Chapter 11

B/n's pov

I walked into the apartment to see y/n running up to her room, and sans, frisk, and undyne in the living room. I ask them the first question that pops into my head, "what the heck is going on here?". Everyone looked at me, and frisk explained everything to me about y/n getting bullied at school, how she's just letting it happen, and that they wanna help. I sighed and face palmed, how did I not see this coming. I said "everyone on the couch", frisk was about to ask "why", but I cut her off and said "now!". Frisk, undyne, and sans scrambled to get onto the couch, eventually getting into a comfortable position. I pulled up a chair from the kitchen and sat down on it backwards. I then said "I think I should've told you about this sooner, but here it goes. I'm assuming chase basically assaulted y/n again right?", frisk nodded. I continued "look, chase has made death threats to us. He's not joking either, if y/n doesn't let this happen, one of us dies. The reason behind this is that y/n and I were well liked in the school, despite our parents death, we treated each other quite well. People liked us because of our kindness and our personality. Chase got really jealous, and started bullying us. Y/n didn't want me to get hurt, so she decided to take all of it. The other kids didn't like this, so many of them told the teachers. However, chase got his dad on his side, and his dad is the principal. Both the teachers and the students are well aware of what's happening. He basically turned into a megalomaniac, just because his dad is the principal. Since y/n is very introverted, she doesn't want to be the center of attention, nor does she like it. So I'm guessing she went into her room to vent and calm down. All I can say is don't try to intervene, y/n is a senior, and the school year is almost over. If y/n can survive middle school, than she can make it through the school year. That's what really counts. Anyway, frisk if you don't wanna get hurt as well, then try to not hang out with y/n while you're in school. You will get hurt if chase sees you as a threat". Undyne then angrily said "that's complete and utter bull crap!", sans nodded and said "yeah, why are the good people always the first to get hurt? It's so unfair". I sighed and said "I know, all we can really do is be there for her, and help her in any way we can without getting involved in her problem. It's already bad enough with y/n having depression and all". When I realized what I just said, my eyes widened and I screw my mouth shut. Everyone just looked more concerned now, I face palmed and said "me and my big mouth". I then said "look, y/n's not gonna come out of her room for a while, so how about you guys just go home, and I'll deal with y/n", I then looked at them with a look that said 'do what I say or else'. Everyone then left the apartment  reluctantly, as sans left, I said "sans just text me if you wanna know more about y/n ok?". Sans nodded, then disappeared. I'm guessing he just teleported, undyne then picked up frisk and ran home. I closed the door and went to the kitchen, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for y/n. As I approached y/n's door with the sandwich in hand, y/n opened her door and took the sandwich and closed the door again. I didn't even knock on her door, how? I'm confused right now. I just go to my room and mess around on my phone.

Y/n's pov

After receiving the sandwich from b/n, I got on my laptop and started watching Harmon Quest over VRV (if you know Harmon quest you are my friend). During one of the many lines of ads that appear during the video, I received a text from sans. It read "hey y/n", I knew sans wanted to talk, but I wanted to watch Harmon quest. If I text back now it'll go into a full on conversation, but if I don't respond then he might think I'm ignoring him or something. Once the ads stop, I pause Harmon quest and open my phone.
Sans-hey y/n

Hi sans, what's up -y/n

Sans-nothing much, just wanted to make sure you're ok

Well, I'm ok, so I'll just resume my show now-y/n

I then put my phone down and continued the episode. It was funny how the powerful weapons did such little damage, but the tiny toddler weapons did a lot of damage. Anyway, after the episode was over, I closed my laptop. I then put my outdoor skates on, grabbed my earbuds and phone, and yelled "I'm going to the training track" to b/n before heading out the door. B/n yelled "wait up", back at me, so I waited. B/n then quickly put his shoes on and grabbed his phone before following me out the door. We made our way to the track, and I then put my earbuds on and turned on my music. I then started skating around the track fairly fast, only paying attention to the path in front of me. I felt so free when I skated fast like this, it felt like you could fly away at any moment.

3rd person pov

As y/n skates around the track, b/n sat on the bench timing her laps. Each one of y/n's laps was faster than the last, y/n was breaking her own records she was going so fast. Sans and papyrus also had the idea of practicing, at the same track, but when papyrus saw b/n sitting there with a stopwatch going on his phone, papyrus went to say hi, but was cut off by y/n zooming by. Sans saw this and his eye sockets widened, silently asking "what was that". B/n heard them and said "was was her 25th lap, and she's only getting faster", about 30 seconds later, y/n zoomed by again. B/n said "hey sans, think you can stop y/n with your magic?", y/n zoomed by again, this time yelling I'm uncertainty. Sans let his eye glow blue, and used his telekinesis to grab y/n's soul. It only slowed y/n down though, b/n, grabbed an elastic rope and gave one end to papyrus. B/n then said "whatever you do, don't let go, ok pap", papyrus nodded, and b/n crossed to the other side of the track and pulled on the rope. The rope went up into the air, and y/n then ran straight into it. The rope hit y/n's torso, pulling b/n and papyrus a little. Y/n's phone and earbuds were still good and working luckily, but y/n was now on the ground. Sans, papyrus, and b/n all ran over to y/n. Y/n sat up as they asked if she was ok, y/n said "I'm fine, just out of breath" between pants. B/n showed y/n her times for each lap, and y/n's eyes lit up. Y/n layed back down and said "I beat thirty seconds", with pride and exhaustion laced in her voice. B/n then asked y/n "do you think you can walk?", y/n sarcastically remarked "If I could stand I wouldn't be laying down right now". B/n held out his hand and y/n took it, but as soon as y/n stood up, she collapsed under her own body weight. Sans and papyrus were now very concerned about y/n, but b/n just picked y/n up like a football and walked home, waving goodbye to sans and papyrus with his free hand.

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