Chapter 7:

Y/n's pov

I got a free snack from grillbys for winning the race, b/n even congratulated me from the counter at grillbys. Sans and papyrus were also bombarding me with praises from the race, who knew jumping over a leg and winning a race was such a big deal. I mean, seriously; papyrus is trying to get me to teach him how to do what I just did. I said "pap the first thing you would need to do before learning to do that is jumping with skates on without falling. So can you do that?", papyrus said "LET ME TRY". Papyrus then did a tiny bunny hop with the skates on, and asked "IS THAT GOOD?". I said "pap you gotta jump higher than that..... tell ya what, I'll teach you as long as sans comes along so he can catch you if you fall", papyrus then looked at sans with puppy dog eyes. Sans sighed and said "fine, I'll come with", let's just say that papyrus was ecstatic. He wanted his first lesson right after we finish skating here, which I was fine with. B/n had to stay because of his new job, so after another hour of skating, we left. Sans and papyrus followed me to an abandoned track, the floor was really smooth and clean, perfect for skating. There was also some benches for sans to sit on, once papyrus was ready, we started. I asked "ok papyrus, how high can you jump with skates on?", papyrus then jumped, getting his skates around 2 inches off the ground. I had my outdoor skates on, so I jumped. I got my skates around 6 inches off the ground, landing perfectly. I said "we gotta work on your leg strength first", getting my phone out and getting the stopwatch ready. I said "ok pap, here's your first task. I want you to skate this loop as fast as you can while maintaining control. Got it?", papyrus nodded, already behind the white starting line. I said "ready, get set... GO!" And started the stopwatch. Papyrus took off fairly fast, speeding up while going straight, but always slowing down during the turns. Papyrus finished and I stopped the stopwatch, the stopwatch read 02:57:73. I know that's almost three minuets, but papyrus needs to work on his leg strength right now, but that is a sad time to have. Anyway, I went over to the bench and got a jump rope from my bag. I said "sans, I'm gonna need your help for this", sans nodded and got up. Sans and I both got one end of the jump rope, and I said "papyrus, how are you at jump rope?". Papyrus said "I'VE NEVER DONE IT BUT I'LL GIVE IT A SHOT", I just said "when the rope comes at your skates, just jump over it". Papyrus nodded, and sans and I slowly brought the rope up and over papyrus. Papyrus got the first few jumps, but after 5 jumps sans had to catch him. Papyrus seemed proud at 5 jumps, but I needed to show him his goal. I then had papyrus and sans do the jump rope with me, I then did 15 jumps before purposely stopping. Papyrus was amazed, and sans just kinda stood there looking impressed but tired. Eventually, the sun began to set. I packed up the training equipment and hauled the backpack over my shoulder. I said "bye sans, bye papyrus. Have a good night", and skated off. As I made my way home, my stomach began to growl. I just realized that I skipped dinner, hopefully b/n has something cooking at home. I approach the apartment and open the door with the key, when I came  in I was hit with the smell of mac n cheese. My mouth began to water as I said "mmmmm, that smells good". B/n poked his head out from the kitchen and said "oh hi y/n, how did papyrus' training go?", I set my bag down by the door and said "it was good, pap still has a lot of training left though". B/n hummed and nodded, stirring the mac n cheese. I took my skates off, letting both my feet and my skates air out. B/n evenly distributed the mac n cheese into two bowls and got two spoons from the silverware drawer. We both then sat down and ate, talking to each other between bites. B/n asked me "so, how do you like our new friends?", I said "I think they're awesome. It's really cool to see them use their magic, sometimes I really have to try not to explode and ask a million questions about it". B/n chuckled a little and then asked "is there any one of them that you like in particular?", I thought about this a little. Everyone is so unique and different, yet they get along so well. I always find myself noticing the skelebros more than anyone else, so I answer "sans and papyrus seem really interesting and likable". B/n then said "I said any one of them in particular", I grew confused and asked "why do you want to know?". B/n then said "I want to know because I'm curious, and you are blushing so you must like either sans or papyrus", after b/n said that I got really flustered. I didn't even know I was blushing until b/n pointed it out to me, I just take another bite of mac n cheese not knowing what to say. B/n then says "well?", expecting me to answer his question. I then said "you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you ok? Promise me you won't tell a soul", b/n laughed and said "ok ok I promise". I then looked around and said "ok, I have a crush........... on sans", b/n sat there as calm as ever. I was worried for a second, then b/n got up and hugged me. I was frozen, not knowing what to do. Do I just continue eating? Or do I return the hug? How would I even return the hug? I just put my hand on b/n's arm to return the hug, then b/n let go. B/n sat back down and said "at least sans is nice, I don't think he'll call you childish or anything, given his brother is pretty childish himself. However, if he breaks your heart...... may the lord give him mercy I swear". I was honestly scared for sans for a second there, though, b/n is right. Sans is nice, and he doesn't seem like he'd hurt me intentionally. I still don't know that for sure though, I finished my mac n cheese and put my bowl in the sink. I'll just wash the dishes tomorrow, I'm tired. I changed into my pj's, which was a f/c sleep shirt that read "#1 competitive sleeper", which is true. One time, according to b/n, I slept for an entire week. I don't think any of either of us will forget that. I then grabbed my fox plush b/n once got me, and went to sleep.

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