Chapter 3: building bonds

Y/n's pov

I followed toriel and frisk to the store, I had to clean my wheels before I left though. I tried to make it quick, so they wouldn't have to wait on me to much. Frisk loved to grab my hand and drag me down the isles, I had to keep them from crashing me into things and near toriel, which was a little bit of a challenge. Frisk eventually slowed down, and stayed near toriel. Toriel turned to me and asked "would you like anything my child?", I turned to toriel confused. I asked "what?", toriel repeated "would you like me to buy you anything?". I thought for a second, and nervously said "uhhhhh, food? Food would be nice". Toriel then asked "what kind of food would you like my child?", I said "how about.... cereal, ramen, and milk. I don't wanna take advantage of your kindness toward me, so just just this three would be fine". Frisk tugged on my sleeve and asked "do you not have a lot of food at home?", toriel grabbed frisks shoulder and sternly said "my child! You don't ask questions like that". I cut toriel off and said "it's ok. You should know anyway since we're friends, since all of my income goes toward rent, we don't have a lot of money for food. Grillby has been kind enough to give me food at the end of the day, which mostly contained of fries, or a leftover burger, but other than that, we don't have much". Toriel then put a hand on my shoulder and said "then go get a cart and fill it with as much food as you want, I'll pay for you", I was awe struck. Toriel is to kind, I nod and go get a cart. I held back tears of happiness as I went through the isles, putting in items b/n and I would eat. Pink lady apples, a loaf of bread, peanut butter (sorry if you're allergic), grape jelly, honey gram crackers, boxes of white cheddar, three cheese, and spirals mac n cheese, milk, butter, sliced 4 cheese blend cheese, eggs, shredded shard cheddar cheese, apple juice, and some chicken ramen. Toriel, frisk and I all headed to the check out, and toriel payed for everything. I was surprised that she kept so much money on her, but I'm not complaining. As we walked out of the store, I said "hey toriel, I need to drop these off at my apartment". Toriel nodded, and we walked to my apartment. I opened the door and turned on the only working light, and started putting things away. Toriel asked "this is you're home?", I said "yup, It is little, and broken, but still good". Then the light burnt out, leaving us in the dark while I put groceries away. I just said "yeah, still good", frisk was laughing by now, knowing full well about the stitch reference. I pulled out a tiny flashlight from my pocket and turned it on. At least the fridge and freezer are still running, even without legs. I finished putting things away and said "alright, let's go to the sans and papyrus' house", toriel and frisk nodded and followed me out. Toriel ended up leading me to the skeletons house, I followed her there, but it was a long stroll.

B/n's pov

I left the rink with sans and papyrus, once we got to their house, sans wanted to play 20 questions. We decided to go to the couch to play it, given papyrus and undyne were in the kitchen, and undyne was in papyrus' room, using his computer to watch an anime. I played 20 questions with sans, knowing there would be no harm in playing. I'll be honest though, we asked each other way more than 20 questions. We'd lost count of the amount of questions, but it was sans' turn. He asked "have you or y/n been in any past relationships?", I said "I have never been in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but y/n has been there around 5 times". Sans' eye sockets widened, I continued "the harsh part was that all the guys she dated left her, she never left them. In fact, she was loyal to them up until they left. They all said something like 'you're to childish', or 'you're to sensitive' or 'you always wake me up because of a petty dream' or something like that. Y/n has actually told me what happened in one of her dreams once, and its pretty bad". I sigh and continue "honestly, I don't want her to get hurt again. She's already scared of being in another relationship with a human, and I'm scared for her too". Sans looked down, seeming to be thinking about something. Then sans asked "would she be scared about monster relationships?", I thought about this for a second. I said "I don't really know, but I'm guessing you like my sister huh", sans' skull turned blue as he stammered for something to say. I chuckled and said "I'll take that as a yes", sans said "please don't tell her". I chuckled a bit more and put my hand on his shoulder before saying "don't worry, I won't tell her. Both of us are fairly good at keeping secrets, and I say fairly because if it's something like someone is cheating on a close friend, it emotionally breaks us". Sans nodded, taking in the information. I then realized that it was my turn, I then asked "ok, what will you not tolerate in a friendship?". Sans looked down, thinking about his answer. Sans then said "I don't think I would be able to tolerate physical or emotional harm toward my friends or those I hold dear", I then said "so if an argument broke out between your friends, and you could tell that it wouldn't end well if it escalated further. What would you do?". Sans said "I'd try to switch the subject or make a pun. If that doesn't work, I'd use my magic to stop it from escalating further", I nodded again in agreement. There was then a knock on the door, sans got up to get the door and I watched him. Y/n, toriel, and frisk came in the house, y/n saw me and almost tackled me off the couch. Before I could say anything, y/n says "toriel is the nicest monster ever!". I chuckled at y/n's childish behavior and asked "why is that?", y/n then said "toriel just bought us enough food to keep us fed for over a month! We go milk, cereal, butter, apple juice, and a lot more snacks". My eyes widened and I stared at toriel for a moment, then I asked her "did you thank her?". It was now y/n's turn for her eyes to widen, y/n got off of me and rolled over to toriel and hugged her before saying "thank you so much toriel". Toriel returned the hug and said "you're very welcome my child. Now come and please take your skates off and stay a while", y/n let go and nodded before sitting on the floor and taking her skates off. While y/n was taking her skates off, I walked over to toriel. I asked "did you really buy all of that food for us?", toriel nodded and hummed "mm-hmm". I put my hands on her shoulders and said "thank you, this means more than you might think, but I'm really grateful for what you did. Y/n and I are both truly grateful", toriel said "it was nothing my child, really, I was happy to help. By the way, I wanted to get yours and y/n's numbers so we could text and call each other". Alphys, undyne, frisk, and papyrus all come up and start exchanging numbers with me and y/n. Y/n then asked "uhh, is there a nickname that some of you want to be referred to by? Or.....", toriel then said "everyone calls me tori". Papyrus then said "SANS CALLS ME PAP ALL THE TIME, SO I GUESS PAP IS MY NICKNAME", mettaton said "you can call me metta or MTT, and my cousin napstablook's nickname is blooky". Alphys then saw our phones and offered to upgrade them for us, we accepted her offer and she took our phones. Alphys then said she'd be back, and ran out, Metta trailing behind her.

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