10. All Together

Evelyn and Ryan walked into the police station and were about to head to Jonathan before they were stopped by the lady on the front desk.

"Hey! Where did you think you're going?" She asked the two teens who made their way to her.

"We're here to see a friend." Ryan answered simply.

"Name?" She asked as she places her chin in the palm of her right hand out of boredom.

"I'm Ryan Henderson ma'am and we're here to see Jonathan Byers." Ryan explained.

"I'm Evelyn Smith, my dad is-

"Right there." The two teens turned and saw Evelyn's dad, who had just came out of the chiefs office.

"We need to talk." John spoke to the two teens before he took them to a quiet place in the station.

"So, what do you need to talk about dad?" Evelyn could only wonder.

"I have been informed that you guys along with Jonathan and Nancy have encountered something dangerous." John searched Ryan and Evelyn's eyes for answers.

"Oh uh that, well sir it's very dangerous but we made it out alive." Ryan scratched his neck.

"You both could have died!" John exclaimed. "And you didn't bother telling me or another trusted adult?"

"Well Jonathan was going to tell his mom, after he insisted that we had killed it but we don't know what it is except." Ryan explained.

"We had a theory that this things that Jonathan found with his camera, that it comes with their blood. I think this monster took mom, Barb, and Will. Mom only had blood on her and Barb cut herself on accident, But Will wasn't bleeding, or atleast he wasn't when I last saw him." Evelyn explained.

"Maybe the monster took him on accident." Ryan reassured her.

"On accident? I don't think so if he wasn't bleeding then maybe, maybe it was-" Evelyn was speaking.

"The Lore of the game." Ryan cut her off.

"I'm sorry, I must have missed a lesson. What game?" John asked, rather confused.

"Dungeons and Dragons sir, D&D for short. Maybe in the game, Will did something and his character must have gotten hurt or taken in order to protect his friends." Ryan explained.

"But that's just a fantasy game. How could a fantasy game come to life?" John questioned, looking at Ryan for an answer.

"I don't know sir, but ordinary monsters that we see in films have faces, and the one we saw in the woods didn't." Ryan shuddered at the memory.

John was about to say something before the Cheif came to them.

"We have to go, now." Hopper spoke to John, who only nodded and guestred for the teens to come along.

John, Evelyn, and Ryan got in Ryan's car.

John told Ryan to go in the backseat, which he didn't argue about. John started the car and they began to follow behind Hopper.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you mean by this monster having no face?"

Evelyn only saw the monster from a far distance so she was suprised when Ryan was able to describe the monster in good detail.

"Well I meant what I said, it didn't have a face, the figure was quite tall like seven feet and it had claws, it's face opened up like a flower, and on each petal there were tons of teeth."

"I see, well when I see this monster, I'll make sure to beat the shit out of it for almost killing you guys and for killing my wife, how does that sound?" John looked in the rear view mirror to see the teens reaction, they were full of giggles.

"Yeah that sounds awesome dad." Evelyn has a huge grin on her face, while Ryan only admired her.

Ryan looked out the window. "What are we doing at the byers?"

"I honestly have no idea son, but I gotta feeling we're about to find out." John replied as he parked the car and they all got out of the car.


"Dustin!" Ryan ran to his brother and hugged him. "I thought you were goner."

"Me too, me too." Dustin replied still hugging his brother when they broke the hug, Dustin looked at Evelyn confused. "What's she doing here?"

Ryan hit Dustin. "Out of all questions, that's what you say."

Evelyn watched them, slightly wishing she had siblings, unaware that John was watching her.

"Hey, let's get inside." John told everyone, they obeyed and they went in the house as Mike and the kids began to explain everything.

"Ok, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster are the flea. And this is the upside where Will is hiding." Mike explained. "Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."

"A gate." Dustin added.

"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab." Lucas added more to what Dustin had meant.

"With our compasses." Dustin added further and when he saw confused looks on the others faces, he decided to explain it further. "Okay, so, the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field and that can change the direction of a compass needle."

"Is the gate underground?" Hopper asked.

El replied. "Yes." She eyed him suspiciously.

"Near a large water tank?" Hopper asked another question, El replied with yes once more.

"Ho- How do you know that?" Dustin stuttered with his question.

"He seen it." Mike realized.

"And I don't think he was the only one." Evelyn commented quietly as she eyed her dad.

"Is there anyway you can reach Will in this-" Joyce stammered with her words.

"The Upside Down." El finished her sentence.

"Down, yeah." Joyce whispered.

"And Barbara can you find her, too?" Nancy asked, El nodded.

They were all at the kitchen table, the walkie table was on a blank channel and there was only static.

They all watched the girl, who had her eyes closed, moving them side to side slightly.

The light in front of them, started to flicker lightly and that was when she opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry." El spoke sadly. "I can't find them." El felt sorry for them that she couldn't do what she had wanted as if she had failed.

"It's okay, let's head to the bathroom for quiet, yeah?" Evelyn handed her hand out to El, who took her hand and they went to the bathroom.

"It's okay." Evelyn tried to comfort the girl. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" Evelyn asked.

"El, short for Eleven." El answered as she stared at her and Evelyn in the mirror.

"Pretty." El pointed to where Evelyn was standing in the mirror, this made Evelyn smile.

El smiled at Evelyn before diverting her attention elsewhere. "The bath." El said quietly. "Find them in the bath." She looked at Evelyn, who nodded and the girls went out of the bathroom.

"The bath." El spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "I can find them in the bath."

Ryan looked at Evelyn in conformation.

"She's telling the truth, she told me herself." Evelyn reassured the group.

"Well even if she can find them in the bath, would she be able to fit? How would she find them, wouldn't she need more space?" John asked, looking for answers.

"I got it, a sensory deprivation tank. We can just build that." Ryan answered John's question.

"And I think there might be one person who knows how to make one." Dustin locked eyes with Mike and Lucas before connecting eyes with his brother.

(A/N: I was gonna add Ryan and Dustin talking to Mr. Clarke and where they find out Barb's dead but I got lazy so we're heading to the finale a bit early.

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