3. Unknown Connection..

Tripura in deep thinking, she tipping pen continuously, one thing continuously disturb her that Karan having twins, & he going to marry with Preesha, that too she is younger than him, which dream he shows to Preesha, that makes her more disturb, within year, after they parting ways, he gets married & be a parent of twins, a same Karan who running away from his responsibility, infact in past she was too much capable for taking responsibility, then suddenly within five years, he taking two kids responsibility..

Tripura start to talk with herself- is it that pet, who I brought to house, no his name is not Pooh, I called that pet Bruno, he is not, may be for that little girl, who behind me, for her he is behind me last night, I need know, why Preesha is ready to get marry with him, & how Pavi mom gets ready for their marriage, is she didn't oppose them, shit man, why I ready to come India again, & why my past again hit me with that too my family members, ohh god why!..

Tripura's concentration lose by the Pavi's touch, she look to Pavi & ask to her with fake smile- what happened..

Pavi- where were you lost..

Tripura- unm! In work, little query come up in mind, so gets busy with it, you say what happened..

Pavi- food, you forget to take your breakfast..

Tripura look towards her plate & pick one slice of bread, & take a bite, she says- how Preesha meet that guy, I mean what makes her feel fall for him..

Pavi- I never ask these to her, & she most of the time, on a set with him, they both are costars, & he is nice man too, he never makes her feel uncomfortable while romantic scene, or other things too, infact he is the one, who start to taking her acting classes, they become friends, then suddenly once a day, Preesha come to house, & declared that she wants to get marry with him..

Tripura ask to Pavi with little disturb tone- and you never ask her about his past, & his kids, I mean Preesha is too young for everything..

Pavi smile & says- actually Preesha gets attached with kids, then she declared her decision..

Tripura goes to ask her most important question, that whom Karan's first relationship, & why he break his previous relationship, after having twins, & door bell rings..

Pavi open the door & found Rudra on door with Kuja & Pooh, Pavi give permission to Rudra for come in, & he entered in..

Pavi introduce Tripura to Rudra- she is my elder daughter Tripura & Tripura he is Rudra, & Karan's manager with family member..

Rudra keep down Kuja on floor & Kuja quickly goes towards Tripura, & signed her, that she wants to seat on her lap, & same time Pooh barking once..

Tripura caressing once Pooh's forehead, & says to Rudra- hey..

Before Rudra say anything to Tripura Pavi ask to Rudra- coffee..

Rudra says with smile- yes, that to my special one..

Pavi smiles back & says- ok, I bring it, & she walks from there..

Rudra- hey, nice to meet you..

Tripura smile & says- nice to meet you too..

Rudra- your smile is nice like Kuja..

Tripura little amazed & she says- ahem! Thanks, should I ask you, if you don't mind..

Rudra- yeah, sure, why not..

Tripura- Kuja, what's the mean of the name..

Rudra- it's unique name of Goddess Durga, it's very much rare, because Karan dude want to keep some unique name for his daughter..

Tripura- what about Trish..

Rudra- ahh! He keep his name because of his mother, he actually replica of her, he is smart, but not like his father, he have numerous questions in his small mind, that's why he keep his name Trish..

Tripura- ok, & Kuja try to feed Tripura a slice of bread..

Tripura smile & she take a bite, & Rudra ask her- is you did something magic on Kuja..

Tripura smile & ask- no, why are you asking me this question..

Rudra- actually she never gets attached with anyone, that's why I'm asking you..

Tripura- actually I'm little surprise too, I mean I never meet her once, & she quickly gets attached with me, what's her & Trish's age..

Rudra- three & half..

Tripura- nice..

Rudra- I look you here for the first time, & even Preesha never says word about you..

Tripura- actually I stay in USA, I'm scientist, a developer scientist..

Rudra twisting his lips & says- wow! Now I'm very much impress by you..

Tripura only smile..

Rudra stay silent, in his mind- should I told her about my feelings towards Preesha, will she understand or she is side of Preesha..

Tripura in her mind- should I ask him about Karan & Preesha's relationship, if he feel that I taking lot's of interest then, but  I'm Preesha's sister, I'm concerned towards her, no if he feel that I'm not believe on mom & Preesha, then..

Rudra's mind- let's try once Rudra, just try it..

Rudra collect some guts & says- Preesha gonna break so many boy's heart, after some days, through her sudden engagement news..

Tripura- why she didn't declared yet, about her relationship with him..

Rudra- some rumors in industry through Media, a past few months ago, but that time they never have any kind of relationship, instead of friendship..

Tripura- when their serial started..

Rudra- a year ago..

Tripura in mind- a year ago Preesha meet Karan, & gets ready for marriage, is she gonna mad..

Tripura ask to him- what about his past, I mean, & she little hesitance to ask next..

Rudra understand her hesitance, & he says- it's a long story, Preesha will tell you, but..

Rudra stop in mid & Tripura ask him- what..

Rudra- I think Preesha have to wait for another one, I mean he is nice man, he is well settled, but I little, I mean..

Tripura quickly says- odd one..

Rudra- yeah! I mean I understand she doing well in her career, but it's too early, that's it..

Tripura- hmm, is any other one, who loves Preesha, because I'm little against, but I can't express that too her, or Mom..

A ray of hope light in heart of Rudra & he says- yes, somebody is there, but Preesha not look towards him like in other way..

Tripura smile & ask- who is it..

Rudra goes to open his mouth & Pavi come there with coffee mug, & their conversation ends..

On set, Karan look Preesha, & give her side hugged with smile..

Preesha- I got the news..

Karan- what..

Preesha- Kuja & Pooh reached to home with Rudra..

Karan- yeah, Kuja was upset on me, after lots of signed, I got to know her words, that she wants to at your house, so I send her, I have no other option..

Preesha- I think she gets attached with Mom..

Karan only shook his head & in his mind- yes, she attached with her mom, that within 24 hours, hope she start to talk soon, hope Tripura's presence in Kuja's life makes something miracle, but I'm worried too, when Tripura left again back to her life, then how will I make Kuja understand, will Kuja bear that pain in her life, or it's my fault that I show Tripura's picture to Kuja, when she were in high fever while in age of three..

Preesha break Karan's thoughts, & he comes in present- sorry I lost somewhere, is you say something..

Preesha- yes, actually what do you think, would we have announce our engagement before in Media or after..

Karan- still we not decided the date, first we decide then figure it out something..

Preesha- ok, I don't mind, but we have to decide within 15 days date, because Di will going to back her work, after 15 days, actually she come here for 20 days, but she is so much passionate towards her work, if she got any emergency call then she back to work again, & we can't figure out when will she came here again..

Karan casually ask her- I never ask you before, even you never said, that you have older sister, why..

Preesha- actually it's a long story, in short we are not sister's by blood but beyond the blood, she did so many things for me & Mom, & I or mom can't repay it to her..

Karan only smile proudly, in his mind- I know that, she share with me, but I never know, who  is her soul sister, & which family she talking about, but right now I know, she always talking about Preesha & her Mom, who they are stay in her own house, & she stays in company apartment for her work, & I become her distraction, & I was the one who snatch most important thing from her, & I'm guilty for that, may be till life end I'll be guilty one, I don't think will she accept me right now or not, but before engagement, I wanted to talk with her, & ask a forgiveness from her for my sin..



Rudra looks Preesha, who comes on set to look Karan, & she is busy in reading, he take a seat beside her & disturb her..

Rudra- Oye, & he snatch script from her hand..

Preesha look him with iks look- stop it Rudra..

Rudra- lunch..

Preesha- not yet..

Rudra- why..

Preesha- everyone is busy with shoot, & I hate to take lunch alone..

Rudra- I don't mind if you join me..

Preesha- and may I know what's the plan behind your lunch..

Rudra- well your sister, she is hot..

Preesha hit on his arm & says- shut up, she is my sister, & she is older than you..

Rudra- so what, it's a common now a days, like you gonna be with Karan, who is a 30+

Preesha stare him for moment, & says- is you feel bad that I gonna break your heart..

Rudra keep his hand in chest & says- ohh man, finally you got my point..

Preesha- don't be so dramatic, you know why I'm be with Karan, for Kuja & Trish..

Rudra- but you are young for everything, that's my point, & seriousness comes out from his mouth..

Preesha understand his seriousness & she says- I understand your seriousness, but me & Karan doing only for kids, they are little attached with me..

Rudra- attachment & show a mom's love to them, is a huge difference, I'm not against your decision or your intention, but saying about love Preesha, a long life is coming up to you, may be in future, you fall for another one, & that time you can't quickly goes towards that Man, right, because for kids you become their world, & most they are kids now, after some time goes they become start to explore the world, that time what you will do, if you find your love in other man then, that will directly affect on them & their life..

Preesha says with convince tone- that's true Rudra, I didn't think about it..

Rudra- look your sister is here, why don't you have a words with her, talk with her, may be she gives you good advice, other than it's your decision..

Preesha- but Rudra already I & Karan make a words & on last moment I back out, it's not gonna affect on mine & his relationship..

Rudra- look still your both engagement news is not in market, it's better you talk with Karan..

Preesha- can we search his real girlfriend, who he really love with her..

Rudra- look I don't know anything about his past relationship, because since Kuja & Trish birth, I start to work with him, & only I know, his girlfriend is just like Trish & Kuja, she had a great mind like Trish, & great smile like Kuja, so I don't know anything about her..

Preesha- but Kuja & Trish born by surrogacy, right..

Rudra- yeah, that's true, but I don't know further details..

Preesha- find it out, that we can know who's that girl, I won't feel bad, when I said no to him..

Rudra- if I do these, then, what will I get..

Preesha look him with up her eyebrows, & ask- what you want..

Rudra- a dinner date with me, that too at my favorite place..

Preesha- Rudra why I suspicious that you have feelings for me, is it..

Rudra- wish, that you have also same for me..

Preesha- stop it, don't pull my leg, first find out, then I'll decide about dinner..

Rudra- attitude!

Preesha show a fake attitude to him & says- yes, & they both burst into laughter..



At house, Tripura busy with work, & she look Kuja, who looking at Tripura with smiling face, that's why Tripura can't concentrate on her work, & she close her laptop screen & says- don't give me this cute smile, I can't concentrate on my work..

Kuja only shrugged of her shoulders with smile..

Tripura lightly laugh & playfully hit on own forehead & says to Kuja- you know what, your smile & you are sweetest thing I ever got, you are like sweet candy, & she pulled Kuja's cheeks..

Kuja quickly rubbed her both palms on her owns cheeks with irks face, & give irks look to Tripura with shook her head in negative..

Tripura ask to Kuja- what! You don't like it, that if somebody pulls your cheeks..

Kuja shook her head in yes..

Tripura- ok, sorry I won't pulls your cheeks hear after..

Kuja gives a fly kiss to Tripura & Tripura catch that kiss with smile..

Tripura says with smile- you know, what..

Kuja up her small eyebrows to Tripura with head, Tripura quickly laugh & says- you can't flick your eyebrows, it takes a the time, if you do that then you fall down, ok..

Kuja shook her head in yes..

Tripura- when I said ok, you said yes, just try to say yes..

Kuja again shook her head in yes..

Tripura- say yes..

Kuja open her mouth & try to say word, but could not, & Tripura says- it's ok, but here after you gonna try it, ok..

Kuja shook her head in yes..

Tripura- well Pooh is going for walk with Mom, & they come back with Trish, so tell me, would you like to a eat lunch with me..

Kuja shook her head in yes, & Tripura pick Kuja in her arms, & keep her on dinning table chair, & Tripura open one bowl, & make her face, & same thing Kuja does, & Tripura says- it's sweet potato, I hate it, do you like it..

Kuja shook her head in no..

Tripura open another bowl & says- it's mattar paneer, wow, with tempting tongue..

Kuja too look mattar paneer with tempting tongue, & she quickly touch Tripura's arm & Tripura look her, she aks- do you like it..

Kuja light up face makes assurance, & Tripura says- I also like it but I want pickle..

Kuja again touch her finger & signed, that she too like it..

Tripura- now give me five, & they both share hifi, & Tripura quickly serve themselves a plate, & start to have it mattar paneer, paratha's with pickle..



A hour later, Trish back from his playgroup, with Pavi & Pooh, they look Tripura doing her work, & Kuja sleeping on Tripura's lap, & Pavi ask..

Pavi- did you have a lunch..

Tripura look to Pavi & says- yes, we both did..

Trish- hey..

Tripura- hey champ, how are you..

Trish- I'm good, but I have question, teacher ask me in school, she ask me how many colors in rainbow..

Pavi- it's a seven, I already told you..

Trish- no Pavi mom, it's actually reflection of water, which is happened because of sun, I clearly give a answer to teacher, but she same question ask me numerous times, but she not understand, she only babbling seven colors name..

Pavi look to Tripura with helplessly, & Tripura says- mom, you take your lunch, I'll handle him..

Pavi goes towards the dinning table, & Tripura turn to Trish & says- Mr. Trish come here, & tell me, haven't you hungry..

Trish lose his tie & says- I'm hungry but teacher is not understanding..

Trish take a seat beside Tripura & says- look teacher understand your answer, but she wants your book answer, like right now, you reading in a book that rainbow have seven colors, she not ask you the question, how rainbow create, right..

Trish shook his head in yes- hmm..

Tripura- so these answer is not your teacher's question answer, the answer is only a seven colors, that's it..

Trish- it's a simple answer..

Tripura- yes it's a simple one, why are you complicating it..

Trish says with little irks tone- because I'm always confused, so many questions running into my mind, & nobody solve my small queries..

Tripura- you have small mind, & it's not good at all, if you have some other questions, then you can ask me, but it's related to your school & study only, not more than that..

Trish- you gonna stay here forever..

Tripura- well no, but when you be here, & you have questions, then you can mail me through Pavi mom..

Trish- done, & he hold Kuja's nose in his pinch, to disturb Kuja's sleep..

Tripura didn't look that & Kuja wake up from sleep with crying face, & she start to look Trish, Trish quickly get up from side of Tripura with laugh, Tripura looks Kuja, & says- Trish it's too bad..

Trish says- then who sleeps in noon, & he runs in dinning room..

Tripura start to clam Kuja, through rubbing her back, & give side hugged, with head kiss- relax baba, I'll scold him, promise..



Evening, Karan comes with Preesha, but Preesha stay on ground, because Pavi, Trish & Pooh on ground, & only Tripura Kuja at house, & he goes upstairs with hope that he gonna have a words with Tripura after long five year's, he ring the bell & Tripura opne the door, & she look him & says..

Tripura- yes..

Karan- hi..

Tripura shows her palm to him & indicate ear phones, which is connected for video call, with her work related..

Tripura again go back to her video call, Karan entered in & close the door, he look for Kuja, he not found her near Tripura & he take seat on couch opposite side of Tripura, & he start to look her, who a busy with her call..

Tripura looks that only once but she have no penny interest to look him & waste her time, she complete her call..

Karan look Tripura close her laptop & he ask- Kuja..

Tripura open her diary & while writing, she says- she is in taking nap..

Karan- ok..

Tripura start to tipping her pen with work query & Karan interrupt in between- how are you..

Tripura won't reply him..

Karan wait for her answer for some moments, he didn't get any reply & again he says with pleading tone- please say something..

Tripura look him with plain plaster fake smile & says- I'm fine, & don't disturb me, I'm busy right now..

Karan- I'm sorry Tripura, that was my unforgivable sin..

Tripura stop tipping her pen & looks him & says- I think, I should take a leave for here, otherwise my query won't solve, & she getting up from the couch..

Karan too getting up from his seat & grabbed her hand & says- please Tripura..

Tripura grits her teeth in anger & says- leave my hand now!

Karan says with pleading tone- Tripura for once, please..

Tripura pulled her hand his grip & says with top of her lungs- I said leave..

Karan close his eyes, & Tripura leave the place..

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