Its time for children to go to sleep
Ayano sat under the car dome waiting for the rain to let up " damn is pouring..." she muttered " I'm cold...I'm so gonna get sick, maybe I should just go home, but what about that thing?...and I left my phone on the table...!" She groaned mentally scolding herself, She tried to hold but couldn't no more and let out a sneeze, at that moments, two feet appeared in view, making her look up to see Tsukasa "...oh crap..." Ayano tried crawling away, but he kneeled down to the same level as her "Hey?"
Making her flinch and look back "y-yeah?"
"are you...a runaway?" He asked
"No.." she scoffed turning her head
"No judgments. You need to stay dry out here, but you do know there's been reports of a creep in the park for the last few days" he stated "What!? No way!" She yelled banging her head on the dome accidentally groaning pain before recovering quick "Thanks for the heads up!" She pulled her hood over her head and started to run away "Hey! Wait!" Kazuki followed and grabbed the back of her hood
"Keep your hands off!" She demanded then blinded when he handed her his umbrella " Huh?"
" here take it"
It literally looked like sparks and flower petals flew past, but Ayano could see what would happen if she did "Borrow it, return it, let the sparks fly" Riri😇
" no thanks" she immediately said shaking her head with a hand out " why?" He asked confused " cause then you'll get drenched" she stated " don't worry, I live pretty close" he replied "No it's fine! I already owe you for breaking your phone!" She said pushing it away "I said it was okay!" He said pushing it to her "Just take it! You're going to get sick out here like this"
"What are you talking about? I'm so slow I couldn't catch a hold!" She says trying to get out of it, however her nose wasn't helping "Your nose is running" he stated "And you were sneezing earlier" he added "It's none of your business okay?!" She exclaimed embarrassed "Stop being so stubborn" he said then grabbed her hand "Ugh, fine come to my place" and began pulling her along "Huh! What?"
"I've got an extra umbrella I was going to toss. You can take that" he says
"Um but..." he stopped and looked over his shoulder "Listen if your worried about owing me, Then just come on already"
"Oh, okay..." she groaned giving in
"Let's go" he began pulling her along again making her gasp realising he was holding her hand "Y-Your hand!"
He exclaims as he let go, she noticed his cheeks had a pink tint as she did as he turned away "Sorry but you took forever to take it" he began walking "Hey wait now your getting wet!" She exclaimed chasing after him, only for him to grunt at the collision of one of the tips of the umbrella and looked frustrated at her "Sorry..." she laughed nervously sweat dropping "your just really tall...and I'm practically a shrimp..."
She gasped when he took the umbrella and was now standing next to her holding it above both they're heads "There, Problem solved"
"Yeah..." she held her arm "Come on then..." the two began walking together
'It's every girls dream, A hot guy sharing his umbrella as you walk shoulder to shoulder in the rain' she blushed before shaking her head and becoming serious again 'Ugh, I will not give in!!!!'
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
They arrived to his place, Ayano waited at the entrance while he went inside to fetch something "Wait there a sec" he instructed 'He's hot, And he lives alone' Ayano says in thought, Gulping before shaking her head 'No! I won't fall for this obvious trap!!! Just think about your favourite game characters!' While she was in her happy trance Tsukasa returned with a towel and placed it on her head "Here, You should dry off before you go"
'I got this!' Ayano grabbed the towels and opened her eyes 'hot guy glaring filter!!!' While he tilted his head confused, she was picturing her two favourite characters in her vision'Yep, That's better' "Thanks" she said for the towel
"Not my business but why were you hiding in the park anyway?" He asked curiously" Umm..." she turned away poking her fingers together "actually there's this thing at my place.. a's too terrifying I can't even say it!" She cried waving her hand back
"Huh? Robber?" He guessed
"Much worse a roach!" She exclaimed before Flinching and going into a depressed state crouched down "I said it..." she groaned "You let a bug chase you out of your house?" He sweat dropped a little "It's not just a bug! It was gigantic!" She exclaimed, she began twirling her finger in the ground while she explained "My mom usually handles this sort of thing or the cat, or even my dog husky, but both mine and my sisters parents moved overseas for work and took both the cat and dog with them! my sister ran to her room and locked the door...First the bug spray was empty, Then that's thing came right for me, so I ran as fast as I could I forgot my wallet and my phone...then it started raining!....Ugh it's the worst night ever!..." she sulked her nose running
He tried to hide his laughter, but failed to and held his towel over his mouth "Your face!"
"Rude!" She pouted glaring
"I'm sorry" he apologised still trying to stop his laughing 'I thought he was the quiet type who doesn't smile much but...'
"That sounds like a nightmare" he said small smile and those slightly pink tints
For Ayano, her hot 2d guy image barrier cracked, and her heart was pounding bald and forth which broke her imaginary barrier completely 'No!...He broke down my barrier!...then there's no other choice! Come forth husky!' The image of her dog became a filter for her bison in front of Tsukasa "I guess that explains the Miss matched shoes" he Smiled sheepishly
'It's working! Good job husky' she cheered mentally
"Want me to get rid of it?" He offered
"What?" She froze
"Want me to get rid of it for you?" He repeated his offer leaning against the wall "You know, the thing that shall not be mentioned"
"For real?!" She says surprised with her hands clenched only to freeze in realisation 'No! I'm on too deep already!' She turned away looking drained "No I got it..."
"Are you trying to avoid me or something?" He asked, moving closer away from the wall
"What?..." She moved away a little "No of course not!..."
"If this is about breaking my phone don't worry about it" he assured "I was thinking about getting a new one anyway" he stated
He puts an hand behind his neck "I mean, seriously, When you outright avoid me like that, it makes me feel anxious" he says while she freaks 'Make me feels anxious?!'
"Well, if you don't want my help..." he was about to take back his offer until Ayano shook her hands "no, really...I...need help" she gave in
"Alright, let's go."
"Huh?..." she felt something being put on her and looked as he placed a coat round her "Here it's cold, Wear this" Ayano's husky barrier fell too 'How does he keep doing that?!?' She exclaimed in her head she burst of it but in reality she was a blushing mess while he waited for her to come along
Back home
Tsukasa took the lead while carrying a rolled up news paper as his weapon to hit the pest "So where is it?" He asked "I saw it in the kitchen first, then it came into the hall, it's not there now so maybe it retreated back to the kitchen" Ayano replied 'There's a hot guy in my house...' she thought as he looked around heading for the kitchen "I don't see it" he said
'This is way too ridiculous' she then noticed something black under the coffee table and freaked out assuming it was the pest she ran not seeing where she was going and bumped right into Tsukasa, hitting him in the back like a rugby player and knocking him down with a grunt "Ahh there it is!" She exclaimed "it's—" she then realised it wasn't the pest and was a Lens cap " bad, just a Lens cap
Who left that here?..." she laughed nervously
He groaned "Did you just freak out over-" as he got up and she looked back, Both gasp at how close they're faces were 'How....did we end up like this?....' Just then anzu opened the door " hey Ayano are you-" she began but froze at what she saw " am I interrupting something?..." she asked confused as hell
" this isn't what it looks like!!!!" The two in the floor exclaimed a blushing mess
Before the two sisters noticed the pest in view again
Roaches are unseemly, so instead, cake. Your welcome
"Ahh!" Ayano jumped up screaming accidentally landing on Tsukasa's hip, making him grunt in pain and scrambled to the dinning room table and jumping in the seat as anzu ran out screaming back up the stairs again "There it is! Go Get it! Go Get it!" Ayano cried as Tsukasa recovered And saw it "That bastard!" He chases after it smacking the rolled up news paper on the ground until he finally got it and picked it up "Piece of cake" he said but Ayano still scared cried out "Ah! Throw it away! Throw it away!"
After the commotion Tsukasa was putting on his shoes about to leave "Thanks for...Helping and..I'm sorry for stepping in you" she apologised "Seriously don't mention it" he got up "See you at school hoshino Ayano" before he left she spoke "Wait how'd you know my name?" She asked confused
"Your name plate and your sister" he replied
"Oh right..." she laughed a little
"Tsukasa kazuki. We go to the same school" he reminded "Right I'm class 2" Ayano said "I'm class 7" he said "Do me a favour, Don't avoid me anymore" he pled, She gasped sucking her teeth "Right...." then looked at the coat he let her use "Oh, can I Atleast wash your-" "No really it's fine" he replied before she finished "Anyway, it might be a good idea to take a nice warm bath, And be sure to bundle up." He instructed like a parent would
"Yes dad" she played along amused "And you be sure to eat something hot tonight, Alright kazuki?" She asked joining on the joke
"Okay mom" he chucked opening the door "Later-" but as he opened it, it was forced open by the raging hurricane going on out side
"Guess I could run for it" he suggested
"Uh, well Guess this sucks " she smiled sheepishly
"I'll be fine see" he assured about to open the door again "yeah..." before he could go anywhere a piece of a tree Practically stabbed the window nearly hitting him "Forget it! come back in!" Ayano exclaimed as he closed the door sweating from that " what was that?!" Anzu exclaimed standing on the stairs
The three were now standing in the living room looking at the tv who showed the news about the weather "Officials are expecting the storm to last over night. A city wide warning is in effect, People have been asked to remain indoors, and avoid driving in these severely dangerous conditions." The woman on tv instructed
"Well, that's just great." Tsukasa rubbed the back of his head while Ayano was freaking out 'This is mom and dads dream house, their forever home, And they entrusted me and Anzu to take care of it while they're gone! Now look at it!...Not only did this freaky weather crash a tree right into the front door, It also has me stranded inside until it blows over, Stuck here with a super cute guy standing right there in the living room!....' Her eyes widened 'Wait a sec...Is this becoming A sleepover situation?!' She exclaimed in thought 'No way he can spend the night! We barely even know each other!...' she felt awkward standing there, which Anzu noticed
She imagined Riri cheering her on if she was to do bungee jumping "Let's go Aya let's go!"
'It's that yellow rats doing!!!' She grit her teeth, until her stomach growled making her turn red "Yeah I'm hungry too..." Tsukasa admitted
"Guess I'll make dinner now..." Ayano sighed
"You sure?" He asked
"Consider it a thank you for getting rid of that bug" Ayano went to the kitchen " I'll help you" anzu said "Problem is...what do I make?" Ayano wondered and turned to the pans on the wall "Let's see, Maybe I can grill something that's not overly fancy?" Just then the yellow little rat appeared again "A chance to earn girlfriend points!" As ayano's eyes darkened by her bangs anzu growled" you! Quit messing with my sister you!-" she was cut off by Ayano grabbing the frying pan and smacking riri so hard they flew against the wall And falling off anzu stopped before laughing at riri's expense "Get out rat! This whole night! You set all this up didn't you?" Ayano glared while smacking the handle of the pan in her hand ready to smack them again
"Well, duh" Riri replied after recovering
"You even planted that bug!" Anzu growled "Sure but thanks to me, your sisters evening is about to heat up!" Riri chimed
"Ugh this is all your fault!" Ayano yelled while Riri tossed and caught the cap lid "Not gonna lie, I was hoping it would turn out like this."
In riri's imagination
Ayano was holding onto Tsukasa terrified as he held her close "I'm so scared~.."
"I got you" he assured holding her close
Imagination end
"I got to say, I didn't think you'd tackle him, And that scream, like a bad word game" they say smug like while she turned embarrassedly red "Shut up! I'll have you know my scream is perfectly normal!"
"I was pretty impressed that you were able to get him on the floor so easily" Riri teased "That was a steamy moment in the making, but no"
"Are you seriously judging her?!" Anzu glared looking like she was gonna square up with the thing any minute "Look! Your the one causing this trouble!" She pointed to the outside of the window that showed the storm "You call what happened to the door under control?..." Ayano questioned as the tree branch stuck in the window still"I can fix that. No problem" Riri assured "Chin up Ayano! it's time to blow him away with your cooking skills! Remember the way to a mans heart is through his stomach." They instructed
" you are so not using my sisters cooking talents for you romance schemes!" Anzu growled while Ayano thought of an idea "Wait why would I bother making a good impression on this guy, anyway?" She announced smiling while they looked at her confused
She then proceeded to show two instant ramen options while he deadpanned "Would you like miso or soy sauce?" She asked "Miso..." he replied "I handed you romance on a silver platter!!!"Riri exclaimed in frustration as anzu snickers giving her sister a thumbs up who the poured the hot water on Riri making them scream
After eating
Two empty ramen cups sat on the table, anzu took hers to her room as Ayano assured her she could handle everything, plus her sister was getting tired "Thanks for dinner" Tsukasa said then looked out the window "Oh man..." he says seeing the rain hadn't changed
"Hmm..." Ayano pondered on what to do next, when something came back to her, what Riri had told her on they're first meeting
"I'm here to grant girls like you, who rejects all opportunities of romance, chance to experience love through this dating game!"
'If that thing is causing all this, it's a safe bet the storm won't let up till morning' she smirked clenching her fist 'You picked the wrong girl to mess with, You wanna play? then let's play!' Her eyes light up with determination
"It's alright, Kazuki you can spend the night" she says while he turned to the side "Yeah, I think I'll pass on that..." swearing a little "Don't worry" she assured "There'll be No funny business"
"That's Uh...reassuring" he said awkwardly "Great! It's settled then!" She clapped standing up, and rushing to the doorway "Bath time! I'll fill up the tub"
"Huh?" He was completely confused by her personality change, After filling the tub, She then came Back with some clothes "Here, these are my dads, they should fit you" she smiled
"Thanks" before he went he turned and asked "You don't want to go first?"
"Of course not, Guests always go first" she stated, he hummed before going off to the bath
"I knew you couldn't resist forever!" Riri coed nuzzling her cheek while she groaned "Now your spending the night together! Next stop, romance!" Ayano moved to get away from the wizard who laughs mischievously
Time skip
"Hmm?" Ayano looked in the closet for some bedding to give Tsukasa "So I'll take the couch" is what he told her, She pulled out a blanket "This blanket should be warm enough" After taking his bath, he got dressed and proceed back to the living room where Ayano was sitting watching tv "Thanks for the bath, hoshino"
"It's alright" she smiled "You can just call me ayano or aya, so there's no confusion between me or my sister" she says "Oh you didn't change your shirt?" She asked finally taking notice "Yeah not rally my style..." he holds up the short which had a cat face on the front "Sorry" she laughed a little "It was the only one I could find for you, But would've been kinda funny to see it on" she admitted
She then took her bath and changed her clothes, returning to the living room where Tsukasa was waiting "Ahh that's much better"
" hmm?" And noticed her appearance
Forget the shoes and picture her wearing glasses like anzu
"So lame!" Tsukasa and Riri exclaimed "What's with the dog pjs'?..." he asked as she walked past to the other side "You are not making this easy on me!" Riri exclaimed but she ignored them "Your the one who told me to bundle up" she reminded him, then turned smug towards Riri 'Consider it boy repellent! No chances for romance dressed like this!'
"Oh no, is she kidding..." Riri dreaded "Abandoning all of her self respect to resist romance!...."
"So kazuki, wanna play a little game?" Ayano asked while clapping her hands "What game?" He asked curiously "How about these" Ayano placed them on the table "I can't play them alone since anzu's gone to sleep" she said "Okay" he agreed, picking up the black checker "But I'm pretty good at these"
"Great a worthy challenger!" She smirked picking up her white one "This should be really fun!" However the first round he lost "What?" He was in disbelief, Second also lost, then the third, he was on the fourth round "ooh..." he sulked as he lost again 0-4 "Alright!" Ayano cheered after winning again "Why can't i beat you?!" He exclaimed "hahaha! You're gonna have to put in a lot more work if you wanna beat me at games" she smirked cheekily
"You don't have to be a brat about it" he pouted, groaning frustrated as his eyes rolled to the other game before declaring "I challenge you to a game of luck! Let's see how you do without your strategy's"
"Aha! Fine but who ever looses has to make lunch and I'll take two desserts thx" she says smirking evilly "Slow down there..." he sweat dropped "Game on! Your going down! I'm gonna be a billionaire" She declared, as fierce determination developed
'On the stormy night at the hoshino house an epic board game battle began! Ayano and her frumpiest pj's completely ignoring a chance for romance! Kazuki with his best poker face, seeking revenge! Each player obvious to the situation.Each determined to be the winner!' Riri narrated as the two prepare for a battle
Ayano spun the Thing and got a 5, she moved five spaces and read the writing on the platform "Damaged a luxury car pay 10,000 dollars?!" She exclaimed "In debt already!! She cried while Tsukasa smirked and took his turn and got four "You found an antique vase collect a the five thousand dollar reward" he read out loud "Who loses something like that?!" Ayano growled "Grrr..." she spun her turn again, and landing on another bad thing "The gambling habit caught up to you, You loose all your money at the races. Seriously?!"
"Ugh..." it looked like her soul left her body as Tsukasa took his turn "You sold your macho men figures to a collector. Earn 50,ooo dollars"
"Come on!" Ayano exclaimed smacking her hands on the table "It's not fair! Your landing on all the good stuff!"
"Hey don't blame me. Lucks on my side tonight " he replied she gasped noticed a certain yellow rat hiding behind him 'So that's how you wanna play?....'
"Grrr I will not lose!!" She proclaimed and took her turn "You stepped in dog poop and ruined your Jimmy choo's Replace them for 10,000 dollars?!?" She exclaims then fell to the table in a sulk "Who wears expensive shoes to like that to their dogs?!" After his turn again, Ayano took hers "The shock of stepping in dog poop makes you drop 10,000 dollars?! No!!!" She grabbed her head in frustration
Tsukasa took his turn again"Hm? Your dog pochi dug up tokugawa's buried treasure collect one million dollars"
"What?!" Ayano exclaimed
"Good boy pochi!" He praised
"Two, three, four" Ayano took her turn, only to get the same punishment again "You stepped in dog poop and ruined your Jimmy choo's Replace them for 10,000 dollars!? Not again!" She cried, Tsukasa had his head turned away hiding his laughter "How many times you're gonna step in poop?" He says through muffled laughter
"Yeah? Laugh it up!" She growled "Go on! Your dogs probably the one leaving all that poop on my side of the street!"
"Don't accuse my pochi like that" he put a hand up in defence, and took his turn, only to find him at the finish "Huh? Guess I won"
"What?..." Ayano gasped in disbelief "Didn't have to put in that much work in order to beat you after all" he murmured, Ayano got up in a huff as the little creature with the wizard hat appeared with a mic "Looks like Ayano lost! Too bad!~" she growled as she punched them as they screamed "I'll show you cheating little rat!!!!"
In the kitchen
She sighed as she opened the two lunch boxes that were hers and her sisters "This is such a drag...Why did I have to open my big mouth..." she groaned in dismay "Huh?" She was confused as Tsukasa and walked over "I though I should help, Since I lost the first game" he says
"Thank you!" She clapped her hands happily "Feel free to use whatever's in the fridge, Your the best!" He tilted his head "Come on you have to Atleast make something, I mean you are the loser" She deadpanned "Don't rub it in..." She cracked three eggs on the metal bowl, then before stirring she added to small spoons of sugar "Do you always put sugar in your eggs?" Tsukasa said confused "These are for Anzu since I'm making hers too, and no for mine I add tiny bit of salt" she replied
"Probably pineapple with your pork" he said sweating at the girls choices of food
"Of course, I like it that way, it's good" she responded
"Potato apple salad?" He says "Anzu's recipe, and I only tried it once but it was actually delicious " she admitted while he turned away "You really are a weirdo..." he muttered while she pouted "Weird or not I'm the one making the eggs, so I'll prepare them how me and my sister like them" she stated turning away "Plain and simple"
After finishing the cooking, Ayano scramble eggs for her sister in her lunch box, and made hers but adding a little salt, after frying them in the pan, she put them on a plate as Tsukasa placed the plate with beef wraps
"Wow! Kazuki these look delicious!" Ayano took one and ate it, eyes brightening at the taste "!! There are crazy good! Who knew you are such a pro!"
"Well, I've been working part time in the kitchen of a local bar" he stated he as she grabs another bite "Slow down save some for lunch tomorrow!"
"What I'm hungry a girl can't live in instant noodles alone" she muttered with the chop sticks still in her mouth
"I guess I should have made more" he says "Hm..." she hummed before coming up with an idea "or you can make some extra now, so I can have some tomorrow too!"
"Don't be shy. Use the whole bag!" She says "Stop! That's too much-Stop stealing the rolls!" He exclaimed after seeing her sneak another
" I'm sorry! I can't help it!" She laughed taking another bite " well if your gonna take some of the rolls I'm taking some of your eggs!" he says taking a spoon full " hey back off!" He stopped wide eyed "These...are actually really good" he admitted, While she turned her head away blushing
Time skip
After some time they finally finished the lunches for not just then, anzu too
"Looks so good!" Ayano squealed and kneeled down to look more at them "Oh, man! You even made octopus!" She exclaimed start eyed "Can't have homemade lunch without octopus" he says smiling with a hand in his hip looking proud 'Hmm, He's not at all what I thought he was from my first impression' she noted, the two then began washing and drying the dishes 'everyone thinks he's this standoffish guy, but he's actually pretty easy to talk to...I feel like i could tell him anything...' her cheeks started changing pink before shaking her head 'I'm not developing feelings for him! Not that he's interested...Besides I haven't earned any girlfriend points...'
After cleaning up she placed a pack of cards on the coffee table "How about I beat you at a game of cards next?" She asked
"Okay, Just gotta use the rest room first" he said "Sounds good!" She smiled as he left, she then looked at the time on the clock "When did it get so late? I'm not even tired" she looked at the pack in her hand " We can play speed or concentration, So many options~"
"What are you doing?!" Riri exclaimed popping out of nowhere "Ugh, you again!?" She screamed
"Why are you wasting time playing games like a bunch of little kids?" They questioned "Watch a rom-com, flirt. Give in to the romance of it all!!!"
"No one asked you rat!" She glared
"Oh, sad" they turned away "You couldn't even achieve the classic run into each other in the bath scene~"
She flinched and glared daggers with a red face "Grr...Try it and you and that wand will get better acquainted!!!"
"So, maybe I should have cast that spell on you after all" they muttered to them self
"Sorry to disappoint, but there is no chance this goes your way" she mocked them "Really?~" they say intrigued as Ayano stuck her tongue out behind they're back"Ow!" They flew around and poked Ayano in the head with the want making her fall back against the couch asleep "It's time for all good children to go to sleep" they smirked
Tsukasa came back to see she had fallen asleep "what? Looks like she passed out. That was fast!" He kneeled down to her level and shook her shoulder "Hoshi-Aya" he corrected "if your gonna sleep, go you your room. wake up!" He pinched her cheek but it was no good "Hm" he placed the blanket over her and sat against the couch on the floor "Now, what'd I do?
Hm?" He looked towards her glasses
"shouldn't sleep with your glasses on" he lifts them off her face, but in her sleep she caught his hand making him flinch "Hmm..." he turned away blushing
She starts mumbling in her sleep "Husky I'll never let you go ever!"
"Husky?" He looked confused "Who's the heck's that?" Her grip slightly increased "What a grip...!" He tried to free his hand, he leaned back, knowing he couldn't get his hand out "Geez..." he looks up at the ceiling in thought "I haven't had that much fun in a long time..." he murmured, thinking about the time he'd spent with her and chuckle before looking over at Ayano slight snoring "What a weirdo" he smiled slightly
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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