mermaid starter
It was a nice evening when the warm day seabreeze air was now turning cool and crisp like the weather in the fall. The little female mermaid who was about the age of 10 years old, was the princess and daughter of the king and queen of all merfolk. Her name was Sereana Catalina rosewater her and her family came from a long line of royal and powerful merfolk but Sereana was the most powerful of all due to the fact she could due magic of all elements which was a very rare power.
Down in the deep sea where the merfolk lived was a gigantic golden castle with coral walls and beautiful decorations they called it coralina a safe kingdom. They kept it safe with the rules
1. NEVER come into contact with humans at all costs
2. NEVER ever go to the surface
Everyone followed these rules except for Sereana she loved the surface world one day she heard the sounds of human fire works and went to go see she saw bright busts of color in the sky along with a huge cruise ship and saw a lonely looking boy around her age and sung her siren song for him to try to cheer him up
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