Chapter 1


"I got the job!!!" Rose screamed into her phone. She was jumping up and down like a sixteen year-old at a pep rally.
" That's great news honey!" Her mother said." When do you ship out?"
" Captain Ford says I am to report at Canaveral docks at 08:00 Thursday Morning."
" Oh I'm going to miss you, let's meet for dinner tonight to celebrate!"
" Mom I've gotta pack and get my bills and things squared away."
" You have to eat too! Come on! I'm so proud of you for landing this job, now what's the ship's name?"
" The SeaQuest, and it's a sub."
" Oh my. It makes me nervous thinking about it, but this is such a great opportunity for you!"
" It really is mom. My retirement will be in pensions and I'll have great health care. And the best part! Adventure! The Captain did say that although they are more so a research vessel they occasionally go into combat. Please don't let that freak you out. He said it's very rare."
" Oh Rose! Why did you tell me that?"
" Sorry Mom..." Even at 36 years old she still didn't like disappointing or worrying her mom.
" So dinner then? Bring Eric."
" All right I'll call him."
" All right, I'll make reservations at the Bridgeport. I'll let you know the details."
" All right, I'll talk to you later. Love ya mom!"
" Congratulations Rose! I'm so proud of you! Well I'm always proud of you. Buh-bye."
The women hung up. Rose dialed her fiance's number and he answered promptly." Hey there's my girl. What're you up to?"
" I'm calling to have you met mom and I out for dinner at the Bridgeport tonight."
" All right what time? "
" I'm not sure yet it was spur of the moment. I'll call back when I know the time."
" Baby, I'll do my best but I might be working late."
" Eric, really? Again?" She was disappointed. It would be the third time in the past two weeks that he'd worked late. Rose was starting to have suspicions, Eric had just gained a new secretary. Twenty-five, tall, curvy, and stacked.
" Honey there's all these reports that we're backed up on since that day our systems were hacked. "
" Well I don't even know for sure what time anyway yet, so I'll keep you posted."
" All right I'll talk to you later." He said.
" Bye."
Rose hung up and was worried. Her fiance was not happy when she had told him about the job application that her boss had recommended she go after. It had caused a huge fight and she still felt tension in the air though they hadn't spoken of it in a few weeks.

Rose had an interview with Captain Jonathan Ford while the SeaQuest was in dry dock for updates and repairs a week before. He had flown in to meet her at her work personally. Rose was related to the sub's former Chief Medical and Oceanography officer Doctor Westphalen . The Doctor was her mother's aunt, and when the job became available she talked to Captain Ford about her niece's daughter. Rose worked at the Florida Aquarium and was hoping to do more with her life. Kristin felt it was great opportunity for the young woman. After the lengthy conversation with Westphalen, the Captain felt it necessary to meet with the young woman in person. He was not disappointed. She had already put in ten years with the aquarium and had a degree in marine biology and zoology. Rose was going to take over as the Lieutenant of Oceanography, half of Wesphalen's position, and then he had to hire a new Medical Officer.

It was now twenty years after the SeaQuest had originally been launched from the United Earth Organizations Docks at New Cape Quest in Florida. The original Captain, Nathan Hale Bridger had retired five years ago, he was ready for the easy life. Too long he had been with the Navy and then with the UEO. His run had been very distinguished and he had always strived to maintain a learning crew.

The SeaQuest was a research vessel that traveled in every ocean learning about the dark , unexplored depths. The SeaQuest had been designed to go deeper than any other submarine in the world its maximum speed is 160 knots. Though it is a research vessel it is equipped for battle, they had plasma torpedos, EMP torpedos and Lasers, accompanied by a few types of auxillary crafts, the Sea Crabs used in exploring the ocean floor mostly, then the Stingers, a small single person vessel shaped like a dolphin designed to fit in smaller spaces than the Sea Crab and faster to out run any predators that might mistake it for food. The sub is also coated in a bio-skin that fights against most sea bacteria and organisms. The sub features a state of the art Wireless Sea Knowledge Retrieval Satellites known in the short term as WSKRS. WSKRS are controlled by an officer that has a special station on the helm designed in the remote control of the WSKRS. Most of the personell of the SeaQuest are science and research crew, however there is a strong Naval presence about the ship. There is military crew trained for combat, even some of the science personel are trained in combat and defensive tactics.

Rose was thinking about the fight she had with Eric, it weighed on her mind, and now she had to tell him that she was taking the job and shipping out in literally 48 hours. He was not likely to take it well. He was ready to settle down and have kids. She was not ready to think about giving birth, she wanted to change her career and now she had her opening. Packing her bags after speaking with her mother she received the call back from her and had dinner plans set up. Then Rose called Eric back to give him the details, he said he'd try his best to get out on time.

Dinner rolled around and Rose met her mother. Eric was still swamped with work, or so he claimed. Rose and her mother ate dinner and had a nice time.

" Thanks for dinner mom. " Rose hugged her after they walked out of the restaurant together.

" Of course! I don't know when I'll see you again, please, be careful under the sea. That makes me so nervous. "

" Honestly , I'm a little nervous at the idea too. But thanks to Aunt Kristin I have this great opportunity. She has assured me that I'll get along well with the crew. She had lots of good things to say about Captain Ford."

" That's wonderful. Now, dare I ask, is everything all right between you and Eric? I noticed he didn't make it."

" It seems he had to work late again. He says they're behind on a ton of reports. I'm not sure mom. I know for a fact he got a new secretary, and I hate to think all cliche, but I'm kind of worried he's having an affair."

" Oh no."

" I'm not sure. I need to talk to him, and quite frankly I was hoping he'd be here so I can tell him about the job, now I think we are going to have a long conversation tonight."

" Well I better let you get to it then. Call me if you need me." Her mother worried.

" I will. Good night mom." Rose hugged her mother again.

They parted ways. Rose went home and waited for Eric to get home. It was late in the evening but she was too wound up so she decided to go out for a while. There was a bar not far from the New Cape Quest docks, she decided to go there. When she arrived she immediately ordered a drink. When Eric arrived at home and found the note she left him about going out. He called her right away.

" Rose? Why are you out?"

" I've got something to celebrate so I felt like going out for a drink. Come out. I have something to tell you."

" Rose come home. I'm not coming out. "

" I want to ask you something."

" Come home and we'll talk."

" Are you having an affair with that new secretary? "

" What?! Rose!"

" You've never worked late as long as we've been together, but suddenly you are out working late multiple times in the past month. And I smelled perfume on one of your work shirts. Just tell me the truth."

" No, you have it all wrong I'm working late on reports."

" I'm sorry, I don't believe you."

" Come home so we can talk . please."

" I'm sorry, but I have something to celebrate. "

"Fine I'm coming to get you and bring you home."

"Whatever." She didn't believe that he'd come to the bar, but when he showed up she had all ready had two more drinks.

Eric found her at the bar. From afar there was a group of SeaQuest crew members off on shore leave since the SeaQuest was still dry docked for updates. They had noticed the pretty , short redhead. She was dressed in black pants and a gray top that brought out the gray in her eyes. They had noticed her on her phone and how her face changed after the call.

" Hey, I wonder what's up with that fine little red head at the bar. She looks like she got bad news or something." One of the guys said.

" Maybe she just discovered her date's not coming. She came in alone." Another said shrugging.

" She's cute." Said the third.

Suddenly a man approached her as the guys watched. She frowned and turned toward him. They watched the conversation take place.

" Rose. Come home. We need to talk."

" I only have one thing to say to you. "

" What?" Eric watched her.

" I got the job. "

" You what?"

" You heard me, I got the job. I'm shipping out Thursday morning." She said.

" You just took it without talking to me?" He was angry.

" You have been preoccupied for months now. I know things have changed. I'm not oblivious."

" How could you?!"

" I want to do something different with my life! I want to explore! I want to learn new things! The SeaQuest's Captain came and interviewed me recently when you were out of town on business. I'm not ready to settle down and make babies, but you are. Things have changed."

" That's it I'm done."

" What you're leaving?"

" Yeah, we're done, I want that ring back."

" You're leaving me?" Her voice rose.

" You are leaving me! You're just shipping out until God knows when! What am I supposed to think? " his voice rose.

" You know what? Go enjoy your little whore! " She yelled."Here, take the ring back too! I'll make arrangements for my things while you're at work tomorrow." She slipped the engagement ring off her finger and shoved it at him. " Here! " She turned away from him. She was seething inside.

Eric had nothing more to say. He turned and walked out after pocketing the engagement ring. Back at the crewmen's table they watched the whole thing unfold.

" Whoa! I am pretty sure that was just an engagement that ended!" The first guy said.

" She's vulnerable, now's your chance Wolenczak." The biggest of the guys said.

" Uh, guys, I mean she just broke up with her man." Lucas Woleczak said. " She's not going to want to get right back into a relationship."

" Uh, bro? Who's talking about a relationship. We're just talking about you working on your flirting skills. Maybe get a chance to hook up, she's definitely gunna need someone to help her get over her man..." The beefy guy said.

" Listen guys, I'm not too sure about this. It's been awhile, I'm a bit out of practice." Lucas said.

" Come on, go over there and buy her a drink!" The less beefy guy said.

" All right, all right I'll go, but ..."

" But nothing Wolenczak, go, you need to work on your skills with the ladies ." The bigger guys chuckled and watched the shy Lucas make his way through the crowd to the bar next to the red head. She stood at only five foot three, which made Lucas look tall at his five foot ten.

Lucas stood next to her , trying to figure out what to say. Finally he turned to her just as she was reaching out her money to attract the bartender's attention.

" Excuse me, uh, hi. I was wondering if I could maybe buy you a drink." Lucas said. His shyness came through, he was even blushing a bit. She was charmed though, she was afraid that some creep had come up, but was pleasantly surprised to see the clean cut guy come up. He had dirty blond hair, longer on top than the sides, and these giant, bright blue eyes. She had glared at first but then studied him a second longer, and nodded.

" Um, yeah, all right."her expression softened. She suddenly felt a need to expend some energy and this guy just came out of nowhere. " Thank you." She was trying to smile, but her feelings were very strong at the moment. she was not done being angry yet.

" Um, what do you like?"

" I'm a rum girl. A rum and Coke would be really nice right now. Thank you." she said softly.

" Sure thing." He ordered her drink and then his own. " I don't mean to pry, but I kind of saw you and that guy..."

She nodded. " Yeah, well in case you're wondering, I'm definitely single at the moment."

" I'm sorry about that. Um, do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head no. " God no. I want to forget about it. Um, so anyway, what's your name? " She inquired.

" Lucas, Lucas Wolenczak." He bashfully reached for her hand, she took his and shook back. " Uh, what's yours?"

" Rose Harker."

" Nice to meet you Rose. " he smiled.

" Thanks for the drink, it's really good." she sipped from the glass. Enjoying the sweet beverage lingering on her taste buds.

From afar Lucas's buddies were shocked, he was actually holding his own with her so far." Wow, look at our little buddy go!" The smaller of the two said.

" Yep, he's doing better than I thought, I kinda thought she might be a little out of his league, but he's doing all right."

" Mitch, our little boy's growing up!" The smaller guy said.

" Yeah Derrick, he sure is."

Lucas and Rose finished their drinks. The DJ had slowed down the music a few minutes.

" Rose, would you like to dance?" Lucas asked, unsure of himself.

" Sure blue eyes. Let's go." She said. Really though, the guy had captivating eyes and a kind smile.

Lucas took her out to the floor, and after an awkward moment they started swaying , one hand on her hip while he held her other hand in his. Their close proximity made them both feel nervous. Derrick and Mitch were shocked at the move, but she had seemed agreeable to it. The song that was playing happened to be one that reminded her of her and Eric. The alcohol was affecting her, making her emotional. She tried to hold it in, but a tear ran down her cheek. Lucas saw it and pulled her closer, his cheek resting against hers, she allowed him to hold her, his fingers laced with hers as he held it to his chest.

" I'm really sorry about your break up." He said in her ear softly. Lucas was a very sensitive kind of guy. He didn't like when men made girls cry.

" I'm not. He was cheating on me."She said.

" Seriously?!" Lucas was shocked, how could anyone cheat on this girl? She seemed normal so far. He definitely did not understand.

She sighed, " Yep. With his slutty new secretary who happens to be ten years younger than me. Little skank!" her voice broke up a little. She rested her head on his shoulder now, starting to really feel buzzed and upset. Some how though, Lucas was giving off a warm vibe that was comforting her a bit.

" That's so cliche!"

" Tell me about it!"

" I'm sorry Rose. Really."

" Thanks. I'll live, but I'm definitely getting drunk tonight."

" Well, I can make sure no one bugs you if you want."

She looked up at him. " You're an actual nice guy aren't you? Like you don't have a mean bone in your body. " She was surprised.

" I try to be. But I guess there's something wrong with me, maybe I'm too much of a nerd. I don't have much luck with the ladies."

" Oh geez! Well, their loss is my gain at least for today. Thank you for this dance. I'm feeling pretty low right now. But this is helping me feel better. "

" You're welcome. I'm glad I can help."

" Hey, can we maybe go out to the patio , I'm feeling really tipsy, I think I need some air. I'm definitely well on my way to being drunk."

" Sure. Hey, do you mind if I go talk to my friends real quick? I'm going to tell them I'll catch up with them later."

" Sure that'd be all right."

" Okay, uh, come with me." Lucas took her hand and led her through the crowd to Mitch and Derrick.

They walked up and the guys both set their beers down. " Wolenczak? Who's your friend?" Derrick asked. He was smaller than Mitch, had dark close cropped hair and was very fit. Mitch was tall dark and handsome with wavy salt and pepper hair and a clean cut goatee. Mitch was also very fit.

" Uh guys this is Rose , Rose these are my friends, Derrick and Mitch. We all work together."

" Hi guys. " She tried to smile. Her smile however didn't fully reach her eyes.

" Hey there, everything all right?" Derrick asked.

" Oh, I guess you saw my engagement end too huh?" She asked.

" Yeah, kind of. You all right?"Derrick asked.

" I'm pissed, he was cheating on me with his slutty secretary that's convieniently a decade younger than me sooo...yeah..."

" Are you kidding?! Cheated on a pretty little thing like you? What a dick! Can we get you another drink?" Derrick asked.

" Um, sure! I'm in the mood to get drunk! "

" What're you drinking little one? " Mitch asked with a soft grin.

" Rum and Coke please."

" You got it Sweetheart." Mitch went to the bar and ordered a round for all of them so she didn't have to drink alone. He brought back a tray of drinks. " Drink up folks!" He passed the drinks around.

" Thank you!" Rose said.

" You're welcome, I think you earned it." Mitch said.

" Yeah I guess so. " Her smile was sad as she looked down into her glass.

" Hey, Rose you wanna join us for the night?" Mitch asked.

" Um, you sure you don't mind?" She asked.

" You're just going to enhance our night." Derrick said.

" Um, all right. Um, I just kind of had a silly idea. Is there any chance I could have a picture taken with you guys and then I can send it to my Ex? I'm feeling vengeful."

" Yeah! Hey snag the waitress over there." Derrick said and Mitch did as he was asked.

" Hey, can you do us a small favor? Could you take a picture for us?" He was turning on the charm. The waitress was very happy to oblige.

So Rose gave her the phone and showed her how to use it. Derrick figured out how to have everyone pose.

" Lucas, you come up on this side of her, now, look like you're going to kiss her cheek, maybe put your hand on her other cheek. Mitch, you take the other side put your arm around her waist. Then Rose, you wrap your arms around the guys. Then I'll come in and kneel in front. " They assembled and the waitress took the picture.

" Thanks for doing that, here's an extra tip for being a good sport." Derrick handed the waitress a ten dollar bill.

" You're welcome. Honey, you sure have yourself some hot friends! " the blond said to Rose as she handed her phone back.

" Thanks for doing that." Rose said.

" No problem!" the waitress bounced off to take care of more customers.

The alcohol was starting to kick in again. Rose went to take her drink, but lost her equilibrium, Lucas caught her around the waist.

" You all right?" He watched her as she tried to recover.

" Um, uh huh, just a bit more tipsy." She giggled a little.

" Hey, do you want to go outside like we were going to do?"

She nodded. "Yes please. "

" I'm going to take her outside for a few minutes. We'll be back."

" Call us if you need anything." Mitch said.

" Yeah, will do." Lucas helped her outside. The patio was large and opened up onto the board walk along the beach. " Uh, come on Rose."

" Thanks Lucas." She was definitely not sober anymore.

They went out side and Lucas found a spot open at the corner of the railing and they leaned against it. The air smelled like the ocean. A breeze was blowing and they could hear the music from inside in the background.

" It's nice out here. Quiet." Rose said.

" Yeah it is. " He was so used to being down on the SeaQuest, the ocean air felt wonderful. He looked out at the ocean as he leaned on the railing.

" I am not sure what I'm supposed to do now. I didn't know that this was going to happen." Rose said quietly. She looked out into the darkness. Up above the sky was clear and the stars twinkled brightly.

" Are you going back to your home tonight? I assume you live together?"

She hung her dizzy head. " I can't go back there tonight. No way in Hell. I'm going to have to find a hotel for tonight and tomorrow. I'm leaving town the day after tomorrow for a new job. "

" You were leaving him ? "

" Yeah, I mean we were going to do the long distance thing, though he wasn't happy about it. He wanted to settle down and start making babies. I however got a job offer of a life time that I can't pass up. I guess Eric and I were doomed anyway you looked at it. I did love him at one time, but my career is important to me, but it wasn't as important to him. " She ran her hand through her wavy hair and just felt lost.

" That sucks. I'm not even sure what to say. He clearly didn't respect you if he was cheating on you and not willing to support your dreams. "

Rose looked at Lucas. " You're really nice. Too bad we didn't meet at a different time in life. I could've maybe really liked to get to know you." She looked at him, his eyes met hers.

" I think I would've liked that too." Lucas saw a strand of hair blow across her face. He reached out and tucked it behind her ear.

The touch was gentle. " Lucas?"

" Yeah Rose?"

" Can I ? "She paused. " Can I kiss you ?"

" I was just going to ask you that?" He grinned. "And yeah. You definitely can."

He moved in slowly, she met him, they locked eyes and he cupped her cheek so softly the move made her skin tingle. She gasped a little at his touch, but then he made the move and his lips met hers and they were soft but firm on hers. Rose reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself steady, and he placed his other hand around her waist. They kissed slowly in the dimly lit patio. Mitch and Derrick had gone looking for them, it was getting late and they all had to get back to their hotel rooms to be back on board SeaQuest in the morning. They were very shocked when they walked out and saw Lucas and Rose in full liplock.

" Whoa!" Mitch said.

" No kidding! Go Wolenczak! Awe, man I hate to be the one to break that up..." Derrick said.

" No Joke. I don't remember the last time the little guy had a date let alone a girl to make out with. This sucks, it would have to be on our last night of shore leave!" Mitch said.

" Damn, I gotta do it though, we gotta get back and get cleaned up. All right let's go." Derrick walked over , followed by Mitch."

Just a moment before they got there Rose and Lucas broke apart for air. Rose saw the other two then.

" Oh, looks like your buddies came looking for you." She nodded her head their way.

Lucas let go of her and turned around. " What's up guys?"

" Bro. We gotta get back to the hotel. Gotta get cleaned up and ready for work tomorrow." Derrick said.

" It's that late?" Lucas was not ready to end the night but knew it must be time.

" 'Fraid so man. I'm really sorry Rose, maybe you two can exchange numbers?" Mitch suggested. " Seems like you were hitting it off."he flashed a big knowing smile and winked.

" Um, you know? I guess the universe just sent me you guys to help me get through the night huh? I mean, I actually have a new job I'm leaving town for . So I mean, it was really nice meeting you all, but maybe it's time I go find some place to stay for tonight since I can't go home. And I'm definitely not sober..."

" Uh, well, hey, we're going back to our hotel, we leave in the morning ourselves, so maybe there's a room available for you there?" Lucas suggested.

" There you go! Come back with us, in fact, Lucas, you have a spare bed don't you? You didn't have a roomie right? " Derrick asked.

" No, I don't have anyone there with me. We can share it if you want." Lucas said.

" You sure? I can pay for half the night if you want?" Rose said.

" Not necessary, work paid for our rooms." Derrick said.

" Um, all right, that would be nice. I can catch a cab in the morning and get back to my place to make arrangements for my belongings."

" There you go. Come on little Red. Let's go!" Mitch said leading the crew back through the bar. They had gotten a cab in so they hailed one to get back to the hotel.

They all squeezed into the cab, Lucas and Mitch had Rose sit in the middle and Derrick rode up front. The ride was only fifteen minutes to the hotel. The guys did their best to keep her distracted, they could tell that she was sad and upset still. Once they arrived they made it up to their adjoining rooms and opened the middle door so they could all chat.

" Hey, somebody should lend Rose a shirt to sleep in, that outfit isn't looking very comfortable for sleeping in." Mitch said.

" You can use one of mine." Lucas chimed in.

" Thanks Lucas, you're such s sweetheart, I swear. "

" He is a good guy." Derrick said. " All right folks I'm gunna shower and then hit the sack. You all would be wise to do the same Good night and nice to meet you Rose. " Derrick gave her a hug. " Hang in there all right? Don't let that Dick bring you down, you're gorgeous and smart from what we can gather, so just hang in there, good things'll come to you."

" Thanks Derrick. Nice to meet you." She agreed.

" Yeah, I'm going to shower in the morning, but I'm beat. Good night Little Red. Sorry we didn't meet you sooner, you seem pretty cool." Mitch said and hugged her. Then he closed the door between them all.

" Thanks Mitch it was nice to meet you too. " She then turned to Lucas " Well, I shouldn't keep you up, and truth be told I'm kind of tired now too. Must be the booze." She smiled.

" Well, here, let me get you a shirt to sleep in huh? " He went to his bag and found a clean white T-shirt. He brought it over to her." Here you go." His eyes met hers and he felt warm when he thought about kissing her on the patio.

She smiled, " Thank you. I really do appreciate it." Her hand brushed his as she took the shirt.

" No problem. You can keep it, I have more where that came from."

" All right. I'm going to freshen up and go change if that's all right?"

" Yes, go ahead. " He watched her go to the bathroom and close the door. He went about his business and changed into pajama shorts and took his shirt off, he hated wearing a shirt to bed. Lucas was sort of on the skinny side, definitely not quite as built as Derrick and Mitch, but he had started working out in the gym to work a little on gaining muscle. The guys helped him with his training. His shape was nice, he just didn't have such thick muscles going on. Rose washed her face and tried to tame her hair a little. She changed into his shirt, it was kind of on the short side, it hung just a little ways down her thighs. This made her nervous, but figured that he seemed pretty close to her in age, she couldn't be the only half dressed woman he'd ever seen. Rose went back into the room and saw him with his shirt off and stopped.

" Hey. Which bed do you want? " he nearly stuttered at seeing her in just his shirt.

" Um, this one is all right I guess." the tension in the room was thick. They were both definitely attracted to each other.

" Okay, that works."

" I guess we should turn in huh? Sounds like you guys have a big day tomorrow."

" Yeah we do. Um, Yeah."

" Lucas, thank you for tonight. I could've done some really stupid things but I'm glad I met you. " she walked over to the side of the bed.

" You're welcome, I hope it helped..." He meant all of it, but he was kind of focused on the kissing part of the night in his own mind.

" You helped a night that went sour end up a lot better. Thank you. Can I hug you?"

" Of course!" He smiled. He opened his arms to her and she sought shelter there. It was a long hug. He felt her trembling a little then realized that she was crying. Her face was buried in his chest. He held her and let her cry. Never saying a word.

" I'm sorry." She said.

" Hey, no problem, I'm here." His voice was soothing and soft. He tried to get her to sit down with him on the edge of her bed. She did as he guided her. He still held her close, he placed a kiss on her forehead, then she looked up in his eyes and she was caught by the sky blue hue, a tear slipped down her face she sought his lips with hers. There was a magnet drawing them together. Lucas was not as reserved this time and kissed her hard. Her hands rested on his chest. Things got heated. He gently laid her down and leaned over her. Searching her eyes and she reached up and pulled him on top of her. They made out like that for awhile. Lucas stopped though, he knew he hadn't brought any protection with him and was afraid they were going too fast.

" I'm sorry, I have to stop."

" Everything okay?"

" Are you kidding? This is far more than I bargained for, it's just, I don't have anything..." He hinted at the condoms, " And you're not completely sober. I don't take advantage of drunk girls."

Rose smiled softly." You're a gentle man through and through Lucas. Gosh why couldn't I have met you at a better time in my life?" she looked up at him.

" Same here."

" We should get some sleep anyway, sounds like you have a big day and now I have to move out of my home while scum bag is at work! It's all right." She sighed. They both sat up and he cupped her cheek once more.

" I kind of feel like we're both being cheated out of something here. " He looked in her eyes.

" Me too." She kissed him once more and then broke it. " Good night." She said and got up to turn down the covers of the bed.

Lucas did the same on his bed and then they both settled in and he turned out the light after making sure his alarm was set. " Good night Rose. I hope you sleep well."

" Thanks Lucas, I hope you do the same."

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