19. Bob Newby, Superhero
"Yes. He had the exact same pattern on his butt," Dustin answered.
"He was tiny two days ago." Max reasoned.
"Well, he's molted three times already," Dustin explained.
"Malted?" Steve questioned.
"Molted." Dustin corrected.
"Molted?" Sofia asked.
"Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms," Dustin explained to the two older teens.
"Like snakes," Ryan added.
"When's he gonna molt again?" Max asked Dustin.
"It's gonna be soon, when he does, he'll be fully grown or close to it, And so will his friends," Dustin said.
"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats," Steve commented.
Ryan gasped at Steve's words. "Too far," Ryan pointed at him.
"Wait, a cat?" Lucas questioned Dustin. "Dart ate a cat?"
"No, what? No." Dustin lied.
"What are you talking about? He ate Mews," Steve told Dustin.
"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asked.
"Our cat er was," Ryan looked down in sadness.
"Dustin and Ryan's cat," Steve answered.
"Steve!" Dustin exclaimed.
"I knew it, you kept him!"
"No I-" Dustin stammered. "He missed me, he wanted to come home."
"Missed you my ass," Ryan mumbled.
"Bullshit!" Lucas exclaimed.
"I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?" Dustin reasoned.
"Oh, so when you found him eating Mews and him hating light was normal to you?" Ryan asked, causing Dustin to glare at him.
"Oh, so now you admit it?" Lucas scoffed.
"Guys, who cares? We have to go," Max interrupted.
"I care!" Lucas exclaimed. "You put the party into Jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!"
"So did you!" Dustin countered.
"What?" Lucas questioned.
"You told a stranger the truth!" Dustin shined his flashlight at Max.
"A stranger?" Max scoffed.
Dustin and Lucas continued to argue, meanwhile Steve heard something in the distance, Ryan following behind, taking quick notice.
"Guys?" Steve called out.
"Guys!" Ryan yelled louder than Steve, Lucas, and Dustin looked at the two boys, they heard it too.
The group minus Max began to make their way toward the noise, like the dumb people in horror movies.
"No, no, Hey guys, why are you heading towards the sound?" Max asked, getting no reply. "Hello? Hello?" After not getting another reply, Max followed after them.
The screeching sound became more evident as the group stopped on the edge of a hill.
"I don't see him," Dustin stated the obvious.
"Them," Ryan corrected.
"Geez, why don't you just solve every math equation such as two times twenty-seven plus thirteen squared? Instead of correcting me all the time." Dustin complained.
"Luckily for you, that's an easy equation." Ryan rolled his eyes. "Can't see anything in this fog, where did it come from anyways?"
Lucas looked in his binoculars. "It's the lab, they were heading back home."
"Will," Sofia mumbled under her breath, hoping no one heard her.
Meanwhile, at Hawkins Lab, the whole place was on lockdown due to the power outage.
"Look, this is us, and this is the nearest exit." Dr. Owens pointed the stuff out on a map. "But even if we somehow make it there, there is no way out."
"What do you mean?" Hopper asked.
"The locks are fail secure." Dr. Owens explained to him.
"Fail secure?" Joyce asked.
"If there's a power outage, the building goes on lockdown." Dr. Owens explained.
"So we're stuck here if we can't get the power back on? Great," John mumbled.
"Hey John, don't think that way," Bob told him before returning his attention to Dr. Owens. "Can it be unlocked remotely?" He asked.
"With a computer, sure. But somebody's gotta reset the breakers."
"Where are the breakers?" Hopper asked.
"Breakers are in the basement, three floors down" Dr. Owens answered.
Hopper grabbed a flashlight and began to make his way out of the room before Bob stopped him.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked Hopper.
"To reset the breakers," Hopper answered.
"Do you even know to reset the breakers?" John asked, getting no reply he scoffed quietly.
"Then what?" Bob asked.
"Then we get out of here," Hopper said.
"No, then the power comes back on. If you wanna unlock the doors, you have to unlock the computer system, then override the security codes with a manual input." Bob corrected.
"Fine, how do I do that?" Hopper asked, growing annoyed.
"You can't. Not unless you know BASIC." Bob explained.
"I don't know what that means," Hopper said, frustrated.
"It's a computer programming language," Mike explained.
"It's what everyone is learning nowadays, catch up," Evelyn rolled her eyes.
"Teach it to me," Hopper said.
"Shall I teach you French while I'm at it, Jim? How about a little German?" Bob scoffs before turning his attention to Dr. Owens. "How about you, Doc? Do you know BASIC?"
Dr. Owens sighed and replied. "No,"
Bob looked at John, whose face read "Does it look like I know BASIC?"
"Okay, I got this," Bob told himself. "I got this," He told Hopper.
"No, Bob." Joyce interrupted.
"It's okay," Bob reassured her, and the two hugged each other. "It's gonna be okay. Remember, Bob Newby, superhero."
"I'm coming with you," John offered. "You ain't going out there alone,"
Hopper dragged a dead agent into the stairwell where Bob and John were waiting.
"Okay, get his walkie," Hopper told Bob.
Hopper loaded the gun the agent had and asked Bob. "You know how to use one of these?"
"No," Bob answered honestly.
"Well I do so you're in luck," John took the gun from Hopper.
John and Bob started their journey down the stairs, Bob holding the flashlight while John held the gun. Moments later, they reached the basement and Bob turned the lights back on and unlocked all exits.
"Son of a bitch did it." Hopper, for once actually complimented Bob.
"Right, we'll meet you outside," Bob spoke into the walkie. "What's going on?" After hearing some distant mumbling on the other side.
"You got company," Dr. Owens said.
"Where?" Bob asked.
"In the west stairwell." Dr. Owens answered.
"Wait, I got an Idea." Bob began to do more work on the computer.
"What are you doing?" John asked, out of curiosity.
"Turning on the sprinkler where that thing is," Bob answered as he still typed.
"Bob?" John called to him.
"Yeah?" Bob looked at him for a moment and continued to type.
"After this, would you maybe want to hang out? Get a cup of coffee, whenever we're both free." John suggested. (Totally asking him out)
"Sure, that actually sounds nice." Bob smiled at him. "And splash," Bob turned on the sprinklers.
"Okay, okay, that worked." Dr. Owens said, amazed. "Now, get out of there. Go! Go!"
John and Bob did as they were told and they left, leaving the gun behind.
Hopper picked up a sleeping Will and was about to leave before Dr. Owens stopped him.
"What?" Hopper turned back around.
"Take this." Dr. Owens gave Hopper a walkie-talkie.
"What are you doing?" Hopper asked.
"Any more surprises, I'll let you know." Dr. Owens explained.
Hopper exited the room first, facing the gun in whichever direction he looked. He didn't see anything at the moment so they kept moving and eventually were able to find an exit. Bob and John were stopped a couple of times but eventually they made it. John rushed to Evelyn and hugged her tight, John looked back at Bob and that's when he realized.
"Bob, look out!" John called.
But it was already too late before Bob could process what he said. A demo dog came at him, making him fall to the ground. Bob tried to get the demo dog from eating him but it was no use, the demodog clawed into his side, he screamed in pain. Hopper rushed back in and began to shoot the demodog with the gun he had. John took Evelyn outside and sat on the ground, face in his hands.
They ran out of the hospital and were joined by the others outside and they went inside the cars, leaving Hawkins Lab almost immediately.
"The Mind Flayer," Dustin put the book on the table.
"What the hell is that?" Hopper asked.
"It's a monster from an unknown dimension, it's so ancient that it doesn't even know its true home," Dustin explained. "Okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly-developed psionic powers."
"Oh my god, none of this is real. It's just a kid's game." Hopper muttered.
"No, it's a manual and it's not for kids. And unless you know something, that we don't, this is the best metaphor-" Dustin started before Lucas cut him off.
"Analogy." Lucas corrected.
"Analogy? That's what you're worried about? Fine, an analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is." Dustin exclaimed.
"Okay, so this mind-flamer thing-" Nancy started.
"Flayer, Mind Flayer." Dustin corrected.
"What does it want?" Nancy asked.
"To conquer us, basically, It believes it's the master race," Dustin answered.
"Like the Germans?" Steve asked.
"The Nazis?" Dustin questioned.
"Yeah, yeah, the nazis." Steve agreed.
"If the Nazis were from another dimension, totally. Uh, it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself." Dustin explained.
"It wants to spread, take over other dimensions," Mike added.
"We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it," Lucas concluded.
"Yeah, uh we're so screwed." Ryan put his hands over his face.
"That's great, that's great, Jesus," Steve mumbled.
"Okay, so if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything, then if we kill it..." Nancy trailed off.
"We kill everything it controls," Mike told her.
"We win," Dustin told the group.
"Theoretically," Lucas added.
"Great, so how do you kill this thing? Shoot it with fireballs or something?" Hopper asked.
"No, No, no fireballs. Uh, you summon an undead army uh because zombies, you know, they don't have brains, and the mind flayer, it likes brains. It's just a game. It's a game." Dustin explained.
"What the hell are we doing here?" Hopper mumbled.
"I thought we were waiting for military backup."
"We are!" Hopper exclaimed.
"I highly doubt that," John muttered.
"How are they going to stop this? You can't just shoot this with guns." Mike said.
"You don't know that! We don't know anything!" Hopper exclaimed.
"We know it's already killed everyone in that lab," Mike told Hopper.
"We know the monsters are gonna molt again." Lucas added.
"We know that it's only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town." Dustin concluded.
"They're right, we have to kill it, I want to kill it." Joyce said, firmly.
"Me too, Joyce, Okay? But how do we do that? We don't exactly know what we're dealing with here." Hopper talked softly.
"No, but he does." Mike walked over to Will. "If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it's Will. He's connected to it, he'll know its weakness."
"I thought we couldn't trust him anymore, that he's a spy for the mind flayer now." Max explained.
"Yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is." Mike said.
An idea popped into Ryan's head. "We can put him in the shed," He suggested.
"You're a genius Ryan, I swear." Evelyn comments.
The group went to work, gathering items they needed to disguise the shed.
Ryan saw Evelyn in the bathroom, trying to get the shower curtain off.
"Need a little help?" Ryan smiled.
"Yes, I don't wanna slip and fall." Evelyn looked down.
"Here, let me." Ryan easily took shower curtain down.
Ryan and Evelyn locked eyes, this was the moment. He had to ask her now or have no chance in the future.
"Hey Ev," Ryan looked at her.
"Yeah?" Evelyn looked at him.
"After this is over, I was wondering if you wanted to- nevermind this is stupid." Ryan looked in her eyes and suddenly began to walk away.
Evelyn grabbed his wrist and turned him back around.
"You know you can talk to me, what's up?" Evelyn looked at him.
Ryan took a deep breath and asked. "Do you want to maybe go out with me sometime? I know I probably shouldn't ask right now given the circumstances but it was now or ever." He scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh," Evelyn was suprised that Ryan even got the courage to ask her out.
Ryan took this as a sign of rejection. "I'm sorry, I never should have asked." Ryan mumbled.
"Yes," Evelyn blurted out. "I would love to, honestly I thought I was going to have to be the one to ask you out."
The two shared a laugh.
"Great uh that's great," Ryan smiled before handing Evelyn the shower curtain. "I don't think getting in the shower right now is a good idea." He teased.
Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully. "You're a jerk," She mumbled as she headed inside the shed.
Mike, Jonathan, and Joyce began to talk to Will and share their favorite memories they shared together since out of the group, they know him the longest.
Hopper came in the house and looked for a pen, Joyce followed after him.
"What happened?" Dustin asked.
Hopper sighed. "I think he's talking just not with words."
"Morse code," (I wanna learn this so bad) Ryan whispered, mostly to Sofia so she could understand.
"What's that?" Steve asked.
"Morse code," The three boys answered.
"Here," Max read out the word.
"Will's still in there, he's talking to us." Hopper told the group.
They went back out to the shed again and talked to Will.
"C, L, O, S, E." Lucas read out the letters as Nancy wrote them down. "G, A, T, E."
The group looked to see what Will said.
"Close Gate." They read.
Suddenly the telephone rang, interrupting the long silence.
"Shit, shit!" Dustin cursed.
Dustin hung up the phone but the phone kept ringing, Nancy took the phone off the wall and threw it.
"Do you think he heard that?" Max asked.
"It's just a phone, it could be anywhere, right?" Steve asked the group.
Monster screeching from the outside.
"Shit," Ryan cursed.
"That's not good," Dustin agreed.
The others rushed inside the house.
"Hey, hey, get away from the window!" Hopper ordered to the kids, who got away from the windows in a hurry.
"Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan, referring to the gun.
"What?" Jonathan looked at him.
"Can you use this?" Hopper asked again.
"I can," Nancy answered.
Hopper threw the gun to Nancy and began to check it. Ryan and Evelyn were behind her, trusting her with her life.
A demo dog came crashing through the window, and everyone's attention turned to it. Hopper kicked the demodog and nothing happened, it was dead. Suddenly, the door began to unlock and everyone turned to it. The door opened, revealing someone who everyone minus Hopper thought was long gone, Eleven.
Mira Speaks
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