18. Superspy

"THERE'S nothing, there's nothing here," Mike said out loud.

"Are- Are we close?" Joyce asked.

"We're in the vicinity," Bob answered.

"What does that even mean?" Evelyn mumbled.

"What's that mean, the vicinity?" Joyce asked.

"It means we're close, I don't know, it's not precise," Bob answered.

"But we did all that work." Joyce sighed.

"Ugh," Evelyn put her head back. "I could have been studying for my math test instead of being here,"

"I told you, the scale ratio isn't exactly one-to-one, we needed to take-" Bob started before Will cut him off.

"Turn right," Will told his mom.

"What?" Joyce looked back at her son in confusion.

"I saw him. I saw them." Will

"Them?" Evelyn looked at Will. "I thought we were looking for just Hopper."

"We are, we're looking for Hopper and your dad," Mike told her.

"Wait what?!?" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Where?" Joyce looked around.

"Not here. In my now memories." Will explained.

"In your what?" Bob asked.

"Turn right!" Will exclaimed.

Joyce turned right and they began to scream as the group had no idea where they were heading, the car stopped from crashing into Hopper's car.

"Are you okay?" Joyce asked the kids.

Mike looked at Will.

"Superspy," Mike whispered.

"What?" Evelyn (I wrote Eleven at first-) looked down at him.

"What's Jim doing here? Joyce?" Bob looked at his girlfriend with answers.

"Ev, Boys, I need you to stay here," Joyce told them.

"No, Mom, Mom, it's not safe." Will tried to stop his mom.

"I'm not staying here, my dad's in trouble and I'm going to help." Evelyn urged.

"Evelyn no, I can't risk you getting hurt. Stay here." Joyce instructed.

Joyce sent Evelyn a small smile as she and Bob left the car.

"Hopper!" Joyce called out. "John!"

Joyce saw a shovel and saw a hold and headed towards it.

"Hey, be careful," Bob told her. "Just going down the hole."

"Vines," Joyce realized. "Give me that,"

Bob looked at the shovel. "The shovel?"

"Yes, the shovel," Joyce said.

Bob gave her the shovel and Joyce began to pick at the vines with it before they all disappeared.

"I need you to help me get down there," Joyce put her hand out.

"Joyce, what are you talking about?" Bob started but was cut off by another Byers.

"Bob, now!" Joyce exclaimed.

Joyce and Bob went into the hole, Bob found out that they were in Will's tunnels as they began to look for Hopper and John. Meanwhile, above them, Evelyn, Mike, and Will exited the car and looked down into the hole.

"What the hell?" Evelyn said to herself as she looked down.

"Do you see anything? I mean, in your now memories?" Mike asked Will, who only shook his head in reply.

Entering at rapid speed, Hawkins Lab vans came down the street, heading toward where they were. The three kids' eyes widened at the sudden arrival, they looked at one another before looking back at the vans.

"Hopper!" Joyce called for him. "Hopper!"

"John!" Bob called out.

Joyce looked in relief as she saw Hopper's arm. "That's his arm!"

"Joyce, Bob?" John called out.

"Bob, help him," Joyce ordered.

"Got it," Bob began to pull the vines off his neck. "John, you're gonna be fine." Bob pulled the vine off.

John gasped for air.

"Thank you," John whispered.

"No problem, now let's get all these other vines off you yeah?" Bob chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, yeah," John mumbled.

Bob pulled the other vines off of John and the two men began to get Hopper out which they did successfully.

"Hi Bob," Hopper greeted.

"Hey Jim," Bob replied.

Suddenly a Hawkins Lab employee came down the tunnel and told the adults to get out as he blew his blowtorch. Above him, Will grunted in pain.

"Will, are you okay? Will!" Mike called out.

Will didn't reply, he only began to scream and shake violently on the ground.

"Will? Will!" Evelyn called out to him. "Someone help!"

Mike and Evelyn looked at one another, worried for their friend.


Lucas climbed to the top of the bus, trying to spot Dart in the fog.

Steve switched his lighter on and off, and Dustin walked in a line, back and forth. Max, Sofia, and Ryan just laid back, waiting for the unexpected to happen.

"So you really fought one of these things before?" Max asked Steve, who nodded his head. "And you're, like, totally a hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?"

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear." Dustin snapped. "Why are you even here if you don't even believe us? Just go home."

"Dustin," Ryan scolded.

"Geesh. Someone's cranky, past your bedtime?" Max replied before joining Lucas.

Ryan followed her soon after.

"That's good, Just show her you don't care," Steve told him.

"I don't," Dustin said.

Steve winked at Dustin, assuming he was lying when he wasn't.

"Why are you winking, Steve? Stop." Dustin demanded.

Steve stopped and continued to play with his lighter.

"See anything Sinclair?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing so far," Lucas answered.

"I'm sorry about Dustin, he can be a little shit sometimes." Ryan apologized. "But as someone who also fought you know what, I can say it certainly wasn't a bear. It didn't even have a face and it was gonna eat my face off if Evelyn and Sofia hadn't saved me. Scariest moment of my life surprised I didn't pee my pants right there and then."

Max and Lucas laughed at his words. (Ryan is the main protector of Lumax and Evelyn is Byler's, I don't make the rules)

"It's fine," Max smiled at him. "It's kinda awesome."

"Huh?" Lucas looked at Max.

"The fog, I mean." Looks like the ocean." Max explained.

"You miss it?" Lucas asked.

"What?" Max looked at Lucas.

"The ocean. The waves? Californa?" Lucas asked, Max, looked away not giving an answer so he continued to talk. "Hawkins seems pretty lame, I bet."

"The lamest of the lame, when I graduate, I'm gonna go somewhere. Maine or London, I'm not sure." Ryan thought for a minute.

"You should totally go to London, they have killer clowns in Maine," Lucas teased.

"That's in a book for the last time," Ryan groaned.

"No, no, it's not that. It's just... My dad's still there. So..." Max trailed off, heading back into the original conversation.

"Why?" Lucas asked, he didn't know why Max and her mom were here and her dad was still in California, didn't make sense to him.

"It's this legal term called "Divorce." See, when two people don't love each other anymore-" Max started to explain.

"Yeah, I know something similar to that." Lucas glanced over to Ryan.

"My mom and my stepdad, they wanted a fresh start away from him. As if, As if he was the problem which is total bull. And things are just worse now. My stepbrother's always been a dick, but now he's just angry... all the time and... Well, he can't take it out on my mom, so..." Max trailed off, looking away, waiting for the two boys to connect the pieces.

"So he takes it out on you?" Lucas asked.

"Such a piece of shit," Ryan mumbled.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Both of you," Max started. "It's just... I know that I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever. I guess I'm, angry, too, and... I'm sorry." Max apologized before wiping a tear from her face. "Jesus! What's wrong with me?"

"Hey. You're nothing like your brother, okay? You're cool and different. And you're super smart, And like you're, like, totally tubular." Lucas told and comforted Max.

"I agree with Lucas, just not on the tubular part." Ryan looked at him weirdly.

"Nobody actually says that you know," Max told him.

"Well, I do now," Lucas declared.

"And it makes you seem really cool. And Ryan is a tiny bit cooler because he doesn't say it." Max laughed.

"I like talking with you Mad Max." Lucas smiled.

"And I like talking with you, Stalker." Max smiled back.

"Don't worry Ryan, we like talking with you too." Lucas teased.

"Yeah, you're pretty tubular." Max teased him as well.

"Ugh, I hate you guys." Ryan rolled his eyes before smiling at the two teens before him.

A loud growl was heard, and the three kids looked at one another.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin asked.

"Hold on!" Lucas grabbed his binoculars and looked around. "I've got eyes! Ten o'clock! Ten o'clock!"

Max took the binoculars and looked at the demo dog.

"Wait, you're sure it's not a dog?" Max asked him.

"What?" Lucas looked at her.

"Max for the last time, it isn't a dog!" Ryan exclaimed.

Steve exited the bus, bat in hand ready to fight a demo dog, metal creaked as the door shut behind him. Steve walked forward, whistling as he went.

"Come on, buddy." Steve taunted, continuing to whistle.

"He's insane," Max said.

"He's awesome." Dustin gushed.

"He's both," Sofia said, startling them.

Just then, Lucas spotted another demodog.

"Steve, watch out!" Lucas called to him.

"Little bit busy here!" Steve exclaimed.

"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!" Lucas exclaimed.

Steve turned around and saw another demodog.

"Steve!" Dustin opened the door. "Steve! Abort! Abort!"

"Steve come on!" Ryan called out to (His boyfriend- alright I'll stop) him.

Steve ran towards the bus, once he was inside they shut the door.

"They can't get it! They can't!" Lucas exclaimed.

Suddenly, a demo dog's arm made its way through the metal and it moved around hoping to get a piece of flesh.

Everyone beside Steve, moved away from the door as Steve fended it off.

There was a loud bang, coming from the roof. Max was soon face to face with a demodog, she began to scream.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Steve exclaimed.

"Wait move!" Sofia got in front of Steve.

"What are you even doing-" Steve was cut off by screaming.

Sofia screamed as she pushed the demo dog away from the bus, her nose bleeding as a result of using her powers.

"Still think that's just a dog with rabies, Max?" Ryan asked her, she only scoffed in reply.

"What the hell?" Steve looked at Sofia. "That was supposed to be my moment."

"Took too long," Sofia rolled her eyes.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that Sofia has superpowers?" Max asked the group.

"Yes," The group replied while Dustin and Lucas looked at each other with wide eyes.

The demo dogs soon became less interested in human meat as they had other places to go, they growled one more time before running off.

Meanwhile back at Hawkins Lab, Will Byers sat awake in his hospital bed, tears streaming down his face, repeating similar words in his apology.

"I'm sorry. He made me do it." Will looked at his mom.

"The spy," Mike realized before repeating. "The spy!"

Mira Speaks

Gonna end it here, I feel like a villain- but this chapter is like 2000 words so uh

But yall gonna love my next chapter, just wait(Well Bob dies next chapter and that's sad but other than that, what I do with Revelyn, you guys will like actually love me). 

Also, I wrote Eliza and Elijah out of the story, as much as I love them. It's hard to keep so many ocs in one book- and then I would have to write practically the same thing in the other books, sounds tiring .-.

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