and hopefully Harry and Scott will find them.
"You got shot Louis are you going to die?" Lacey asks as she sees the blood on Louis shoulder and clothes.
Louis smiles trying to reassure Lacey.
"I'm okay, I promise, I just have to stop the bleeding" Louis says.
He manages to take his sweater off, then his singlet, he puts his sweater back on and rips his singlet into threads, he wraps them around his shoulder effectively helping to stop the bleeding.
It's freezing in the cave and Louis chest begins to restrict, he needs to calm down though, he needs to relax for Lacey's sake. If he has an attack now he's done for, so Louis picks Lacey up sits down and she straddles his waist. She curls up on Louis chest and Louis holds her close. Both in shock and both trying to keep warm.
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